Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Feb 1976, p. 5

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' McCullpm Lake Pat Milbratz 344 1585 Fishing Derby Provides Prises, Good Fun For All The weekend of Feb. 7 and 8 was a very busy two days for the village of McCullom lake as we had our Fish Derby. Saturday was a pretty rough day as the weather was quite cold and the winds were blowing up a lot of snow across the lake which made it quite hard to see much less fish, but we had quite a few people come • out and try. There were several awards given out this day, the largest and smallest fish were given trophies. The largest fish trophy was given to Dennis Ansell for his 14.7 in. jbass which weighed in at 1.78 lbs. The smallest fish was sought by Gene Freund, it was a 2Afri., green sunfish weighing in at .01 lbs. ' Sunday we had a very good day, the weather was just right for all the rest of the fishermen to get out in the competition. The largest fish trophy went to Todd Swegberg for his 15.7 in., channel cat weighing 1.14 lbs., and the smallest went to Denice Go ugh for her 3 in., Green Sunfish weighing .01 lbs. There was plenty of food and drinks for everyone and also two displays, one by a local taxidermist, and the other, a trophy company. Four very nice gifts were given. First prize was a C.B. radio and antenna unit, which was won by Harold Michels of McCullom lake. Second prize, Polaroid XL camera winner, Denise Freund of McHenry, third ' prize, trolling motor, winner, John Baumgartner of McHenry, and fourth prize, ice fishing tent, Teachers at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church are planning several special programs. Seated, from left, the teachers are Carol Nelson, Bernie Reingardt, Kristin Stuhr and' Beth Johnson; standing, from left, David Alton, Donna Haack, Aleta Gemmell, Ruth Staveteig, Erv Staveteig and Barb Schmaling. Church Staff Plans Programs The teaching staff at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, McHenry, has planned several special programs for the group. The teachers are currently meeting regularly to par­ ticipate in a teacher training program taught by Erv Staveteig. The group is in­ volved in vairious approaches to teaching a lesson, the use of object-lessons and audio- visuals, story telling, and studies of characteristics of students on various age levels. On Feb. 24 a teacher ap­ preciation dinner has been planned by the congregation to honor the members of the teaching staff. The evenings festivities are being coor­ dinated by parish education committee co-chairpersons, Carol Nelson and Pam Um- barger. A resource clinic will be held for the teaching staff Feb. 28. Pastor Eldon DeWeerth, representing the Division of Life and Mission in the Congregation of the American Lutheran church with headquarters in Minneapolis, Minn., will be present for the program. He will display and explain available resources for Daily Vacation Bible schools, grade school age students, confirmation materials, high school age resources, and adult materials. Representatives for twenty-three Lutheran congregations in the North Chicago area will attend this clinic. winner, J.L,. Miller of Spring Grove. Awards were given to Roger Mass and Nick Matos of McHenry for the best homemade ice shacks. All in all, it turned out to be a very successful weekend for everyone. o * FIRST COMMUNION Sunday, Feb. 8, was a very special day at the Jim and Joan Bitterman home on McCullom Lake road, their daughter, Angie, made her First Holy Communion. Following the communion, the family invited a few friends and relatives to their home, Les and Phyliss Venable, Angie's Godparents, grandparents, Leon and Florence Buss, Mrs. Mary Bitterman of Chicago, their Aunt Toots, and her friends, Jill Hanson, Steve and Sherry Scarsbrough. Their guests enjoyed refreshments and played charades. Another happy note from the Bitterman family, Jim and Joan also celebrated their eighteenth anniversary on Sunday, Feb. 8, this made it a doubly happy day. IN HOSPITAL We were very sorry to hear that one of our local residents was stricken with a heart at­ tack the day of the derby. Gene Iotrowski was taken ill when he went out to fish last Sunday. He was taken to McHenry hospital and on Tuesday, transported to the University of Illinois hospital in Chicago where he will undergo further tests. Hope you are up and around again soon. BEACH GALS NEWS The Beach Gals meeting of February was a short meeting this month, just a few reports, the meeting was closed and the girls proceeded to play games. The big winners were Lolly Rowe and Gerri Milbratz. This year the Beach Gals are going to have an Easter Penny carnival for the children of McCullom Lake, there will be games for a penny each and refreshments will be served. There also will be a Little Miss McCullom Lake contest which will be open to all the little gals in the village from ages 4 to 8. Further information will be sent out by fliers on March 1. tS 2. Darian of McHenry. fine of IS for parking illegally. VILLAGE CLERK I am sorry to say I have not been putting all the correct days that the village clerk has hours. The hours are Monday. Wednesday and Thursday from 11 a.m.lo 7 p.m. and Saturday • to 1 o'clock. VILLAGE STICKERS Just a short note to let you know that the village stickers are to be displaytd on your car by April 1. These may be ob­ tained at the office of the village clerk. ICE SHACKS All people having ice shacks out on the lake are required to have your name and address on them, and you are required to have them off the lake no later than March 1. Seeing as the lake is starting to thaw now it would be advisable to take them off sooner. • BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday wishes out to Oscar Bergland on 17, and to Rose Ilick on Feb. 22. ANNIVERSARIES There is only one anniversary this week and our wishes go out' to the Tapanins, Hank and Mary. Best wishes. Lakeland * V Park Marilyn Nystrom 3857014 up the good work and we'll keep our ringers crowed' A FI( NEW POLICE OFFICER The village has a new police officer, the only information I have at this time is that the officer's name is Jim Blue of McHenry. We all welcome you to our village. VILLAGE TICKETS There were two village or­ dinance tickets paid this month. 1. Tomasello's of Fountain lane, the offense of leaving trash out a week, fined IC DOUJUt SAVUWS COOP H0USEKEEPIW6 •COOKB BOOKS m-Dltl TOWtLS By cuim '15 Assorted Reg. $1 Each jumbo iCPiic|5u DlAf®s HM* COLO* 12-HOUR N£UEF| N SAVINS PROFESSIONAL STYLE ILADIES NAM BKUSHl With 10 Assorted Unbreakable Combs 190 Value 1.49 Special PALMOLIVE CRYSTAL CLEAR •AUTOMATIC! DISHWASHING DETERCENT PROTON 29 HAIR 6ROOM FOR MEN w oi niif |AerosoH^m^H 1.59 Value Lemon Freshed 26 oz Box 99c Value BROWN PAPER •LUNCH BAGS! Pack of 50 •PRWOLESH POTATO CHIPS • Ad|ulUt>i* •Tracll CLEARASIL Trac II Bladrs Blade*9 i 4 s 1 Vilu* ? 59 Value ISPRAY *N WASH| LAUNDRY SON ft STAIN REMOVORI •SYRUP .EXPECTORANT •l 49 Value! ASSORTED RAWHIDE HDOG CHEWSH JANITOR M A DRUM IHEAV^UT^LEANERI c 32 oz Lottie DEATHS A great loss to our village was the death of two of our residents, Gertrude Murphy of 4217 W. McCullom Lake road who passed away on Feb. 2 at the age of 71. A lot of us will miss her as we drive down McCullom lake road. The second resident was Emma Pyritz. Mrs. Pyritz passed away about a month ago nd this was just brought to my attention when I inquired about their anniversary which would have been celebrated on the twentieth of* this month, it would have been their fifty- eighth anniversary. AUDITIONS There will be auditions held, Sunday, Feb. 22, 1 to 5 p.m., at the McCullom Lake community house for the Bicentennial program. If you can sing, dance, tell jokes or act, please come and try out. If interested, phone A. Schroeder, 5000 W. Fountain. Its 218,000 employees makes the Veterans. administration the third largest federal government employer. 12 th Poor CIHsen Representation at Important Meeting The recent L.P.P.O.A. meeting was very interesting. It was a shame nobody was there. Mr Lindstrom of the E.P.A , Mr Higgens of the Lakeland Park Water Co., Mayor Stanek and Atty. Daniel Weisz were all there, but nobody from Lakeland Park except the board members and our aldermen. It's funny that when laws are passed or taxes are increased everyone complains. "How dare they do these kind of things!*' We have no one to blame but ourselves, because we allow governing bodies to make decisions for us without representation. Think, if we would be present during the discussions, before the laws are passed or taxes increased, there would be much better control over our own lives. Stop making excuses and get with it! ABSENTEE BALLOT The LP.P.O.A. yearly general meeting and election will be held Sunday, March 28, at 2 p.m. at the community house, 1717 Sunset avenue, McHenry. Persons who cannot attend the meeting in person can vote by absentee ballot, by contacting the clerk. Audice BowUn at 4002 W Shore drive. Ballots will be available in the afternoon and in the evening from Friday. March 19 through Friday. March 26. Please call for an appointment 9 NOMINATING COMMITTEE WAITING Please get your nominations in for the board members. Anyone who is nominated to the ballot must be a member in good standing. The chairman of the nominating committee is Mr Richard Walinski. 4717 W. Shore drive. The other mem­ bers of the committee are Mr Curtis Bremer, S214 W Shore drive, Mr. David Gende, 1918 N. North, Mr. Rudy Lense, 2000 N. Oak drive and Mr. Anthony Serritella, 4916 W. Shore drive. All nominations must be in by Feb 28 SPECIAL LP.P.O.A BOARD MEETING There is so much to ac­ complish and not enough time so a special meeting is called for Feb. 26 at 8:90 p.m. at the community house CONTEST WINNER Ruth Ann Sturm from our PAGE I - PLAINDEALEII*WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10. IffO community took a first in the Area 18 Office Education association contest Next month she goes to Chicago for a couple of days for mere testing and with a little hick she will go to the national contest We are really proud of you. Ruth! Keep BIRTHDAY WISHES EXTENDED Happy birthday to Diane Bergdorf. Feb. 10 and to Cecilia Serritella. Feb 14. = 2 rafl 5,5 «• 2d ictfi •• m n Make Today Count Unit Helps III Make Ad/ustmonts The next meeting of Make Today Count will be held Feb. 23 at the Batavai Civic center, 327 W. Wilson street, Batavia, at 7:30 p.m. The topic of the meeting will be "Coping with the stresses of illnesses and family reaction." Make Today Count is a national, fast growing organization founded to help seriously ill patients meet the needs of an ever changing society of today. It attempts to help people adjust to the fact that illness changes a life radically and that adjustments have to be made. There are nearly fifty chapters of Make Today Count in the United States now and three in Europe. The national chapter puts out a monthly newsletter and each one tells of the growing interest in the organization. • • • • The happiest person in this community is prob­ ably the one who has helped the most people, in one way or another. PUBLIC INFORMATION BOOTH - Mlekaal J. Hewlett. Secretary of State, has aaneuaced that new public Information heaths wfB ha appearing in Cask, DuPage. McHenry, WUI and Lake '"lie booths will be scheduled at banks, special event* as part ef ear program la Wing services of the Secretary af State's office daaer to llUnais dttseaa," said Hewlett. Experienced driver He ease psrssaasl wiU sua the haatha la answer questions and distribute IBIasts Rales of the Read, Bkyefta Rules of the Read, and literature on services offered by the Secretary af Slate's office. The puMk Mentation booth Is scheduled at the First Nattenal bank, 3014 Elm street, McHenry. between the hours ef 0 a.m. and S p.m. Feb. M, kstnssn 0 a.m. and 3 p.m. and S and 7:10 p.m. Feb. tf and hetweea o a.m. and S p.m. Feb. U* I BRING THIS COUPON AND SAVi I P A I N T «}> INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR| •-rtlWV lATEX 50% OFF ON SCCOND OAUON WHEN YOU BUY THE FIRST GALLON AT REGULAR PRICE Vjcitil Hardware 1221 Grata St MCHMIJ WISE-USE ClUOTT'S Ml % 7 * fabric softener dispenser nam •LIFETIME W Ann ANT Y ON STAINLESS STCCL run The Speed Queen tteinle»» «(••• wnfiK tub lot the lite ot the «a*hef by Speed Queen A McG<e»» itfcson Company Divi*ion Ripon Wt*cons<« M fhe tub as a ftsuit ot a menuteitu'inq detect it <wili be replaced Labor ih*fget incurred in the remove! end replacement ot the tub ere the retponvbilit* o* owner unlet* the one v»a» warranty retpontibii'ty ot the Speed Queen dealer appliet £L _ 25c offoncLkwny Fabric Softener1 With Purchase of Speed Queen Washer Old-fashioned American > durability is now on sale at new low prices! I Only Speed Queen, the quality nsme in sppliances since 1908, can offer you these features: A tough transmission that's guaranteed for 10 long years! An indestructible stain­ less steel tub snd drum that'll last a lifetime! Plus all the settinp you'll need for modem fabric care. Come on in today -- we want to show you the Greatest American Value ever! DOUBLE BALL BEARING PROTECTION FOR EXTRA SPIN LIFE c\MringIn the îCentennial with a optted Queen Wringer Washer speed queen a McGraw-Edison Company Division Built better to last longer. & HOLIDAY SUN DISCOUNT 4512 W. RTE. 120 McHenry, Illinois' FOR ANY INFORMATION CALL 279 3933 CAREY Appliance SALES & SERVICE 1241 N. Green • Street 385-5500 * * * - V « t

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