PUiE 7 - PLAIN DEALER-FRIDAY. rCWVAKY St. If» On The Sidelines I feel that I have to comment on Mr. Larke's letter to the Plaindealer of last Friday. I received a similar letter from Mr. Larke and would like to add some comments, although I feel that Mr. Lund did an adequate job with his answer of the letter. I explained to Mr. Larke several times this past winter die reasons why sophomore wrestling results were not published in the paper. If you will recall sophomore . basketball and swimming results were printed. Also freshmen wrestling and basketball results were likewise printed in the paper. I will leave it to your imagination why sophomore wrestling results were not printed. I must also confess that I have been in violation of the Intra-Suburban Conference policy in regards to underclassmen athletics. It is written in the code of the above named conference which composes of about is conferences and over 100 high schools that only varsity athletics be published in newspapers. I have in my possession all results and standings of all levels of competition in die North Suburban Conference, but by agreement I am prohibited to publish any of these standings. As official statistican of the North Suburban I send weekly results to 11 newspapers, and 4 radio stations excluding the Chicago media. In checking with the newspaper this past weekend, I find that not one paper has published a box score, or result of an underclass event. It is the purpose of the Intra Suburban to only honor the varsity levels of competition, and I am not about to question the administrators, athletic directors, and coaches of such as organization as to their reasons for such a decision. Therefore in the future, I will abide by the rules laid down to me, and my fellow coaches at McHenry on the lower levels will have to hope that some changes will be made in the future by the conferences named above to get their results in the various newspapers within the scope of the Intra-Suburban Conference. Orange Nite last Friday was not too great a success. Hie stubborn Irish, John McGee and Ron Conway just wouldn't break down and wear a bit of the Orange. However, Judge Herrmann almost Minded you with his orange sport coat. Did they do away with those blade judicial robes, Judge? Otto Hertel had a bright orange hard hat sitting upon his head. The way the game was going some of the players could have use it. Mrs. S.I.H. was decked out in orange, but the old timer had a wee bit of orange fastened to his lapel. You needed glasses to see it. Just don't know about those Irish. Had a nice card from an old friend. He sure knew how to hurt a guy. Can you imagine someone sending you a card with a beautiful picture of the Tuscon Country Club, while we still have snow on the ground. Zeke Bacon commented on the 1925 County Tourney which we published several weeks ago. Reminded me that I had his three daughters in school, and two sons-in-law that played football and basketball for me. Brings back fond memories of Zeke and his wife, and their wonderful children. Along with all Warrior fans we send our best wishes to Barrington this weekend to Matt Schuster and Brian Nuss. They will be competing in the Sectional wrestling tournament, and the first two places advance to the State Meet next weekend in Champaign. Let's hope they can qualify and take a trip to the University next week. Let's get out and back the Warriors to win number twenty this week. If they can accomplish this feat this year it will make two years in a row with twenty wins or better. Remember it is Parents' Night. Again going down memory lane, we take you back to the season of 1962. With the Tigers here tonight, thought you would like to recall another game of the past when the Warriors defeated the Tigers. From the looks of the score it must have been a great game. Paul Morenz scoring 38 points, he must have been red hot. MCHENRY " 28 17 17 22 84 CRYSTAL LAKE 18 13 It 19 67 MCHENRY (84) HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS 100 Per Cent Stock Dividend Mode To Bonk Stockholders The McHenry State bank shareholders received a 100 percent stock dividend Feb. 10, 1976. This action was authorized at the seventieth annual stockholders' meeting held in January The bank was established as West McHenry State bank in 1906 with a capitalisation of $25,000 Included in the early organisation were such well known McHenry names as Simon Stoffel* Joseph W Freund. Frank H WstUes and N.J Justen Through retained the bank has in creased the capital stock to 81.600,000 with an additional 82.000,609 in surplus This has been accomplished without the necessity of additional stack subscriptions The McHenry State banks' total capital accounts are now approximately f6.006.M0 The increase in the capital accounts will raise the bank's legal lending limit to 8636.060 to an individual borrower A spokesman for the bank stated that there has been much recent adverse publicity concerning banks, but in his opinion, most of the nation's 14.000 banks are sound. Some of the larger institutions have had problems as s result of speculative real estate ven tures and foreign investments, but these are isolated cases. He knows of no financial institution in the area that is not sound and well managed. • Bob Mortell b shown shove with Michael Sharp sf Senior Division, Tom Sharp of the Major Division and Jbn Sharp of the Minor Division, surveying vandalism damage to McHenry Junior Youth League's field. The McHenry Jantor Youth League is announcing its registration dates which will occur sn Ssturday, February 21, and Saturday, Feb. 28, between the hours of noon snd 4 p.m. on both days, at the V.F.W. hall here la McHenry. Registration is open to sll boys within the confines sf the McHenry Consolidated School District No. 15, born between Aug. 1. 1968 snd July 31, 1961. The McHenry Junior Youth League and McHenry Youth League have SMrged so all boys between ages 8 and 15 are called upon to register st the V.F.W. hall en either Feb. 21 or 28. As previously sunouueed, the merger sf the two Leagues has brought about a miner revision la the format of the McHenry Junior Youth League, which Is as follows: Mini Division - ages 8 snd 9; Minor Division - ages 16 sad 11; Major Division - ages 12 and 13; and Senior Division • ages 14 and 16. The Board sf Directors h acUvely looking fsrward to a large registration, especially to a large turnout of 14 and 15 year olds this year. (8TAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD "MEANWHILE BACK AT THE COURTHOUSE" CRYSTAL LAKE (67) FG FT PF TP FG FT PF TP Morenz Way Peterson Rourke Fletcher Freund Kush Fan- Stilling Hynan Thompson W. Fanter R. Fanter Koch Eigel Johnson Freund Reinecke Kempf 3 10 3 12 TOTALS 32 20 21 84 TOTALS 26 15 22 67 | SERVICE NEWS | Sgt. Erickson Earns Highest Possible Rating Technical Sergeant Roy E. Erickson, son of Mrs. Rita Christensen of 112 Lakeshore drive, McHenry, has earned the highest possible rating in electronics maintenance given by the Strategic Air commadd. Sgt. Erickson, an aircraft pneudraulic repair technician at Kincheloe AFB, MI., was presented the Master Technician award for ex ceptionally fine performance in the repair of aircraft and missile systems. The sergeant is a 1961 graduate of McHenry high school. His father, Roy BRANCH COURT Associate Circuit Judge Conrad Floeter John H. Lent, McHenry, guilty of driving while license suspended or revoked, placed on one year probation. Geraldine Garbo, Route 1, Genoa City, guilty of theft under $150, fined $25 and costs. Bruce M. Siegert, 1611 N. Knoll, McHenry, guilty of theft under $150, fined $70 and costs. Gary Grimmonpre, 1707 Sunnyside Beach, McHenry, guilty of unlawful possession of cannabis, placed on 6 months probation. Kevin Folliard, 5010 Hilltop, WondeF Lake, guilty of disorderly conduct, fined $25. Circuit Judge James H. Cooney Lori DeBuck, 4604 Garden Quarter, McHenry, guilty of burglary, sentenced to from 18 to 54 months , in the State Penitentiary at Dwight. Also guilty of forgery, sentenced to from 1 to 3 years in the State Penitentiary. The sentences are to run concurrently. McHENRY BRANCH IB COURT Associate Circuit Judge Leonard Brody Dorothy Bootan, Round Lake Park, guilty of entering roadway from a private drive, fined $25 and costs. Eugene Umlauf, Barrington, guilty of speeding, fined $12 and costs. Gregg Wilsman, 2911 W. Gregg, guilty of speeding, fined $17 and costs. Donna DeMore. 1706 Oakleaf, Erickson, lives at 614 N. Elmhurst, Mount Prose pet, IL. - Sgt. Erickson's wife, Dorothy, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor of 426 E. Oakwood drive, Barrincton. McHenry, guilty ot speeding, fined $21 and costs. Gerald Becker, Jr., 1807 Woodlawn Park, McHenry, guilty of open liquor in a motor vehicle, fined $25 and costs. He was found not guilty on another charge of improper lane usage. Raymond C. Wenk, Jr., Crystal Lake, guilty of speeding, fined $25 and costs. Andris Baltmanis, Maywood, guilty of speeding, fined $18 and costs. Gladys Kayler, 4510 N. Hickory, McHenry, guilty of speeding, fined $11 and costs. James Kosior, 1006 W. Elder, McHenry, guilty of speeding, fined $10 and costs. He was found not guilty of a charge of improper right turn. Ronald McGovern, Palatine, guilty of no valid registration, fined $15 and costs. Paul R. Ohlson, 3816 W. Waukegan, McHenry, guilty of speed too fast for conditions, fiend $15 and costs. Lawrence Slussar, Niles, guilty of speeding, fined $15 and costs. Jeanne Smith, 3606 Middle, McHenry, guilty of speeding, fined $25 and Costs. FIND THE LCTTtHS IN BET PROFESSIONAL (tokilpnilfpitH) SENT OUR MUSE N VAC-tiw mn portable, sssy-ts-ws kot wstsr •itraction cwfM doming mcfeiM that ... wstsr mi dissisi solatia* | loossns sad lifts sll Art. grim SS4 JMUMI to tlw csfpst ssrfscs whore CLEAN. FRESH 0D0R-FREE !| ($2% HSS„ " IS.00 MIN.) Mm HOUR OVERNIGHT SPECIAL! 8:00 P.M.-9:00 A.M. >10.00 I HORNSBYS ^ f a m i l y c e n t e r s ^ 4400 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRV. ILL , Dozens of assorted A national manufacturers ALEXANDER LUMBER 909 N. Front McHenry, Political Corner Governor's Wife To Visit Community Mrs. Roberta Walker, wife of Governor Walker, will be present at a coffee to be held at the Mill Inn, Barnard Mill and Howe roads, in Wonder Lake st 1 p.m., Fridsy, Feb. 20. Everyone in tne McHenry sres is invited to sttend. Mrs. Wslker is campaigning in behalf of her husbsnd's renomination in the March 16 Democratic gubernatorial primary. FORD CHAIRMAN Congressman Robert Mc- Gory will serve as campaign committee chairman on the President Ford committee. This commitee is in the process of being organized throughout the 13th Congressional district for the purpose of supporting the campsign of Gerald R. Ford. GIFFORD DANCE A dinner dance for Glen E. Gifford, Republican candidate for State Representative of the 33rd district, will be held March Alan Estls Named Cadet Staff Officer New cadet staff officers for the Air Force Reserve Officers' training corps in the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign were announced recently. Cadet First Lieutenant Alan F. Estif has been named operations snd tralnloc officer. Alan Is the son of Mr. snd Mrs Frank W. Estis, 2217 W Fern view street. McHenry. He Is s Junior in the College of Communications snd whan commissioned sn Air Force officer, Alan plans to become a pilot. VA experiments with sstellite communication for medical consultations announce 10 of its hospitals during 1974-75 will be expanded in 1077 Weekly two way interactive telecasts smong 30 VA hospitals in the West ere being considered Progrsmming for about 14 months, stsrting January. 1977. would make use of the new communicstions satellite launched by NASA Jan. 13. 5. at Floyd's restaurant, Route 31, in Carpentersvllle. The dance Is being sponsored by the Committee to Elect Glen Gifford. Agriculture United Ststes farmers com prise only 1 per cent of the world's total, yet in s normal yew grow 15 per cent of the world's food Approximately 20 per cent of all (arm exports around the globe come from America That includes hslf of sll the grstn distributed in inter national trade More than 4 million tractors are now being used on our country's farms Af ter the turn of the century. 22 million horses and mules worked the fields of the nation C O U R T H O U S E S Q U A R E S MAN JHfNKS H£ OWNS 7M£ FRONT OF THE BUS, 7H€ BACK OF TH€ CHURCH AND 7H€ MKKH-E SUNNYSIM fOOOS 5th a UT Country SENIOR CITIZEN OR SMALL FAMILY ASSORTMENT SPECIAL FREEZER BOX INCLUDES: • GROUND BEEF • STEAKS • CHICKENS • UEEF I PORK ROASTS • SAUSAGE • CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS AND MORE - APPROX. 38 - 40 LBS. ONLY.. .$49.50 NO. 1 FAMILY VARIETY BOX APPROX. 55 LBS. OF MEAT $79.50 NO. 2 ALL BEEF BOX APPROX 70 LBS. OF MEAT $17.50 "" TCXTP O fT^OOETTTL T-2V7 6* _ I $3.00 OFF on Seniors .fecial IV* | $5.00 OFF on Box 1 or 2 $8.00 OFF if you buy BOTH! I | ww»ww ur r ii jruu uuj dvi n. ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS OSCAR MAYER "CROWN" BOLOGNA Sll cod 49 hL& PEELED - DE VEIN ED BABY BEEF LIVER 69' FULL POUND LEAN SLICED AMERICAN CHEESE 37^ ALL MEAT PRICES GOOD THRU 2-25-76 AL'S FISH SPECIAL (•OLDEN HROWN READY TO EAT FRI LB. tOI WOW! ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICES AL'S SPECIAL PRICES ON FREEZER REEF DUBUQUE CORN FED BEEF FULL HALF BEEF WfTHCQyPSN NOW LB. NINO QUARTERS ynncflyggi m. -1. u*. FRESH CUT 10 YOUR ORDER-WRAPPED I r I I msmajm i Coupon Good Til 2 25 76 10% off ss- ON MY HMO 0* UK OF OUT --i RC - DIET-RITE & NEHI FLAVORS oo p. 42 TOMASELLOS & CASEY'S PIZZA $219 c oz 5/$l 1 PLUS fit J AY'S POTATO CHIPS 59* DEMONST A TION SAT.-FEB. 21st - !2"to 5 8 OZ. FIELDCREST 2% MILK GALLON STRAWBERRY HALF I HALF PINT IR { 16 OZ. GRADE A EXTRA LARGE |FRIT(XSg CORN CHIPS HOLLAND ICE CREAM 99* ^GALLON WE WELCCSte FOOD STAMPS Jotmsburg Road kVilmot Rd. Chapel Road 3 LB. YELLOW ONIONS bag RED RIPE TOMATOES 25* ^'MITF POTATOES. ta size HAVEL ORANGES 6/49' 0U) MILWAUKEE BEER. 6-12 OZ. CANS FLESCHMANVS VODKA... SALE DATES: FEB. 19-20-21-22 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ii asss*™'» . 4* ft# Crtrtnv OPEN 7 DATS A WEEK ^Ml VMUd 7.30 AM - 9:00 PM 4216 N WILMOT RD 385-9780 (Just North of Johnsburg) Meat Dept. Te. 385 7663