Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Mar 1976, p. 12

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PAGE 12 - PLAINnFAI.FR-WEDNESDAY. MARCH H, lfli vmwm fiction, M/ay No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, Ln Memoriam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Vanted To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. ^ The Plaindeaier is not responsible for errors in clas­ sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad i ter the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. k FIC F. HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 BUSINESS SERVICES AUTOS '75 Chevy Van, auto., p.s.,p.b., custom Interior, stereo, car­ peted. Call after 6 pm 312- 497-3253 3-10 '66 Mustang, V8, new paint, clean, power brakes, steering '75 Chevelle, V8, air condi­ tioned, power 385-1458 3-10/3-12 1970 Buick Skylark, 350, air p.b., p.s., excellent condition $1,200 . 815-385-7060 3-10/3-12 1967 Chrysler, air, p.s., p.b., radio, new tires $600. or best offer. 385-6646 3-10/3-12 1973 BUICK CENTURY, 4 dr. Sedan, auto., p.s., disc brakes, snow tires on wheels A-l con­ dition. 15,000 miles. Must be seen $2495. Call 815-653-3961 [ 3-10/3-19 72 VEGA HATCHBACK, automatic, radio, with new engine and many extras'. $1200.00 385-8167 ' 2-18TF1-2 1974 VW Beetle 28,000 miles. 18 months old, excellent condi­ tion. Must Sell $2,275. 385- 6425 3-10/3-12 AUTOS For Sale, 1972 Vega-stick, good gas mileage, snow tires included. Phone 385-8957 after 6 p.m. 3-10/3-12 BUSINESS SERVICES RUSSELL RH0T0N BLACKTOP SERVICE Driveways Parking Lots Resurfacing * Free Estimates * Fully Insured 385-6445 New Driveways Patchwork 3-10-TF-l I J | WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING INC. I CRYSTAL LAKE BLACKTOP • 30* per foot • Driveways • Parking lots • Patch work Free estimates All work guaranteed Call 459-2987 • SERVING YOUR AREA - • 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE • WE ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS. DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER & SAVE! fl I I I I COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE- GRAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE 312-367-0676 3-3-TF-1-2 jpooooooooooeoooooooooeooooooooopoooo0oooor)rl 3-10/4-21 1973 Montego MX Vinyl roof, power brakes, power steering, air conditioned, radial tires, 36,000 original miles $2,400. 344-2997 3-10/3-12 1905 Pantlac Convertible, good V running condition. Needs assort- • ed minor repairs. Days. 385- 7600 3-10 S0UTHGATE BEAUTY SALON 810 Front,St. McHenry Open Tuesday thru Saturday Also Thursday evenings 385-2966 Pleasing you pleases us 2-3/4-14 TAX RETURNS Established for 21 years With • An experienced staff to handle your individual problems. • Computer verification at no extra charge. • Year around availability for follow up Tax Counseling PHONE 385-4410 For an Appointment Paul A. Schwegel & Company 4410 W. Rte. 120 McHeniy, II. 1964 Ford Van. Call after 5:30 pm 385-4595 3-10/3-12 '67 PONTIAC Good condition $400 or best offer. Call after 5 385-4663 3-10/3-12 '72 GRAND TORINO SPORTS 351 Cleveland $2100 385-8053 3-10/3-12 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY 8 cyl. sedan, automatic, power, fac­ tory-air, vinyl top, cruis^con- 'trol, new tires. One own^r, low mileage Asking $2100 385^ 0157 3-10 j INSTALLER HAS I ROLL ENDS & REMNANTS Many colors In sculptures,! UP! Free estimates ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopooooooc 1-28/3-10 | shags, plushes, indoor & | outdoor I from $2.99 yd. & Call Tom anyti Coll -2624 2-25/4-7 To placing your Classified Adv. but they work like. . . Theres No Trick! WRITE YOUR OWN & SAVE m$ 15 WORDS or LESS $150 2nd Time X2.50' 10c for each additional word per. insertion FILL OUT COUPON & MAIL WITH CHECK TO: THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, III. 60050 Amount Enclosed $ No Refunds Please insert as written for insertions Must be paid in Advance ADDRESS No Commercial Accounts BUSINESS SERVICES TIME AGAIN for B & K Grain Cleaning. All grain 815-675-2167. 3-5 3-17 Highest prices paid for Junk cars and trucks. Day or Night. 815-459-0081. 3-3 tf 1-2 VANDA BEAUTY COUNSELOR try before you buy Call 385- 5898 after 3 pm 3-10 COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE Complete tree and stump removal Fully insured Free estimates 385-3381 3-3/4-21 ALLAN'S BLACKJ0P Now taking Orders Call now and Save. • Driveways • Parking Lots ] • Resurfacing • New Driveways • Patching & Sealing All work Guaranteed j Free Estimates 24 Hour Service 815-459-5757 3-10/4-21^ FOR SALE 71 TRUMPH TR 6 R motor­ cycle casual dress; 73 Century Mark II boat low hours. 385- 8961. 3-5tfl-2 RESALE SHOP, 10007 Main, Richmond, Illinois. Across from High School 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed: Sunday & Mon­ day 3-10/3-31 FOR SALE 1 Jr. GOLF BAG $5.00 385- 0959 3-10 Famous Cartop Dolphin Fishing Boat 15' fiberglass square stern with oars & carrying yolk like new $255 385-1402 3-10 Washing machine, Sears, excel­ lent condition $75. 385-4472 3-10 Fruitwood Breakfront, perfect condition 84" x 84", triple plate glass shelves, florescent lights Price $1,000 815-385-4278 3-10/3-12 Remington automatic, 12 ga. shot gun with poly choke 1903 patent like new cond. 653-9009 3-10 HODAKA SUPER RAT lOOcc very good condition $275. Gibson ES330 Guitar - Kustom AMP 385-4641 3-10 FRENCH STYLE TELEPHONE, complete, ready to install $35 firm. 344-2949 3-10 1973 Midas Motor Home, 19 ft. Mini, excellent condition, low low miles, sleeps 6, fully equipped, self contained, Call after 5 pm 815-648-2913 3-10 3 gas ranges 36". $25.00 each. Call after 6: p.m. 385-4790. 3-5 3-12" Furniture of 14 model homes now being sold. 30 to 50 percent off, will separate Terms. 312- 398-5250. 3-5 3-31* 18 lb. heavy duty 3 speed, 12 cycle automatic washer, like new. Call 385-7530. 3-5-tf 1-2 SLINGERLAND SNARE DRUM with case & stand $50; 385-3808. 3-3-TF-1-2 FOR SALE ALUMINUM PLATES 25: A Plate - 6 Plate Minimum Size 23 * 35 .009 Thick Inquire At THE McHEflRY PLAINDEALER 3K12 \\. Elm St.-McHenry Phone: 385-0170 FOR SALE HILLSB0R0 GOOSE NECK TRAILERS • 16 to 30 ft. in stock • Grain dump trailers and flatbeds ALSO COMPLETE LINE OF BR ADEN WINCHES Adams Enterprises 3017 W. Rte. 120 McHenry Ph. 815-385-5970 ""TTtf-T WONDER LAKE For Rent with option to buy Fully furnished, 2 bedroom home) Gas heat, fireplace and lull baserftent. 600' from private beach and boat launch. Available April 1st $265. month plus utilities 312-398-8456 3-10/3-12 S0UTHGATE APARTMENTS Available now 1 bdrm from $190. Fully carpeted, deck, stove, refrig. & air cond. furnished. Adults. 1 year lease & sec. dep. required No pets Apts. shown by appointment. Call LEE J. C00NEY 385-4345 2-6/3-19 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED VACANT PROPERTY WOODED LOT McCullomLake, 70 x 150 $5,000 312-543-0698 3-10/3-17 2 LOTS 50 x 150 each with river rights. 14 miles north of town $4,000 for both. Call after 4:30. 385-4859. 3-3 3-12 VACANT One Plus acres zoned light Industry. McHenry area. Terms available. Arthur T. Mcintosh & Co.. 312-372-2040 extension C. 3-3-tf 1-2 AVON RETIRED PEOPLE ARE FABULOUS REPRESEN­ TATIVES. Start a new car­ eer selling cosmetics, fra­ grances, daily needs#near your home. Excellent earn­ ings. Call: [ MRS. BAUER 3855385 3-3/3-31 WANTED Lady in McHenry area. To show lovely solid copper gift ware. Good pay. Invest your time and not your money. No collecting. No delivery. Car and Phone necessary. 815-943-4600 3-10 FOR RENT Two bedroom apartment 386' 8042 or 385-5925. 3-3-TF-1-2! 2 bedroom apartment in McHenry, $195 per month, security deposit, 1 year lease. No pets. 385-1980 3-3-TF-1-2 3 room apartment, partially furnished, quiet single. Wonder Lake. $150. with utilities. 338- 6949 3-10/3-12 3 Bedroom 2V2 bath, next to McHenry Country club, large family room, fully carpeted, $380 month. References and se­ curity deposit Phone 385-6513 3-10/3-12 Remove old wallpaper easily! Rent a wallpaper steamer Ed's Rental 385-3232 3-10 4 BEDROOM 2%bath farm house on private lake $350 Available May 1st. References 815-385- 1038 3-10/3-17 1 BEDROOM KITCHENETTE APT. 385-3120 3-10 SELL OR RENT 2 bedroom all electric. River Road Realty 815-344-1183. 3-3-tf 1-2 New Building. One oedroom apartment $210.00, Two bedroom heated apartment $260.00. Stove, ref., dishwasher, disposal, laundry, air con- ' ditioned, and pool 815-385-7599 or 815-344-0880. 2-27-tf 1-2 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT 1 mile from town with garage and yard. Electric furnished, no pets. Phone 385-6080. 2-27 tf 1-2 WEEKLY RATES available on small furnished apartments and sleeping rooms. 385-0266 days, 385-8905 evenings. • 3-3-TF-1-2 Would like young responsible female to help share expenses of apartment in McHenry area. 385-5269. 3-3 3-10 Commercial space 1,340 sq. ft.,, including office. Paved parking, good location, just east of McHenry on Rte. 120 385-0997 3-3-TF-1-2 RIVERSIDE LAUNDRY 1304 N. Front Street : Needs Licensed Driver Full time. $3.00 per hour. 385-9874 Days: 459-8889 Evenings: S8_ 3-10/3-12 MALE I MACHINE OPERATORS Several shift openings Good attendance record required Apply: SINTERL0Y, INC. Solon Mills, III. f GOOD CHEF NEEDED. Must be familiar with all phases of cook­ ing 385-3120 3-10 Full time, cleaning offices in Crystal Lake. Nights and Mon­ day & Thursday morning. 414- 248-2414 3-10/3-12 Sell Auto Insurance Part Time. 312-395-6648. 3-3-tf 1-2 (Experienced| Beautician i 1 Full or Part Time | Call I 385-2916 I 3-10/3-12 i mmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiimiiiiiiiiirr: i SSS™ 3-5/3-10 HELP WANTED SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST An opening now exists in our purchasing department, for a Secretary with good stenographic skills (shorthand required) General office experience also desired. Apply in person WANTED VOLKSWAGEN MECHANIC Must have experience on engine and transmission work. Top Pay. ^ No Trainee For Interview Call: Personnel department. •AK Industrie'* Inc. South Main Street, Crystal I*ake, HI. 815-459-5000 An equal opportunity employer M/F g_jQ/$_ L. 3854790 3-5/3-12 A ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN WELLS MANUFACTURING, with new Production facil­ ities in the Woodstock area, seeks an Electronics Tech­ nician with an Industrial background.. The Successful candidate will be involved with the maint­ enance and trouble-shooting for Electronics associated lab equipment, machine controls, and batch weighting controls. We offer an excellent salary as well as company paid benefits and profit sharing. Interviewing by appointment Please call: 815-338-7800 WELLS MANUFACTURING CO. an equal opportunity employer M/F 3-10/3-12 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Special Education District of McHenry County is seeking experienced, part- time, substitute and full-time school bus drivers Must have or secure a Class C license. Please contact: Dorothy Taylor, SEDOM Transportation Director Phone: 338-3622 3-5/3-10 ! PUBLIC ! RELATIONS I No I I I I SALESMEN We are adding two more salesmen to be able to handle the large increase we are experiencing in our Sales volume. You must possess the following qualities: DESIRE TO BE SUCCESSFUL NEATNESS COURTEOUSNESS EXPERIENCE IN SELLING ENJOY WORKING WITH PEOPLE BE ABLE TO WORK WITH FIGURES. Apply in person to Sales Manager DAYTON CHEVROLET Highway 31 KSouth McHenry, Illinois experience necessary J Will train Call 1414-877-3897! 3-10/3-19 | C0MPUTOR OPERATOR 2nd Shift Permanent position available for operator withminimum of 2 years experience on IBM-360. Model 40, under DOS Multi-programming, with power spooler. Shift Hours 4:30 P.M. - 12:30 A.M. Monday Through Friday Full range of company paid benefits. Apply in person. «*> Personnel Department. •AK liHlwsfrit'ft Inc. South Main Street, Crystal Lake, 111. 815-459-5000 An equal opportunity employer M/F 3-10 STORE DETECTIVE Full Time Permanent position now a- vailable for qualified ap­ plicant. Preferrably ex­ perienced. Applicant must be at least 20 years of age. Many Company bene­ fits. Apply Personnel Dept. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 105 Northwest Highway Crystal Lake, II. An equal opportunity employer 3-10 aniiiiiiiiiinniiimiunnuiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiu E JOBS § EMany Openings Like These !g Technicians E • Data Processors E S • Ordinance Repairmen j§ S » Machinists E ...and many more to choose E E from • Challenging oppor-= = tunities. Good tough train-s Eing. For man who's will-E E ing to work hard to do hiss E share of the chores. Bene-E E fits include: housing, food,E E clothing, medical and den- E Eta I attention, 30 days paid ~ Jllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!: S°' a?enuon, JU days paids mmpi|T. nr E E vacation a year, a chanceE K PYTAPE E =to travel, a chance to be- = E I m f c i I I I * I k -- - = r o m p S o m e o n e S n e r i a l . TnS OPERATOR Brake Parts Company is currently recruiting for a key- tape operator in its data entry department. Because of the close relationship between keytape and keypunch operations, the successful candidate will be able to demonstrate average to above average key punch skills, and have a minimum of 2 years experience in the field. An excellent salary and benefit plan accompany this position. For an Interview Apply in person or phone 815-385-7000 E come Someone Special. ToE E find out more, call Navy E E Opportunities at 338-4076 E miimimimmiiimnimmimmmiiimin 3-10/3-19 I ACCOUNTING - GENERAL OFFICE j I Individual will handle bil- j I ling, accounts receivable, J I accounts payable and mis- J j cellaneous figure work. | | Must also type and know J j shorthand or speed writ- I I | ing. I ( j BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 1 j | 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHENRY, ILL | j E An equal opportunity employer m/f 3-10/3-13 S ^iiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiln Apply in person Between 9 am & 3 ILLINOIS COIL SPRING CO. 1415 N. Industrial McHenry ,v 815-385-6760 I I I pm | I Dr. .3-5/3-10 I *

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