Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Mar 1976, p. 13

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HELP WANTED Summer babysitter to help take care of Camp Directors 2 children on Camp grounds in Mcllenry. June 30 to August 20. 312-724-6586. 3-5 3-12 Wonder Lake Mary Jean Huff 728-0267 SNOWMOBILES 1972 POLARIS CHARGER 295 385-3392 after 6:00 p.m. 3-10/3-12 19fr& "Eltigre" 340 "Z" model low mileage 385-4036after 5 pm •3-10/3-17 1974SKIDOO 440 TNT excellent condition 550 original miles $800. 815-344-2497. 3-5 3-10 SITUATION WANTED Retired fireman needs part time employment, to com­ pensate income what can you offer? 497-3395 3-10 Part time job needed. Week nites after 6 pm 4.50 - 5.00 an hour minimum can do any­ thing Phone 385-6247 3-10 Painter for hire. Will work by hour or by job. Reasonable prices. Call 385-7797. 3-10/3-17 RETIRED MAN looking for Handyman work. Well qualified 385-4930 ask for Harold Sr. 3-10/3-12 ACCOUNTANT with 8 years experience in public accounting (Big 8 firm) desires position in McHenry Area. Resume furnished upon request. 815-385- 4860. 3-3 3-10 -I --; ; PETS FOR SALE AKC Doberman pup, Champion sired, female, black and rust, bred for appearance and temperament. $300.00 firm. 344- 2929. 3-53-12 BOATS & MOTORS Competition race boat, 17' Kitson- Milesmaster, fiberglass, tunnel hull, includes trailer cradle. $775.00. After 4 p.m. 385-1662. 3-53-12 HORSES FOR SALE MARE & COLT excellent Arab & Appoloosa blood lines. For more information call 815-344- 2435 3-10/3-12 WANTED 10 BUY Metal wardrobe, preferably white Call 385-7600 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 3t10 WANTED: Used Row boat or Jon Boat: Call after 6p.m. 344- 3-* "Five Freedoms" Baste Principles of Americanism This Bicentennial year celebration of our nation's history will be our greatest opportunity to show our patriotic spirit, loyalty and devotion to "our America" and our high hopes for its fruitful future, states Louise Sineni, Americanism chairman of Unit 1169, American Legion Auxiliary. The basic principles of Americanism-freedom of worship, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assemblage and freedom to work and enjoy the results of our labors - have always been foremost in the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary programs, as these were the fundamental doctrines upon which our form of government was founded. Louise Sineni, Americanism chairman stated: "The American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary will continue to stress the im­ portance of perpetuating American ideals and upholding the principals of American democracy." Mrs. Marge Hartung, president of Unit 1169 added an urgent message to all citizens to display their flags on patriotic holidays, and requested such recognition be given throughout the year. "We, of the American Legion auxiliary, feel strongly that patriotism, must be kept a powerful and vibrant force in our land. Take pride in being an American", she said. Lois Haak, publicity AMERICAN LEGION Robert Vanderstraeten REAL ESTATE 3 BEDilOOM RANCH, com­ pletely carpeted, large Michen, 2M> car garage,fireplace, IMj baths, Lakeland Park $38,000. 385-7848 or 344-1618. 3-3 3-12 IIF YOU DON'T WANT A HOUSE THAf IS I MADE OUT OF GINGERBREAD, BUT 1 American Legion Auxiliary Unit 1169 of Wonder Lake held their regular meeting on Feb. 19 at the Post. Opening ceremonies were conducted by President Marge Hartung. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Auxilairy Preamble given in unison by members. Chaplain Lorraine Fedejelem led the opening prayer. There were ten members present. All chairpersons present gave their reports. Rehabilitation chairperson, Lois Haak, is asking the members to bring any old or new jewelry, floss of all kinds, ball point pens or arts and craft materials to the March 18 meeting so that they may be taken to Downey hospital. President Marge announced that the April meeting of the Auxiliary will be held on April 8, due to the past-presidents dinner being held on April 15. A donation was made to the Wingate school. Closing prayer was given by the chaplain. Refreshments were served. Next regular meeting will be Thursday, March 18, at 8 p.m. Lois tyaak, publicity VETERAN CRAFT EXCHANGE Mrs. Marie Bendl, veterans craft exchange chairman of American Legion auxiliary Unit 1169 announced that the sales of veterans craft has been going very well. Mrs. Bendl relates the veterans craft exchange was founded in the 1930's after the women of the American Legion auxiliary, department of Illinois, con­ ceived the idea of establishing an exchange were disabled veterans or their dependents might exhibit and sell their handicraft. The shop, when opened in Chicago's loop area was managed by a disabled veteran assisted by volunteer auxiliary members and there were ninety exhibitors. Today over three hundred honorably discharged disabled men and women, or their dependents, from thirty-six states market their handmade articles through the exchange. Available to the public is a fine assortment of plastic and ceramic articles, knitted and crocheted items, paintings, leathercraft and many more articles. One of its most popular sales items is rugs made by blind veterans Local auxiliary members help by preparing the materials used in the weaving. Mrs. Bendl usually has a display of veterans craft ex­ change items on Friday evenings and at each month's auxiliary meeting. Lois Haak. publicity HARRISON SCHOOL The seventh grade classes of Harrison school performed in two plays on Thursday, March 4. Starring in "Life of the Party", were: Brady An­ derson. Jetta Rogers, Sherri Grauman, Sandy Vanderspool, Marty Folliard, Robin Bluemel, Mary Lance, Diana Baxter, Tom Lindner, Tim Jones, Steve Wenkel and George Hartmann. "A Quiet Home Wedding", featured: Kent Karpawich, Sharon Henely, Kevin Lavin, Liz Savignani, Sandy Kasting, Kim Coleman, Mary Lou Redmond, Melissa Cichon, Shawn Baker, Mary Chester and Jeff Jackson. In charge of programs were Joe Sullivan and Erika Flotz; costumes and make up, Janie Biggers, Kelly Breit, Robin Gillespie, Virginia Kearns and Tina Sherrill; tickets, Dave Diedrick, Joe Liggett, Robbie Vance, Kevin Stott and Philip Wenk; publicity, Dave Banks, Phil Brenner, Scott Corsaut, Terry Kapple, Mike Kearns, Marilyn Lehr and Paul Seaver and the stage crew were Mike Diedrich, Steve Brinkmann, Joe Liggett, Diana Baxter, Scott Corsaut, Mark Rowland, Bob Meyer, Mike Utes and Bob Weber. Following the performances, gifts were presented by the students to the teachers who directed and managed the plays, Dawn Trettin and Fred Reed. A celebration party followed for the class of '77. INTERESTING PROGRAM The Ladies Sodality of Christ the King church is sponsoring "Musical Paintings by John Mosiman", on Thursday, March 11, at 7:45 p.m., in the church. The entire community is invited to attend this in- PET COLUMN 1363 3-10/3- WANTED TO RENT ESPONSIBLE COUPLE with 3 small children wants to rent, me in Fox Lake or McHenr; area. Phone after 4:30 pm (3l£) 497-3081 3-10/3-1: GARAGE SALE Barn Sale heated, household tools, furniture, miscellan­ eous. Friday and Saturday March 12 & 13 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 3-10/3-12 1205 N. DRAPER RD. McHenry 385-6553, March 13-14, 9:00- 5:00, 2 pc. maple couch & chair metal cabinet, bookcase, tires, clothes, small appliances, dishes, typewriter, much misc. 3-10/3-12 A LOT OF GOOD QUALITY Call BOB STECK & 5 SONS McHeniy Shores 815-385-0804 2-4/3-17^ REAL ESTATE GIVE AWAY 5 Yr. old male beagle for older children. Good watch dog inside your home 385-5003 3-10 8 month old male shorthalr pointer puppy. Good dis­ position, excellent color, house broken. 385-6845 3-10 9 German Shepherd puppies, 6 weeks old. 385-9631 3-10 1 Year old german shepherd, male, good with kids 815-344-0552 3-10 LOST LOST Cat, male, gray & white Edgebrook Heights vi­ cinity 385-1106 3-10 5 month old poodle type puppy, answers to Charlie wearing choke chain. Kent Acres 385-4411 3-10 REAL ESTATE UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY! 4 bedroom, lH bath, two story home on 2% lots. Formal dining room, living room with fireplace, femily room off kit­ chen. Apply tender loving care and it will be your dream house! MOTORCYCLES 1973'* HONDA CL 350, 2,500 miles, excellent condition $700. Call evenings. 385-8554. 3-3 3-12 1975 Yamaha Motocross Dirt Bike, Excellent condition. Asking $625. Call 385-5193 af­ ter 5 3-10/3-12 1973 CCM 250 MX 4 stroke, excellent condition $800. Phone 815-385-8921 after 4 pm 3-10/3-17 teresting and inspring program and the admission is free Refreshments whfr be served BIRTHDAY NOTES Happy birthdays the follow ing Wonder Lakers Lee Ann Cristy, March 10; nursery school student. Enn Kelsey, daughter of Bill and Caren Kelsey. who celebrates her fifth birthday. March 10; to Cathy Seaver. March 10; to Norman Mathews, son of Tom and Lois Mathews, who will be fourteen years old. March 10 Michael Freund. son of Larry and Joan Fr<eund. will be eight years old. March 14 And Mark Jinga. son of Therese and "Suck Jinga, celebrates his eignth birthday March 15 LUNCHEON The gloomy, rainy Tuesday of March 2. was brightened for the gals on the staff of Dr Ruygero's office in Wonder l^ake. when they were served a bountiful lunch by their colleague and friend. Elizabeth Gerich Using her well known culinary talents. Elizabeth first offered her guests an aperitif, which was homemade by her husband. Matt, followed by tender and succulent roast chicken, crispy browned potatoes, tasty coleslaw, delicately, seasoned wax beans with crumb topping, hot but­ tered rolls and coffee. For dessert Elizabeth served a delicious cheesecake, topped with fruit Enjoying this "no fuss" luncheon (according to the hostess), were Bonnie Rindt, Gloria Freund, Marge Hansen and Mary Jean Huff. CHURCH NEWS The Church Council of Nativity Lutheran church has elected the following officers for the coming year: Ron Gohl, vice-chairman; Bill Laier, secretary, and Leonard Ben­ son. treasurer. Also, the following chairmen and committeemen were elected: evangelism and stewardship: Jim Fredericks, chairman; Martin Romme and Ed Mah- der, committeemen; christian education: Martin Romme, chairman! Ed Mahder and Leonard Lindblom, com­ mitteemen; worship: Ron Gohl, chairman; Len Benson, Dottee Jacobson, Jo Ann Gran, Bertha Hejkal and Cathy Young, committeemen; property: Ted Redalen, chairman; Harry Johnson, Bill Laier, Bill Lamont, com­ mitteemen; finance: Ed Mttlvniu* «hait man; Pete Peterson, Bmton. Hill loiter, committeemen social ministry Dottee Jacobson. chairwoman; Martin Romme. committeeman Anyone who would like to serve on an> of the above committees are asked to please contact the chairman Meetings will be held to determine the goals for each committee for the coming year An informative booklet en­ titled. "Everything You Wanted to Know about Nativity. But Didn't Know Who to Ask", is being compiled by Betty Gabel and Cathy Young and should be forthcoming soon New church members are Beverly Hanson. Mr and Mrs William Crawford. Mrs John Crawford and son. John and Mr and Mrs John Wenzler Lenten services at Nativity will be held every Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m during Lent, except Holy Week when there will be services on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Easter Sunday ser vices will be at 7 a m^. followed by the usual Easter breakfast at 8 a m., and the other service at the usual time, 10:30 a m GARDENCLUB The Wonder Lake Garden club had its February meeting and fund-raising project at the lovely home of Rita Graff. We wish to thank both members and guests for making the meeting a complete success For our roll call subject we had "Our Favorite Spring Bloom and Its Care". Must admit - I got a bit nostalgic just hearing the word "spring". Our next meeting will be Thursday, » M.K U » l. vl\l>K \l n Marvh It. at S p m tn ihe eNcnmg V tola Koppv 4;i2;i F. Lake Shore drive. Wonot-r l„»ke In the meantime - get your flu shot and stay well' Mrs B Aldemon publicity chairwoman POSTAL BARGAINS Behind the thirteencent stamp -• one of the lowest of first-class mail rates among the world's industrialized nations -* there are some other postal bargains that aren't so well known For example, said Post­ master L.W Murphy, while the first ounce or fraction of a letter costs thirteen cents, each additional ounce or fraction coats only eleven cents "It p.t>s to write long letters," she said * Figuring the postage for heavier letters is easy if you keep a supply of both thirteen and eleven cent stamp*. and even easier if you get some of the twenty-four cent Old North Church stamps Another postage saver is the postal card It costs onjy nine cents to put your message on a card that will get the same delivery service as a letter HAPPINESS B... Happiness ia.. congratulating Mr. and Mrs. William Silk, Won­ der Lakers for twenty-nine years, who celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Feb. 26 Happiness is remem­ bering the days when the house was four degrees warmer and the gas bill was $40 lower.- Happiness is., peanut butter on warm biscuits. Happiness is., congratulating Wonder Laker Claire Higgins, who was chosen as alternate to Girl's t J>\KJU>AY, MARCH H, IfW Slate at McHenry West. If .ppiness ia...knowing that even with some grumbles about our new thirteen cent poatage rate, that we still have a good postal system' Happiness ti l. sunny day. Happiness is wishing our belated congratulations to Mr. and Mrs John Johnson, who celebrated their seventieth wedding anniversary on Feb tn Happiness is . curling up with a good book and a cup of hot tea on a rainy March af­ ternoon COMMUNITY CALENDAR MARCH II Paintings by John Mosiman. sponsored by Indies sodality of Christ the King. 7:45 Wonder take Garden club, • p m Viola Kopp's home MARCH It American Legion auxiliary meeting. 8 p m post home MARCH 20 Harrison school J V. and varsity band contest MARCH 21 "r Parish council meeting. Christ the King church. 7:30 p m MARCH 25 Cub Scout Pinewood derby, Harrison school Editor's Quote Book The real price of every­ thing. what everything realty costs to the man uiho uxinfs to acquire if, is the toil and trouble of a c q u i r i n g i f . Adam Smith McHENRY TROPHIES** SALES & TROPHY MFG. 385-6559 FREE ENGRAVING TROPHIES AND PLAQUES FOR ANY OCCASION MAKE APPOINTMENT TO COME IN AND SEE OUR SHOWROOM ; ' - COCA COLA 64 0Z. BOTTLE AUCTION j iiiJcTiofrioTicr"! NT* Saturday, March 13 ~10 A.M. ROSENTHAL'S SALE BARN 5ALt BRIM I Crystal Lake Ave., & Main I j St., Crystal Lake, III. | Building Materials, Panel- j • ing, storm doors, windows, I i cull doors, floor tile, ceil- I I ing tile, fencing, siding, | miscellaneous hardware, I stepladders, paint, unfin- • | ished furniture, odd lot j j merchandise. | TERMS OF PAYMENT - I CASH I ±m&uj REAL ESTATE McHenry. By Owner, 2 bed­ room, 2 baths, den, 1 car gar­ age on channel $38,500. 385- 9155 3-10 3 or 4 Bedroom Single Family INCL HOMESITE Homes: $33,100 to $37,950 Vets -- No Money Down. FHA and Conventional financing available. T*1 T Fine Homes by William Seideman HOn & Sons "^SnST* - S3 SUTTERS WOODS 1235 Fairfield Road, Round Lake Beach, III Models Open 7 days a week. 10 to 7 Telephone: 546-3636 HOMESITES AVAILABLE: Round Lake Lindenhurst • Lake Bluff • Sunnyside Homesites vary in Cost based on Size and Location CITG0 MOTOR OIL REGULAR 20W-30 PREMIUM 20W-30 EXTRA RANGE 10W30 REGULAR OR DIET 816 01 BOTTLES PLUS DEP. WE ALSO FEATURE * BAKERY GOODS * NOVELTIES * SNACKS & CHIPS AND MUCH MORE! PLUS DEP. McHenry 4502 W. RTE. 120 SALE EFFECTIVE MARCH 9 - MARCH 14 CITGO Quik Mart OPFN: MON THRU FRI 6-10,. SAT & SUN 7-10

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