PAGE 20 - PLA IN 1)EA LER-WKDN KSDAY, MARCH I®, lf7« FRAN KLI INI 1250 North Green St. Mc Henry CELEBRATING OUR 24th YEAR IN McHENRY! BONUS KCVWOUND SPECIALS COiOOWt BOOK • 48 Pat/ex 8*10'i In Sut » • * « Ben Franklin r n ot INTENSIVE CARE • U*" BOLD II ELECTRIC WWtJ X WESTCLOX ALARM CLOCKS SKEINS'* mjHtf Big 8-0z BARRELS Of YARN Childrrn s Mtsses Campus Stroteh KNEEHIs Men's Nylon Stretch SOCKS Keywound or Electric |2S-Ft ROLL ALUMINUM FOIll S-Oz. DRV PwM PEANUTS Hmus fcov wound ,\«th 40 ho. '•-.IkI'e i rvstal Perfect to* ceJiting vour. own machine washahU garments OumMv ^00 Acrylic yarn ,n sport weight and lot* of popular COJpr pritt fpttft/ pfitt WASH! ^HCLOTNS • 12M 12 In Sire • Cotton Terry *---o PKB. of si FOAM CUPS PKG OF 6 2 3 o/ S'/e PfANUtS FASHION SCARFS! fi |Slrip»d TUBE SOCKS •.«•<>'o>»" . # • Hardwood Lacquered Finish for an extra fashion touch Choose (l lettuce edge tr nqle or Italian acetate sguare Colors patterns Jmi long wearing cotton/stretch nylon with lull cushion lerry lining lor comlort White with "Team" stripes SET OF iS-Ot. IAN- Rtft- •On DEODORANT CHocobte| CHERRIES MEN SIZES 9-13 12 Oi Box STAMPEOTTi GOODS to \*1 EMBROIDERS Always a t reat tor the fam ily' Fresh and delicious cherries covered with milk or dark chocolate ON CD Decorative items you embroider yourself Choose from a wide selection of cotton and linen baby tems scarves and samplers C D oi •BANDANAS !«• New FASHION COLORS RAYOVAC 9 volt K»t» 5th Avenue SNEER KNEE Nl'« Mofol| Photo FRAMES Have a bandana All cotton. co|oi lasl Red or blue 22 m sq *>«*< l«('l Great lor today's lashion look1 Laiqe 24«22 in bandanas in color lasl cotlon Patterns, colors « • 2 Prs (tfr Pk<t • Our tiff fit\ 8' II Frame it yourselt in gold or nlver Irames Choose 5x7 or 8x10 in sues, all with non glare glass /1 m\ (1 Pkg.) .66* C o> O pk« He » vo* pkg 225 Yd Spools Great Colors Special savtogt Regular 20-or. •in with 4-oc. Reg. 99c Pkg. of 2 Extra Tight Grip • 1% In Wide 6.4-0i. C10SE UPB •TOOTHPASTE FOM •l1.l)M»1 Baa rif Clrvf #Hfi| •rmmtl A. VA Plant seeds now and be ready lor Spring 2 54 in pots. 12 per pkg BIG MAMA| IKNEEHI'S WATERING CAN-M/4-Qt With long spout, bal anced handle In bright colors 9 <4 in high Fits L and XL Fashion Shades I STORMFCNESTS • 24*13x11 In. Sue • 27x12x6Viln Site I: 2: ChiKise 10 in Iry pan. 12 ql dish pan . 9 cup perc 2'/i qt teakettle Tobelor Pttstie HANGERS Women $\ BRIEFS The ideal hanger lor suits and dresses with tlx bottom rung notched to hold slacks 7 IB. er P0TF1N6 SOU LOUNGE BOCKS Non-run acetate tricot with comlortable feather edge J waistbands. Assorted colors 4-0z. New Plant Lift PLANT FOOD Perfect mixture for growing strong plants Coniaiws loam, leal mold! peat moss. more. Co/y warm socks in soil blushed Orion stretch Nvlon In lots of colors 8 1 1 Teaspoon Makes 1 Quart ttiMwIa •Gold VINYL Salt, Dress BAGS KITCHEN ^^•TOWELS Keep clothes Iresh and clean Heavy gauge bag with full length ^lpper, see thru window1 Pkg. of 10 EASY WIPES WOMEN'S TERRY SCUFFS For wearing indoors or Out With terry upper and soft cushioned in sole Colors Si/es 5 10 • Cotton Terry • 15x26 In Site 14-0z. PINE S0L| •CLEANSER 1000-1*. TUCK CeHepktne Tin PKG OF 24* 14 In Sue • Reusable The tape with so many uses. Handy VJ-in. width, plastic dispenser 2PKGS.$I. 4/1 SJ ptlf-Sllelc MTH SAFETY TRUSS COOK And| BAKEWARE Help prevent slips ir» tub Easy to apply. 8 treads per pkg. \ in. wide. 18 in. long ********* Sturdy aluminum bake and cooking pieces at a savings price Choose Colander. See b Take Pan Saucepan Set Bake Roast Pan morr rz 4-RoHs Northern Bathroom TISSUE 73 f oft* \ t\ - • BOM of 24 Different Colors 0 Zippered bed paow protector. In deco rative print*, fab rics Fits standard pillows $l. Oar Itm triet 7-1*. ROUND) IFOAM BALL P»»rf«»ct for k»»»»pinij in tone h Pretty stationery in solid and floral desmns BOXES Dr Scholl s Air Pillo Insoles B« of 80CURAD BANDAGES • Safe Indoors • Lots of Colors 14 sheets. 1* envelnni Cushion Soft lV<»rifn s St ft"* 1. fOlVESTER IRKKRU Onward STATIONERY y« SPECIALS Some Items May Sell-out Early, Please Shop Early for Best Versatile uses pure. non-aller genie and non flammable. t-The washable,' resilient till 1113*4 3 $ ROLLS Stock up on desk supplies now and save1 Choose envelopes, writing tablets, pens, rubber bands typing paper, more 18x48-lnck EXPAND0 Rack 12 In Wide 100-Ft. R0U HANDI WRAP 4-0i. CUTEX* POUSH REMOVER White Teflon Coated Selection! tn<j$ or Horiiontall\ I Ye OUe Feskloe •FLORAL SOAP aa«k »* _ » * * * * * DuraMe aluminum baking pieces with DuPont • Teflon coating to* no stick baking and easv clean ups Choose Loaf Cake Muffin Pans mor v each BAND AID| BANDAGES Deliciously scented soaps in fragrances and colors you'll love Bag ot 4 cakes CHOICE 50 Ct Asstd Sires. 30 Ct Wide Strips °""$l. • Wide or Narrow Ruled • 10 V.*8 In Su* blossom HtaM 8 In GLASS FLOWER VASE Assorted Colors Dispenser RoH of 20 TRASH BAGS f i ts Up to 26 (>.#/ C.#n Itizart' u;--«I Wl»r4 S0UD Lightweight and stay-sharp scissors with orange plastic handle 8-in size Mr nHSHENiRS 1M. AimiYonaiy Spociil 100* Poftytttor FM Bo4 Pfows •Onward] ENVELOPES 10 In. Teflon FRY PAN IJOHNSON'S BABY NEEDS 75 count comme P"*Cial. 48- count '.check mailer 30 count .plam Heavy alum«num th white Teflon II mterioi Assort ed colors • 9 Or Lotion • 14 Or Powder V 1 Cwered GLASS •LJV) CANDY DISHES lotion • % Oi Siie Delicious Shades IS-Oz. Vieelinel •JEUY STANDARD SIZE |N \ • 7*4' i In Sue • Assorted Colors ENVELOPES QUEEN SIZE m II «J m* Women's FUCKER SAFETY RAZOR FLORAL en^ THANK YOU Notes KING SIZE .400 REG. $3.98 to $6.98 LIMITED QUANTITIES SALTED PEANUTS IN THE SHEU • 11 Or Jnnior 150-Pe JIGSAW PUnLE l-argo selection o» delightful ' deyqns '0 cards per ho W i t h I'D V*"l0D«*S •FLEXIBLE MAGNETIC STRf^ • U'/jjrJV. In Sire • Many Sub/ecti '>*30 1 Long Adhesive .ckmg Hi StH KcoMnMPUsne • Decorator Patterns 19-In INtde