• PAGE 19 - JPLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY.JMARCH 17. 197« Poison Wooli II Htardi nu. FREE! Contact your nearest May's Drug I tor your FREE Poison Antidote Chart and phone number of your| nearest Poison Control Center. First Steps Poison Control Kit Effective antidotes for over 125 potential household poisons Color coded for fast emergency treatment MAY S REGULAR $5.99 • m asr MUw O«T* nuric TRASH BAGS MN mi tD<s># 26 Gallon Trash Bags $187 pkg. L • • of 50 MAY S REGULAR 88c Suave Shampoo & Creme Rinse Flower & Vegetable MAY'S REGULAR $1.97 Cepacol Mouthwash; 32-oz. btl. (With This Coupon Good Thru Tue^Mar^^g. «a»M mctsic MAY'S REGULAR $1.27 Empiriit Compound Tablets 100 s PAGE II • PLAIN DEALER-WEDNESDAY. MARCH 17. It7« REGU B MAY S REGULAR $1 69 Downy Fabric Softener MAY S REGULAR 59c V-8 Juice 64-oz. MAYS REGULAR 45c Rit Powder Dye ASSORTED COLORS MAYS REGULAR 72c Apex Moth Cake MOTH CAKE ^ i We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities Prices effective from Wednesday. March 17th through Tuesday. March 23. 1976. regardless of cost increases MAYS REGULAR 68c Deluxe Moth Balls TOUT NOWlH MOOORANT MAYS REGULAR $1 89 Clouds of Herbal Splash-On MAY S REGULAR $1 29 Brock Set Setting Lotion EXTRA HOLD A Complete Selection of Everyday Greeting Cards MAY'S REGULAR 99c Deluxe Clothes Pin Bag ASSORTED COLORS & PATTERNS MAYS REGULAR $1.19 iQ Laundry Basket £taer BUSHEL D R U G MAY'S REGULAR $2.97 ranter Nerf Glider /AVE on/ummER ht rnnv/ 60 PROOF - 100% IMPORTED SCOTCH WHISKEY 80 PROOF A FINE CANADIAN IMPORT Windsor MrpROOF-A GREAT BLEND FROM HIRAM WALKER Imperial Whiskey iMPERIAt SOTROO^^TearoTD STRAIGHT BOURBON >1 mealn •• li i l. mamngiy • Whiskey 80PROOF-ONE OF CALIFORNIA S FINEST Paul Manon Sn^ROO^oIsTuTEC 6 PACK 12 OZ. CANS FROM 100% AMERICAN GRAIN 90 PROOF AMERICA S FINEST Canada Dry Gin $039 fifth MAY'S REGULAR 49c HiFlier Plastic Kite MAY S REGULAR $1.49 Amsco Sky-Arc Glider MAY'S REGULAR $1.38 Foam Back Table Cover MAY'S REGULAR $1 8 Double Size Mattress Cover VINYL n 52 X 52-ASSORTED COLORS & PATTERNS smM MAY'S REGULAR 69c Hi Flier Star Trek Kite 10 Inch Electric Village Blacksmith Chain Saw SELF OILER - LIGHT WEIGHT BUT RUGGED FOR THOSE BIG JOBS MAY'S REGULAR 49c Hi Flier Kit String 29° BV400-ft. • roll MAY'S REGULAR 78c Kentucky Blue Grass flfcSESSs a R 20 Inch Cut Power Mower 3 H P. BRIGGS/STRATTON ENGINE - SAFETY CHUTE MAY'S REGULAR 88c Crystal Park Grass Seed bag 22 Inch Vertical Pull 31/2 H P. BRIGGS/STRATTON ENGINE - SAFETY CHUTE 21 Inch Rear Bagger rower mower 3'/2 H P. BRIGGS/STRATTON ENGINE - 8 INCH STEEL WHEELS MAY'S REGULAR $1.99 Clouds of Bubble Bath MAYS REGULAR $1.44 Rose Milk Skin Care Cream MAY'S REGULAR $1 04 Clouds of Herbal Body Powder MAY'S REGULAR 82c MAY'S REGULAR $1.07 Desitin Ointment Crest Toothpaste MAY'S REGULAR $1.49 Vaseline Intensive Cara Wipe'n Dipes 10c OFF MAYS REGULAR $1.02 Listen ne Antiseptic 14-oz btl. MAY'S REGULAR 87c Marvel Scribble Pad COMICS DRAWING PAD 9V»" X 12 REGULAR rayola' RAINBOW OF COLORS 24 -ct MAY S REGULAR $1.11 Trac II Adjustable Cartridges MAYS REGULAR $1 09 Miss Brack Hair Spray REG.. SUPER HOLD. SUPER UNSCENTED UNSCENTED MAY'S REGULAR 88c Polident Tablets POLIDENT MAYS REGULAR $2.16 Arrix XX Anti-Perspira MAY'S REGULAR $1.34 Johnson's Baby Powder 14-oz ssrosol MAY'S REGULAR $1.72 Johnson's Baby Oil r baby oil $109 I 10-oz. | btl. WTM MAY'S REGULAR 42c Bayer Children's Aspirin A • n a y D R U G MAY'S REGULAR $1 39 Flingen Handy Ann Gloves CHOOSE FROM >ENIM LOOK. FADED DENIM OR FLORAL BAND TOP jjgjv MAY S REGULAR 77c ASSORTED SIZES A SHADES - REG OR NUDE TO WAIST U A V ' C ' REGULAR $2 29 Men's Cushion Craw Sock MAY S REGULAR $1 28 flfc. XOTCfi DrlT# Floor or WHITE OR ASSORTED STRIPE - ASSORTED SIZES u pkg of 3 pair MAY S REGULAR 38c fWOfOr 9U MAY S REGULAR 41c Hershey's Syrup OOil6-oz O l can 10W30 Finishing MAY S REGULAR $1 56 Kodacolor II Film FITS ALL INSTAMATIC CAMERAS- Special! 3 PRINTS FROM SLIDES - SAME SIZE - SUBJECTS CAN VARY $139 | C110-20 GOOD THRU MARCH 28 1976 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILL MAYS REGULAR $1.77 Super Cricket Lighter NEW' DISPOSABLE LICSrER - ADJUSTABLE FLAME THOUSANDS OF LIGHTS |S149 | each MAY S REGULAR 83c Ronsonol Lighter Fuel SCENTED - iDEAL fcOR ALL WICK LIGHTERS l -oz