Wm$F , - • • , •• • > ,;: ,.l: % -\ Joseph H. Huemann & Sons, Inc. •hrz*. *rv pp ; 1 g$&yg*£ g& ->v ' PAGE 13 - SUPPLEMENT TO MCHENRY PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24. lf?( There's no place like hoine Delectable dining for barbeque entertaining Designed to eliminate lighting problems associ- Tips to help all campers play it safe The "first time" camper who becomes the "last time" camper in the same outing has probably exper ienced some trouble with Mother Nature. Sure, changing weather conditions, insects, acci dents and even illness pose potential problems for ev ery camper, but realizing the conditions and know ing what to do if trouble arises can help matters immensely, the camping experts at Zebco know well. The most efficient first aid kit won't be of much help if you don't know how to use it, and since many camp ers are not familiar with some of the conditions in volved with living in the outdoors, it's a wise idea to read up on the area in which you plan to camp out. Find out what plants, animals or insects inhabit the area and how they could harm you. Learn what to do about the most common camping inci dents, such as insect bites, poison ivy, burns, water hazards and severe sun burn. Buy and read a reliable first aid manual and keep it with your first aid kit. First of all, be prepared. The Great Outdoor* is a great place if you're ready for it. Planning now ran make a big difference when you get there. Saving energy Another feature -- one that saves energy--on all Charmglow natural and LP gas models is stainless steel twin burners, which are at least 10 percent more efficient than the the older cast iron burners. The outdoor barbeque fits any lifestyle -- from the most frenetic to the most sedentary--and can be permanent or portable to suit your needs. So if you're concerned about ever-increasing meal costs and energy con servation, then the casual mood and simplicity of the backyard barbeque should suit your lifestyle to a "T." BACK IN YOUR OWN BACK YABD -- Whether you live in the city or country eating outside is fun. especially when Ko«nI food is enhanced with a colorful barbecue by Noma I alio Products. I'lioto courtesy of Samsonite. Dear McHenry Area People. •rnr would like to Joseph H. Huemann & SonS' peopie visitinq the i hpartv welcome to all P booth, as extend a he Y please stop by fnrmative thincis McHenry Trade Fair• tlna and informativ we will have many mw to share with you. ions concern- i t you have any P^f^^free to chat with inq water and water -^n minute f-f^ater us abOU^ll be* presented by the National films will £>e P Council- ^.Hon on dif- plus, we have a wealth^ ̂ c^best suits ferent water P^fand'see the your needs. ° T ol pressure tanKs. ihe famous „aterloaaed. that never heco.es _ raffle for a vmile you; re there .jo-se necessary. ten foot win m . . s we will be qlad Please stop hy a^ visi alroady have a workina weII8or ^c^Sn/a new one. _ f h e F a i r » See vou at tnt- JOSEPH n. HOEMANM l SONS. INC. Once recognized as the travelers of the world, Americans now w?nd to stay much closer to home. The current state of the economy, coupled with concerns about energy, have combined to change our lifestyles. Home owners and apart ment dwellers alike are creating and using home recreation centers for their leisure time, regard less of whether the activ ity is centered on a tiny apartment balcony or in a spacious backyard. The new focal point is the patio area, totally equipped for outdoor liv ing and entertaining. ated with matches and uncooperative weather conditions, the Charmlite can be adapted to ungrade virtually any existing full- size Charmglow gas bar beque. "It permits you to light your grill without matches . . . without any trouble," says Nat Stoddard, Charm- glow's vice president of marketing services. "Just turn the knob to 'High' or •Medium,' push a button and your grill automati cally ignites." The electronic ignition unit is pilotless and should operate for up to a full year on one "D" cell alka line battery. The patio scene With increasing fre quency, gas and electric barbeques are an impor tant element in the patio scene. Outdoor gas and electric grills are both cleaner and more depend able than charcoal models: any backyard barbeque chef can cook with gas or electric-controlled heat without the problems asso ciated with charcoal. Also, gas and electric grills are self-cleaning -- another popular feature with con sumers. Automatic enjoyment To make outdoor cook ing even more enjoyable, Charmglow, the leading marketer of outdoor gas and electric barbeques, has introduced "Charmlite," the industry's first self- contained electronic igni tion system.