PAGE 17-SUPPLEMENT TO McHENHY PLAWDEALER-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24. 1976 gAKBER SHOP According to local folklore, Monday is a good day for getting a haircut! We at H.E. BUCH & SONS, INC. would like to express our appreciation to the people who have patronized us in the past. We would like also to extend a personal invitation to everyone to come and see us at the... McHENRY TRADE FAIR March 26-27 & 28 Friday-Saturday /MSTwlErJHi and Sunda. I ° * " on,? OVENl IMKROWak H.E. BUCH & SONS, Inc. - 3012 W. Rte.* 120 McHenry, Illinois - 385-0048 Lisense .No. 058-005722 Wanted: Full-Time Receptionist Salary: $0 To work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. (No humans need apply.) Ansafone is the full-time receptionist. Ansafone, the telephone answering system. Ansafone always answers promptly and politely, always gets the message perfectly, $nd reliable Ansafone never leaves the desk to powder its nose. 2309 JOHNSBURG ROAD McHENRY, ILLINOIS 60050 (815). 385-0152 Ansafone by ©Dictaphone Dictaphone and Ansafone an trade marks of Dictaphone C"rporat'< >n Rv.e N S IU'.KO I t111 -H.-iiiic«- »rlrclivilj HUO innin* lliul "Mr. and Mr»." hi- cycle unit* for pIcHMire and tourifty arc mnilalilr, prosidinic the identical look* «nd performance -- fil to *imc. '• lame4 (learth FIREPLACES will be at the McHenry Trade Fair. MARCH 26, 27 & 28 Please Stop By And Visit Us! Enjoy a real wood-burning fireplace for % the cost of an all masonary fireplace! Completely installed in your home in 10 days Nationally Advertised Famous Brand HEATILAT0R I 'he Anyplace I ireplac woodbuming fireplace completely installed in your home for as low a Northwest Chicaqoland s LARGEST Fireplace Dealer Drive out to our 9 000 sq »t warehouse and save' FIREPLACES ARE OUR ONLY BUSINESS Use you' charge card or up to iO months tinancinq including real b* ick in our huqe duels r ' s>om open to the public Ri al stone available at sightly higher cost BANKAMffilCAfitl FLAME- k HEARTH will install your Heatilatoi wood burning or natural gas fireplace for less, than half tin* cost of an all masonry fireplace/ 'Xir professional installers will complete your fireplace with your, choice of natural brick or stone* L'.L. listed. 20 Year written warranty, smoke-free guarantee. BOCA K K HO app roved. Our experts will answer any questions you may have. Check with us to learn how to save even more by installing jour Heatilator, wood-burning fireplace yourself. lame \ ( learth Get a Free Survey, C|OC0| AfCC call 815-455-0320 | 111 III I LH V t ROUTE 31 at AMES RD., CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. 2 Miles north of the intersection of Rts. 31 A 1~0 Mon.-Sat. 9-5; Sin. 11-4. ! venings by Appt. 815-455 032,