PAGE 8 - PLA1NDKAl.ICR-FRIDAY, MARCH 2%. 1»7« donl forget the McHenry Chamber of Commerce FREE TRADE FAIR FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY Mar. 26-27-28 BOATS-AUTOS EVERYTHING FOR HOME-FARM-BUSINESS QNE MILE EAST OF McHENRY ON RTE. 120 School Essay Winners Roger Sass, music director at the Fox Valley Christian school, presents certificates to top winners In an essay contest, Mafgaret Williams, left, and Leslie Cable. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY!!! HORNSBYS , _ fami ly centers gr _ Just "Charge I*!" We accept Mastercharge and Bankamericard Margaret Williams and Leslie Coble are the winners of an essay contest sponsored by the high school choir of the Fox Valley Christian school, McHenry. The winning essay was written by Margaret Williams, and second, place went to Leslie Coble. Following is Margaret's essay on the topic, "What Is An American" "Although it was 200 years ago our nation was formed, you can still find those who are living in the spirit of '76. Our nation is built on the hardships of others, and is a nation living under God. As we remember the birth of our nation, we must also remember that when we fail to live as Americans we are throwing aside all the suffering that helped make America what it is today." "An American, to me, is one who is born in the United States, and who will serve America in hopes that we would always be a free nation. An American is one who will show his loyalty, and serve whatever the cause, in a manner which would raise the spirits of those who have forgotten that we are a free nation, or perhaps never knew it. Often we forget just how free a nation we really are. Our country is based on the constitution which is the supreme law of the land. "We have freedom of speech, religion, and many more of which are taken for granted. Many other countries have risen in power, and in the eyes of some, they seem to be a threat; but if Americans will unite, forming a spirit of vic tory and join together under God, we will perhaps relive a time which is history, and is what the spirit of '76 is all about. "The American flag is the symbol that has stood for centuries as a reminder of the battles we have struggled through, but have yet remained victorious. We have lived and survived as a free nation to celebrate, this our 200th an niversary, but even so many Americans have forgotten what an American really is. We should stand together in unison as we give the pledge to our country and to our flag. Many of our patriotic songs tell the story of America and perhaps if sung more often the spirit which seems to be dwindling away would be revived. When you think of your part as an American remember that only together can we survive and cherish the life we live and accept it as a gift from God, who has made us what we are today. "Through the years the victorious spirit which has survived for 200 years will survive till the end of time, when Christ will take us to a better place where we will always be free. But until then, strive to make better, what we have today, and never forget that as Americans, we can be proud of what we stand for. For r=r̂ n GRADUATES Navy Seaman Richard A. Tripp, son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Tripp, 802 Ringwood road, McHenry, was graduated from recruit training at the Naval Training center, Great Lakes, 111. Classes include instruction in s e a m a n s h i p , m i l i t a r y regulations, firefighting, close order drill, first aid and Navy history. we have been together as a nation for 200 years, which is proof of what we stand for. For we have been together as a nation for 200 years, which is proof that God is on our side, and without him we know we would not be living as we are today. "Christ was here in the beginning of America, and he was there even before, hearing the prayers of the people, and joining their strength in the other, and giving them the power to go on, striving, and fighting, til the victory. Christ is still here, and as we pray, we know it will be answered as before and that Christ will guide our country in the direction to go, because he is "The Truth, The Way. and The Life...' " Prices effective while quantities lost. I ADFII DAILY O 'til 9 w Wo reserve the right to limit quantities. I O N L Y 1 SUNDAY 10'til 6 YOUR NUMBER ONE STOP IN LAWN & GARDEN SUPPLIES IS HORNSBY'S Time! -Up PRICES EFFECTIVE SAT. & SUN. MAR. 27 & 28 ONLY m Plant A Tree This Arbor Day ...With Savings From HORNSBY'S! Spectacular Savings on Fresh 'n Healthy Trees! 12"-15" Yew Evergreens ree C 87 mm • • ' A.x\. sr . W.' "-*,*> , Jf"* tm A beautiful addition to any lawn! 12"-15" Junipers ' - 376 4.97 V 15"-18" Arbor Vitea 487 • _ 6'-8' Mountain Ash Tree 976 6'-8' Crimson King Maple reg. 1g87 22.87 A Vl Silver Maple 6 reg. 8.46 5'-6' Redbud Tree g87 reg. 10.87 Fruit Trees Standard, reg. 6.97 Dwarf, reg. 9.37 5 7 6 687 Georgia Marble 50 lb, Bag White Landscape Our Reg. 2.37 Decorative white land scape stones for the discriminating gardener!!! We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices effective while quantities last. Anderson Economical Size 40 lb. Bag of Peat Our Rtg. Ready to use soil conditioner!! "Watch your garden grow!" COMPLIMENT YOUR LAWN WITH THESE GARDENH0USE MIXED GRASS SEED 3 lb. bag for "crabgrass-free" lawn. Our Rtg. 1.17 SOUTHLAND PINE BARK NUGGETS 3 cu. ft decorative and protective. Our Reg. 2.94 r PINi INC BARK MINI NUGGETS n No. 20-112 Sycamore's Finest Rotary 20" 3 h.p. Lawn Mower 6276 Our Reg. $79.97 Features 3 H.P. B A S recoil start angina with hanrlU mountad »"*»d and stop control, whaals adjustable ROSE BUSHES A beautiful addition to your garden landscaping Reg. 1.17 87 MAKES GARDENING A PLEASURE-NOT WORK! Dynomorfc Horizontal shaft. Chain drhro Takat a 28" ttlltna swath. Has largo control panol with two pioco handle. VERSA TRIER 1877* Save Now Model 5336-06 'fe'li: & *i* ^ RT. 47 & CNTRY. CLB. RD. WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS HORMsan)\ family centers Our Reg. 217.76 4400 W. ROUTE 120. McHENRY, ILLINOIS PET PROGRAM Co-sponsored by the Lake egion YMCA and the First mgregational Church of Crystal Lake, the PET program (Parent Effectiveness Training) starts April 3 and is under the direction of James R. McClung, clinical psychologist, Lake County Mental Health center, and Rev. dames W. Bidle, senior minister of First Congregational church. In terested individuals may obtain complete course and registration information by contacting Rev. Bidle at 459- 6010. SHOW FINE MOVIE "King of Kings, the great old movie of the story of Christ, by Cecil B. DeMille, will be shown at Chain O'Lakes Covenant church, Wilmot road, Pistakee Highlands, Sunday, March 28, at 6:30 p.m. Prepared Products Prepared poultry food products --canned boned poultry, frozen dinners and pies, and specialty items, such as poultry a lading, cacciatore, chop suey, and stew --must be prepared under the inspection of the U.S. Depart ment of Agriculture if they are to be sold in interstate commerce. Daily Luncheon Special! Cup of Soup \NlJ BBQ Sandwich nrn 99 Cullom Knoll Tavern •» \n>pU I 'arKinu • " Pining Kooms • ( a ri v Outs 385-9712 M" tZ " SkyJ' /ne~ X m f M c H m m n t Pray for the Devil Within Her -- before it preys on you! "THE DEVIL WITHIN HER" Q A RE-RELEASE TOM LAUGHLIN as BILLY JACK in BORN LOSERS" CULT ofthe'DAMNEDl BIT PROFESSIONAL carpet chaning mutts! (ktiaitpmtffpmi) RENT OUR RINSE N VAC-the now portabla. easy-to-use hot water extraction carpet cleaning machine t h a t g u t t y . . . . • rineee carpet fiber* with hot. water and cleaning eolation / • Ioobowb end lifts all dirt. grime end residues to the carpet surface where they are immedietely a •̂ •yoer carpets Elian, fresh andi ODOR-FREEiBflH Jf tr I- Rant laranly ($2% HW„ * PER >9.00 MIN.) HOUR OVERNIGHT SPECIAL! 8:00 P.M.-9:00 A.M. $10.00 HORNSBYS ^ f a m i l y c c n t c n ^ 4400 W. ROUTE 120 MtHENRY. ILL 1 f ,