TORKELSON LINCOLN-MERCURY Not Always The Cheapest, But Always The Best Deal!1 WERE SEfMNG-UP ONLY THE CLEANEST AND MOST DEPENDABLE USED CARS DURING OUR SPRING SPECIAL/ Full Power, Light Yellow Gold. Full Power including: AM-FM Stereo,OJ Power windows & seats. 3,000 miles. ^ '75 COMET 2 DR. SEDAN 6 Cylinder, Auto., P.S., AM Radio, ^ Vinyl Roof, Whitewall Radial Tires, m 9,000 Miles. " '75 COMET 4 DR. SEDAN 6 Cylinder, Auto., P.S., AM Radio, Vinyl Roof, Whitewall Radial Tires. C 7,000 Miles. 6 Cylinder, Auto., Power Steering, C AM Radio, Whitewall Tires. ^ '74 M0NTEG0 2 DR. H.T, 6 Cylinder, Auto., P.S., Radio, a Whitewall Tires. 24,000 Miles. J 4 Cylinder, Auto., AM Radio, Electric Rear Defroster. 28,000 Miles. Gold Metallic, Full Power, Full Power, Green Metallic, SERVICE agr SALES 8-5 9-9 Mon.-Fri. Mon. thru Fri. . • j " 9-5 Sat Sat 8-12 ^ _ 11 To 4 Sun.y--x | 5 T O R K E L S O N [ L I N C 0 L N M E R C U R Y : < ^ D M t n w m u . > ^^McHENRY, ILL 46 M W. RT. 120 - JUST WIST Of TOWN 815-344-1200 0AHYREKTftL> \STSUI*a^ WAsi\ 7 about \R«mNG CONSUMER GUIDELINES Saturday & Sunday March 27 & 28 - 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Carefree living for just a little less. X] Charles (Chuck) Weingart Donald P. Doherty V] Pat Dusthimer Vj William Campbell WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL VOTERS FOR THEIR SUPPORT DURING THE Democratic Primary on Tuesday, March 16th At Chicago Flowr And Garden Show PAGE Hi - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MARv'H 26. 1976 MCC Awarded Modal PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest* in our community. Our only request is that the writers give - signature, full ad dress and phone number. We ask too, that one in dividual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we con sider libelous or in objec- tional taste.) CITY TOPICS "Dear Editor, "As a McHenry area resident, I have been concerned lately with the demise of the old bridge. Several weeks ago I read where city, township, and county officials were going to tear her down. I attended a meeting where these officials had gathered to explain their actions. "Quite frankly, I was satisfied with their ex planation. I know the traffic problem in McHenry and when annual street sale will be held Saturday, March 27. Scouts will have cookie stations set up inside McHenry's financial institutions. Mrs. Barbara Williams, cookie chairman for Valley View neighborhood, reports that 11,480 boxes of cookies have been sold throughout the area. Proceeds from the sale of cookies will help to renovate the Girl Scout camping area at Shabbona Hills, near Wood stock. Individual troops also benefit by sales, to be used at their own discretion on troop activities. Mrs. Williams and all the scouts acknowledge that the success of the cookie sale is due to the support of the McHenry area citizens. they presented their findings I felt they were justified in Cheir actions, "Judging by your Musin' and Meanderin' columns and by all the letters you have printed concerning the old bridge, it's obvious you, too, are concerned with this issue. Yet you did not attend that meeting. Why not? "Just the other day I was walking by a news stand and saw a headline that read, 'Aldermen Criticize Mayor's Action,' That caught my at tention and so I picked up the paper and started reading. Needless to say, it aroused my interest so I bought it. Ob viously the mayor came under sharp criticism for the firing of the city auditor. It sounds as if the high point of the meeting was the aldermen's attack on the mayor's actions. "I was there and this is not so. Mayor Stanek's explanation of his action was the high point. I sat there in stunned silence as the mayor told us about thousands of dollars in non- interest bearing accounts since 1961. And another non-interest bearing account started in 1956! He then read a letter from the comptroller's office stating the city was in violation of the law and that our revenue sharing was in jeopardy. "We then heard about $60,000 in the payroll account. Why not put most of that in an interest bearing account and with- it when needed? A letter from Lester Witte and Assoc. in formed us that there is no entry in the ledger from May of 1975 to date! "The mayor told us there was a $200,000 deficit, that the city was in bad financial troubles and a month later he was told the city would make it. He told us he was given no explanation as to why this took place. "The mayor was well in formed, his evidence was well documented and it seems to me that there is more than enough mered out and formed by hand. Usually the stone set in this silver jewelry is blue turquoise. Coral and other translucent white moon stones are also used. A beautiful home like this can be yours in only 45 days. Welcome to the wonderful world of Mill-Craft! . . . here is a treas ure trove of the most beautiful homes you could imagine, all built under the most rigid quality control standards in the industry . . . •Care-free exteriors & interiors •Fully carpeted throughout •Oak vinyl trim and doors •Textured drywall and paneling •Fully insulated •Full 1 year warranty •Financing assistance •Aluminum siding and eaves V2 Mile South of Rt. 14 on Rose Farm Rd. to Shannonwood Acres then one Block East to Model. BAM) RATES SUPERIOR -- The McHenry Junior high school hand received a first division (superior) rating Saturday. March 20. at the district band contest. The contest was held at Avon ( enter school. Lake Villa. The band will now compete in the state contest Saturday, May l. This band has received a superior rating for three consecutive years. Carl Kohrt is the director. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD I al's Restaurant .^nonstock • Marcnjii MODM R t . 1 7 6 P & F Builders Phone 815-459-0035 • Shannonwood Acres niir I i Woodstock & «• % • . . Scout Cookies Arrive McHenry area residents will be happy to know that Girl Scout cookies have arrived and have been distributed to all Scouts in the Valley View neighborhood. The girls will be making cookie deliveries to their customers until April 2. Checks are acceptable for payment and should be made payable to Sybaquay Girl Scout council. For those who were unable to order cookies in advance, the McHenry County college's ornamental horticulture exhibit at the Chicago flower and Garden show has won the Massachusetts Horticulture Society Silver medal.' The medal was presented to MCC for the garden or exhibit done by an amateur group that , stimulates interest in the use of plants and provides the most useful information to the general public. Students from the MCC Agriculture department hold scheduled demonstrations throughout the show to inform the public on floral design, flower insect problems, plant propagation and turf grasses. The students also answer any questions visitors may have on landscaping. McHenry County college invites all residents in the district to attend the show at McCormick Place and visit its award winning display. reason to fire the auditor. As for the criticisms he recieved, they had nowhere near the impact or the significance that your paper gives them. Come now, Plaindealer, as Mr. Walsh himself said, '...fairness never hurt anyone.' Let's present the facts as they really are, not as you'd like them to be. "Sincerely yours, "Charles Samuels" (Editor's note: Regarding bridge meeting, a Plaindealer representative was in at tendance and reported proceedings in full. We have only three staff members to cover a growing community and on this particular night our personal commitment was to another meeting). CANCER CRUSADE WORKERS - McHenry county workers prepare for the 1976 Cancer Crusade with the annual kick-off dinner. The formal drive to raise funds to help fight cancer begins April l. From left, front, are Eva Freund, Burton chairman; Mrs. Charles Jinga, Greenwood chairman; and Marcellus Senne, McHenry County Crusade chairman; in back. Dr. John Mitchell, Illinois Division District I Crusade chairman; Shirley Dawson, Emma Kattner, Agnes May and Deloris May, Burton Crusade volunteers. \ (DON PEASLEY PHOTOGRAPHY) American indian jewelry usually is made of silver and formed into a flower or other design from nature. It is, or appears to be ham- A smiling J ana Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. W illiams, a Junior Girl Scout, distributes first box of cookies sold in recent drive. The cookies arrived this week and will be delivered in the davs ahead. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD <