/ PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH », lf7« GOOD NEWS - A scuba diver from the Civil Defense office conies to the surface of the river Tuesday night to report to Sgt. Dan Kinnerk that he can find no other occupant of submerged car than Steve Leary, the driver. Leary was taken to % \ McHenry hospital in poor condition, but was much improved Wednesday. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Village of McHenry Shores Inge Aide 344-1984 Regular Meeting Of Board Acta On Full Agenda At the regular meeting of the board of trustees of the village of McHenry Shores on March 17, all were present with the exception of trustee Russ Bingham. The treasurer made her report to the board. The resignation of Treasurer Jackie Mateja was accepted by the Unescorted Ladies Night TUESDAY & THURSDAY 25 DRINK FROM 7 PM TILL I AM ALL BLENDED & CREAMED DRINKS NOT INCLUDED Sportsman Inn i 3914 Main St. McHenry board members. A formal motion will be made at the next board meeting to appoint Linda Luerssen as the new treasurer. President Lillegard informed the board that the next mayor's meeting will be held on March 24 at the McHenry Country club. A motion by the chairman of the Public Health and Safety committee, John Kovotny, that the board accept the recom mendations in the committee report dated March 17, per taining to the obstructions on the southwest corner of Riverside drive and Kinley, was passed unanimously by all present. Trustee Ed Olbinski suggested some changes in the building code ordinance, specifically regarding the grading of vacant lots, a penalty amendment and a certificate ot occupancy amendment. Action regarding these proposed changes will be taken at the next board meeting. The amendment to the building code ordinance, pertaining to grading and foundation, was accepted and designated McHenry Shores ordinance no. 2 7. . There was a lengthy discussion regarding the park grant. If the village is to par ticipate further in the grant, two certified appraisals of the proposed property will be needed. There will be ad ditional discussion of this item at the next meeting. Locations for the new street lights have been chosen. Commonwealth Edison will start installation during the first part of May, weather permitting. The board authorized President Lillegard and the chairman of the Streets, Water and Sewer committee, Russ Bingham, to lift the weight limits within the village on a day by day basis if the road WANT BIG CAPACITY? I I o Lp oint Washes 18-pounds of Mixed Heavy Fabrics Model WLW3300 • Two speed flexibility •Normal and Gentle! • Permanent Press/ polyknit cycle • Heavy, normal or light soil settings • Four water level selections Porcelain-enamel fin ish wash basket • Bleach Dispenser • Rinse Agent Dispenser THIS WEEKEND ONLY! *>esX THIS WEEKEND ONLY WANT MODERATE CAPACITY? t t o t p o i n t Washes 14-pounds of Mixed Heavy Fabrics Model WLW2500 • Two speed flexibility - Normal and Gentle • Heavy, normi . _ soil settings, plus delicate McHenry Chamber of Commerce FRIDAY BUSINESS ONE MILE EAST OF McHENRY ON RTE. 120 BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY!!! • Three water level selec tions • Three wash temperature selections • Bleach Dispenser • Porceiein-enemel finish wash basket CUSTOMER CARE ... EVERYWHERE Fast Dependable Service YOU'LL FIND THE HOTPOINT WASHER SIZE YOU WANT AT E & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. Front (S. Rte. 31) McHeniy, III. 385-0882 FULL SIZE PERFORMANCE IN A MID-SIZE MOTORCYCLE --RD 350 B-- GET THE BEST DEAL FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD DEALER NOW AT SPECIAL PRICE I *799 00 PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE: SET UP, FREIGHT, STATE and LOCAL TAXES "SOMEDAY, YOU'LL OWN A YAMAHA " WOODSTOCK 1601 S. Route 47--Woodstock, III. 60098-915-338-6454 conditions are favorable. Contractors with building permits will be notified in such a case. In order to find out what the situation will be on any given day, you should call the McHenry Shores village hall (385-8500) around 2 p.m. the day before. Leon Zelvis answered a statement made by Mrs. Lamphier that the processing of building permits is too slow. Building permits are processed within one week. Only if there is a violation of building codes, etc. in the plans, permits might be delayed, in which case the village and its employees are not responsible for the delay. A motion was passed to grant permission to William (Pinky) Pinkonsly, Sr., to remove a lilac bush on the right-of-way adjacent to his propery. The village clerk's office hours have been changed to Tuesday and Friday, 2 to 4 p.m. MESSAGE TO ANONYMOUS An anonymous letter has been received by the village president, Mrs. Lillegard, and since she has no other means of communicating with the person who sent it, she has instructed me to inform the sender that she will look into the matter. LIGHT UP FOR YOUR PROTECTION In the last few weeks, three | 4-H NEWS i LINCOLN CLOVERLEAVES The March meeting of the Lincoln Cloverleaves was called to order by President Judy Vyduna. The American pledge was said by Cara Jepsen and the 4-H pledge by Chris Dixon. The treasurer reported a balance of $122.15. The Share-The-Fun skit was discussed in which we placed second in the county and first alternate to the State Fair. The members who participated in the Share-The-Fun gave our advisor, Mrs. Vyduna, a plant and thanked the other mothers who helped us, Mrs. Fink- beiner, Mrs. Podpora, and Mrs. Snyder. Shelly Von Bruenchenheim and Chris Dixon were ap pointed club tour organizers. Meetings were planned for Foods, Sewing, Rabbits, Cat Care^Voodworking, Elec- tricit^fnd Photography. The meeting was adjourned followed by a slide presentation about Chile, games and refreshments. Robin Nolan, Reporter small burglaries have been reported in the village. In several incidents there was no outside light on. So, please, remember, it is for your protection if you leave a light on to discourage burglars and to assist the police in spotting irregularities. MISSING CHILDREN A lot of people were worried about several incidents of missing children in the past weeks. Fortunately all kids were found safe and sound, in several instances with neigh bors or friends, who had no idea of the uproar at all. Maybe it would be a good idea for all of us to check with a child's parents even though the kid is convinced he told his mother where he went. Sometimes the little darlings forget little things or they change their minds on the way. In any case, it only takes a few minutes to ONLY BONELESS FILETS fj IDAHO FRIES OR [J TATO PANCAKES ft TOSSED SALAD H CHOICE OF v\ DRESSING, / & B U T T E R A R O L L i t \ l E V E R Y F R I D A Y N I T E FISII FRY A L L T H E F I S H Y O U C A N E A T ' A C O M P L E I E D I N N E R vm ^ V f - ' T O N Y B A L D I N O . O W N E R / M A N A G E R GOLDEN BEAR 6000 NORTHWEST HIGHWAY CRYSTAL LAKE Now In Stock Olympic Stains OIL - ACRYLIC - OVERCOAT EZ5 -i 'j • 909 N. Front ALEXANDER LUMBER McHenry, III. LABOR OF LOVE - Mrs. Helen Wittenwe^ member of St Paul's Episcopal church, McHenry, to shown wKing on a needlepoint luieeler for the communion rail of the new church. Mrs. Wittenweg to using designs for the entire altar sanctuary from those made for the National Episcopal cathedral In Washington D.C. make that phone call, and it might reassure a very anxious parent. Don't you agree? Especially for newcomers, this can be a frightening experience because of the proximity of water. It was nice, though, to see how many people cared enough to take part in the search for the kids. Thanks to all of them. SHORELINE WAVES At the meeting of the Shoreline club on March 16, chairpersons were elected for the events of the rest of the year. It was decided that from now on the club meetings will be followed by a card party. So, if you are interested in some fun, come on over and join the club and the party. The next meeting will be held on April 20, at 717 S. Brodway. A proposal was accepted to establish an emergency transportation service for shut- ins. If you are unable to drive and have to go to the doctor, to the grocery store, etc., call 385- 1547 for help. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Birthday wishes go to Ed ward O'Connor on March 31, and lots of good luck! * * * * It 's often tiresome to work for the pay you get but that's the way it is. GOOD WORD from {he Ihbk Thou shalt not see thy brother's ox or his sheep go astray, and hide thyself from them; thou shalt in any case bring them again unto thy brother. And if thy brother be not nigh unto thee, or thou know him not, then thou shalt bring it unto thine own house, and it shall be with thee until thy brother seek after it, and thou shalt re store it to him again. Deuteronomy 22: 1, 2 Rice Advice When cooking brown, long grain milled and parboiled rice, it's important to maintain a con stant heat during the entire cooking period. The rice doesn't get done if the heat is lowered too much and it sticks to the pan if the heat is raised too high. The heat should be lowered just enough to allow a small amount of steam to escape around the edge of the lid throughout the cooking period. Remember, one cup of brown rice equals about 2Vz cups when cooked. Firestone Deluxe Champion Tires " WHITEWALLS tocoo M i i w a • w C 7 8 - 1 4 I mi wi ll E78-14. 428 MifJfiU F78-14 330 myH'Ma G78-14 or 15 $32 H78-14 or 15. 335 L78-15 $38 Grant Batteries ™ 510°L * - McHENRY TIRE MART 3931 W. MAIN 385-0294 ARMOR CARPET 1311 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry FREE ESTIMATES FINANCING AVAILABLE SHORT SHAGS CHOICE OF TWO STYLES & 34 COLORS $Q95 rw sq. YD. Solids - Tweeds - Multicolors SCULPTURE SHAGS vv.5 f "v • - . * * .. * ;V * • f , v. s \ >** CHOICE OF TWO STYLES & 19 COLORS $Q95 SQ. YD. dOOPE* HI-LOW SCULPTURE TEN COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM '8 95 SQ. YD. ALL ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE CUSTOM TACKLESS INSTALLATION OVER FOAM RUBBER PADDING Kitchen Carpet $495 3 STYLES WITH FOAM BACKING • I