Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Mar 1976, p. 5

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Ringwood News 653-9008 653-9262 728-0295 CHEMISTRY ASSISTANCE - Dr. Seymour, research chemist for Chemplex company. Rolling Meadows, assists MCC student Robert Mueller of McHenry, in determining the product of an organic chemistry reaction. Dr. SchmuUer is one of the professional people brought in to teach the laboratory portion of the Organic Chemistry course at McHenry County college. His services and those of other professionals were obtained by John Konitzer, chairman of the Natural Science division at the college through die generosity of chemical companies in the McHenry county area. Big Postal Saving With Correct Address Mail users could prevent some delivery delays and save the Postal service some $330 million a year by using correct and complete addresses. "Every day, more than ten million pieces of mail with incorrect, incomplete » or illegible addresses come into the nation's post offices," Postmaster Leroy Smith said this week. "We try hard to deliver this mail, but the time and effort spent forwarding or returning it to the sender adds a tremendous expense to our operation." Postmaster Smith said "undeliv^rable as addressed" mail can be forwarded, providing the addressee moved and left a forwarding address. "But the forwarding process causes at least a day's delay in delivery," he added. Smith said a correct address means a complete address. "We have almost as much trouble with partially ad­ dressed mail as we do with inaccurately addressed mail", he s^ld. ,« Postmaster Smith, stressed the importance of a return address. "Incorrectly addressed letters and parcels that cannot be delivered but have return addresses are returned to the sender. Those without return addresses end up in the dead letter office where they are opened in an effort to find the address of the sender or ad­ dressee. When neither is found, the mail just can't be delivered oi\ returned," he commented. Smith had this tip for mailing parcels: Securely wrap and tie packages and include ad­ dresses of sender and ad­ dressee inside the package as well as outside. He noted that a complete address x.for residential mail should include full name, apartment number if\ applicable, compass direction (E-W-N or S), name of street and whether street, lane, drive, road, court, boulevard, city, state and Zip code. He em­ phasized the importance of the compass direction and street, boulevard, etc., because there are many with the same numbers and the only dif­ ference is the compass direction or whether street, boulevard, etc. The Zip code continues to be very important. Unzipped mail takes more time since it is bypassed by machine handling to an extra manual handling. Postmaster Smith said a business address should in­ clude name of the individual, department^ organization, OT»m number, street address, city, state and Zip code. He said addresses should not only be correct, but legible. "We have a terrible time trying to decipher some addresses," he said. Many forget that they have no problem reading their own writing only because they know what they have written. "And finally", Postamster Smith said, "don't forget the postage. Letters without postage are returned to the sender, and if there is no return address, letters are sent to the dead letter office." Birthdays, Trawls, Paint Party Abaut Town Those attending a surprise birthday party for Bonnie Stalker last Sunday evening were Rich and Chris Gillespie. Walt and Doris Low, Patti Miller and Dan Hansen 'Twas a surprise, too. Ray Low and Ken Moehling traveled to Colorado and on to California the last couple of weeks. While in California, they spent a few days with Ray's sister, Donna Meyer and family, and they visited a friend of Ken's in San Diego, then on- home through Arkansas. Thev saw the Earl Betts and another friend on their way up through Missouri. Think they sort of hated to come home to the cold. Tom Sawyer party was a lot of fun last Friday night. There weren't as many there as they had hoped for but there is a lot more to do so that others may participate and help with the painting, etc., at another time. See you then, cause we'll let you know when. BLOCK PARTY North Ridgeway folks that would be interested in a block party sometime this summer should contact Joyce Lehman, 728-0308. Sounds like fun so call Joyce and share your ideas. REMEMBER - RUMMAGE SALE Hours today for the rummage sale at the Ringwood church are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. "Coffee and" served this forenoon. Hours tomorrow, Saturday, are 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Set Topic For Annual Meeting Of Lung Unit "Occupational Lung Disease" will be the topic of a short address which will highlight the annual dinner meeting of the DuPage- McHenry Lung association, to be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 31, at the Itasca Country club. M. Kendall Bird, Crystal Lake, association president, said that the public is invited, provided that reservations reach the lung association in Woodstock by March 29 by telephoning 338-6675. "With more and more in­ dustries locating in our suburban communities, oc­ cupational lung illnesses are becoming of great importance to all of us," Bird said. "Our speaker will be Rodney Musselman of the University of Illinois School of Public Health in Chicago, one of the u n i v e r s i t y ' s m o r e knowledgeable persons in this field." In recent months, the Christmas Seal agency has been providing pulmonary function tests for community groups and industrial workers in the two counties, with its new machine acquired from the Price on March 29 and March 30 is Diane (Christopher) Linstad's special day. Nancy Parsley and Audry (Andreas) Smith will celebrate on March 31. April 1 will be Crystal Harrison's day and March 2 is Laura Ackerman. and Rusty Cemy's day to celebrate another year each. March 3 is Katherine Pearson's and Ar­ thur Walker's special day with Mary Baker and Candida Bounds celebrating the same day. Birthday wishes go to Cherie Spencer on March 27, and to Richard Bounds. Albert Mecham and Amy Olson on March 28 Happy birthday to all of you. THINGS TO REMEMBER Rummage sale - Ringwood church - Friday, March 26 - 9 a.m. to 5p.m. Saturday, March 27 - 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Sunday, March 28 Ringwood church •• Church Services -- 9:15 a.m. Church School - 9:45 a.m. Wednesday, March 31, UMW workshop - members contact Althea Walkington. Fish can use your help - Volunteers - call 728-0121 Educational Symposium At U of I April 3 Dr. Wm Kohl and DuWayne Sheldon, county co-chairmen of the Dads association at University of Illinois. Urbana- Champaign campus, reported there will be an educational symposium on the campus this spring which will be of interest to parents, students and the general U of 1. family On Saturday afternoon April 3, at 1:30 p.m.. at the Law building. Chancellor Jack W Peltason and Vice-Chancellor Morton W Weir will discuss an academic question of major concern to parents and students The question is. "Should institutions of higher education such as the University of Illinois place greater emphasis on career-oriented courses and pre-professional training in planning job-related curriculums and degree programs as opposed to the more traditional "pure humanities-broad liberal education?" Chairman Kohl can be reached at his home, 4218 W. Crestwood, McHenry, for additional information. PAGE I Feature Handbell Choir On Noye Fludde Program I Village of Sunnyside Evelyn Sandell 385-2696 V' ' > ' HERE AND THERE Mrs. Lil Ringelstitter of Butternut, Wi., with her son and daughter-in-law, were Sunday visitors at the Brennan- Hepburn home. The Russell Soddys of Kenosha visited on Saturday. Folks dropping .by to visit Aunt Nellie Hepburn'were Mrs. Theresa Nelson, Clara Klapperich, Mrs. Rose Neuharth and Kenny Brennan. Lil Visconti and Aunt Nellie visited the Merv Huff family at Richmond. NEW ADDITION The Silzers have welcomed a new kid to their family this past week - the four legged kind. It will need and get a lot of tender loving care from the Silzers. BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday goes to Chris Four Enjoy Celebrations We would like to wish Ann Gamperl, a very happy belated birthday on the fifteenth. Esther Schneider had her day on March 17, Josephine Mullen celebrated her birthday on March 19 and Leo Backs had his day on the twenty-first. TURN ONS Many, many more to all ot you DOG-SITTING We were dog-sitting for my daughter's dog last week while she and her family went to Florida. I guess he missed his home in Des Plaines because he kept running away all the time. APOLOGY I'm sorry I didn't get my article in the paper last week, but I had to do my civic duty at the poles. HUNTLEY HANDBELL ' CHOIR English handbells and the music of contemporary English composer Benjamin Britten are combined in Noye's Fludde (Noah's Flood), a 12th-century Miracle play set to music by Britten, scheduled to begin at 8 p.m., Saturday, March 27. and Sunday, March 28. in St. Thomas church. Oak street and Rte 176. Crystal Lake There will be no seating later than 8 p m due to the show's staging requirements Noye's Fludde is the concluding ac­ tivity of McHenry county's Conductor-in-Residence (CIR) program. The entire production lasts slightly less than one hour CIR officials feel that the length and subject matter make Noye's Fludde ideal family entertainment H u n t l e y ' s F i r s t Congregational church adult handbell choir will play their English-made handbells in the concluding segment of the production According to Helen Marlowe, the church's Minister of Music, handbells are made in the United States, Holland, and England. Of the three, it was felt that the English handbells produced more mellow tones. This choir is one of four age- PLA IN DEALER-FRIDAY. MARCH M. I«M level groups in the church Begun eleven years ago as an activity to interest congregation members in church choir participation, the handbell choirs have toured churches throughout the area and southern Illinois and In­ diana Overtures, the journal of the American Guild of Handbell Ringers, recently featured the Huntley group. Handbell players par­ ticipating in Noye's Fludde are David Hill. Gerry Lange. Tammy Ream. Linda Weirich, Mary Lou Hardy, Marge Marlowe and Helen Marlowe. Dr Elmer Thomas. McHenry county Conductor-in- Residence, will conduct the forty member orchestra comprised of the handbells, recorders, strings, and per­ cussion Assisting in the production are Art Thorsen. Crystal Lake, as director and James Kenna, Crystal Lake, technical director. Dawn Schreiber of Cary is the dance director Costumes are under the supervision of Dottie Wicklas, Crystal Lake Vernon Hajeck, Woodstock, is preparing the Ripieno string orchestra Sue Clark. Wood­ stock, is in charge of ticket sales Tickets may be purchased in advance by contacting McHenry residents. John Leighty and Eleanor Locker. Tickets will be sold at the door preceding each performance. The National Endowment for the Arts. Illinois Arts council. Woodstock Fine Arts association, and private con­ tributors have provided fun­ ding for the CIR program which is a national pilot project Milk Greep Milk is one of the four basic food groups Make sure the milk you drink contains vitamin D --homogemied or fortified low fat milk Adults need two cups daily, children and teens need three to four cups daily You can get milk valueirom cream soups, yogurt, cheeses and ice cream everythings coming UP green on green street! HOW DID YOU BECOME 90 POOR? I JUST NEVER COULD SAY •NO" TO A FRIEND IN NEED. Everyone is an expert when it comes to making predictions. proceeds of the association's benefit dinner-dance held in Crystal Lake last October. The tests determine lung capacity and could possibly detect the presence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders, such as emphysema, an increasing cause of lost man hours for the nation's work force: Election of officers and members of the Lung association's board of directors for terms of one year will also take place at the March 31 meeting. * * * * An executive is one who cannot work unless he has assistants. foods, cocktails and dancing. Entertainment EVERY FRI. & SAT. MITE! Now Appearing. MARCH 26 & 27 THE FABULOUS "THE SILENT MUSIC FOR ALL AGES! 385-3120 "1 4th Annual mitli flower show now blooming in our lobby It's Flower Show time again at McHENRY SAVINGS. Stop in now to see our mini garden ... get a free whiff of spring. Open to the public every week day but Wednesday. But hurry . . our show closes soon! § SUNDAT BRUNCH* RETURNING SOON! ////lllll 11 IllUWV Y Permanent Wave Specials reg. reg. reg. reg. •15- PERMANENT •17- PERMANENT •20- PERMANENT •25- PERMANENT NOW NOW NOW THE CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB IS LOOKING FOR : SALESMEN Excellent opportunity for aggressive sales repre­ sentatives to work with and be trainedby our DISTRICT MANAGERS. Openings at our Elgin and Woodstock branch offices. Work on salary and commission with excellent fringe bene­ fits. No overnight travels. Call (312) 741-2038 or (815) 338-1818 to arrange for a confidential interview. {Jncfudc cSdafiLncf, cSfiamfioo (LONG HAIR AND BLOW DRYING ADDITIONAL) PRICES IN EFFECT TILL APRIL 14th SENIOR CITIZENS SPECIAL MORE GREEN FOR YOUR 6REENI Earn as high as 7 %% . . . 7-%% CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 6-TT% CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT $5000 minimum - 6 years $1000 minimum - 1 year 7-V4% CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 5-%% CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT $1000 minimum - 4 years $1000 minimum - 90 days 6-%% CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 5 V«% PASSBOOK ACCOUNT $1000 minimum - 2'^ years Any amount, $1.00 minimum MON. - TUES. & WED. reg. •15- PERM FOR •10°° SPECIAL SAVERS SERVICE! New McHenry Savings interest period starts April 1 ... get in on our big earnings. We'll be glad to transfer your savings from any other financial institution. Just bring in your passbook and we'll handle all details without charge! i ft <3 iund IOficning (Of (D ut cNcw c/lddilion CAPTAINS CHAIR MEN'S HAIRSTYLING ROOM HEAD INTO SUMMER WITH A NEW LOOK STYLED ESPECIALLY FOR YOU. BRING IN THIS AD AND RECEIVE HALF OFF ON YOUR STYLE CUT AND CONDITIONER & BLOW DRY iWteter'a Coitfures 3701 W. ELM ST., McHENRY • AIR CONDITIONED • FREE PARKING 385-7550 OPEN 6 DAYS 8:30 A.M. TO 5 P.M. MON.-WED. 8:30 A.M. TO 7 P.M. THURS. & FRI. 8:00 A.M. TO 3 P.M. SAT. i McHENRY S A V I N G S • IM« tiitntuM McHenry Savings V * N O l O A N A S S O C I A T I O N ^ ^ ESLE Va '385 300C SAVERS HOURS 9 00am to 430pm Monday Tuesdar-*«d Tt*jf*»ay 9 00 am to i DO f' day 9 00 a m to 3 00 p m Saturday McHenry D' ve-m A n<jo* open yVed^esday 9 00 a m to 2 TQ P m Closed Weariescay ,n Richmond McHENRY MONEY machine OPEN 2* hRS a CA D

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