SECTION 2-PAGKh i ' l . Vl\l»» \l » K V\KD\KSDAY. MARCII3I. 1976 ::. Mi &»•#* * 'v X \ / \ . % * * ' I ,4. • Sfe:*!::::: Cafe Curtain Sets Reg. 2.97 Excellent assortment of cloth cafe curtain sets in solid colors & prints in a variety of fabrics, styles, & weaves. 1 Vinyl Show.r Curtains Reg. 3.97 HORNSBYS s-- family centers ^ 56 9W 2 distinct patterns from which to a stunning array of colors Each boxed vinyl shower curtain has 12 matching shower hooks. *2 A SPRING SHOWER OF FASHION! 'Bicentennial Throw Rugs Limited Edition. . .Collector's ̂ Item. 31" x 46" decorator throw rugs. 100 per cent nylon pile. Great for wall hangings and ~47 Ladies' Blouses Polyester mock twin blouse in assorted colors ft prints. (Reg. A extra sizes) vM'Xw; SSSF V Silver Star Fashion Luggage Soft side luggage, 6-pc. set 15"-20". Reg. 9.87 to 11.87 Reg. 39.97 wmmm Panasonic 23 O.v.wlw!; ;XvXv;;X;X;X;XxXvIvXvX;|;X^^^;; X.vjv.v.vXv.v.vXvXv- X'X'XvXwX'Xy-•XwXw'.vX1' mm? PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., MARCH 31 THRU SUN., APRIL 4 Prices effective while quantities last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Rte. 47 & Country Club Road Woodstock, III. 4400 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, III. Take exciting pictures with Polaroid's newest land camera. NkntfiPmriil Plat OvtfH Mfflr AT96 w gr. •• m m # Contains Pronto, film, carry ' case, pocket album and morel ;XvXvX;X;X;Xy ;XvX;X;XvX;X;' >>v.v.v.v.v.' Knit Shirts Orig. $8-$l 5 Close-out on popular brand short sleeve shirts I*" Discount prices plus service and quality add up to tremendous value. Compare our film developing prices ft be surprised at the savings. X:X:XvXv wWWMMMCWfti' X-X-XvX-XvXwX; *»»»»x.x*x* •X.X»Xw>X«X.X«X ^SS^SSSSSHfiS» X-X-XW-XwX mSaSSmSKSSK ^••.v.v.v.v.v. "S-X'XvX XvXvX " >X*X;X Reg. 2.87 Soft rubbar not* I foam fins. Fun to fly -- fun to catch. IWXvl liiillfe... .%%v.v.w.v.w>ww:w«,Kv»XvW,:*Ww .vx-x': .v.v.v.v.v. Round Laundry Basket No. 155 Tricot lining, insolo padding and ropo wodgo styling. Woman's sisas. Our entire stock marked 9.87 to 11.87 NOW 7.87 Many styles & colors. Cot.-poly, short sheeve shirts in asst. solids ft stripes. (4-7). : : ;.v.;.v.v.»v.v. w.w.wXwW>X^X ,X,!,i v.. iW .v.v.v. .v.v. ̂CImnmmI B. Radio V.V.V.V.V %V.V .V.v.v.v . v.\ 1 bu. size I Avocado/Harvest Gold : .'.v.v. Reg. 27.96 •xxxxx*: xX;X: X*X*X*SX .*XvXvX\v •XvX'IvXvX :::x:x:x:x:::x X«X*>X*»> •X.v.v.v.v.v .v.v.v Reg. 162.76 •V. ;.,.;.;.V.V.V.V v.v. ^x:x:x:x:x>:x>:x::>:::x:::x:::xx Reg. 23.87 •X'Xv!;!;X;|} ?x§£:$: Easily mounted and axtromaiy strong and flaxiblo. For CB trans caivars, mobila or baso rigs. In structions indudod. ;.jlvlji;X; ;X;XvX £*x&^x*x«x*x«xtt*x*x:x*x*x* v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.vXv.v.vX- CB-PA switch, Squolch control and much moral Reg. 76* v.v .v.v.v.v.v. xWx*xXv-•XvXvXvX v.'.v.v.v.v.v.v. WE'LL HELP YOU PUT THE LID ON HIGH PRICES! ON OR OFF THE COURT . . . YOU'LL NET THE SAVINGS AT HORNSBY S! vx>:::xvx:::x-::>x::'x:::x>%::w ,T^a^v::x*XvXvX v.v. Tempered aluminum frame and leather grip. Asst. color hardwood press with racket cover ft ball pocket. High quality A long wearing I In yellow or white. 3-can. Reg. 2.96 Pllabia man-mod* materials on bouncy crop* soi*s. Wom*n's siz*s We have them NOW I Get yours while they are still available. 8 bicentennial design fars, rings & Imprinted lids. Anchor Hocking Commomorativo