Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Apr 1976, p. 19

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POLICE GROUP SPEAKS OUT FOR SALARY INCREASES (Continued from page 1) McHenry's health insurance coverage on a family rate basis is worth over a $100 a month and other county departments' insurances are far inferior. Pepping also handed out a comparison of clerical wages for municipal employees in Crystal Lake, Fox Lake, Harvard and the proposed wages for McHenry's clerical help. The wages are, minimum to maximum: Crystal Lake, $127 to $146; Harvard, $136 to $175 and Fox Lake, $125 to $163. McHenry's proposed wages are $116 minimum and $164 maximum. These are weekly wages. Pepping noted that all the aldermen were present at the Finance committee meeting Friday "except the two aldermen who charged that the clerical help was grossly overpaid." He was referring to Aldermen Walther Schaedel and La Verne Hromec. "That charge isn't true," Pepping said. "The pay we are proposing is right in the ball park. I hope this puts to rest once and for all the charges that our clerical people are being overpaid." The Finance committee recommended that a 40-hour week was to become standard for patromen, sergeants and the lieutenant. This places all city employees on a 40-hour week except part-time help The committee also specified that in regard to police uniform allowance, all new employees will be required to purchase their initial uniform. This cost will be reimbursed after the employee satisfactorily completes one year of service. Each year thereafter, the city will give policemen $125 to maintain their uniforms. The city buys the leather jackets for policemen and replaces them as they wear out. These cost about $100 each. The uniform allowance can be used to replace anything the officers wear except their guns. To clear up confusion regarding holidays, the com­ mittee stated that police of­ ficers will be given the option of taking compensatory time off or receiving pay at the straight time rate for all holidays. Anyone who elects the option of pay in lieu of time off will receive a check for the number of holidays not taken not later that Dec. 20 of each year This will go into effect May 1, 1976 Regarding compensatory time off in lieu of overtime pay for officers beyond the rank of lieutenant, compensatory time off may be scheduled during the current 28-day pay period. If it is impossible to schedule this time off during the current pay period, overtime shall be paid. Compensatory time off may be deferred beyond the current pay period only with the approval of the individual officer and only a maximum of 8 hours compensatory time may be deferred. Mrs. ' Shirley Jenkins, c o m m u n i c a t i o n s d e s k dispatcher, brought up the matter of salaries for dispat­ chers. This was in connection with the fact that dispatchers are only making 10 cents an hour more than clerical help. Mrs. Jenkins felt her fellow workers have more respon­ sibility since they handle police, rescue and fire lines at the station and they also have to work nights, Sundays and holidays. Pepping explained that the greatest increase in her department had been in beginning salaries of dispat­ chers because Chief Espey felt it was impossible to get com­ petent help for the low begin­ ning salary set for the com­ munications desk Mrs Jenkins pointed out she had been there six years and another dispatcher, three years The highest or top pay for dispatchers was reached in three years. She argued that it appeared she would be getting no increase in salary in the future and this was inequitable since the cost of living con­ tinues to increase The committee was also told that July 1, the com* munications desk would go to a regional dispatching service. Dispatchers will be handling nine telephone lines during the week and ten on weekends. They will be working with other small community police departments. Mrs. Jenkins said, "Per­ sonally. I feel between the 10 cent difference. 1 would rather be a clerk and not have the headaches connected with the communications desk and not have to work nights. Sundays or holidays." Alderman Harker remarked that he felt something should be done once a person reaches the top of the scale. "We can't do it this year but I feel we ought to look at a small longevity increase for any city help. I think long faithful service should be rewarded." Harker concluded. The committee agreed that when the duties of a depart­ ment increase, it would look at the situation with the view of raising salaries After listening to the com­ mittee's remarks. Mrs Jenkins said, "if there are any openings in the clerical department. I would like to be transferred " Alderman Bolger told her to 1* patient because something would be worked out and she uould just be making it better for the people who come after •her in the communications department A classic dress In a print Is a must for the trav­ eler who doesn't wear pants. It was proper some years ago to wear long dresses after six and hats and gloves preceding that hour. Times have changed, however, and we find long dresses being worn at all hours and many people go without hats and gloves in the morn­ ing unless the weather is c o l d o r t h < * o c c a s i o n i s strictly formal. Murfor-SulckU RuUd In Dtofhi Of Huiband, Wfo The shooting deaths of a man and his wife were "assumed to be a murder-suicide." ac cording to Sheriff Arthur Tyrrell, after investigation into the finding of a man s body in Bull Valley, southwest of McHenry The body of Dennis Lee Greeter. 37. of Glencoe. for merly of Crystal Lake, was d i s c o v e r e d b y h i s f a t h e r . Howard, in the back yard of his father's home at 2824 Red Barn road. Thui»day morning about II .30 A 38 caliber revolver was found near the body Time of d$ath was estimated to be 11 am About 8 30 that same mor ning. the body of Jill Hetterson Greeter. 25. was discovered in a parking lot at 1275 E But terfield road. Wheaton She was employed at that location Mrs Greeter was pronounced dead at the scene It was reported the couple were in the process of getting a divorce Tliey Are Some of the best boy scouts are girls. -The Hlujacket. PAGE I? • PLAINDKALER-HEDNE8DAY. APRIL 7. 1978 ^ Think > Plaindealer, /VU )\T( ,()/VU RY VkVL\ MII Free mounting. AUTOMOTIVE SAVINGS. When you buy 1st A78-13 tbls. blk. at reg. price plus F.E.T. and trade. WAftDS warrants its paiMflQtr car tires for •pacified miles when used on passenger cart, eacept taxis. 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Supreme Retreads ANY SIZE IN STOCK 2 for *28 Plus .32- 58 F.E.T. each and recap. WW's 1.50 more per t ire. TREAD DESIGN MAY DIFFER FROM THAT SHOWN saw* LIMITED AS IONO AS YOU OWN CAR •t'SM MUfflft WARRANTY For cn long o* you own the cc* on which ;•» stalled Montgo"»e*y Ward will lurmvS a he* replacement to* thiv muffler if it fails tot ony reason If Montgomery Word originally in stalled the muffler it will imtoll the reokxe ment free Return muttler to ony Montgomery Word branch (ony brooch having installation facilities if free installation mcladed) with evidence of put chose This worronty <ioes not apply to mufflers in stalled on rommertio! vehicles or to muffleis ikimaged in on ou»G ar odent FITS MOST US CARS TOUGH. WARRANTED MUFFLER Wards Supreme's warrant­ ed against failure for as long as you own your car. REG. 19.95 Fast installation, labor only, low as 5.00 17*' Save gas WITH A 6-CYL. ENGINE TUNE-UP Install parts. "1 Q88 T i m e , s e t c a r b . 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