PAGE 7 - PLAINDEALER-FRiniV, APRIL », 1171 SUMim by Mck ftafeMtt honors for 008011 Ken Ludwig of the McHenry High W amors. For the second year in a row, Ken has been selected the AA coach of District Six. District Six composes McHenry, Boone, Winnebago, DeKalb, and Ogle counties. A bouquet is in order to Coach Gary Gray and his tennis squad. For the second straight year the netters have won the Rockford Invitational. This is quite an accomplishment when you find that Rockford Boylan has an indoor tennis club right next door to their high school, and they have use of those facilities. Coach Gray informs me that because of the late start at tennis matches during the spring, instead of playing sets, they have an arrangement with other schools that a point system be established. When time and darkness become a factor because of the late start, a boy winning 10 games first is declared the winner. So when you look at the tennis results and see a score of 10 to any number, the boy with the 10 game won is the winner. Seems like it will solve the problem until we get on daylight time. Another coaching vacancy in the North Suburban. Latest to get the ax was Bill Braman of Lake Forest. Bill was relieved of his duites as basketball coach this week. He has had some problems the past several years and with the betting on games by his players, probably brought the problem to a head. Earlier Bruce Stahmer of Barrington was relieved of his duties, and latest reports they have over 80 applications for the job. Amos Jones is the new head football coach at North Chicago. Amos is the only black man with a head high school coaching Job in the state outside the city of Chicago. Amos is familiar to Warrior fans, as he has officiated at many a wrestling match at McHenry. The jolly fellow is a real gentlemen and we wish him all the luck in the world, except when he has his Warhawks against our Warriors. The Libertyville Wildcats are the team to beat in the North Suburban baseball race this spring. Coach Ernie Ritta is loaded with pitchers. He has returning to his mound staff three seniors who are among the best in this part of the state. Baker Green a 6-4" 200 lb. righthander, Mike Lindal a 6'0" 200 lb. southpaw, and Brian Schwerman a 6-3" 175 lb. righthander. To go along with these boys he also has lefthander Guy Matson a 5*10" 160 lb. junior. The Wildcats finished two games behind Zion last year, and are hoping to reach the top this season. Our Warriors finished 10 and 8 last year good for a fourth place tie. They started out on a sour note Tuesday when they lost to Crystal Lake 5 to 4 in the conference opener for both schools. Wally Scott's track squad is lacking in depth this year, However, when the Warriors get into big meets, they should be able to hold their own. The Warriors will take their share of first [daces, but will need help from other schools to spread the scoring around for the other places. Scott Freund valuted 13'3" the other day the first time out, and Brett Decker threw the shot over 52', which is quite good for the first meet. Have been hearing some more talk about conference realingment. Latest from a good sport fan, whom we won't mention here is the idea of Dundee, Crown, Jacobs, Gary Grove, the two Crystal Lake schools, Woodstock, and McHenry, forming a conference. This fan has even suggested calling it the Randall Road Conference. When you think of it, it is not a bad idea. Travel would be at a minimum, rivalry would be great, and all the schools would be about the same size. I hope officials take heed and give this some thought. Jaycees Sponsor Kite-Fly At West Campus Next Sunday "* The McHenry Area Jaycees are sponsoring a Kite-Fly Sunday, April 11th from 1:00- 3:00 p.m. at the McHenry High School. West campus. 4724 W Crystal Lake road. For the ambitious kite flier there will be several classes of com- petion. There will be awards for the largest and smallest home made kites that are able to fly. Awards for the kites out the farthest distance within age groups of 6-8 years old; 9-11 and 12 and up. will also be presented. There is no admission or registration fee. No kites will be for sale at the West campus. People of all ages are invited to either observe or try their hand at kite flying Norm Kocal McHenry Area Jaycee's Project Chairman Collectors Gun Show At Palatine Sunday The Fox Valley Arms Fellowship, a gun collecting group of some 600 area gun collectors, will hold its second Gun Show of 1976 on Sunday, April 11, in the Grand Ballroom of the Howard Johnston's Motel in Palatine located on Hwy's 14 and 53. The show begins at eight in the morning. The busiest part of the show is before noon. So that you are not disappointed in the show it is suggested that you come before that time. Show tables space is available for a fee by con tacting Fred Doederlein, 110 Railroad Street, East Dundee, Illinois 60118, or by calling him at 426-4293 or 426-3456. The show is open to the public. Applications for memberships are available at the registration desk at the show. Club information, legislative announcements, and gun in formation will be announced at about eleven o'clock. Fifth Consecutive Win Earns Second Place For Montini Wrestlers Stock Car Racing WILMOT TRACK READY FOR OPENING Wilmot, Wis.- The Kenosha County Speedway, Wilmot, (Wis.), is all set for the first 1976 . super-modified and sportsman stock car racing on Saturday night April 17. An "open-to-the-public" practice will be held this Sunday af ternoon at 1:00 p.m. Defending Champions in both divisions will return. Dick Colburn, Milwaukee will be trying to add to his 11 features won last season while Duke Norton, McHenry will be defending his championship in a 1965 Chevelle. On Saturday nights, the gates will open at 6:00 p.m. with time !TJ* Easter Buffet SERVED 10:30-7:00 PM ALL YOU CARE TO EAT Children under 12 Y2 Pr. Adults FEATURING: Roast Leg of Lamb Roast Sirloin of Beef Roast Turkey & Dressing Baked Sugar Cured Ham Golden Fried Chicken ALL DINNERS INCLUDE j A COMPLIMENTARY i GLASS OF - CHAMPAGNE EXTRA!! THE EASTER BUNNY WILL PAY US A VISIT. TREATS FOR ALL THE KIDS. CALL 587-6441 FOR RESERVATIONS Your 1976 Tournament Now GRASS LAKE & STATE PARK RD. .587-6411 trials at 6:45 and the first race at 8:00 p.m. The program will include four 10 lap heat races; a 15 lap semi-feature and 25 lap feature for the super- modifieds. The Sportsman stock cars will race in .8 and 10 lap heats and semi-features with 15 lap feature race distances. The stocks cars which were built and worked on diligently over the winter will be put to the ultimate test Saturday night, April 10th when the professional stock car racing season begins, at the Waukegan Speedway. Little Make-Believes Governess entering and » finding one of her charges on top of the bookcase, others seated on the floor- what are you all doing? Jackie--We are playing hospitals. Governess--And what's Molly doing up there? Jackie-She has gone to a mountain sanatorium. The fire-up Montini Mustang wrestlers ended their con ference season with their fifth consecutive dual meet victory on March 30 by defeating Avon 44-15 and thereby captured second place in the final con ference standings. The Mustangs won a total of fourteen matches in the meet: Bob Thennes, Mike Eisele, Pat O'Connor, Terry Schimon and Tim Sabatka won on decisions while Vic Betancourt, Keith Gregg, Eugene Ryback, Jamey Koch, Mark Betancourt, Joe Schweder and Keith Porter won by pinning their opponents. Dennis Adams and Dan Freund won by forfeit. On April 1 the Montini wrestlers closed, out their season by finishing a strong third in the Fox Valley Con ference Tournament. Tim Sabatka and Terry Schimon led the Mustangs with second- place finishes while Mark Betancourt, Sean Haley and Keith Porter each grabbed ENJOY THE RETURN OF THE GOOD TIMES IN STOCK CAR AUTO RACING EVERY SAT. NIGHT STARTING SAT., APRIL 10 • LAKE GENEVA RACEWAY• CHAMPION AL SCHILL-LARRY HICKS-JACK ESTER GATES OPEN 6:00-T.T. 7:00-RACES 8:00 P.M. Located 1 mile South of Lake Geneva on Bloomfield Road Promoted By Toft Auto Racing cDiqyEA CHOLIDAY BARQUN *15& * WDAY NOVA 4 DOOR 200 miles per day free. Over 200 miles, 13c per mile. FRIDAY NOON THRU MONDAY NOON This holiday weekend, rent a fine General Motors car from National Car Rental at this low holiday rate. You pay for the gas you use and return car to renting location. Rate is non-discountable subject to change without notice. • Call us for reservations today: HIGHWAY 31 SOUTH, McHEHRY 385-2100 We feature GM cars and offer S&H Green Stamp certificates on U.S. rentals rMATJOMAL HMWI9UI National Car Rental PAYTON CHEVROLET HWY 31 South McHeniy 385-2100 M.C.H.S. SOPHOMORE BASEBALL TEAM. - The member* of this young Warrior team are left-right, sitting. Marty Deeaer, Bob Hansen, Ken Gandy, Jeff Partenheimer, Bob Adams. Dennis Selof, Mark Rogers, Brian Greve and Steve Knox. Standing are Coach Dick Rabbi U, John Myers. Tom Peppiag. Dot* Cava*. Jim Koestcr, Jeff Sefc. Jeff Myers. Brian DiBlasl. Dong OeffUag tad Mike Kraosckl. . (STAFF PHOTO-WAYNEGAYLORD) ; third place. Mark Peschke, Jamey Koch, Joe Schweder, Dennis Adams and Dan Freund finished fourth in their weight classes. The whole wrestling team finished a fine season by capturing second in the con ference standings. Good news for tall girls is that of flat heels coming back in style. Although the ads are filled with pictures of high heeled shoes we uiderstand that the newest trend in fashion centers is the low heel for shoes. Put a belt around that tent dress you bought this past season and give it a new look. TEN PIN QUEENS MON MARCH 29.1976 9:30PM J. Gilbert 191 - 547, E. Damians 217 - 526; N Shulda 180-517; V. Brzenk 191 -514; M. Goss 189 - 512; D Koleno 223 • 507; K. Frost 167 495; F Bush 168 489; D White 170 460; B Nelsen 193 - 459; S. Hink 163 - 423 ( 75 pins over); L. Koleno 164 - 413 ( 66 pins over) Splits: D White 1-2-8-10; J Cordray 4-7-10; N Shulda 2-5-7; D DeMore 6-7; D. Koleno 5-7; E. Damians, F. Bush M. Goss & J. Gilbert 3-10; V. Kilzer 7-8. MON. APRIL5,1976 C. Kumm 204 - 538; J Gilbert 181 - 509; F Bush 181 - 506; C. Kern 200 - 506; N. Shulda 189 499; E. Damians 170 - 497; K. Lulow 178 - 491; J. Grischeau 184 490; L Fisher 163 - 482; B. Nelsen 167 -478; M Samyn 189 - 481; F. Freund 184 - 475; L. Bujak 194 - 457; D. DeMore 159 401 (71 pins over). Splits: E. Damians & A. Barger 5-10. F. Freund 3-ift T N T. LEAGUE THURSDAY, APRIL 1.1976 WINNERS IN DOUBLES SWEEPERS. 1. Marrilou Huemann and Marcella Wakitsch -140; 2. Melanie Frett and Joanne Houghton - 108; 3. Mary Jo Hiller and LuAnn Smith - 86; 4. Joan Hartigan and Doilie Pecucci - 83; 5. Joan Gark and Kathy Shultz - 77; 6. Kathy Fleming and Carol Adair - 48; 7. Linda Free and Fran Krabbenhoft - 46; 8. Ena Whitney and Anna Ritter - 43; 9. Gladis Rudolph and Carol Larsen • 30 tied with 10 Cindy Flebe and Madeline Johnston - 30; U. Lois Thelen and Sylvia Foute - 11; 12. Merle Katz and OH MINUTE SPORTS 0UI2 1. Who was named Coach of the year in the NFL7 2. Name the winner of the World Series of Women's Tennis. 3. „Who won the Tucson Open golf tournament^ 4. How many times has he won this tournament0 5. Who was named Most Valuable Player in the NFL*> Aisvtrs !• S#«rts Qiii 1. Ted Marchibroda, Balti more Colts. 2. Chris Evert. 3. Johnny Miller. 4. Three years straight. Fran Tarkenton, Minne sota Vikings. • • * * Pat Schmitt - 5, IS Holly Swanson and Marilyn May -4 tied with 14 Rooe Patzke and Arlette Cable -4; IS. linda Eppel and Betty Hettermann - 2 RAILROADS: Holly Swanaoft • 2-7. 5-7-f; Donna MorteU 1-Tj> Liz Vavrik 3«7I10 Sue- Tonyan 4-7-t-l0; Joanne * Houghton 3-7-10 5. A poll seems accurate when its results are for your side. ON TRACK TEAM-Joka Caaat of McHewy la a member of Warbarg college's lt7« track team. A JaveUa thrower, Caaat k Ike son of Mr. and Mrs. Deaa Caul, 32M W. Jasteo Rd. Tke Knights, who placed lecooi la the lawa conference last sprit, kave aa eigkt-meet sckedale tkto year. HlgkUgkts of tke home slate I tke Kalgkts Invitatloaal, April J. and Ike IIAC meet. May 74. T0RKELS0N LINCOLN-MERCURY "NOT ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST - BUT ALWAYS THE BEST DEAL" SPRING SPECIALS! CLEANEST AND MOST DEPENDABLE USB) CARS 1976 LTD LANDAU.... $5995 AM-FM radio, power seats, power win dows, full power, 3,000 miles. 1975 COMET S3195 4 door sedan, 6 cyl. engine, automatic trans., radio, power steering, whitewalls, vinyl top, 7,000 miles. 1975 M0NTEG0 MX S3895 4 dr. V-8, tuto., P.S., P.B., ttct. lir, tinted glass, radio, whitewalltires, copper metallic. 1975 CHEVY MAUBU S3S95 4 dr., V-8, auto., P.S., P.B., fact, air, tinted glass, radio, whitewall tires, dark brown. 1974 CHEVELLE MAUBU CLASSIC $3295 4 dr., V-8, auto., P.S., P.B., fact, air, tinted glass, radio, whitewall tires, light green. 1974 M0NTEG0 MX S3295 4 dr., V-8, auto., P.S., P.B., fact.air,tinted glass, radio, whitewall tires, light blue. 1974 AMC GREMLIN $2495 2 door, 6 cyl. engine, automatic trans., radio, power steering, whitewalls. 1974 CAPRI $2995 2 door, 4 cyl. engine, automatic trans., radio, electric rear defrost, 28,000 miles. 1974 MATADOR.... $2895 4 dr. sedan, V-8, auto., P.S., P.B., fact, air, radio, whitewall tires, tinted glass. 1974 MUSTANG 2 DOOR $2695 W hitewalls, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, radio, white-blue buckets. SERVICE ft-5 Mon. thru Fit Closed ^DAJLT MTIt> Sat & SlM. \SYSTEIiX; m BI L Ask ateut ROTTING 1973 LINCOLN $4295 2 door hardtop, full power, green metallic. 1972 UNCOUI $3395 2 door hardtop, full power, light yellow gold. 1972 BUICK RIVIERA $2695 2 dr. hardtop, full power, sport luxury, green metallic. 1972 LTD $1995 2 door hardtop, V-8 engine, automatic trans., factory air, power steering, power brakes, vinyl top. 1972 MERCURY MONTEREY. $1895 4 door, V-8 engine, automatic trans., factory air, power steering, power brakes, vinyl top. 1972 LTD $1995 4 door pillar hardtop, V-8 engine, automatic trans., factory air, power steering, power brakes, vinyl top. 1971 AMC JAVEUN SST 2 DOOR $1895 V-8, automatic, buckets, power steering & brakes, vinyl roof, radio - good. 1971 CAPRI $1795 2 door sedan, 4-cyl. engine, 4 spd., standard trans., radio, electric rear defrost, bright red. % 1971 PINTO $995 2 door sedan, 4-cyl. engine, 4 speed standard trans., radio, 2 TO CHOOSE FROM. 1970 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER $1495 2 door hardtop, full power. 1969 UNCOLN $1895 4 door sedan, cream w-tan leather interior. Very sharp. SALES 9-9 Mon.-Fri. 9-5 Sat 11 To 4 Sun. T O R K E L S O N 1 L I N C O L N M E R C U R Y ;MtT«TBt McHENRY, ILL 4611 W. RT. 120 JUST WIST Of TOWN 815-344-1200