TURN ONS ^ c r y s t a l l a k e ( A B E R N A C L E A full fellowship of truth and love. * CANTERBURY SCHOOL • "Coventry" Sodayi ALUFAMILY B1B1£ HOUR 10 am WORSHIP 11a.m. INSPIRATIONAL .. 7 P-iTV r I WNI,.i. i .mill | ' 1 --- ••«=»*-- | THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER I I I Larry E. Lund - Publisher I I I I 1 I 3812 West Elm Street Established 1875 Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 HNKA SUSTAINING _ MEMBER--1975 Adele Froehlich -• Editor NATIONAL NEWSPAPER TOBSM "» Frtt Prill • My SUBSCRIPTION RATES l year . .'..$10.50 1 Year $15.00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and County Lake County It's Flower Show time again at McHENRY SAVINGS. Stop in now to see our mini garden ... get a free whiff of spring. Open to the public every week day but Wednesday. But hurry . . our show closes soon! everything s coming UP green on green street! see JtcJI mvi • • 4th Annual 1111111 flower show now blooming in our lobby • <*««• * * * UUill/lHUMM. • >uv.• t i rU atat* 1% SPECIAL SAVERS SERVICE! New McHenry Savings interest period starts April 1 ... get in on our big earnings. We'll be glad to transfer your savings from any other financial institution. Just bring in your passbook and we'll handle all details without charge! And They Lived Happily Ever After Mock Wedding Deaths FRANCES V. MUELLER Mrs Frances V Mueller. 66. of 3104 W Still Hill drive McHenry Shores; McHenry. died Tuesday evening, April 13. in the home of her daughter in Chicago Her death ended a long period of poor health Mrs Mueller was bom Oct 17. 19W. in Chicago She had resided in McHenry for ten year*, following her marriage to Otto Mueller The deceased was a- member of the Senior Citizens club Survivors are her husband, three children. Mrs. Dolores Lohman, Leonard Koczor and Raymond Koccor, all of Chicago, sixteen grandchildren and one great grandchild The body was scheduled to rest in the Ewald chapel. 2SQ1 N South port, Chicago, from ' noon until 10 p m. Thursday Because of Good Friday, services will be held at the 'uneral home at 9 o'clock that >*, morning, immediately followed ** by a blessing at Our Lady of Grace church Burial will be in St Adelbert cemetery. £ Chicago GARRETT C FINK Garrett C Fink. SI. formerly „ of Wonder Lake, died Thur sday. April 15. at the Parris Nursing home. Waukegan He was born Feb 6. 1895. in Germany Preceding him in death was his wife. Maude M Keating Fink, who passed away Feb 5. 1971 Friends may call at the Peter M Justen k Son chapel Friday from 4 to 9 p m Funeral ser vices will be held Saturday Arrangements* were in complete at press time In terment will be private The bridal party in the West campus modi wedding is shown, from Abb ink, the bride; Franklin Mnse, ringbearer; Sue Borcovan, left, Brett Decker, groomsman; Terry Reiily, priest. Toay Cristy. maid of honor; Eileen ConneU and EsteUe Foreman, bridesmaids, groomsman; the flower girl; Bruce Bright, the bridegroom; Judy STAFF PHOTOS-WAYNE GAYLORD a McHENRY S A V I N G S i ia«a iiisrUtiM j McHenry Savings Bw AND IOAN ASSOCIATION^^ 1209 North G feen Sfei * • McHenry i.; no s • 38^ 3000 10520 Main Sfee? • • « crmona ill.no s • 678 206' SAVERS HOURS 9 0 0 a m t o « 30 p m Monday Tuesday arxl Thursday 9 00 am to 8 00 pm Fr,<jay 9:00 a m to 3 00 p m Saturday McHenry Drive-In Window open Wednesday 9 00 a m to 2 00 pm Closed Wednesday tn Richmond McHENRY MONEY MACHINE OPEN 24 HRS A DAY EVERY DAY DepoVi insured to J40.000 by the Feoera^ Savings & 103° insurance Corp Brian Lund, father of the bride, escorts his daughter, Judy Abbink, to the altar. MKQOOOOGOOOOO^QOOOC \Community | Calendar IMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO APRIL 17 St. Paul's Episcopal Church - - Bake Sale « 8:30 a.m. -- McHenry State BAnk. APRIL 20 Senior Citizen Walk-in Center-Open 12:30 to 3:30 - Art Class - 1 p.m. - Open Com mittee - Show And Tell. Whispering Oaks Garden Club - Community Center - Business Meeting - 10 a.m. APRIL 21 Annual Spring Luncheon - Card Pary - St. Patrick's Church Hall - 11:30 a.m. - Sponsored by Lakeland Park Women's Club. McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Bus Trip to Old Chicago, Bollingbrook - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank - 10 a.m. Family Service and Mental Health Clinic of McHenry County - Regular Meeting - 8:30 p.m. - McHenry Hospital Board Room - Public Invited. APRIL 22 K. of C. - Social Meeting - 8 p.m. Installation of Officers - St. Clara Court No. 659 -- Longhorn - 6 p.m. - Reservations - Mrs. Leonard Freund, or Mrs. John Wirfs. . APRIL 24 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Meeting and Cards - St. Mary's - Oak Room - 7:30 p.m. Country Fare - West Campus Parking Lot -- Sponsored By The McHenry High School Cheerleaders. . APRIL 25 Valparaiso University Choir - - Zion Lutheran Church - 3 p.m. - Zion's Centennial Committee. C. D. of A. - Communion and Breakfast - St. Patrick's Catholic Church - 9:45 a.m. Twenty-second Diocesan Conference - St. Rita Court- Contact Mrs. Leonard Freund, 3602 N. Richmond or Mrs. John Wirfs, 417 N. Hill Road. Benefit Pancake, Sausage Breakf&st - Moose Lodge - Sponsored By Moose Civic Affairs Committee - Serving - 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ninth Annual Buffet Supper - American Legion Building - 4:30 to 7 p.m. - Sponsored by McHenry County 8 and 40. APRIL 26 McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Smorgasbord Dinner - 6:30 p.m. - East Campus Cafeteria - Program - 8 p.m. McHenry Womens Club - Board Meeting -10 a.m. - City Hall. APRIL 27 C.D. of A. - Mother's Day Banquet - St. Patrick's Hall - Social Hour - 6:30 p.m. -- Dinner - 7 p.m. APRIL 29 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi - Founder's Day Senior Citizen Walk-in Center - Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Arts and Crafts. MAY 1 Flea Market and Rummage Room - 9:30 to 4:30 p.m. - Whispering Oaks Community Center. MAY 6 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi ~ Meeting. Spring Salad Luncheon - 12 Noon - Covenant Church - 4815 Wilmot Road - Sponsored By Covenant Women. MAY 8 Bicentennial Dance - Mc- Cullom Lake Beach House - Sponsored By Beach Gals - 7:30 p.m. to Midnight. "Your assignment today is to get married." Not a very normal assignment for high school students. However, it was the assignment for Judy Abbink and Bruce Bright when they were married in a mock ceremony April 8 in the West Campus high school cafeteria. In this course, Family Living, the students get a start into the new world. It shows them how to cope with problems that might arise in courtship, marriage and divorce. The two students report back to the class now and then to, tell the other students what is happening. This is the fifth year a mock marriage has been acted out at West campus. It was true to life with a wedding gown, bridesmaids' dresses and even a clergy's attire. "This is the best ceremony since we've started the cour- The bride and groom. Judy Abbink and Brace Bright, saslle happily as they cut the wedding cake. se," said Mrs. Louette Ames, instructor of the course, and her team teacher. Mrs. Carolyn Gratz. "I was pleasantly surprised to note the serious and sincere approach to the event ex pressed by all participants", Mrs. Ames reported following the mock ceremony. The students participating in the wedding party besides Judy and Bruce were Terry Reilly, priest; Brian Lund, father of the bride .Sue Borcovan, maid of honor; EsteUe Forman and Eileen ConneU, bridesmaids; Randy Updegraff, best man; and Tony Cristy and Brett Decker, groomsmen. Gene Lauer, an advanced Food Service student, spent many hours decorating a tiered wedding cake. As in all real life, the problems of being late or not even showing up for the wadding were evident, as all planning had to be coordinated with other school acitivities. MAY 12 Pistakee Highlands Spring Clean Up. MAY 13 K. of C. - Regular Business Meeting - 8 p.m. Pi AlpH [AY 15-16 Chapter of Beta Sigma °hi - Garage Sale. MAY 19 Annual Spring Salad Bar Luncheon and Style Show - Zion Lutheran Church Social Hall - 12 Noon - Sponsored By Zion Ladies Aid. ^IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIMII^ | Hospital Notes MCHENRY HOSPITAL Mark Dunford, Ralph Thoma, Mabel Snadt, Andrew Howitz, EsteUe Baldwin, Mary Therese Curran, Alpha i Stephens, Henry Tapanien, Jr., f George Thompson, William Bodell, Dorothy Langeloh, Barbara Kina, Hubert Liptrot, MAY 20 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi - Meeting. MAY 22 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi -- Road Rally. Senior Citizen Walk-in Center - Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Arts and Crafts. McHenry -Garden Club - Home of lone Bartz - W. River Terrace Drive - 1 p.m. Senior Citizen Walk-in Center-Open 10a.m. to 4 p.m. - - 12:30 to 3:30 - Art Class - 1 p.m. - Talk on Audubon Society. Richard Pancyrz, Shawn Hastings, Troy Getz, Peter Hedeman, Mary Trosky, Rosemary Hanson, Alice O'Callaghan, Virginia Fendt, McHenry; EsteUe Biekowski, Island Lake; James Hodgson, Leo Smith, Scott Wyman, Ingleside. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Peter Radzimski, McHenry; Lucille Jensen, Donna Loss, Leslie Behrle, Wonder Lake; William Harris, Joseph Ziderowski. Richmond. • ' J J </ Sale End* April 30. 1976C " APRIL" SHOWER * SPECTACULAR <r SEAMLESS - ' CUSTOM ' DRAPERY • VALUES ' at ' TIIWCARPETS 11/I &RUGS 70i buys '1 worth NOW THROUGH APRIL 30.1976. No April fooling. Every day of the month, every 70< you spend buys $1 worth of seam less custom draperies. Choose from a wide assortment of seam less fabrics. Let our experts key them to co-ordinate with your color scheme and tailor them to your windows. TinV CARPETS I III I & RUGS 200 Washington (Junc.Rts.120& Bus. 14) Woodstock, Illinois (815)338-1000 Hours:Mon.,Thurs.,Fri. 8-9;Tues.,Wed..Sat.8-5;Sun.12-5 PALM SUNDAY PARTICIPANTS - Participating la the readiag «f the Paha Sunday Passlaa at St. Paal's Episcopal ekarek aa Saaday are. left ta right. Acolytes, Daa Helit. Joy Aaderhab and Toay Aaderhab; Cractfer BUI Lang. First Reader Ttaa Licastra. Narrator Cathy Byers aad Sec and Reader Grace Ana Patls. HARVARD HOSPITAL Helen Wolters, McHenry, was admitted as a patient to Harvard hospital.