PAGE 18 - PLAINDEALEK-K 1(1 l)AV. MAY 14. 1976 Save 46%, NSB family centers Room-Si** Rug "tot Unbellevablel Room tlso rug* at ridiculously low prices I Choose "Olympian" . . . Indoor-outdoor loop design twood In assorted color*. •%' x ir/«*. Choose "Viking" . . . solid color, cut shag In your cholco of docorator colors. 8'/»' x 11 YOUR CHOICE PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI., MAY 14 THRU. SUN., MAY 16 Prices offoctivo whilo quantities last. We reserve tho right to limit quontitlos. Reg. 22.47 4400 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, III. a-i. f} T h o p e r f e c t koopor for all your wonderful momorlos Rog. 1.27 Y o u ' l l h o v rilonty of room or all your favorlto snap shots I Roa. 1.37 Rte. 47 & Country Club Road Woodstock, III. HM So**1®** vet*** J.P. Stevwis Bath Towsls Luxuriously toft . . . boautlful whito, frlngod bath towolt. 24" x 42" cotton torry towolf. Slightly Irrogular . . . won't hampor us*. •Ms*- - hoi" o.5 On*0*" %\f- Ask About Our Quality Low Cost FILM DEVELOPING Discount prlcos plus sorvico ft quality add up to tromondous valuo .. . and boautlful plcturos at Hornsby's I e0\°«* \ ]M Save 31% • M l Hornsbys own! Package of 9 twin cartridges. Fits most twin blade razors. vita** ssr VHaBs Super Hold' tMtf' _ **•»«««»» .. O*• *o« <***' Coloiiial Black Kottto Planter Great Fun! REG. 3.76 76 ,< • "lb* Lady" DwUi U by Enhanco your patio ft gardon with an attractlvo black kottlo. 16" x 12". Totally fomalo twin blad* shaving tystom. Mfgr. 1.19 Bird Berth 8 1 V\\W V.WN i Save 40% Save '39%' A lovoly addition to any lawn or gardon. Whito bird bath -- 237»"H X 16"D. Sprinkling Can Raid Noma 8 Santa hsact Spray For house insects and garden pests. Safe to use around humans & pets. C Mako your gardoning oasy A fun I 2 gallon capacity. 18" x 12" Border Fence LIU Ll^\= «•». 1.97 L--1 An attractlvo addition to '^®^IJyour lawn or gardon. W^. ft /»Y *< » 'SuT* ** •MMIA CAMAABAABP rannc >vwmiww 40 shoots In box. It works In tho dry or. Rog. 1.67 \o >NC >\s >°Ts-9* *»*•* J3* Blazon Gym Set Rog. 35.96 Summer fun for the kids! Features slide, 2 swings ft glider. Whamo's Trac Ball Oi Rod. White ft Fabric Assortment Rog. 1.57 yd. Bo Patriotic! Chooso from Stars . . . Stripos . . . "76" Emblems. All 45" wldo in oasy care perma pross polyester- cotton. <5> An oxclting now gamo for individuals, toams or families. 2 racquets ft 4 balls* Whitman Coloring Books An assortment off ffun time coloring books. ' Weekend Special at Hornsby's Dairy Fresh Golden Guernsey Milk 1 gallon 1 1 O 2% Milk B 1 A Rog. 1"