Town And Country Prevue tJU V Working together and getting involved for Town and Country is what it's all about for this group of people as the countdown draws near for one of McHenry's biggest entertainment events of the year. The dates are June 11-12 and June 18-19. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS DECLARE DIVIDEND The board of directors of Oak Industries Inc has declared a quarterly dividend of 10 cents per share on the common stock, payable June 10. 1976. to shareholders of record Mav 27. 1976 SPECIAL PROJECT Fox Valley chapter, NSA, will benefit from a special project in cooperation with the Dominick food stores May 18. Special blue slips will allow 5 percent of proceeds of any purchases to be donated to the Fox Valley chapter Slips are available from members. JOINS BUSINESS Ronald G. Howard has joined the firm of Mister Don's Geaners. One of his first training classes was attendance at a one-week course in spotting techniques held at the International Fabricare institute, Joilet. • * * * Advertising is like fishing: You roust use the right bait at the right place, and at the right time if you expect results. * * * * Each election year pol- ^ iticians try to convince us that they alone can save us from worse fates than those which have overtaken us since the last election. Anyone who attended last year's Town and Country ex travaganza can attest to the fact that it was a fun-filled evening. Dates for this year's event are June 11-12 and June 18-19 and will be held again at Montini Primary center and St. Patrick's church hall on Washington street, McHenry. Chairmen expect to even top the mark made at the 1975 show, when over 3,000 persons enjoyed the entertainment. About 525 people from the community and from neigh boring communities are busily at work preparing and arranging all the details necessary to present nine rooms of entertainment, plus two restaurants, as well as the main production. The classrooms in Montini Primary center will be emptied of all schoolroom equipment and artisitically turned into imaginative miniature night clubs or restaurants representing the individual show themes. After the room is skillfully decorated, the en tertainment is supplied by enthusiastic performers who are perhaps friends or neigh bors, mingled with professional talent. The rooms include "Delta Queen" which will provide a romantic trip down the Mississippi with a show boat motif. Chairmen are Carol and Bob Wills. A front porch setting will bring a "folksie" flavor to "Our House", and will afford an opportunity to reminisce about the times people gathered with friends for song and dance. Ron Wagner and Ed Smith are hosting this room Then one can travel eastward for a "Touch of Broadway". This will give a look at the glamour of show business. Chairmen for this room are Pat and Gordon Rehberg. For the nostalgic there is the "Fabulous Fifties" which will include a take-off on some favorite celebrities from that era. Mary Ann Wiles is chairman. Back even further to the '20's is "Flapper Annie's", There will be fun and surprises in this speakeasy atmosphere. Annie Cuda is chairman. Kathy Porter is chairing "Cactus Corral" where the decor will transport one to the West. Country and western music can be enjoyed in this authentic setting. The visitor can count on real fun and congeniality when he stops by the "Irish Pub". Here he will find spirited singers, piano players, sing-a-longs and of course, the Irish jig. Hosts will be Pat and John Coughlin. Look for a good time in "Pot pourri", chaired by Bob Knapik. Those who remember the Andrew Sisters pantomime act from last year will be happy to know the same group will be appearing this year in the "Rainbow Garden". Since last year's show,they have been making frequent appearances in many towns. Don Howard and Len Bruce are chairmen. Lynn 4"Wember and Ron Wilson are co-chairmen of Pizza Plenty, where one can enjoy Italian food in a tastefully decorated room. If one wishes to dine outside, there is the restaurant in the tent, with Claire Miller in charge "Our Bicentennial Salute" is the main production, with Father Michael Tierney staging this spectacular. The cast of twenty-five will bring the viewer from 1776 up to today and will be presented several times each evening in the church hall. Ted Schweder is handling the chairmanship of Town and Country, with Joan Bauer, Kitty O'Neill and Bob Wasilowski as co-chairmen. A special performance is being added this year Wed nesday, June 16, to enable school children up through 18 years old to attend the show. Ticket information will be announced next week. 2. 3. WHO KNOWS? . Who Is credited with saying, ••It Is an era - of Intellectual dishon esty and hypocrisy." Who was elected Pres ident in 1920' For how long has Mike Mansfield been Senate Majority Leader' What is the Hatch Act1 When was this act passed' Who is credited with discovering Canada^ What Is California's motto? Name four U.S. Presi- dents bom in March. 6 . 7. PAGE S - PLAINDEA LER-FRIDAY, MAY 14, IfW 9. Why is March 29 known as Vietnam Veterans' > Day' Absvin !• WW KMVS • j 1. James M. Cox, Demo cratic candidate for President, 1920. . 2. Warren Q. Harding. 3. Fifteen. 4. Federal workers barred from political activi ties. 5. 1939. 6. Jacques Cartier. 7. Fureka.I have found it. 8. Madison. Jackson. Ty ler and Cleveland. 9. The last American troops left ending di- , rect U.S. military role. A MerryTWer works the garden? not the gardener. H\ ê/t/uf7i££e/Ly LUe Read Wwt CuetojUuMq' 385-3232 904 N. FRONT ST 25 UNITS AVAILABLE I •marcan rental association AAcHenry, III. WE RENT CANOES! - WEEKLY OR DAILY RATES Th* • CB-360T 1 Offers chase fleetirae • 'Four stroke twin I cylinder tn^M' . • Six speed transmission' • Disc brake up front • ' • High intensity t heed light' | I • Large turn SS^MIS' • Running lights' 1 • Ful instrumentation* * I e Large reer vtew I I minors1 < . • Brilliant colors1 _ e Many safety feet urea' V J MARK'S HONDA 815-338-4620 Bus. Rt. 14*47 Woodstock FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: BRUCE MELAHN, STATION MANAGER - JOSEPH STANEK, MAYORTED LINNEMAN, STATION SUPERVISOR. Friday, Saturday & Sunday MAY 14 -16! V D A I R Y D E P A R T M E N T 1% Milk $112 GALLON ATAXS ; 20 PLUS TAX • PEPSI COLA • SEVEN UP • COCA COLA 8-16 OZ. BOTTLES t YOUR CHOICE! PLUS DEP. v HOMOGENIZED Milk GALLON KINGSF0RD '° 4L 2° LB. CHARCOAL BRIQUETS J13S '23S NO LIMIT PLUS TAX Hi- '••••.••••••-J DR. PEPPER 816 OZ. BOTTLES it PLUS DEP. LARGE STYR0F0AM WE ALSO FEATURE: • BAKERY GOODS * CIGARETTES 50* • NOVELTIES • SNACKS & CHIPS • BAG ICE • BLOCK ICE • PICNIC SUPPLIES * MOTOR OIL • CHARCOAL LIGHTER * ICE CREAM w1 28 0Z. BOTTLE SEVEN UP! WITH ANY $5 PURCHASE CANDY for the KIDS! JOLLY GOOD SODA 24-12 OZ. CANS J349 BICENTENNIAL v ROAD MAPS CASE SALE EFFECTIVE CITGO X MAY 14-1516 ONLY '-•I. jsfc