Red Cross Board-Staff PAGE * • PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY. MAY 11 1»7« Review Programs For Handicapped t * A The Southeast Regional Parent organization of the Special Education District of McHenry County.Serpo of Sedom, Inc , will present Beverly Zurchauer of the Northern Illinois Special Recreation association and Connee Meschini of the "Respite Care" program at the May 18 meeting It will be held at the learning center of Central school. Paddock street. Crystal Lake, starting at 7 30 pm \ * A distressing problem facing families of handicapped children is the lack of what has come to be termed Respite Care--competent and sym pathetic care for disabled family members while parents are away The problem usually gets harder to solve for families with a severely or multiply handicapped child or as children get older Some parents have virtaullv no relief from their da> -in. day out responsibilities, and no time for themselves The result is, for many parents, a steady buildup of frustration, isolation and fatigue Respite Care services are hard to come by McHenry county residents are fortunate that a Respite Care program has been started Connee Meschini. the coordinator for the Respite Care program in McHenry county, working out of Pioneer center facilities, will explain how this program works It is a federally funded program independent of Pioneer center other than grant participation Respite Care is designed to provide temporary residential care to developmentally disabled children and adults during a crisis, emergency or during a family's,absence from the home This could occur due McHenry county chapter Red Cross board and staff member* are shown above: Back row, Mrs. Rose Johnson, Mrs. Adeline Fllip, Arthur Gait, Mr. Walter Kruse, Edward Peterson, Mrs. Jean Phillips and Curtis Proud; second row, Mrs. Margaret Jenner, Mrs. Margaret Griffith, Mrs. Helen Foster and Mrs. Nancy Wade; bottom row, Lorrin Woodman, Mrs. Cathryne Breytspraak and Raymond Gathman. Missing from picture were Colonel Roy Bailey, Laude Hartrum, Jr., Daniel Fry, Wm. Schultz and George Plews. neater Streaks u The McHenry county chapter of the American Red Cross board met recently and for mulated plans to serve the county Chairman Lorrin E. Wood man announced that the Red Cross will be given the facilities of Shady Lane theatre for the evening of Thursday, May 20. The play "Wherever You Go" is a 'roaring comedy'. Proceeds will be used for Red Cross vital services. The board discussed the First Aid training courses and the Water Safety Program. Every child who is taught to swim in this county is taught by a Red Cross trained instructor. The board checked and found that the chapter issued over 2,000 swimming certificates last year in this county. First aid courses are continuously taught throughout the county. 'With Paul Steiner Zsppy newsy sneaker tidbits from the typewriter of Mr. Steiner who writes regularly mbomt celebrities, specializes in oddity mmd humor columns and in addition hos 15 published books to his credit. Among these are LITTLE KNOHTV FACTS ABOIT JFK (Citadel) and 1001 TIPS FOR TEENS (Pyramid). Now a staff writer for Keds. r~ i i i SCoffege Honors j ! 1 Miss Althoff Will Serve On Student Senate Catherine Althoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Althoff, 508 Green street, McHenry, has recently been elected to serve as a representative for the next school year in the Purdue Student Senate. Katy represents her housing unit of 780 people and serves along with twenty-three other senators representing Purdue's student body of 32,000. She is also serving on the Finance committee and is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta honorary sorority and as secretary-treasurer of her housing unit. McHenry Girl Is College Graduate Miss Mary Katherine Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Johnson, 4516 W. Ramble, McHenry, received a Bachelor of Science degree at the 135th commencement of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods college near Terre Haute, In., Sunday, May 9. A graduate of Marian Central high school, Woodstock, II. Miss Johnson majored in Psychology. Delge Gerstad Is Milton Graduate Delge Vern Gerstad, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gerstad, 303 N. Dale, McHenry, graduated from Milton college. Delge is a Business Ad ministration major. Commencement exercises took place Sunday, May 2, at 2:30 p.m. on the "Green" between Main Hall and the Administration Building. WHO KNOWS? l. for Name the flower the month of May. Name the birth stone for May. Who began the fight for "women's suffrage"? When was V-E Day? When is Armed Forces Day? What is the National Motto of the U.S.? When was the first De fense Bond issued? Identify Catherine the Great. When was the penny postcard first, sold? 10.When was the first American sent into space? Answers To Who Knows 1. Lily of the Valley or Hawthorn. 2. Emerald. 7. 8 9. BIBLE VERSE "Honor thy father and mother, that thy days may be long in the land which Jehovah thy God giveth the." 1. The above reference is what commandment in the Decalogue? 2. What is unique about this particular com mandment? 3. Do parents have any responsibility in re spect to this command ment? 4. Where may this com mandment be found? Answers lo Bible Verse 1. The fifth. 2. It is the only one of the ten which includes a promise to those who obey it. 3. They are to live so as to be worthy of their childrens' honor. 4. Exodus 20:12. # • » * The mercy of God is not to be purchased by cash contributions. 3. Susan B. Anthony. 4. May 8, 1945. 5- May 15th (always the third Saturday in May). 6. "In God We Trust." 7. May, 1941. 8. Empress of Russia. 9. May 1, 1873. • --» » <--*- - ? Know{<, „ J /rw 10.May 5, 1961. How do the "experts" make their long-range weather forecasts? Weather forecasters study of anumberof things in determining what the weather will be, in the U.S., in a particular future period. One of the things they watch closest is the build up and movement of large polar air masses in the po lar regions. These air masses spill over and flow down over Canada and en ter the United States. They often bring coldor stormy weather. TTieir course can often be predicted. If fewer of these polar air masses are indicated, or if they seem weak, then it is likely that warm air masses will push upward and over the U.S.-- or at least over asouther- ly part of it. Taking these calcula tions under consideration, and other factors some thing more than a "guess" can be arrived at, although the "experts" still miss-- and weather remains some thing of a mystery. JOGGING NOTE: Senator William Proxmire. often jogs to work to Capitol Hill and New York University's new president. John Saw hill, starts off each day with a two-mile run. clad in sweatshirt, shorts, sneakers, passing the historic arch in Washington Square in the process. • • • CELEBRITY SIDELIGHT: Redd Foxx. who was named TV Father of the Year by the National Father's Day Com mittee and honored at a Friar's Club "fall guy" banquet, told a national TV audience that as a kid he wore his Keds so long and hard that the letters were worn off. • • • FOR ART'S SAKE: Spanish- born sculptor, Jose de Creeft. who cuts directly from stone and had his studio next to Pic asso's in 1907, is 91 years old, but as active as ever, sculpting and teaching at the Art Stu dent's League in New York City. Children know him for his Alice in Wonderland stat ue in Central Park. He's worn sneakers regularly for over SO years, for their utility and "be cause they were cheaper than shoes." His ultimate testimon ial to sneakers: in the cata logue for his show at Manhat tan's Kennedy Galleries (from which Pope Paul bought most of his American works for the Vatican's Modern Art Muse um) he is shown in yachting cap and sneakers. TRUE VALUE: At every le<^ ture. symposium and on every talk show, international money expert and investment coun sellor. George Friedensohn. stresses the need for the world SPECIAL SAVINGS THIS WEEKEND ONLY THIJRS. MAY 13 FRIDAY MAY 14 SAT. MAY 15 SUNDAY MAY IB LARGE SELECT GROUP OF RLUE DENIM JEANS (UNWASHED) REGULAR PRICE $14.00 NOW ONLY *8" IN THE MEN'S DEPARTMENT USE YOUR GLADSTONE CHARGE CARD OR APPLY TODAY!!! Mon. thru Thurs. 9 to 6 Fri. 9 to 9 Sat. 9 to 6 Sunday 9 to 2 LFID5TDNE 1219 North Green St. Phone 385-tt»«3 MeHenry to return to the Gold Standard. Someone seems to have heed ed his pleas: In 1976 World Team Tennis, the bonus award of $50,000 will include a 24 karat solid gold tennis ball, ft 6 STATISTICAL STEW: More than 1.000 inches of thread are to a death in the family, vacations, etc There is no charge to the parents except that of a physical examination which must occur seventy-two hours prior to admission, if possible In December. 1974, Serpo appointed a Special Recreation committee naming George Howell, chairman This committee was charged with the responsibility to cause the park districts in this area and others to establish an association for special recreational programs for handicapped children and adults From this beginning. Nor thern Illinois Special Recreation association has come into existence With a first year grant of $4,500 from United Cerebral Palsy of Northwestern Illinois. Inc and passage of legislation amen- Golden 6leams Despise not thy mother when she is old. -Proverb* 23:22. used for stitching in a single Keds shoe, which makes 2.000 inches for a pair whether you use new math or old. ft ft ft ART DEPARTMENT: Andy Warhol, pop artist and film maker ("Frankenstein." Drac- ula,") started his careeer as an illustrator of an etiquette book and of (I. Miller Shoe) fashion catalogues. ding the Park District code, funds were made available to hire a director. Beverly Zur chauer Ms Zurchauer will talk about the programs this association will sponsor The association members are the Crystal take. Gary. Huntley and Marengo Park Districts. The goal of the cooperative is to provide year round recreational programs for the handicapped population of the county The programs will be offered to persons who are not residents of one of the four member park districts for a slightly higher fee than charged residents of the member districts At present, the association is planning to have summer programs which will include a Day camp, gymnastics class, swimming instructions and field trips P U N C H L I N E O f T H t W E t K (KT'JJ WHY IS IT THAT JOKES ABOUT THE COST OF LIVING AREN'T AS PUMNY AS THEY USED TO BE? Ql Limited Time Offer i GENERAL ELECTRIC will give you a shown AGDS818 18.000 BTU / gJ° 24>0°0 '/an, l i i î gr "*-s3£ 7*-000 *cto, *cto. ' Buy a GE Room Air Conditioner from May 3 thru May 22, 1976. Send the owner's registration card along with your Cash Refund Certificate fo General Electric by June 5 and get a Cash Refund check for S10 to S50 direct from GE. The Cash Refund you receive is based on the room air conditioner BTU capac ity as shown in the table below: BTU CASH REFUND 5000 lo 5500 $10 6000 to 8000 $15 8500 to 14,000 $20 15,000 lo 24,000 $25 27,000 to 31,000 $50 4000 BTU Carry Cools Not Included CHOOSE YOURS NOW - We Will Hold It Until You Are Ready For Delivery COME IN AND BROWSE IN OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT CAREY Appliance 1241 N. Green SL McHenty 385-5500