nKCTWN 2 - PACE » - PLAINDEAJXR-HF.DNESDAY. M AY 2ft. l»7« Sponsored By: HORNSBYS - fami l y cen te r s 4400 West Route 120 - McHenry, Illinois McHENRY AUTO PARTS, INC. 3318 WEST PEARL McHENRY 3858080 Quality NAPA Parti: the hallmark of ttw troa professional mechanic Gregory R. Thornton Dale J. Tocik Sally Eliiabath Tomasello Louis Tonetti Jill Ann Urlanki Maf»» Van •"•ham J Viriiet* William R. True Patricia Anne Dianna Lynn* Ungtr Ramty Up«a«raM Wilhalm Urban Raul Edward Viteri Joy Diane Vyduna Alan Eliot Wagner joei M. Wakitsch Sue Wautalat Antoinette Carol Wabar William James Weber Nancy Jo Woingart I Wsirtdi atti Lynn Wotrtcb MaryAnn Winters Joseph A. Weston Nancy Bergen Wheelock Janet L. Whitney Susan Ann Wilde David I. Williams Vickie Lee Williams Virginia A. Wilsman Debbie Wilton Class of '76 Margaret Ann Wright Felicia Lorayne York Dale Allen Zamastil Janice Lynn Zenner Cheryl L. Zumski Sue Zwilling DavM M Walt*ra«a »»»•* Anna Cactta War lata Mall--y ka Wrt*M Picture* Not Available: landr i |M«r MitcM 9 Qwbta MKkMl Jaftn f (am• nf Jaaapfc R i^^a Marta CkrulMia Ctqvivat Owarra I intfa iaan Lyn Ann Hatfdick Jay <i)n» taan Marcia McMillan MaaMtarly Kannafft IImmm* Harat* Jama* j«u Darty Mariana (uffM J Kaltch AnnaWa Maria Millar Kattiiaan M K aanan Pawl O'Mallay Emergency Services In our last column, we discussed how important it is for you to have your house n u m b e r s p r o m i n e n t l y displayed on your house and-or mail box in large, easy to read, numbers that contrast in color to the background. I know all of you are going to take care of this right away so that police, fire or rescue units can quickly locate you in the case of an emergency call. If you have put this off, be sure to do it this weekend. Please, for your own sake, do not wait any longer. If I may borrow a slogan: PERFORM A DEATH DEFYING ACT TODAY, PUT ON YOUR HOUSE NUM BERS! And, don't forget to check the street intersection signs in your neighborhood for correct alignment and visibility. Bring this to the attention of your local civic or governmental agencies, or form your own group to check on these vitally important signs and numbers. The emergency services in this area respond to calls remarkably fast, they have trained personnel and are concerned for your safety. Don't let this dedication to you be frustrated by inability to find street signs and house numbers. \ What are the emergency services that directly affect .the lives and property of the people in this area? Basically, they are the organizations that respond, day or night, to the call of the citizen when danger threatens. These would fall into four broad categories: Police departments, Fire depart ments, Rescue squads, and Civil Defense units. The first three are the ones you would most likely call for help, the fourth is concerned to a greater degree with natural disasters, such as tornados, floods, etc., and disasters of a larger scope, such as plane crashes. However, there is often much overlapping of services among these groups, and to the direct benefit of the public-at-large, the cooperation among these units is very high. In our next column we will get into greater detail on the variotls emergency services, who they are and how they are set up. Notice: All local Police and Fire departments and Rescue squads, if you have information you wish publicized in this column, send it to The Emergency Services, P.O. Box 401, McHenry, 60050. Allow enough time for publication. This column is a forum available to you for presenting information to the public. Have fund raising events coming up? Social affairs, training classes, personnel taking special training? Let us know so we can let the people you are serving know. Readers of this column are welcome to send in suggestions for future columns to the same address. If you wish a reply, please send a stamped, self addressed envelope. NEXT TIME: Immediate Temporary Care JAYCEE CARNIVAL The Crystal Lake Jaycees will hold their annual spring carnival Thursday, May 27, through Monday, May 31, at the Crystal Lake Plaza on U.S. 14. kEvening hours on Thursday, Friday and Saturday will be from 7 to 11. A Saturday af ternoon matinee with reduced ride prices will run from 1 to 5. Sunday hours will be from 3 to 11 p.m. and Monday hours are from 2 in the afternoon until 9 p.m. Area Resident Aids Gift Of Life Campaign taining educational materials and contribution envelopes will be sent to over 350,000 persons in rural areas throughout Illinois. f During the next several months, these "Gift of Life" kits are sent to residents along rural routes and then passed home to home. His Handicap Little Bobble -• Aw, I could walk that tight rope as well as the Rirl In the If you needed a kidney or other vital organ to live, would you be able to get one? That question may throw many off guard, but to the person awaiting a kidney transplant, it means the return to a more normal and healthy life. Currently, there are over 1,500 people in Illinois whose lives depend on receiving ar tificial kidney machine treatments an average of three days a week, 4-6 hours at a time. Hundreds of these people are in need of a kidney tran splant, but due to the shortage of available kidneys, the wait continues. However, with the help of Richard Nycz of Marengo, the future looks promising. As chairman for McHenry county in the Kidney Foundation of Illinois' 1976 Rural "Gift of Life" campaign, he believes the local rural residents will support this opportunity to help others. Being presently on the artificial kidney machine, he has more than a passing interest in this campaign. Since 1949, the Kidney Foundation of Illinois, Inc., has been active in research, e d u c a t i o n , l e g i s l a t i o n a n d patient services. This drive seeks to collect funds to con tinue these activities on a more vigorous scale and to expand the distribution of the Uniform Organ Donor card. Kits con- IN ft ARO HOUSE from VYCITAL S PRO HARDWARE 5" STYlE K Gutter-White painted and Galvanized it Hangers , • Downspouts if Slip-joints • Spike OUTSIDE SQUARE CORRUGATED STYLE "A" « i he i f WI'M 07*1 C'.ilic i 5" 1/2 ROUND Galvanized Eve Trough Ends if Elbows] it Mitres • Ferrues \ K CUlUlDl Ml I Rl GUTTER H. VI' UKil i *P iOINT CORRUGATED ROUND Furnace fittings-Registers -- Register boots-Pipe and Elbows-Metal Besto Gas Vent Pipe and fittings. CLOTHES DRYER VENTS Pipe-Elbow-Flexible Pipe * PROTECT YOUR GARDEN I * WE HAVE: 1" & 2" Mesh Chicken Wire 1" x 1", 1" x 2 " & 2" x 4" Welded Fence 85" VYCITAL'S 1228 N. Green SI HARDWARE McHenry 385-0098 •JMNSIH'.'MAH TTT circus If it wasn't for one thing. Little Jimmie --What's thaP ' Little Bobble-I'd (all -jrj. Everyone Loves a Cookout Mm • Completely Assembled! • Ready To Use! • No Costly Installation! G-1000 PORTABLE MODEL nby: Warm Morning PRICED AT ONLY -",*215*® V "Ready To Cook!"! G3X PORTABLE MODEL by: Warm morning A "Ready To Go!" R0T1SSERIE HASr ONLY • EXPIRES JUNE Northern Propane Gas Company 4003 W. MAIN ST. McHENRY,ILLINOIS (815) 385-4200