Wonder Lake Mary Jean Huff 728-0267 Harrison Honors Many Studonts In Bicentennial Yoar At-the Harrison school eighth grade Bicentennial class graduation ceremonies on Wednesday, May 26, the in vocation was given by Rev. Roger Olson of Nativity Lutheran church, followed by the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance led by Donna Berlin. The speeches given on the class of 1978 by Mary Gibbons, "The Past", Barry Anderson, "The Present" and Dee Sturm, "The Future", were amusing, enlightening and well done. "Theme From Mahogony", the eighth grade class song, was sung by the students, directed by Mona Brown, Harrison music teacher, and accompanied by Eileen Ahern on the piano. Tom Frett and Maria Warren were presented with the American Legion awards by Legion Commander Jim Hales. Robert G. Howe, representing the Kiwanis, gave the Kiwanis awards to Anne Bazan and Barry Anderson. Student council President, Dee Sturm, enthusiastically presented the Honor Student award to Eileen Ahern. James Golden, Prin cipal of Harrison, explained that the Principal's award is given to the "nicest student" of the class and selecting this person is no easy job, but his choice was the "clumsiest ten year old," the "clumsiest eleven year old", the "clum siest twelve year old" and also the "nicest" eighth grade student, Tim Rowley. Superintendent Ray Jones address to the graduates reflected on not choosing the "easy" way of life, but choosing the rewarding way of giving and doing things for people. He then affirmed the certification of the graduates. President of the Board of Education, Dr. S.L. Ruggero, introduced his fellow board members, Gloria Cqughlin, John Bazan, Jay Cristy, Joy Dass, Henry Setzler and Patricia Sullivan. In behalf of the board, Dr. Ruggero presented Superintendent Dr. Jones with a personal gift in recognition of his exceptional contribution to the school in the past year. Dr. Jones returned with this quip, "I hope it's money - the school needs it!" In his brief remarks, Dr. Ruggero mentioned the very real financial problems at Harrison. He said that action must and will be taken by the board this year. He also en couraged each and every adult member of District 36 to con sider running for the school board in next year's April elections. These serious moments were followed by a few inspirational remarks and Doctor's usual "joke", (carefully censored by board member, Coughlin). Diplomas were then presented to the sixty-one graduates. A reception was held in the school gym, where the graduates, their families and friends were served^ punch and cookies. APPRECIATION American Legion auxiliary Unit 1169, Poppy chairperson Lois Haak would like to acknowledge the cooperation of the community of Wonder Lake on Poppy day in order to help the Rehabilitation program for the veterans and in remem bering the deceased. For the wearing of a Poppy and accepting them from unit members: Mrs. Marge Har- tung, Mrs. Lorraine Fedejelem, Mrs. Nancy Hales, Mrs. Vickie Gleason, Evelyn Konecny and Junior member Coleen Haak; Legionaires; John Gleason, Wally Vlavisky and Wilbur Haak. All of your help was deeply appreciated. Lois Haak, Poppy Chair person SHOWER Trish Cashin was honored with a baby Shower on Thur sday, May 27. Co-hostesses were Kathy Powers and Irene Bensen. Fifteen guests presented Trish with lovely gifts along with best wishes for the newcomer and hopes for a baby "girl" Cashin. Cake and coffee were then served to the group. MARIE ROBINSON Among the really thoughtful and generous people of the world in general and Wonder Lake, in particular, there is Marie Robinson. Recently Marie took it upon herself to purchase a Bicentennial flag and donate it to the students at Harrison school. Yes, Virginia, there are good people in our community and Marie is one of them. LEGION NEWS American Legion auxiliary Unit 1169 held their regular meeting at the post hothe on May 13, with President Marge Hartung presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Preamble was said in unison by members. Opening prayer was given by Chaplain Lorraine Fedejelem. Seven officers were present. Following the opening ceremonies, special guests for the evening were introduced: Eleventh District president, Mrs. Jerreene Merritt of Elmhurst; her secretary, Mrs. Pat Huxmann of Lake Villa; McHenry County council president, Mrs. Iolene Biangardi and her secretary, Mrs. Becky Gabel, both from Fox River Grove. Communications were read from the department president and reports were given by various chairmen present. Auxiliary Unit 1169 held a bake sale and white elephant sale on May 28. The Memorial day parade was held on May 31, with Legion members par ticipating. With the business meeting concluded, the Eleventh D i s t r i c t k p r e s i d e n t congratulated the unit on their participation in the auxiliary program. McHenry county council president also congratualted the unit in their endeavors as a small unit. Closing prayer was given by the chaplain. Refreshments were served and a social gathering was enjoyed by all. Lois Haak, Communications Chairman BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to Ernie Vogt on June 4. Happy birthday to Tim Gibbons, Sr., on June 4. Happy twelfth birthday to Doug Maris, son of Gene and Donna Maris, on June 8. "MEATY" COLUMN If you find that this column is just a little "meatier" than usual, it's because our "ad for news" last week did help! My appreciation to those who called. If your child received a graduation award and we didn't mention it, it's just because we didn't know about it.. How many times we have heard, "Oh, I meant to call you, but..." - no buts - call now! My kids are home from school now and I have a full time an swering service! HAPPINESS IS... Happiness is...a green belt in karate for Gene Seaver. Happiness is...the beautiful flower arrangements at the Harrison school reception, generously donated by the Wonder Lake Garden club. Happiness is...Dottee Jacob- son, "retiring" after serving seven dedicated years on the board of Nativity Lutheran church. Happiness is...a call from a proud grandmother whose grandson just graduated with honors. Happiness is...little five year old Kim Powers spending Saturday afternoon at Wrigley field with mom and dad. Happiness is...congratulating Wonder Laker's Rob Rowley, winner of the Louis Armstrong jasr. award at Marian Central and Valerie Bach, winner of the girl's National School Choral award, also at Marian. Hap piness is...Miss Cally's first grade class at Harrison school taking Vishy the fishy and his aquarium partner, Baby Blackie, to their class picnic, where the fish settled for fish food, while the kids'filled up on hot dogs and kool aid. Hap piness is... Bob Reuter, now a black belt in karate. Happiness is...busy person Pat leaver doing a fantastic job of plan ning and carrying through the reception for the eighth grade graduation at Harrison. Happiness is...congratulating Wonder Laker Mike Gibbons on the honor of being elected president of the Senior class at McHenry West next year. Happiness is.t.Doctiq^iJeRes, organizing and contributing to the "free dinner" of ham, chicken and all the trimmings for all the students at Harrison school. Happiness is...finding out that people are still sear ching for happiness and sometimes finding it here. COMMUNITY CALENDAR June 4, Salvation Army Donut day in Wonder Lake. June 7 through June 11, Nativity Lutheran church school. June 16, Miss Wonder Lake Beauty Pageant, 8 p.m. Nativity Lutheran church. June 22 through June 30, Vacation Bible school, Wonder Lake Bible church. June 26, Lutheran Church Women Craft fair, Nativity Lutheran church. Lakeland Park by Marilyn Nystrom 385-7014 ~ K ŷ have a nice weekend.. 100,000 OBIVEIS Fill EACH YEAR, over 100,000 licenied driven fail the state written exam when they are retetted. Experts say-"the main reason is, that rules, laws and traffic signs have changed and drivers just don't keep up with all the changes " When your license expires this year, you may tjp among the over half- million drivers that will be retested. If you're nervous about being re- tested and don't want the embar rassment of failing, here's good news! You can now purchase your own sample test papers complete with the up to date questions, answers and international road signs you must know to pass your test These test papers have helped thousands pass their test. Send S9.00 plus 75 handling (check or money order.) Mail ta: National Bureau af Omar's Test Illinois Division 11$ P.O. Box 30041, Chicafo, Illinois 66638. Barbara Klein School Of Dance Tap and Ballet Summer classes now forming ADULT - TEEN-AGERS • YOUNGSTERS W For Enrollment Call: I 815-728-0161 V or stop in 4403 Ringwood Rd. Ringwood, III. -*• Member International Society of Teachers of Dance Village of McHenry Shores Inge Aide 3441984 Resignation Accepted-New Officer Sleeted At the regular meeting of the board of trustee* of the Village of McHenry Shores on May If, Leon Zelvis was named the new building and zoning officer after the resignation of Bill Ewald who had served in that capacity for approximately five years. Thanks, Bill, for a job well done, and good luck, Leon! A resolution was made to honor Russell Bingham, who resigned his trusteeship a little while ago, for his service to the community. N -- It was furthermore resolved to support the suburban RTA members on their stand in the RTA budget situation. The attorneys representing* the industrial site on Route 31 were present at the board meeting and approached the board regarding possible an nexation of that site to the Village of McHenry Shores. The representatives were in troduced by President Ullegard to the chairman of the planning commission, James Rees and the chairman of the zoning board, Fred Ssott. A tentative agreement will be worked out between the parties and will be preeentsd to the board of trustees at a later SWIMMING POOLS Anyone wishing to put up a swimming pool has to contact the building department for a permit. Because we have septic systems, there are certain state health regulations that have to be considered. Furthermore, a fence will be necessary. So in order to avoid later trouble, call 38S-8500 before you set up your pool to find out the exact requirements. GRADUATIONS Our congratulations go to the McHenry high school graduates and, of course, to their families who must be so proud of them: Karen S. Brendle, Gail Gunder, Mark Henshall, Cynthia Ramer, Patricia Anne Tweed, Jill Ann Urbanski, Virginia Wilsman, MaryAnn Winters and Felicia York. Two of the young ladies have to receive further felicitations: Gail Gunder is a two year member of the National Honor society, and MaryAnn Winters is one of the newly named senior members. Well done, girls, and good luck to all the graduates. There must be some more people from the Shores who just graduated, but these are the only ones I could find out sbout So. if 1 missed one of your kids or friends, please let me know, so I can include them in the next column! BIRTHDAYSAND ANNIVERSARIES Today is Marian Barrows' birthday, tomorrow Margaret Pinkonsly and Joyes Benham will be celebrating theirs On June 6, Christine Norman will be nine years old. The same day marks the birthday of Mary Lou Heald, Ed Olbinski and Bob Luerssen. Steven Csajaghy will be three years old on June 7. Happy birthday to all of you! Fred and Dory Stark will be celebrating their twenty-sixth wedding anniversary on June 3. and Tony and Karen Fick have an anniversary coming up on June S. We all wish you many more happy years together! PAGE 13 • PUINDKALCR-WEDNFJIOAY. JUNE 2. If76 Four Students Honored As Outstanding Musicians hamf and has studied piano privately for a number of years The students' names were engraved on permanent plaques to commemorate their efforts Each individual received a trophy, pin and certificate. JOIN LAKE COMMUNITY New families at Wonder Lake include Henry F Braun, 7806 Howe drive, Wonder Woods; Uoyd A. Davis, 7306 MacAr- thur avenue, Hickory Falls No. 3; John M Heim, 3801 Walnut drive, Wonder View No 1; Frank Iwanaki, 8613 Riley road. Sunrise Ridge No. 3; Thomas J. Kelly, 8603 A]den road. Sunrise Ridge No 4; Robert J Koch, 8504 Dorr road, Sunrise Ridge No. 2; William R. Liston, 8706 W. Sunset drive, Highland Shores No. 1; Robert J. Loss. 3306 Eastwood drive, Oakwood Shores. On May 13. 1*76, four students of Harrison school were honored as outstanding musicians Dee Sturm was awarded the John Phillip Souaa band award. Anne Basan received the National Choral award and Eileen Ahern and Maria Warren received the Frederic Chopin piano awards. Dee Sturm, daughter of Dr and Mrs Donald Sturm has participated in all muaic organisations for five years She has done aoio and ensemble work, where she was awarded a first place rating on a clarinet soio She also participated as a lead in the school's musical. "Revolutionary Ideas" Anne Bazan, daughter of Mr and Mrs John Basan. has been in band and chorus for five years She has also done ex tensive solo and ensemble work Anne played the lead "Ruth" in the school's musical Eileen Ahem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs James Ahern. has been in band and chorus for five years She has studied piano privately for a number of years and has served as an ac com pan i st for solos, ensembles and choirs. She slso par ticipated as a lead in the musical. Maria Warren, daughter of Mr and Mrs. James Warren, has accompanied the junior varsity and varsity choirs this year She plays in the Harrison On June 5. 1776. at Albany. N Y . the signers of a petition to the City and County Committee asked that si i suspected traitors be spprehended end stripped of their arms and powder We tear out external ene mies tar leee than we dreed our internal onemteo who if we toee will be the chief perpetrators of Our de- MONTHLY MEETING Don't forget that the next meeting of the L.P.P.O.A- will be Thursday night, June 3, at 8 p.m. Please try to attend. PETITIONED MEETING No date has been set as yet for the special meeting on the subject of fencing. DAM CONSTRUCTED Herb Heritage helped harold Bowlin to install a dam so that our lake level can be kept up. This dam is located on the Mass property. If anyone is seen tampering or destroying it, they will be prosecuted. BIRTHDAYS Birthday wishes are ex tended to Jay Arthurs, June 4; Debbie Rathmann, June 9 and to my brother, Ricky Sturm on June 14. shoto-Hor WINDOW & WALL DECOR * . , * is proud to announce a fantastic savings opportunity for you, during our . . . . 2nd Anniversary Sale Custom Shales Custom Shatters Woven Woods Shutter Panels Save 25# M. y • % a k :* :* > Hurry. Sale good 'til June 12 only Wallopers SAVE UP TO 25% Daihr 9:30-5:30 Wed. 9:30 -12 Closed Sundays Woven Wood Shades 50*0FF ALL IN STOCK NOT All SIZES OR COLORS Shop At Home Service 815-344-1888 Blinds LLVELOR MINI BLIND RTE. 12 & 120 V0L0, ILLINOIS