w Honored Gold Star members, shown left to right, bottom row, are Signa Miller. Evelyn J us ten, Eleanore Strache and Marie Bykowski; top row. Isabell Thompson, Suzanne Homo, Gold Star chairman Mary Kantorski, and Angela Freund. Amprirun Legion Auxiliary \PICS UNIT NO. 491 By Pearl Cooper Forty-eight members and four guests were on hand recently to honor the Gold Star members at the annual pot-luck dinner. The Gold Star members present were Signa Miller, Evelyn Justen, Eleanor Strache, Marie Bykowski, Isabell Thompson, Suzanne Homo, and Angela Freund. Each Gold Star member was presented with a corsage and a Bicentennial dish or bell, by Gold Star Chairman Mary Kantorski. Memorial services were conducted by the chaplain, Pauline Pickett, and president, Evelyn Osmon, for departed members, Tillie Cooper, Vera Purvey, Helen Heuser, Beulah Gruenfeld, Gertrude Murphy and Elvira Rudolph. A short business meeting was conducted by President Osmon. Americanism chairman, Lauretta Homo, announced that a flag and flag pole were presented to the Boy Scout troop and that a flag and flag pole were to be presented to the Girl Scout troop during the week. The nominating committee of Marie Howe, Dottie Messer, Maria Guettler and Theresa Huska announced the -can didates for office 1976-77. They are as follows: Margaret Datz, president; Grace Latimer, first vice-president; Tina Boeker, second vice-president; Betty Lou Smith, treasurer; Evelyn -Osmon, chaplain; Betty Bock- man, historian; and Betty Wehrheim, sergeant-at-arms. The nominated slate was elected as the new officers. Joint installation with the American Legion will be held Sunday, July 25. Mrs. Wehrheim will announce her choice of assitant sergeant-at- arms and Mrs. Datz will ap point two members as her secretaries. Forty-five veterans from Elgin hospital were brought to - the Legion post home Tuesday, May 18, and served a chicken dinner. They were entertained by the Legion and auxilairy members. Delegates to the 11th district convention were Evelyn Osmon, Margaret Datz, Midge Scharf, Pearl Cooper, Ruth Mrachek and Lauretta Homo. f? Newly initiated members are shown with the president, Evelyn Osmon, left, and the chaplain, Pauline Pickett, right. In the mdidle are Jody Sossong and Darlene Leigh. Community Calendar Jl'NE 9 McHenry Country Art Fair - McHenrv Junior High School - Patron s Day - 12 Noon to 10 p m. Luncheon-Card Party r Johnsburg Community Hall - 12 Noon - Sponsored by Blessed Virgin Sodality of St John the Baptist Church McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Bus Trip to Chicago l>oop - McHenry State Bank - 8 45 a.m. f JUNE 10 Knights of Columbus - Regular Business Meeting - Election of Officers -- K.C. Hall -- 8 p.m. Senior Citizen's Walk-in Center - 10 a.m, to 4 p.m. -- 10 a m to 12 Noon -- Art Class - 1 \>to 4 p.m. Cards. JUNE 10-11-12 St Mary s Annual Rum mage-Bake Sale -- Montini Middle School Gym - Thursday and Friday --9 a m. to 8 p.m. - Saturday - 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. JUNE 10,11,12 & 13 Rummage Sale --10 a m. to 5 p.m. - Each Day - 502 Cresthill Avenue, Lily moor - By The Cresthill Improvement Association - Rain Date, Following Weekend. JUNE 11 McHenry Country Art Fair -- McHenry Junior High School -- Open to Public -- 12 Noon to 10 p.m. - Awards - 8 p.m. JUNE 11-12 Town and Country -- St. Patrick's Montini Primary and St. Patrick's Church Hall - 7:30 JUNE IS Si Margaret Chapter NAIM -- Brunch - II a m Vareses of Happy Birthday was sung to Italia Mazzoni, Signe Miller, Marie Bykowski and Christine Nixon. Midge Scharf and Pearl Cooper were winners of the veterans' craft prizes and Helen Choyinski was not present to receive the at tendance award. Americanism Chairman, Lauretta Homo introduced the first and second place winners of the Americanism essay contest, Lori Krier, first place, and Carrie Miles, second place winner, and their mothers. Both girls received cash awards for their efforts. Initiation for new members was held. Darlene Leigh and Jody Sossong were initiated into the McHenry unit of the American Legion auxilairy by the following officers: President, Evelyn Osmon; first vice-president, Pearl Cooper; second vice-president, Florence Black; Junior past president, Lauretta Homo; and chaplain, Pauline Pickett. Dottie Messer, Poppy chairman, announced that this year was a very good one for contributions for poppies. Theresa Huska and Doris Henken were co-chairmen for the Gold Star dinner with their committee of Ann Brut, Adele Butler, Marie Bykowski, Carolyn Congdon, Lois Crouch, Berniece Etten, Joanne Garrelts, Lorraine Gausden, Marilyn Harrison, Evelyn Hay, Suzanne Homo, Dolores Hoover, Harriet Larsen, Ercell Lock, Laurene McDonough, Italia Mazzoni, Elsie Mets, Dorothy L. Michels, Eleanor Miller, Ruth Mrachek, Edna Mueller, Reba Owen, Margaret Retzlaff, Mary Sue Scharf.. ilbt~ Barbara Schultz, Elizafiet^ Schoewer, Jean Sherwood, Catherine Stilling, Dorothy Stoffel, Catherine Bauer, Kathryn Verzwyvelt, Henrietta Vycital and Rosalyn Volpen- desta. Frances Matchen will be refreshment chairman for the next meeting, which will be held June 21. JUNE 12 Friendship Club - Potluck Dinner -- Meeting - First United Methodist Church - 6 p.m. McHenry Country Art Fair -- McHenry Junior High School - Open to Public -- 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. McHenry Country Art Fair - McHenrv Junior High School -• Open to Public -- 11 a m to 7 pm JUNE 14 McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Meeting - 7 JO pm -- East Campus Cafeteria JUNE 15 Senior Citizen's Walk in Center 10 a m to 4 p m - Show And Tell •• I pm JUNE 16 Family Service And Mental Health Clinic of McHenry County -- Regular Meeting - 8 p m -- McHenry Hospital Board Koom -- Public Invited JUNE 17 Joyce Kilmer Court C D A; - Potluck -- 6 p m: -- Meeting - K.C Hall Senior Citizen's Walk-in Center -- 10 a.m. to 4 p m '-- 10a.m to 12 Noon - Art Class - 1 to 4 p m. » Cards. JUNE 18 St Margaret Chapter of NAIM Meeting - St Mary's - Oak Koom - 7 30 p m McHenry Woman's Club -- Bus Trip to Water Tower Place - Reservations, ^Florence Anderson JUNE 18 & 19 Town And Country -- St Patrick's Montini Primary And Church Hall -- 7 :30 p m JUNE 19 Quilt And Comforter Exhibit - 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m -- Com munity Church Social Hall. Richmond -- Sponsored by the Richmond Woman's Club. Polka Dance - Spojnia Camp - Flanders And Ringwood Roads -- Public Invited -8pm JUNE 20 Senior Citizen Walk-In Center Closes -- Re-opening August 3 JUNE 27 Old Fashion Ice Cream Social -- Zion Lutheran Church - 4 to 8 p.m. -- By Zion Ladies Aid Sine Dairy Princess Seek Title Candidates PAGE 1 • PLA 1NDE.ALE*-WEDNESDAY. JtilE t. IWI Grandma Sez , Well, another milestone passed, an' another year started. Some time ago, this grandma said, many times, that if th' three-score-an-ten, rolled 'round, th' life'd be full, an' satisfyin'. It ain't strange, that as each added year is marked off, somethin' new crops up, t' add int'rest an' zest t' th' desire t' prolong th' borrowed time. .Seems t' me, there ain't any, so-called "Borrowed time." When th' good Lord calls, there ain't any time left t' borrow. Havin' had th' experience o' th' sudden loss o' family member, an' friends, in a few short months, me mind an' heart is eternally grateful f'r th' extended time o' me own years, which may be due t' th' progress o' medical science. I'm a wonderin' how many folks take time t' appreciate each new day, sunny *r sunless, no matter what. There's no room f'r unhappy thoughts in a mind that's thankful f'r th' privilege o' just bein' alive. There's a heap o' livin't' be done, no matter how th' years pile up. A lookin' back, some fifty years 'r more, seems like an eternity ahead, an' there was lots o' time f'r more'n a body might e'er want t' git done. That ain't th' way it turns out, for th' time disappears, right afore th' eyes, seems like, an' all th' things, put off 'til th' time o' th' later years, take so much time f'r th' doin' o' 'em. th' days jist ain't long enough Young folks, these days, have so much more 'n we had, when we were young, an' th' ten dency is, t' take 'em f'r, gran ted. But each day o' life, is a special gift, an' may be utilized Zero Three Times The invention of the mathemat ical zero possibly occurred three times in history, the National Geographic Society says in In dia and from there through Arabia into Western culture, in the Maya civilization of Mexico, and in the Inca empire of South America f'r «®od, *r sad t' relate, not so good. If th' young could be taught t' build toward th' time, when th' years o' construction *re o'er, an' th' die is cast, so's t' reap reward o' a good job. well done, those later years may be greater enjoyed Young parents, many known by this granny throughout th' years, have a large obligation t' th' offspring So many seem t' find it too cumbersome a job, t' teach th' younguns what only a parent can, th' right attitude toward 'emselves, an' others, an' life itself Seems too bad that so many childern come into the world, wi'out th' right guidance. Seems t' me, th' worst part o' it all is, when th' late years come, there ain't th' reward that should be forthcomin', in memories o' a good life, lived wi' a goodly amount o' love Grandma Radtke Nine McHenrv County Dairy Princess candidates par ticipated in the Harvard Milk day festivities last weekend, launching a series of activities to help mark June Dairy month The 1976 McHenry County Dairy Princess contest will climax with the annual l>airj banquet June .10 at Woodstock with the crowning of the 1976 Dairy Princes* She will serve as an ambassador of goodwill for the dairy industry, suc ceeding the reigning Princess) Regina Perenchio Something special is in store for both the new and the retiring Dairy Princess, for in August the McHenry County Dairy Promotion council will host the Illinois Dairy Princess contest Regina will be the McHenry county entry, and the new Dairy Princess will be a special hostess for the visiting state Dairy Princess can didates The state contest is sponsored by the American Dairy Association of Illinois Meanwhile. McHenry County- Dairy Princess candidates this month will take part in a series of appearances, including a June 14 appearance before the McHenry County board to exlol the virtues of one of McHenry county's most important agricultural products -milk and the many products made from milk Store appearances and news media appearances are also being planned, said Larry Harris, secretary-treasurer of the McHenry County I>airy Promotion Council. Here are the 1976 Dairy Princess candidates If no sponsor is listed, one is being vobtained by Harris and his committee 1 - Debra Clark, 21, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Gordon Clark, Woodstock. Sponsored by McHenrv County Farm Bureau Young Farmers committee 2 • Connie Harrison, 19. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Howard B. Harrison, Wood stock. 3 - Debra Killeen, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Killeen. Harvard! 4. • Kathy Luerssen. 18, daughter of Mr and Mrs Don Luerssen. Harvard Sponsored by McHenry County Farm Bureau 5 - Kelly Marunde 17, daughter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Marunde, Woodstock Sponsored by Genoa City. Wis Dairy Coop 6 Nancv Pthl. 17. .daughter of. Mr and Mrs Myron Pihl, Harvard Sponsored by McHenry County Health Im provement Association 7- Diane Swanson. 18.. daughter of Mr and Mrs Alan Swanson. Woodstock Spon sored by Woodstock Progressives ,, 8 I>eb Utech. I». daughter of Mr and Mrs Eric Utech Crystal Ijike Sponsored bye, McHenry County Holstein Club 9 - Diane Weidner, 17. daughter of Mr and Mrs tnirr while her male takes Ms tarn hatching a pair •( rggs. this Swan casts aa •mlaoas stare while raffttag her feathers to disc--rage farther advance. Needless to My. the protective Instinct* of this creatare were reeog- liird at first glance. Robert Weidner Harvard Sponsored by Kishwaukee Vallev District AMP1 .„ TH* MCHKNHY PI.AINDICAI.KR 3912 Wmi Elm ItrM v fKon. IBS 01 M) MkHonry III too* MOM PubllStod («try W«dn»«d«v % F>4(y It III. Second Cl*« at llbnait •y McMf NHV euauSMING COMPANY Lct'v I Lund Publi^w f ro«M<ch lehto* subscription nans • War $10.50 I Wai In McHiwy and | County NATIONAL NEWSPAPER Attention All TrovlTt! \ ; WA/VVsAAA^/vj A Brand New Service From McHenry To 0'Hare Field * Depart McHenry at 6:00 AM and arrive at O'Hare Field at 7:30 AM t A New Service From O'Hare Field To McHenry • Depart O'Hare Field at 7:45 AM and arrive McHenry at 9:00 AM This added service will operate Monday thru Friday by O'Hare Wisconsin Limousine Company . This is in addition to the ROUND TRIPS that are operated daily from our office. Chain-0-Lakes Travel Service 3405 W. Elm St McHenry Ana Code (815) 3I5-7SOO ~ **** * • DIAMONDS • WATCHES • RINGS • BRACELETS • CIGARETTE LIGHTERS • NECKLACES AND MORE! THE YEAR'S BEST SALE, IN TIME FOR FATHER'S DAY, GRADUAT ION, WEDDINGS. ALL ITEMS TAG GED WITH A RED STAR SAVE 1/3 OFF ORIGINAL PRICE, A GOLD STAR SAVES YOU 50%! S II " ̂ fc - 1 s I ' - HOW TO » > MEASURE YOUR WINDOWS I! on , pj W*1»H rod »nd to 1?- tj To rod to '•] To Moo» 1" abewo rod to 1/2" from •»©<* JT C«'t<ng »o Hoc '®t> o* rod »o 117" •ro»" Hoo* Custom Made-to- measure draperies. Bedspreads, All styles - fabrics. Brin# in your windo* measuremerits. Choose from more than 300 color and fabric combination*. I>raperies ire fan-fo<ded to hang in uniform pleats and tailored *ith 4-inch *ei,;hted bottom hems. Lined, tin lined or extra full, if dt'sired. < orne in todaj and see our extensive drapery samples. JUNE 10 THKl JIM 26 OM.V >0 nff READY MADE DRAPES 20% off SELECTED PANELS ! 1 JEWELRY DIAAAONDS 1212 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY PHONE 385-6070 7 " ̂ 1Q% Off STOCK BEDSPREADS WE HAVE THE BEST SELECTION OF CURTAINS IN NO. ILLINOIS. STOP IN AND SEE. FRANKLIN 1250 N. GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS