Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS >ss COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF WILLIAM TONYAN AND SONS, INC and WALTER BOLGER RECORD TITLE HOLDERS FOR A PROPOSED AN NEXATION AGREEMENT WITH THE CORPORATE AUTHORITIES OF THE VILLAGE OF McHENRY S H O R E S , M c H E N R Y COUNTY, ILLINOIS, WITH RESPECT TO CERTAIN LAND. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 24, Illinois Revised Statutes, Section 11-15.1, that a public hearing will be held before the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry Shores, McHenry County, Illinois, for the purpose of considering a proposed annexation agreement ap plicable to Parcels 1 and 2 described below, which provides for the annexation of said Parcels under certain terms and conditions. Said Parcels 1 and 2 are contiguous parcels containing ap proximately 95.48 acres lying between Barreville Road ana State Route 31 with a Building located thereon commonly known as 1400 S. McHenry, Illinois. Parcel 1: Commencing at Stake in Illinois marking the section corner common to Sections 2, 3, 10 and 11, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois, running thence Easterly along the Northerly line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11 a distance of 1316.35 feet to an iron stake marking the Northeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter of said Section 11, running thence Southerly along the East line thereof at an angle of 89 degrees 53 minutes measured counter clockwise from the last described course 857.05 feet to an iron stake for a place of beginning, continuing thence Southerly along the same course 1712.85 feet to an iron stake which is 75.00 feet North of the Southeast Corner of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11 aforesaid, run ning thence Westerly along with North line of the Natural Gas Pipeline Route 31 an Iron Route 31 Company of America property, at an angle of 90 degrees 07 minutes 20 second measured counter clockwise from the last described course 1317.89 feet to an iron stake on the North and South Quarter Section line; thence con tinuing Westerly along the said North line 1293.31 feet to an iron stake in said Illinois Route 31. running thence Northeasterly along the center line of said roacT at an angle of 62 degrees 51 minutes 40 seconds measured counter clock wise from the last described course, 1923.05 feet to an iron stake; running thence Easterly at an angle of 116 degrees 59 minutes measured counter clock- Jise from the last described turse, 1737.81 feet to the ace of beginning, in cHenry County, Illinois. Parcel 2: The North 4 of the South '2 of the Northeast U of the Northwest of Section 11, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry County, State of Illinois, (containing approximately 10 acres more or less) A copy of the proposed an nexation agreement referred to above and a map of the subject territory are on file in the office of the Village Clerk and are available for public inspection during normal business hours. The hearing upon the p r o p o s e d a n n e x a t i o n agreement will be held at 8:00 m. on July 14th, 1976 at 3211 est Beach Drive, in the Village of McHenry Shores, Illinois, at which time and place all those who may be interested may appear and be heard. Published by order of the President of the Village Board of the Village of McHenry Shores, McHenry County, State of Illinois. VILLAGE OF McHENRY SHORES BY: -s- Rose Lillegard President MILITELLO & ZANCK Attorneys for Petitioner 40 Brink Street P.O. Box F Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Tele. No.: 815-459-8800 (Pub. June25,1976) &! Editor's Quote Book Ask yourself whether you are happy and you cease to be. John Stuart Mill A beautiful young <2 years old) purebred Samoyed with a lovely disposition to match her good looks. At the County Shelter, 11608 Banford road, Woodstock. (Photocom Photo) HELPING PAWS Bv Estelle Atwell Hearbreak is losing a beloved pet and here's a letter from a saddened owner: "Snoopy was a little white and tan Rat Terrier, who with assistance from Helping Paws, came to live with us in Wood stock. His long erect ears and sparkling large black eyes made him look like a tiny deer. He liked it here and showed it in every way a little dog could. There were my son's dogs to play with, plenty of space, trees and bushes and green grass ~ and he was the little king of it all. His favorite pastimes were riding in the car and giving all the birds a hard time. "It was a beautiful morning and the birds were all over the lawn. Snoopy watched them from the window and then came to me and whined and begged over and over again until I let him out. After about five minutes I heard brakes squealing in front of the house. When .1 got to the window I could see nothing unusual but I had a strange feeling. I went to the door and called Snoopy. He was always there by the second shout - but not this day. Then I walked out and saw him lying on the grass across from his own mail box. His ears were still standing up but his eyes weren 1 sparkling any more -- so I closed them Men aren't supposed to cry. but they do. „ "Whoever ran him down did try to avoid it. There were 45 feet of skid marks immediately after coming over a blind hiil crest Snoopy might well have been a youngster walking to school or riding a bicycle or a resident of Sheltered Village, or a whole class of children from SEDOM school crossing Kish waukee road on one of their hikes The result would have been even more terrible than this "It wasn't important enough to this person to stop Maybe he just didn't care - but we do I hope Snoopy will always have people to love and birds to play with We all miss him very much " The Helping Paws office is open Monday through Friday from 10 to noon and 1 to 3 p.m Phone 459-2641 DOGS FOR ADOPTION Shepherd-Collie mix female. 4 months, black and tan long coat, good disposition, outside dog 653-5951 Shepherd-Golden Retriever mix female, housebroken, , minds well, very affectionate, blonde with brown nose. 385- 4247 Lab mix female, 4 to 5 years, black and white, housebroken, DHL shot. She's a lovely dog and must be only dog in the family 385-9182 Tuesday and Wednesday evenings only. Collie mix female, 5 months, fluffy black and white coat, housebroken Wll be small 455 1186 Lab mix female, 5l* months, black, practically housebroken. all shots, lovable. 338-3646 St. Bernard female, 3 years, brown and white saddle. Days, 312-259-9600, extension 515, evenings, 459-4649 Yellow Lab mix female, 1 year, golden color, looks like yellow lab, housebrokn, very affectionate. 385-8110 from 10 to 6. Labrador Retriever male, 3 to 4 years, solid black, outside dog, all current shots. 648-2048. Shepherd-Collie male, neutered, 2 years, long black and white coat, housebroken, needs room to run, good for a farm, No small children. 385- 9205 after 6 ,Shepherd mix female, 4 months, black and tan, outside dog, partially housebroken, gentle daughter of a gentle mother. Office 338-2127; home 338-4333. H\C»K 5 • P LA IN DE AI .ER-FRID A Y. JUNE ». Iflf Schnoodle male. 2 years, mostly poddle. grayish black, housebroken. good with adults, shots. ver\ affectionate 450 1422 L a b - C h e s a p e a k e B a y Retriever puppies isi*> Two males, four females. 12 weeks, black, very affectionate and playful 459 7773 AT THE COUNTY SMELTER FOR ADOPTION T 11608 Ranford road. Wood stock Phone 338 7l>40 Open 9 to 5 daily. Saturday from 10 to noon Poodle mix male, black, 4 months, sweet dog Weimaraner mix male. 1 year - Cage No 7 Cock a poo mix Male, adult - Cage No 26 St Bernard mix female, 2 years, nice dog. not as large as average St Bernard Miscellaneous Animal*; Guinea pig, possible female; 3 years, white, cage included, to good home only 312-658 7597 CATS FOR ADOPTION Small Domestic cat, female, long gray and white coat, young adult, outside cat No children 459-8560 Two Domestic cats, males, adults, both black and white, h o u s e b r o k e n G o o d w i t h children and dogs 728-0114 Two Domestic kittens, sexes unknown, 8 weeks, both are gray 455-1186 Domestic cat. male, adult, brown and white, not housebroken. farm cat 385 7760 Domestic cat. female. 8 months, beige and black striped short coat, h o u s e b r o k e n 4 5 9 - 5 0 8 1 a f t e r 1:30 Two Domestic kittens, 8 weeks, male is black and white, female is gray and white 312- 639-4390 Four kittens, sexes unknown, 6 to 7 weeks, 2 black, 1 orange, 1 white and gray, outside cats. 385-5573 Two kittens, 1 male, 1 female, 6 weeks, both Tiger striped, housebroken 212-639-4390. Domestic kitten, sex unknown, 10 weeks, gray and white, housebroken. distemper shot, playful 312-639-2881. Three Domestic kittens and mother. Kittens are 4 weeks, females. 1 tortoise, 1 gray and white, 1 black Mother is gray Tabby adult All housebroken 943-5200 home; 338-0770 work. Four kittens. 3 males. I female. 9 weeks Males black, female gray Tiger Pleyful 455- 0206 Domestic cat. male. I year, yellow Tiger, has shots, hoiftebroken 4.W-0206 Five kittens, sexes unknown, 7 weeks, gray striped 459 2113 Three kittens. 1 male, 2 females. 6 weeks, housebroken Male and 1 female are gray. 1 female gray and white 653 4596 T w o D o m e s t i c k i t t e n s . 1 male. 1 female. 6 weeks Female is Tiger striped, male is black and white, litter box trained Very affectionate 312- 639 2881 Burmese cat female. 5 years, gray, front paws declawed. very affectionte 312-639-4423 Six kittens. 2 brown mix. 2 black and white. 2 gray and white, sexes unknown. 6 weeks . 1 3 8 4 4 8 1 u n t i l 9 p m LOST AND FOUND lx»st Pomeranian mix male, 7 years Looks like P o m e r a n i a n , b l o n d f l u f f v Ug curled tail. Lost in Jacoby's subdivision near Roberts road. Island Lake Wearing black studded collar with rabies .112439-3635 t^nst: Lab mix female. • months, small. Mack, tost from BuitjwTs Bridge 459-481* Lost Poodle type, female. 4 years, off white, tawny and a little aprico curly coat, wearing red harness Lost at McHenry Dam State park on River road 385-7884 liost Domestic cat. male. 9 months, orange and white striped Lost in Westmore Estates in McHenry near Rte 12 and 134 385-5757 Found Siamese cat. female. Sealpoint, found on Green street in McHenry 385-0663. • « Tasted Great When Jones became convinced hr was a cannibal, his wife per suaded him to visit a psychia trist Returning home after his first visit the husband was asked what a psychiatrist was I>elinous. " he blurted * n THE HOME OF: • Saab • Subaru • Pirelli Radial fires U S E D C A R D E P A R T M E N T 1970 SAAB SON En Kibe rg las front wheel drive sports car, radial tires. nice condition. '2(00 1971 SAAB 99 u? mu... 1974 FIAT 121 WAGON 4 sp., extra clean, room 6 economy '2200 '1650 Phil Hoaglund't EUROPA MOTORS 2414 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY 385-0700 Your Saving* WHI! When ill the McHenry State Bank -- THE HIGHEST LEGAL RATE PASSBOOK SAVINGS ACCOUNT it's Planted /V NO MINIMUM COMPOUNDED DAILY PAID QUARTERLY SIIVK SAVIN6S ACCOUNT $1.00 MINIMUM COMPOUNDED DAILY PAID QUARTERLY COMPOUNDED DAILY CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT $1,000.00 MINIMUM 30 MONTHS THRU 47 MONTHS 'Federal law and regulation prohibit the payment of a time deposit prior to maturity unless three months of the interest thereon is forfeited and interest on the amount withdrawn is reduced to the passbook rate. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT $1,000.00 MINIMUM ONE YEAR THRU 29 MONTHS COMPOUNDED DAILY CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT $1,000.00 MINIMUM 48 MONTHS 1 I 13 i CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT $1,000.00 MINIMUM 72 MONTHS WE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, JULY 5th AND OPEN WED., JULY 7th wmi:-^^^ ,̂NDOWS A FULL SERVICE BANK McHENRY STATE BANK 3510 W. Elm St. There's no substitution for money in tho bonk. (815) 385-1040 McHenry, Illinois