Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jul 1976, p. 7

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Kurt Mueller's Hole-In-One At Pistakee May Win Trip PAliK 7 - PLAINDEALKK Kurt Mueller of 1302 W. Lincoln Road, McHenry, 111., is eligible to win a free trip to Scotland and $1,000 as a result of scoring a hole-in-one at the Pistakee Country Club. Mueller's ace qualified him for the 15th annual Rusty Nail Hole-in-One Sweepstakes, a national competition sponsored by the Drambuie Company of Edinburgh, Scotland. The winner will be announced early next year. Village of McHenry Shores Inge Aide 344-1984 McHenry Shores Annual Picnic Slated August 21 The Shoreline club invites you to their annual picnic on Saturday, Aug. 21, at the beach. There will be games galore as well as puppet shows for the children of all ages. If you buy tickets before the day of the picnic at the village hall or from any of the girls mentioned in the flyer, they will be at less cost (plus one covered dish per family) and enable the Shoreliners to plan ahead.'After all, we don't want anyone to go away hungry, do we? Sliced beef will be served and you'll have your choice bet­ ween barbecued and Italian style. So, please plan on coming with the whole family! If it rains, the picnic will be held on Sunday, Aug. 2?. After the picnic, please stay for the Bicentennial street dance, sponsored by the village of McHenry Shores. A band will play at the beach and even if you don't intend to dance, come and listen! Maybe you'll change your mind once you hear the sprightly music. But since there will be no parking spaces, please get in a little exercise as well and walk to the affair! See you all at the picnic and street dance! YOUTH ACTIVITIES PROGRAM The new McHenry Shores sports program started Monday last week with a bang. After weeks of almost too perfect weather (oh, our thirsty lawns and gardens! )the first two nights of ball games were rained out. About seventy people signed up at the village hall for various activities, some of them for several And if you haven't registered yet, please think about all the fun you can have playing volleyball or softball right along with your children. ,> Or you can send the kids to the beach or the ball diamond for their favorite sports, ac­ cording to the schedule you received a little while ago. And for the real little ones remember the Storybook hour, the puppet shows and games. Isn't it nice to have something for everybody to do right here in the village? SHORELINE WAVES At the last meeting of the Shoreline club most of the attention centered on the picnic on which I reported before and on the bazaar. There will be a special meeting of the bazaar committee on Aug. 1. So, if you have any cute ideas for items for the bazaar, please drop them off before that date at the village hall, leaving your name and phone number so that the committee can contact you. Remember, the Shoreline club works for all of us by donating half of their profits to the village for recreational expenses. For instance, the Youth Activities program bought all their equipment with the money donated by the Shoreliners. But in order to help the people of the village even more, the club needs your help, too! BOWLING LEAGUE The McHenry Shores bowling league is now adding new people to their numbers. If you are interested in bowling Friday morning at 9:30, please contact the secretary of the league at 385-4517. NEW RESIDENT There is a new resident in the village. Richard Anthony joined the Panerali family on July 19. He weighed 7 lbs., 6 oz., and was 21 inches long. Two sisters as Well as the proud parents, Bonnie and Richard, are the welcoming commiteee. Good luck to all of you! - VILLAGE BUSINESS On the day of a meeting of the board of trustees, the agenda for that meeting will be posted in' the window of the village hall. The chairman for Public Health and Safety requests that all bikes that are out after dark have safety reflectors and lights. Please, parents, this is for you kids' protection! Too much has happened to cicyclists lately that such warnings should not be ignored. And here is another plea to keep your garbage cans tightly closed in order to discourage a growing number of skunks in the area. BOARD MEETING NEWS Following is a report by Judy LaFrancis on the meeting of the board of trustees of the village of McHenry Shores July 21. Never a dull moment! Eleven residents plus the board members were in attendance at the bimonthly meeting of the village board of McHenry Shores where the following events took place: The annual tax levy was passed, Ordinance No. 53; approval was given for the second appraisal of the property for the Creekside park; the ditching project on Hilltop and Bull Valley is tentatively planned to begin in September pending the receipt of insurance papers from the contractor; and several residents offered their assistance in obtaining ad­ ditional information on the purchase of a radio system for the Police department. When the meeting was opened to the floor, Mr. Gilliland responded to the letters which he received in conjunction with his pool vioations. Mr. Gilliland stated that after three years' use his pool had become the subject of controversy over placement and lack of proper fencing. He further disapproved the adherence to ordinances which were not in effect when his pool was erected. The board responded that Health and Safety ordinances were always retroactive. Mr. Gilliland made several valid statements regarding the type of fencing to be constructed. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Gilliland agreed to lower the depth of his pool, obtain a permit for the construct" of a fence, desist in the use Of his pool, and draw up a suitable plan for the relocation of his pool on his property. It appeared that all parties were in agreement as to the outcome of this "heated con­ troversy". The "new" swim­ ming pool ordinance is still in committee; therefore, it was determined that Mr. Gilliland's pool is subject to the State BOCA Codes concerning pool placement and construction. The next board meeting is Aug. 4. Mark your calendars. This is your village; your opinions count; let them be known. BIRTHDAYS Fred Heald, Linda Kurowski, and Joyce Pinkonsly had a birthday on July 25. Today is Donna Gunder's birthday. Eddie Vogl will be ten years old tomorrow and Karen Novotny has her big day coming up on July 30. Walter Wilson, Dawn Dob- bertin and Loretta Roberts will all celebrate on July 31 and Howard Bain will be a year older on Aug. 3. A very happy birthday to all of you. al ANNIVERSARIES Robert and Rose Steel celebrated twenty-eight year of wedded bliss on July 24. Larry and Gayle Csajaghy were married seven years on July 26 and on the same day Howard and Yvonne Alton celebrated their eighteenth anniversary. To all of you I wish only the best for years and years to come. Be happy, friends! SMOKIES TRIP My family including our visitors from Germany, my mother, brother and sister-in- law, took a lovely trip through Kentucky and Tennessee, centering mostly in the Great Smoky mountains. On the way there, we were impressed by Mammoth cave which is quite unbelievable. Rock City was also very ex­ citing with beautiful rock gardens where nature is enhanced by man's ingenuity. And in the Smokies, if you know rhododendron only as a small garden bush, which has to be pampered, it is an ex­ perience to see them as trees there, blooming profusely in the middle of the forest. All in all, we had a great time. CONCLUDING REMARKS Now comes the hard part, saying goodbye to all of you, Goodyear Helps You Save On Small Carnhitewalls Save On Your Choice Of 6.95-14 or D78-14 Plus $1.82 or $2.12 F.E.T., depending on size, and old tire Polyester Cord "Power Cushion' Tires...Used On Many New Cars ...An Excellent Replacement For Many Small American Cars Sale Ends Sat. Size 6.95-14 (R«fularly $34.95) Sin 078-14 (Refulariy $35.55) CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE! Due to nationwide strike, the tire in the size you want may not be available at all loca tions. "RAIN CHECKS" will be provided to assure you of our advertised price on your tire as soon as it is available. Lube,Oil & Filter Up to 5 qts. of major brand 10/30 grade oil. • Complete chassis lubrication, oi l change and fi lter • Helps ensure long wearing parts & smooth, quiet performance • Please phone for appointment • Includes light trucks Ask for our Free Battery Power Check Brakes Your Choice 2 Wheel Front Disc: I n s t a l l m : w f r o n t d i s c b r a k e p a d s • R e p a c k a n d i n s p e c t f r o n t w h e e l b e a r i n g s • I n ­ s p e c t h y d r a u l i c s y s t e m a n d r o t o r s ( d o e s n o t i n c l u d e r e a r w h e e l s ) O R 4 - Wheel Drum-Type: I n s t a 1 1 n e w b r a k e l i n i n g s a l l f o u r w h e e l s • R e p a c k f r o n t w h e e l b e a r i n g s • I n s p e c t b r a k e h y d r a u l i c s y s t e m , a d d f l u i d Additional parts extra i f needed Engine Tune-lip • O u r m e c h a n i c s e l e c t r o n i c a l l y f i n e - t u n e y o u r e n g i n e • N e w p o i n t s , p l u g s & c o n d e n s e r • T e s t c h a r g i n g / s t a r t i n g s y s t e m s , a d j u s t c a r b u r e t o r • H e l p s m a i n t a i n a s m o o t h r u n n i n g e n g i n e • I n ­ c l u d e s D a t s u n , T o y o t a , V W & l i g h t t r u c k s 6 c y l A d d $ 4 t o r 8 c y l $ 2 f o r a i r c o n d i 4 L e s s f o r c a r s w i t h e l e c t r o n i c i g n i t i o n HOURS: DAILY 8 to 6:00 FRI. 8 to 8 SAT. 8 to 4:00 GOODYEAR TIRE CENTER PHONE since this is my last column. For awhile I have been aware of insulting rumors spread by people who don't even* know me. Since not one of them ever had the courage to say anything to my face and since normally I would not use this column to air my personal grievances, I never defended myself even though I deeply resented the slur on my character. But I will not give up this job without stressing the true facts. Although I am indebted to Rose Lillegard for helping me in any way she could out of her own experience as a columnist, she never dictated to me in any way what to write and what not to write. As to the most recent criticism that the public does not get enough information about the board meetings, I again would have preferred a direct confrontation so that I could have given my reasons for reporting to you from the minutes instead of attending the meetings personally, since I was not given that opportunity I deemec^it practical to ask Judy LaFrancis who volunteered to report directly from the board meetings to you and to wHte the rest of the coluumn, too, starting next week. The past year of writing for you, talking to and meeting some of you has been very rewarding. Please be as nice to Judy as you have been to me. I know you will enjoy her column very much. Goodbye again. Lakemoor-Lilymoor Alma Hueckstaedt 385-5689 iCTttCATlONAL I Col lege Honors I Fellowship To Scott - Johnson Scott D. Johnson, 1003 Hampton court, McHenry, a graduate student in Creative Writing at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, has been awarded one of thirty-six University Fellowships for the academic year 1976-1977. The University Fellowship is a $3,000 per year award made to outstanding graduate students based on university- wide competition. The fellowship is intended to en­ courage and assist students in pursuing graduate study and in completing the requirements for graduate degrees in the minimum possible time. It is renewable for two years. Engine To Caboose Train Cake For Chad On July 11, several friends and relatives gathered in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hueckstaedt, Jr. to help their infant son celebrate his first belated birthday. Chad's bir­ thday cake was made up like a railroad train, complete from engine to caboose. Those who helped him celebrate were Pat and Jeff Anderson and their parents, A1 and Sis; cousins, Jason and Jess Browning and Aunt Cheryl, cousins, Michael and Patty Hertel and Aunt Laurie; Robbie and Becky Huffman and their parents, Art and Prudie. Also Johnnie and Julie Magnus and parents, John and Judy; Pearl Anne Zabroski and parents, Chuck and Pearl; cousins Glenn and Scott Zahn and parents, Bill and Cathy; and grandma and grandpa Hueckstaedt. Chad received many nice gifts. LADIES LEAGUE Due to vacations some of the members were absent and so the ones that were present took part in their social time of games. The winners were first, Carol Voelke; second, Jean Dember; third, Mildred Narcoti, and the booby prize was won by Carol Green. Hostesses were Mildred Narcoti and Carol Voelke. VISITORS Richard and Linda Ernest and children, Margie, 10; Cindy, 8; Kathy, 6; Debbie; 5, and little Richard, 2, of Melrose Park came to visit Mr. Er­ nest's mother, Mae Ernest and his sister, Ruth Freeman. They RECOGNITION Gregory Schmitt, son of Daniel Schmitt of 3914 N. Hillcrest, McHenry, has achieved recognition on the Dean's list at Bradley university in Peoria. Qualifications for the Dean's list are based on academic achievement with a minimum grade point average for the semester of 3.5, the equivalent of an A-minus on a perfect 4.0 scale. spent two days visiting and really enjoying all of it. SHOWING OF^ That's what the Mumma family did recently on their trip to Pennsylvania. They left here with the intentions of showing off their new daughter to all the relatives and friends "back home." Dick's sister and brother-in- law, Ruth and John Wilt, put them up for five days. From there they visited other relatives and friends, about fifty in all, had meals with many of them and visited with others. Dick came from a large family and while there, Stephen, Chris and Scott were able to get in some swimming^ and minibike riding while Missy was being held and loved by all. She received many gifts including money. It was reported by Cherie to have been a very hectic but enjoyable five days and they arrived home bone-weary but happy to have had the op­ portunity to show off their new daughter. BELATED BIRTHDAY It seems that I left out one birthday last week. On the twenty-third of July, Virginia Eggert added one more year on to those already stacked up. Happy Birthday, Virg. BIRTHDAYS Best wishes to those ending July with their birthdays and to those who will begin August with theirs. On the twenty - ninth, Nancy Stockwell and Marilyn Jones share that date to celebrate. Heather Hager will become one year older on the first and on the fourth, Charles (Dutch) Hueckstaedt will be celebrating his big day. I sincerely hope each of you have a very happy birthday. ANNIVERSARY On July 30, Sue and Tom Reese will be celebrating fifteen years of married life. Here's hoping each year will become better and more fun lat the past ones. WEDNESDAY. JULY 28. 1976 was the marker tor a teenage boy that had died in 1886. By calling the Historical society, she found that the boy had been a member of one of the first white families who had settled in the area. The Society was very happy with its return. As soon as the old cemetery has had all the other headstones straightened up and set up after years of gradual tilting from earth movement, the young boy's stone will be set in its rightful place. It makes a person wonder what sort of a kick someone would get out of taking a headstone out of a cemetery or just vandalizing a cemetery to the extent of smashing them up. TIL NEXT TIME SUMMER MUSICAL PM&L's summer musical, "The Pajama Game," will have its first performance Friday night, July 30, at the PM&L theater, 877 Main street in Antioch. Of the five sub­ sequent performances, two will be later this weekend, Satur­ day, July 31, and Sunday, Aug. 1, and the remaining three are set for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of next weekend, Aug. 6, 7 and 8. The curtain time for all of these shows is 8;$) p.m. SLJL COOLING OFF...Sum­ mertime weather is fun time for pretty Melinda Bern­ stein, who enjoys the cool spray of the blue Atlantic at Miami Beach. HEADSTONE RECLAIMED What would you do if you found a cemetery headstone near your home? A friend in the community found one and it ORNAMENTAL IRON Railing-Columns Custom Fabricating Welding & Structural Frozen Pipe Thawing TEEL SALES ADAMS BROS. (Next to Gem Cleaners) 30Q6 W. Rte. 120 Phone: I McHenry 385-0783 OWNED AND OPERATED BY: McHENRY CHECKPOINT, INC. 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILLINOIS 385-7300 STOP SOCK.. ....*25°° or more into a new or existing Savings Account, and receive a coupon good for m Limit One Per Person Offer Ends July 31st I^PHlT»P""ri ' FREE BUCKET OF BALLS at the new... McRENRY DRIVING RANGE] M (LOCATED 1 MILE NORTH ON RTE. 31 McHENRY) McHENRY S A V I N G S 1 i IAI ISItCl lTlt l McHenry Savings V AND lOAN ASSOCIATION^^ FSL1C 1209 North Green St r 10520 Mam Street > McKenry II RiChrnond iH'n 385-3000 678 2061 SAVERS HOURS 9 00 am to 4 30 p rn Monday Tuesday ana Thursday 9 00 am to 8 00 p m Fr.Odr 9 00 a m to 3 00 p m Saturday McHenry Dnve-ln Window open Wednesday 9 00 a m to 2 00 p m Closed Wednesday <n Richmond McHENRY MONEY MACHINE OPEN 24 HRS A DAY EVERY DAY

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