r PAGE I* • PI A1NDEALER FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1976 3r&% 'ft? t&ft* ^»«wSfct"w #+*!*< 'Uf.<T <* I <>** wr **<*• *.••- i r ^ p * ^ ~ | i - a i r g c i t o n * o . * > * i ' • j ' G r a b a m - W h r t # I +•• • • .< * *' ?•. ^v0*'* ««*•«#• *>!«•<<•'-»• «-*«» **» *•#*>* •*< m "**'•' *•**" •** INSURANCE cists IW McyO» 1 IK W •UND€l ADMINISTRATOR 9 H®* bPgN ADMINISTRATOR 1 »*» -» *»• **»•***»{ - llZr ?T*7%~Z. •,v<v,>«,^. ' 1 *»»•*• ^--------•mm **t4t Mo^twsW, Mi » W1"'^ IMINT P H 0 N E 3 8 5 0 1 7 0 No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards- of Thanks, In Memoriam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garage- Salers MUST be paid in advance. . The Plaindeater is not responsible for errors in clas sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mis takes. OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRi.. 8:30 a*m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9: :00*a*m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER - MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 BUSINESS SERVICES Work done on Johnson-Evinrude -O.M.C. - Sterndrive -. Mer er uiser - By Factory trained mechanic. 815-385-8520 7-28/8-27 Concrete work wanted* DriVei ways, patios, sidewalks, etc. Free Estimates. Reasonable Rates, 312-426-9107 7-7/8-18 i--Tr; AUTOS 1971 T Bird, mint condition, 30,000 miles, fallpower, $3,200 or best offer. Call after 5 p.m. 344-1378 ' 8-6 1973 Pinto, air conditioned, auto trans., vinyl roof. 385-5611 8-6/8-13 '63 Chevy n, 6 cyl„ 3 spd, many new parts, excellent run ner, 385-2406 or 455-3000. Ask for Gary 8-6 1971 Porsche, 914, appearance group, super clean. $3,000 385- 4551 8-6/8-13 '65 Mallbu, good second car, very clean, must see to appre ciate. 385-4023 8-6/8-11 « 1967 Ford Galaxy 500 4 dr., runner, dependable starter . 385-9132 8-6 '70 Volkswagen - $1,000. 385- 3557 after 5 p.m. • 8-6 1965 BUICK WAGON, full power air conditioned $200. 385-0705 8-6/8-11 Vega, '72, Green, Bucket seats p.s., p.b., excellent runring condition. $750. 385-9306. Sat urday or Sunday Only. 8-6 1964 Buick, runs good, first $50. takes it. 344-1285 8-6 1975 Honey Bee Datsun 210, AM/FM tape deck, 4 speed, new tires, moving, must sell. |2,200. or best offer (815) 385- 4460 8-4/8-6 1969 3/4 ton heavy duty pick up truck, 4 speeds forward, excellent condition. Call 815- 385-3386 after 6 p.m. 8-4/8-6 1970 4 dr. T- Bird, immaculate, vinyl top, all options, low mile age, must see to appreciate, Leaving for college. Must sell $1,650. 312-358-6478 8-4/8-6 VW Squareback, 1968, good condition, great mpg, $350. or best offer. 815-728-0764 after 5 8-4/8-6 1968 Dodge Vi ton pick up, good running condition $425. or best offer 815-653-9720 or 385-9427 7-23-TF-1-2 BUSINESS SERVICES * * * * * * * * 14 16 20 BI-CENTENNIAL SPECIAL Garage Sale 20 Garage $1776. 22 Garage $1976. 22 Garage $2176. DON-UN LANDSCAPING Complete service Sodding and seeding Design and layout Trees and shrubs Grading Black Dirt £ Residential, commercial, £ JL industrial « 2- Insured J 2 Free Estimates J 385-5512 * 6-18/9-10-TF-2 * * * * * * * * J 20 x TI uarage $2176. | I Concrete installed per local i | building Codes additional. I • Piers Hoists I • Seawalls l • Boat j • Boat Propellers I Repaired • Trailer Hitches • Kfeliarc • Portable FREE ESTIMATES McHenry Welding J 2912 W. Rte. 120 - McHenry j | 815_385-4929_ O.E.A. C ON&TRUCTION 815-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 8-6-TF - ALLAN'S BLACKTOP ,30c pier foot Call how and Save. , • Driveways • Parking Lots • Resurfacing • New Driveways • Patching & Sealing All work Guaranteed • Free Estimates 24 Hour Service 815-459-5757 7-28/9-8 - " ---- NEED SOMETHING - DONE? • Carpentry • Roofing • Cement Work • Siding • Patios a Additions • New Homes No Job too large or small CALL J.S. BLAKE CONSTRUCTION 385-5593 8-6-TF-2 ft ********* >' GENERAL HAULING f Crushed road gravel - • Grade 9 for driveways ]. a Pea gravel ) > • Sand a a Black Dirt 1" 815-385-5827 !: 815-385-4835 JOHN FICKEN. JR. * 8-6-TF - D.E. ZIMMER INC. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Licensed Bonded • Insured Residential & C'ommercialJ work • 'For Free Estimates call! .815-385-8329 7/14-8/25 ***************** * COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 3021 W. Route 120 McHenry, III. Phone (815) 385-0778 Open! 8:00 - 6:00 P.M. Saturday 8:00 - 5:00 P.M. Sunday 9:00 - 1:00 P.M. 8-6-TF-2 \ DAVE SMITH JR.- LAWN CARE LANDSCAPING [Chemical Weed Killing j; Insecticide Spraying. Trees, Shrubbery, Flowers, Lawn Sodding, Seeding, Fertilizing, Mowing, Trimrtiing and all other related services 385-2834 BUSINESS SERVICES Highest prices paid for Junk cars and trucks. Day or Night 8J5-459-0081 8-4-TF-1-2 COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE Complete tree and stump removal Fully insured Free Estimates 385-6733 8-4-TF-1-2 -1 Resid ential-Com mercial >; i Free Estimates j « Fully Insured ; 8-6/8-27-TF-2 ***************** BUSINESS SERVICES RAY'S 30 Day Special On Driveways Parking Lots Also Seal Coating Free Estimates 24 Hour Service A )rk Guaranteed 815r385-8020 7-16/8-27 CHUCK'S 24 HOUR TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE F o r A l l Y o u f * T ( 1 W | N G N E E D S * S T A R T I N G P R O B L E M S J^^AY * I0W BAR RFNIAt yjy/.'itHa Two Phones For Service! TOWING 385-5840 385-0258 WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING INC. SERVING YOUR AREA - 20 YEARS EXPEDIENCE WE ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS. DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER & SAVE! Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE-- GRAtSLAKE 312-223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE 312-367-06/6 8-4-TF-l- BUSINESS SERVICES F. & K. CONST. aorse barns, all shapes and sices, riding arenas, garages, storage buildings* 'Jver 25 years building experience. Free Estimates P.O. Box 123 Delavan, Wiscone'n 414-728-9614 6-30/8-11 Steel office desk, gray, very gocd condition, one lett $75. J15-344-1335 8-4/8-6 *************£ * * * * * * * * * * * * * R & R BLACKTOP Driveways Parking Lots Seal coating Fyee Estimates 7 days a week Work guaranteed rail , 815-385-0258 * * * * * * * * * * * * 7/21-9/1* *************** kW-WA*. C O M M E R C I A L • R E S I D E N T I A L NLLU KITCHEN OR BATH REMODELED BY AN EXPERT? CALL JACK 815 344-1180 UUf 2-14" Chrome reverse rinv $35; Sears "Free Spirit" 24>; boys 10 speed $50. Call 385- 0836 8-6 9 WINDOWS suitable for gar age or patio 815-344-1384 8-6 RALEIGH PRODUCTS j a All Flavor Extracts a Every Variety of Spice I a All types of Household | Items | a MR. GROOM for your | REMODELING SPECIALISTS PROMPT SERVICE a Basements a Porches" • Family Rooms a Garages % Room Additions# Patios & Repairs O.E.A. Construction 815-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 .vwvs/wvW 8-6-TF-2 McHENFY TELEPHONE ANSWERING & LETTER SERVICE • 24 hour answering service .and complete mailing service • Paging Service • Printing • Mimeographing a Typing • Photocopying 3509 W. Pearl St. McHenry, 111. 60050 815-385-0258 8-6-TF-2 pets. HERMAN D0WE 1412 N. Richmond Rd. McHenry, II. 3850241 7-30/10-22-TF-2 MOVING Melges wood "C" scow, good boat, nice condition, 2 sails, lift $1,800., 18' Mahogany Chris Craft, needs work, good engine, make offer. '69 Ford Squire wagon, runs good, needs work, make offer 385-4362 8-4/8-6 SOLID STATE double keyboard f Silvertone organ $500; NOBLET clarinet & case, best offer 385- ( 1274 after 5 pm 8-6/8-11 19" Portable Admiral B & W TV $50. 385-8182 8-6 55 gallon fish aquarium with wrought iron stand, lid, arti ficial plants, and gravel, heater; power I filter $85. 815-678- 4037 8-6 Life time waterless cOokware, sales and service. Chuck Huf- far. 815-385-7178 7-16/10-15-TF-2 10# tan metal wall cabinets, $50.| 5' white metal sink cab inet with fixtures $20., corner metal cabinet - formica top $10. 6' high white metal cabin ets $20 each. Floor model white metal cabinet $10. Hoover 5 lb. washer/dryer portable 110 V $35. 815-344-0706 8-4/8-6 One overhead garage door, 4 sections, 9* wide, complete with all hardware $100 385-0041 7-30/8-6 21" color RCA TV, good condi tion $140 or best offer 385- 8669 8-4/8-6 Maple Twin bed frame $10., Round formica table $li>., in valid's toilet chair $10., Elec. ice cream maker $5., L.H. Bowling balls $6. Gas space heater $15. 385-2818 8-6 1 PR. ROSSINGNOL "JET .100" snow skis/with mounted Be sser bindings, Used 1 season 5565, Size 8Vi Munari ski boots $20 3 8 5 - 4 1 2 2 a f t e r 6 - 8 - 6 Pizza roller, miscellaneous restaurant supplies, oil point ings from Club Alabi, 12CV2 N« Green St. Phone 385-9836 8-6 Hardwood flooring, best ol?fer. 385-7780 8-6 Rec. Room Furniture. 6 sw ivel bar stools $50., 2 plastic siofas $40o, 1 gas stove $30., 1 up right freezer $75., 1 6' loool table $35., 2 dinette sets, JjS^O., a piece. 1 dehumidifier $10., 385-0503 after 5 p.m. 8-4/8-6 Antique dresser $35., coffee table $7.00, 600-13 tires $7.00 each, bed $20., 385-8154 8-4/8-6 MOTORCYCLES 500 KAWASAKI 900 miles, crash bar and helmet included Call 815-344-0565 8-4/8-6 Electric start, Yamaha Enduro 1974, excellent condition $450. or best offer. 815-728-0764 after 5 8-4/8-6 '73 HONDA CL 350. Low mile age $650. 815-344-1215 8-4/8-6 1973 HONDA 350, 1,429 ori ginal miles $800. 815-728-0529 8-6 1972 HONDA 350 385-4739 8-6/8-11 1972 HONDA 350 CL low mile age $700 or best offer 815- 385-8964 8-6/8-13 1970 HODAKA ACE 100 $200 or best offer 385-8964 8-6/8-13 CHOPPER HEADQUARTERS C0WIETE SERVICE SHOP STOCK »» CUSTOM PARTS MOTOR SPORT INC 478-0320 3445 north Miski road chKajo 4ho<s 60641 6-25/9-17-TF-2 TURN ON With Pekin Insurance Motorcycle Protec t ion Tor sunny day fun. Cycle over and se t^ us today! FITZGERALD'S INSURANCE 4719 W. RTE. 120- PH: 385-4619 8-6-TF-2 Motorcycle Parts and Repairs • SPARK PLUGS • OIL WINDSHEELDSeF AIRINGS • TERES • .TUBES • LUGGAGE RACKS CUSTOM PARTS ALSO AVAILABLE MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE on McCullom Lake Rd. McHeniy 385-1321 (Jjen^Mon^^ ST7l0^9^??2 FOR SALE ALUMINUM PLATES 25' A Plate • 6 Plate Minimum Size 23 x 35 .009 Thick Inquire At • THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 \\. Elm St.-McHenry Phone: 385-0170 MOTORCYCLES 1976 NORTON 850 Commando, perfect condition, electric start low miles $2,000 385-5193 .8-6 FOR RENT Round Lake, 3-4 bedroom homes, full basement, nice yards. From $265 month Evans 312-255-8300 8-6 New 2 bedroom duplex, w/w carpeting, built-ins, pay own utilities, security and refer ences $225. month. Ringwood. 312-272-4941 8-6-TF-1-2 2 ROOMS FURNISHED, all util ities paid, cooking privileges. Monday thru Friday 9 til 7 815-344-0936 8-6 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, newly re modeled, 2 lots, $225 month security deposit, No pets. Mc Henry Area. Call 312-639-3595 8-6 Fox Lake - Vacation Village. 1 bedroom furnished $250. per month. Call Era Realtors 815- 344-1010 8-6/8-13 City of McHenry. 3 room fur nished apartment, all utilities included. Mature adults only $175 month 385-6566 8-6 WEEKLY RATES available on small furnished apartments anc sleeping rooms. 385-0266days, 385-8905 evenings. 8-4-TF-1-2 Warehouse or factory space, from 5,000 to 15,000 ft. 385- .1079 8-4-TF-1-2 New modern office space, 300 tc» 1500 sq. ft. Rte. 31, one nxile south of McHenry. Phone 3.S5-4466 8-4-TF-1-2 2 l :>edroom apartment, range and re f rigerator, lease and secur ity deposit, adults only 385- 804'12 8-4-TF-1-2 2 }>edroom house, $175. per month. First and last month in adva nee. Immediate occupancy. 385- 7859 8-4/8-6 RICHMOND, ILL. 3 bedroom hous» i on U.S. 12 with base ment & garage. Zoned for bu- sines s, office, antiques, etc. years lease with security de posit. $>250. per month. Inquire dayti me 815-678-6431 8-4-TF-1-2 HORSES RIDING STABLE 3206 W. Ringwood Rd. 3:30 til Sunset Weekdays All day Saturday & Sun (toy CLOSED MONDAY'S Horses boarded and For Sale. WALNUT HINGE FARM 815-675-2469 8-6/10-29-TF-2 PETS FOR SALE Female, Spayed, German Shepherd, One year old in Sep tember. $20. 728-0520 8-6 3 AKC registered male collie puppies; Call 815-385-1171 7-30/8-6 2 Year old appaloosa horse Broke $125 Call after 4 p.m. 815-653-3711 8-6 4 male Poogles, $20.each. 385- 7780 8-6 NOTICE Not responsible for any debts incurred after August 1, 1976. La Von B. Dowhin, former own er of LaVon's Beauty Salon 8-4/8-6 IN MEMORIAM IN LOVING MEMORY of our dear husband and father CHARLES PROKOP whopassed away one year ago on August 5th A precious one from us is gone, . A voice we loved is stilled. A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. MARY PROKOP and FAMILY 8-6 ANTIQUES Deluxe, modern offices for rent, fane lied, air conditioned, heated, carpeting, In the heart of Mu: Henry. Furnished or unfurnished. Various sizes, long cr.r short term leases a- vailablt 3. Call 385-5572 or 385- 5200 7-30/8-6 LARGJR 2 bedroom apart mem within walking distance to shop ping, tr-ain. Carpeted, air condi tioned, a;dults. 385-3493 7-28-TF-1-2 Teacher s wanted. To rent 2 bedroom house for school year. 385-8154 8-4/8-11 381 3801 ANNE ST. McHenry Top residential area. 3 bdrms ., ll/2 baths, 2 car gar., newly decorated inside & out. New wall to wall deeip shag chocolate brown carpet. No pets. $295. mont h See St mday 1 to 3 Phone 312-973-7515 at 6:00 p..m. any day 8-6 FOR RENT PiRIME LOCATION FOR RENT Showroom building and outside display area. • Building: approximately 2200 sq. ft • 3 Offices «» Carpeted Showroom • 2 Baths • Overhead Door • Panelled Walls • Recessed Lighting • Excellent Parking Located on Route 120. Between McHenry and Volo For Further information Call BOB O'NEILL at 815-385-6000 Qooooooooopo pooooeoq RIDING LESSONS Expert instruction. Special introductory series 5 LESSONS $20.00 OUR FARM McHenry 815-344-0951 OOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) 8-6-TF-2 LOVE ANTIQUES? Then you will want to visit Wondermere a very fine shop. Large as sortment furniture (including wicker), primitives, crocks, glass, copper, brass, clocks- and so much more. Wondermere Rd. - just 2 miles north of Rte. 120 off Greenwood Rd. 815-653-7497 8-6/8-13 SITUATION WANTED RESPONSIBLE GIRL 11 to babysit near home. Call 385- 8312 ask for Sue 8-4/8-6 'I college Seniors want inter ior, exterior painting, better than reasonable, good re ferences. 385-1276 or 385-6133 7-30/8-6 WANTED TO RENT ENGINEER JUST TRANS FERRED to Crystal Lake Area. Married, one child, looking for 2 bedroom or larger home to rent. References. Write Mc Henry Plaindealer Box AU-2, McHenry, III. 60050 8-6/8-11 CARD OF THANKS THE FAMILY of George J. Pit- tner wish to express their heartfelt thanks to their many friends for the tokens of sym pathy tendered them during their recent bereavement The George Pittner Family 8-6 BOATS & MOTORS 19* Century Resorter, 225 HP V8 Chrysler with convertible top. Excellent condition. $2,450. Call after 6 p.m. 385-6494 8-6/8-11 28' Pontoon boat, with 40 horse Johnson $1,400. Tri-Marine 815-653-3000 8-4/8-6 PETS FOR SALE Adorable Schnoodle puppies 6 weeks old, 3 male and 1 fe male, $30. each 385-7478 8-4/8-6 GARAGE SALE Clothing Aug. 7 & 8, Saturday 12 p,m. to 6 p.m. Sunday 11 am to 5 pm E. Lake Shore Dr. & Oak Street Wonder Lake 8-6 GARAGE SALE - Sat., Sun. Aug. 7-8,9 am - 6 pm Tools, toys, clothes, etc. VAL MAR (y2 mile east of Drive-in Thea tre on Lincoln Rd.) 8-6 Multiple Family garage Sale Aug. 6th, 7th, 8th (Childrens clothing Salesman samples) 10 am til 5 pm 611 Silbury Ct. Fox Ridge Sub. 8-6 August 7-8, 9-5, Living room furniture, excellent condition, antiques, clothes and misc. 4806 Willow Lane, Lakeland Park 8-6 GARAGE SALE Friday 6, Satur day 7, Sunday 8, 9 am - 6 pm Miscellaneous items, some used, some new. Bungalow Inn, 620 W. Rand Rd. McHenry 8-6 For The Handyman, Items too numerous to mention. 3019 Charlotte Near McHenry Country Club Friday and Satur day, Aug. 6 & 7-9 to 5 8-6 Saturday Only August 7. 9 to 6 1008 W. Oakleaf Pistakee Ter race Small furniture and appli ances 8-6 Saturday Only 4920 Parkview, McCullom Lake. Metal desk; file cabinet, tables, knitting ma chine, clothing, tripod, dishes, radio, cameras, bookcase, misc. 8-6 EVERYTHING FROM tele scopes to tent camper, From cookware to clothes. Items for sewing and knitting. Fri. 9-5 Sat. 8-6, Sun. 8-12 4009 Grand Take Rte. 120 to Front Street 3 blocks behind Admiral Plant 8-6 RUMMAGE SALE AUGUST 5, 6 & 7 Thurs. & Fri. 9 am - 4 pm Sat. 9 am - noon Clothing - all sizes,games toys, hardware, furniture & MUCH household items . St Paul's Episcopal Church 3706 W. St. Pauls Ave. 1 mile South on Green St. 8-4/8-6 P^PATO'SALE""! Aug. 6 & 7 9 am to 5 pm | Barbecue wagon w/rotis-| Iserie; like new dehumidi-"~ fier; small elec. appli- Iances; typewriter; new petit point emb. framed &-- lunframed; oil paintings;® • gas heater; new seeder;5 I snow tires; much misc.l 14401 Front Rival AveJ Whispering Oaks I I MOVING OUT OF STATE EVERYTHING MUST GO Furniture, plants, toys, lamps, clothing, jewelry, antiques, rugs, much more. NOT BEFORE FRI. & Sat Aug. 6-7 9 to 5 Sun. Aug. 8 9 to 2 4801 E. Lake Shore Dr. Wonder Lake, III. - 8 - 6