r̂xtrnmmmiimrr̂ :̂ :-, „ Prlcos offoctlvo whllo quontltiot lost. Wo rosorvo tho right to limit quontltios HOURS: DAILY 9 TIL 9 SUNDAY TIL 6 4400 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILL. i m fi Wm\m mMm Cra^ota c»{o"» D,i1e«e™ u.ant Covers CRAYOLA Crayons 5 -poc f o l do r po r t f o l i o by Ouo tang . Con - vonlont doublo pockott. Hoavy-duty, vinyl- II nod rough A roody donim toto. Tho kids will lovo oml Sofo, unbrookoblo plastic (or with handy sproador Non-toxic. 24 brilliant and difforont non-toxic Rog. 76c crayons Rog. 34c Rog. 53c Rog. 53c Got two pons FREEI 2 modlum point, 1 flno point. 3 ring motal contor has boostor for smoo th , oasy oponlng capacity of up to 175 pagos 70 shoots of top quality papor. 6" x 9" shoots 100 wido-rulod and marginal shoots. 10'/. x •" first Rog. 44c Reg. 93c Rog. 76c quality papor ra matching Rowfh- MAI bottlo*. From Th*rmos. Rog. 4.27 11M virtually •hottorproof bottto that contains no glaM. Rog. 63c Rog. 1.97 4 ox. of whtto gluo in durablo plastic contalnor. toxic. Evor-popular canvas bindor with 1" rings to hold Rog. 1.76 IB<* Reg. 62c Quality poncils for offlco homo . . . school. 12 quality load poncils. Tho comp lo to planning and filing notobook for offlco and school. Handy, sturdy box for school poncils, 100 shoots of top qua l i t y t yp i ng shoots. BVt" x 11 Rog. 2.87 ft Rog. 83c Rog. 34c i 4 in 1 R*g. 73c Rubborizod nylon sturdy ^landlos utility baa with 2 Durablo plastic caso .. . pro-flllod . . . to carry pons, poncils, rulors. Cot organisod with this dividod book. 144 shoots 4 divldors. Magnotlc pond box docoratod with assortod Supor Chooso f avo r i t o Horo". you r Supor Rog. 1.34 Horoos. 8W x 3". Sf •V > c B G -V •v r B s B Z H 2 = B 50 H N f \ > z B \> * B Z L B 8 IS \> © C Gfl H *0 O B cn i 5 S B Z H « X B Z 30 \ < 1*9 f" > I Z o B 3= B D n 9 > > O e as H