PAGE 10 - SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAIN DEALER, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, IVJ% Smart students are studying jewelry's fall fashion uses No one has to be a big brain to know school ap parel takes a big bite out of any budget, but smart scholars save dollars and look sharp too by knowing how to give a limited wardrobe a many faceted appeal with use of jewelry accessories, report the fashion experts at Jewelry Industry Council. Take that fall fashion staple -- sweaters. Wheth er it be a V or U neckline, turtleneck or square, pins, chains, and beads can give the same sweater a different fashion look. For example, fo give your ordinary sweater to day's popular ethnic look, wear it with a bead collar of natural woodsy tones -- dusty brown, grey, green beige and rose -- and wear several strands of wooden colored beads for added accent. Take the same sweater, and give it fall's more tailored look with two or more silver or gold pins worn near the neckline. Or if you've a mind for eye-catching themes, use a grouping of colorful pins -- such as an owl and a pussycat, several small enameled butterflies, or if you want to dress up your costume, wear a bright colored scarf, and pin it to your sweater with a cultured pearl on a gold or silver pin. New hairstyles -- the popular wedge cut, for one -- bring the hair just over the ear, so that means you'll need one of the longer hoop earrings to help break the wide look and make your face ap pear slimmer and longer. If you've gone in for the tailored look, soften it with bright stone jewelry. With that tie and vest and tailored shirt, place a big bright pearl pin on the tie, or a scattering of butter flies or floral pins on the lapel of the jacket. Look for more costume "disguisers" in pearls, chains and necklaces. Stone jewelry -- tiger's eye, lapis, coral, ivory, jade and your own birth- LET YOUR JEWELRY rmlf new fashion looks with your wardrobe, advises the Jewelry Industry Council. A collar of colorful wooden beads, and different lengths of similar bead necklaces can effect the "ethnic look" with a favorite sweater. stone, for example, can add color to your costume. There's a strong trend toward gold and sterling in pierced earrings, and high on the popularity list are skinny bangle brace lets, worn five or six at a time. Scarabs and lockets are still school favorites, as popular as the perennial school rings. The fellows are definite ly "into" jewelry this fall, as a gradual return to elegance calls for hand some tie pins, cufflinks, tie-bars and idents. Neck wear stresses pendants, which can be coins, med als, or zodiac signs. Signet and initial rings frequently show a rich sprinkle of diamond pave. All ring designs for men are bold and handsome, with polished or textured B«J sure to sweep the dust from under your refrigerator. It's dark and warm there--a perfect breeding ground for insects and their eggs. gold creating eye appeal. That back-to-school ne cessity -- a good watch, shows up for both Eds and co-eds as not just a time piece, but a fashion acces sory. Women's watches take on a jewelry look as the watch itself becomes an integral part of the brace let styling. Men's watches show innovative design both in metal bracelets and in unique leather strappings. The pocket watch with its chain and fob will be making a comeback as the prevalence of vests with men's fall suits (and wom en's too!) give pocket watches a raison d'etre. More than ever, fall '76 decrees that jewelry ac cessories are required sub jects for school. GOmpU6 ) ) Campus strategy this tai i is f inding comfortable colorful combinat ions; put togethers that wi l l put you on the Dean's List and the campus best dressed- l ist as wel l . They're easy to f ind at Genevieves. I t Genevieve's j?1315 N. Riverside McHenry 385-0238 Hours: DAILY 9-5:30 FR'HAYS 9-9 i PONDERING A PIANO? A piano is one of the most popu lar instruments with school children, as well as a pleasant addition to any home. Rut how does one go about selecting the proper instrument to fit the family's needs and budget? How can piano-shopping parents be certain that the instru ment they select will guarantee quality performance, rather than just add decoration to the living room? The Everett Piano Company is distributing a consumer guide booklet on all phases of piano shopping, which will help the inex perienced shopper from selection to maintenance. At last! New consumer guide for piano buyers Piano lessons -- either in the classroom or with a private instructor -- are part of many a child's back-to-school routine. And while most parents are thrilled that their child is learning to appre ciate music, they are con fused when shopping for an instrument for their budding prodigy. A quality piano has a lower rate of depreciation than most other items in the American home today. But a mediocre piano en cased in a fine furniture cabinet can easily cost more than a first-rate in strument in a plain case. So how can you tell the difference? How do you shop for an instrument that is right for your par ticular needs and space requirements? Should you buy a new or used instrument? How do you judge good tone? What do you look for In examining the construc tion of a piano? A new 32-page booklet, prepared by Juhl Associ ates in cooperation with leading piano experts, can help the prospective piano owner answer these ques tions and then make a careful decision when shopping for a quality vertical instrument. "The Buyer's Guide for Professional-Quality Pi anos," discusses new vs. old pianos, piano types, sizes, styles, comparison shopping, and features a careful analysis of all the parts of a piano. The booklet also in cludes a glossary of piano terms, diagrams explain ing piano construction and a handy checklist to take with you when shop ping for an Instrument. This new consumer guide Is being distributed nationally by Everett Pi ano Company. For your copy, write the firm at Box MNS, South Haven, MI 49090, and enclose 50* for postage and handling. Please indicate if you are shopping for a piano for your school or church --- if so, you will receive a free copy of the Educa tor's Supplement to the Buyer's Guide, which out lines additional require ments for institutional pianos. Teach me! :V- A • JMHkI pw USE OUR FREE LAY-AWAY PLAN! IT'S SHOW AND TELL TIME with thi* hooded pullover jacket of green, blue, red, and yellow made of Oeftlan acrylic fiber and cotton. It's Miuggly, warm and great for back to school or playtime. It's part of the "Teach Me" series of pullover jacket*. Each time your child wear* one "he'll get a lesson in color*, math, spelling or just plain common sense.