You'll love what you don't take ajong You're getting ready to go off to college. Now here's a list of things you should be sure not to take along with you: 1) A pet. 2) Books. Take a few of your very favorites, and a dictionary and maybe a thesaurus. Youll have too many other volumes to On true learning What is the true purpose of education? In a time when people are question ing the "relevance" of our current academic systems, accusing the schools of In dulging in unnecessary courses which do not lead to specific vocations and skills, it is refreshing to turn to the past for a mo ment for some timely in sight In "The 8pirit of Learn ing," written in 1009, Woodrow Wilson had these thoughts to offer with re gard to the educated man: "The object of a liberal training Is not learning, but discipline and the en lightenment of the mind. The educated man is to be discovered by his point of view, by the temper of his mind, by his attitude towards life and his fair way of thinking. He can see, he can discriminate, he can combine ideas and perceive whither they lead; he has insight and comprehension. "His mind is a practised Instrument of apprecia tion. He is more apt to contribute light than heat to a discussion, and will of tener than another show the power of uniting the elements of a difficult sub ject in a whole view; he has the knowledge of the world which no one can have who knows only his own generation or only his own task. "What we should seek to Impart In our colleges, therefore, is not so much learning Itself as the spirit of learning." Editor's Quote Book How poor are they that have no patience! Shakespeare buy and study once you've arrived. 3) High school pen nants, sweater, T-shirts, etc. You'd be surprised how quickly they become a part of your "distant childhood." 4) Memories of a high school romance. You're starting off on a new ad venture . . . don't torture yourself. If the flames were really burning bright when you left home, stay calm. Truth will outl 5) All the fears, appre hension, and self-doubt you may now be feeling. You made it, you were accepted. The rest will fall into place, and in six months you'll feel like an old camnus pro. Take Mt Along!!! Subscription September The McHrnru Plaindealer A VERSATILE CUT FOR BACK TO SCHOOL 1976 is the Split Level or , Duo eat. It combine* the very best iipecti of long and short to wlif do-it- yourself styling a cinch. The Long of the split level is shoulder gracing hair behind the ears cut all one length for volume and swing. This can be worn straight, curved into a pageboy or flipped. The Short of the spUt level is graduated bangs that swing off the face to the side or curl under to frame the eyes. Feathering helps the bang* look fall and lush. An extremely ver satile styling tool for this fall's cut is the Super Brush from Remington. The professional type circular brush dryer is great for curving a pageboy, flipping a flip or curling face flat Urine bangs. The powerful 850 watt dryer is light enough for single-handed styling. For an evening look, catch a sec tion of hair at the crown with a tiny star barette. It's purr-feet. PACE 15 - SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 18,1»7S A cut for all seasons9 all courses, all reasons