t'.u.h to - ri.AlMH.ALKK-KKlUAY, Al C.LST 27, 1976 Record Turnout Warrior Football is fyCHS FOOTBALL TRAINING is in progress as the season nears. IQ«bove photo, strain shows on the face of Brad Potts during an eafty morning exercise lliesday. In lower photo, Coach Bill Day at laft gives an order as the squad performs a drill. Saturday, the team will scrimmage at 8:30 a.m. as they prepare for the annual Soap Bowl game at McCracken field, Friday, Sept. 3. The season shows progress as over 70 students have come out for practice. (STAFF PHOTOS-WAYNE GAYLORD) DIVOT DOLLS M.C.C hapel Hill Golf P.A.R. PLAY AND RELAX By Lois Anderson /here does one begin to hport the news of a day that 111 remain fondly in memory? lere are not enough ;rlatives or adjectives to :ribe the happenings of the ky...our last in the 1976 Chapel |ill Tuesday Ladies League, /e played Moneky Golf, it is interesting to hear which lbs each gal chose as her ». The winners were, Nanci :Auliffe in Class A with a 44, . Johnson in Class B with a 49 id in Class C, Phyllis »naude shot a 55. Good looting girls. ^ Along with playing Monkey ^ji«lf we were also playing for something else. Unfortunately no one but Laura Schmitt and Kathy Schultz were aware of this, we couldn't believe, high putts. Without divulging their numbers, winners were Edie Nimsgren in Class A, Sonia Miller in Class B and Mary Alice Sword in Class C. At long last, in this game, "the last shall be first". John Bolton sponsored another of his popular "blind bogies". The prize was a very nice tri-colored ladies golf bag with matching purse, won happily by Micki Holland. Lee Nimsgren, Pat Barber, and Dee Strossner were the winners of golf balls in this event. There always has to be some serious business at affairs of this kind, Tuesday was no exception. We had a short business meeting with election of officers for the 1977 season, results are as follows: Pres., Mary Jane Nowak, Vic-Pres., ."BUY FOUR AND TAKE THE FIFTH." BUY FOUR GALLONS OF OLYMPIC OVERGO*!® OR STUN AND UKE THE HFIH ONI ON US. 66 COLORS Free An extro gallon of Olympic Stain, the stain most recommended by America s architects. Or an extra gallon of Olympic Overcoat, the acrylic latex coating made speci fically to put over old paint Every time you buy four gallons of either product OFFER EXPIRES So buy four and take the fifth now SEPTEMBER 6 through Labor Day at our store ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. 909 N. Front McHenry 385 1424 Betty Gende, Sec., Lorraine Houda, Treas., Doris Freund and Sgt. at Arms, Shirley Klapperich. First place trophy for Tournament play went to Joan Popelka with a 105, in Class A, Dolores Strossner had a 108 in Class B and Ruth Hogan won inr Class C with a 114: Congratulations girls! Ringer tournament was won by the following: Pat Barber, 79, Gladys Blair, 90, and Phyllis Grosenaude, 104. "Most Improved Golfer" award went to Marilyn Ehlen who dropped from a 31 to an 18 handicap; those lessons sure paid off. The entire Wieser-Amore team received trophies for their impressive first place score of 62 points, they are Betty Gende, Lucy Prouty, Wanda Gehrke, Chris Amore, Jane Lowrey, Fran Freund and Marge Olszewski. A short announcement was made by Yvonne Matt on behalf of the American Cancer Society. They are sponsoring a golf outing in Harvard on September 8 to help defray a deficit in McHenry County. It is open to both men and women, if Under New Management RICHMOND "BOWL Your Host ED KLIMCZAK Fall League Openings For Men -- Women -- Mixed Afternoon -- Evening CALL 815-678-2701 or Stop In and Sign Up At Richmond Bowl 10824 (Route 12) Richmond, III. By Dick Rabbitt A record turnout of seventy boys greeted Coach Bill Day and his staff Monday morning for the initial practice of the season. Included in this group were ten lettermen. In looking over the group will note that there is some size this year, and along with the size there was evidence of some speed at a Tuesday practice. A new opponent will be on the schedule this year Maine North of the O'Hare Conference. They will replace Dundee, who will be in the Northwest Suburban Conference this fall. Coach Day. has his squad in two a day workouts in preparation for the opener against an old foe the Crystal Lake Tigers. In talking to the genial coach, he said "If we can stay away from key injuries, we could have a pretty good ball club." The Warriors will be out to improve on their 4 and 5 record of last year, which gave them sixth place in the North Suburban. Next week we will bring you up to date on the cross country and golf teams, along with the underclass football squads. EARL WALSH I Hear .SPORTS EDITOR. JoAnn is back And Helen's got her I You see, Helen was a lonely little petunia last week-- all alone setting type while JoAnn attended the Republican Convention. Your sports department joins in welcoming JoAnn back. She enjoys sports and doesn't mind how much copy we pour into her corner. Since Coach Bill Hutchinson is her husband, we suspect she hears more than a wee bit about sports from day to day. If you didn't look closely enough, look again. The Wednesday issue carried a story about the third annual tennis tourney being sponsored by the local Jaycees for boys and girls. Saturday, Aug. 28 is the date of the tourney to be played at West Campus. Tuesday dawned bright and clear again as the women of McHenry Country Gub went into the second round of their Club and Class Championship tournament. With the death of her mother, Carol Cooney, defender and first-round leader, had to drop, leaving the field to the other contenders. Going into the day only one stroke off the lead, Judy Smithson took an aggressive lead and found herself one under par at the end of six holes. Making the turn with a 38 on the front Judy went on to accumulate 46 more shots on the back for a total of 84 for the 18-hole round, to put her well ahead of the rest of the field. This also gave her a low net of 68 for the day. Second low net of the day went to Alvina Yopp with 77 who carded 44-50 for a gross of 94. On her heels with a 79 net was Dee Overton who shot 50-55 for a 105. In Class B the lead remains with Nancy Wilkins who shot 50-57 for a total of 107. For the interested call Yvonne at 385- 1725 for more information. Our season has ended, all too soon, but there are still many good weeks for.. Happy golfing... Gary Gray is the chairman, a very enthusiastic chairman. You can call him at 385-8261. Our man in motion, Dick Rabbitt, is back on the sports page this issue. Welcome back, Dick! He sends a note: "It's that time of year again -- won't be long and we will be in the old press box." From the list of players trying out for the Warrior football team there must be enough good ones to give McHenry a good spot in league standings. Ed Houlihan is one of those fans anxious for the football season to get started. Get on your mark. The Crystal Lake Tiger will be here Sept. 10 for the opener. We get so many requests to run sports notices in two issues that we are thinking of going back to a sports calendar. Running a news story twice in a row is a No-No in the newspaper business. It is like reading yesterday's paper. So. We can run the notice in one issue and put a shorty in the calendar as many times as deemed necessary. Several players from the Fox Hole Softball team gathered 'round their sponsor's place of business Tuesday night to review the season. The team finished second. When we asked Evo how come his team wasn't No. 1, he ex plained, "Too many of them are Cub fans." They aren't used to finishing first. There was some mention of the White Sox. (The less said the better). Evo explained to the boys that there are at least three Sox fans left in McHenry - he and his partner "Red" and S.I.H. Old Sox fans never die. They just suffer. day Carole Seese had low net of 70. Class C found the lead for low gross changing when Jean Remke forged ahead shooting 65-50 for a total of 115. This also gave Jean a low net of 67 for the day. Second low net for the day of 73 was shot by Mary Wakitsch. Low putts for the day were 27 in Class A by JudyS., 31 in B. by Maddie Holmes and 31 in Class C by Fran Weyland. The Nifty Niners played a different sort of game. Laboring under the delusion that the golf course was an Amazon-like jungle (just for the day) the Nifties swung into their Monkey Tournament. Carrying only one club each, and each one a different number, the teams monkeyed around, teeing off with short irons, taking fairway shots with their putters and putting on the greens with their drivers. A bunch of bananas went to the team of Marianne Cristy, Esther Sturm and ' ;»tv Ballstedt for the booby while the team of Jane V\ Peg Anderson, Dot Flynn uitd Martha McCracy each got a bag of peanuts for being first- place team. Crazy, crazy! Next week the Nifty Niners will be a little more serious and have their 2-man best ball event while the 18-holers finish their serious Club and Class Championship tournament. 'Til then, happy golfing. Notice Sports Pictures Since previous notices (starting last fall > have not been noted, this will bo run Irom time to time. Being unable to use the mai.y group pictures sent in. a decision was made to discontinue all league groups except cham pionship teams Pietures taken by our staff photographers ol athletes on the high school level will be selected as to their importance. Individual pictures of various sports will be appraised as to their newsworthy value and available space. II was a llood of group pietures last year that made this decision by the management necessary. Special JOE'S SERVICE $6 9 5 COMPLETE OIL CHANGE Includes Oil (up to 5qts.), Filter, and Complete Lubrication OFFER GOOD UNTIL SEPTEMBER 12, 1976 MECHANIC ON DUTY 6 AM to 10 PM SEE US FOR ALL YOUR AUTO NEEDS Tircsron* 2500 W. Rt. 120 McHenry 385-9820 VARSITY ROSTER • Bob Brechel Sr. 6*0 185 * John Brechel^ vSr- 6'0 185 jack Bucaro *Sr. 5'10 185 Dave Clark Sr. 5'7 145 Dave Crook Sr. 5'10 175 Mike Fink Sr. 6'0 165 Mike Gibbons Sr. 6*1 190 Geo. Hoffman Sr.. 6*1 176 Bill Huemann Sr.. 6'0 162 * BillHurckes Sr.. 6'2 165 • Loren Klapperich Sr. 6'0 178 , Corey Krawczyk Sr. 6'0 160 » Dave Kuechel Sr. 6'0 175 Scott Lennon Sr. 6*1 210 • Tom Lundelius Sr. 5'9 190 • Steve Mai Sr. 5'10 153 John Meurer Sr. 6'0 195 * Brian Miller Sr. 6*3 175 Bill Murgatroyd Sr. 57 135 Doug Pfau Sr. 6'0 165 Brad Potts Sr. 5'9 142 Rich Rad Sr. 6'0 175 Joe Rhoades Sr. 5'10 172 * Don Rice Sr. 6'1 185 Matt Rokosz Sr. 5'9 145 * John Rudolph Sr. 6'3 219 Kerry Schultz Sr. 5'10 142 Bob Seaton Sr. 5*11 240 Lee Steinsdoerfer Sr. 5'11 170 John Weyland Sr. 5'9 145 Scott Wilson Sr. 5'7 123 Craig Tokowitz Sr. 5'3 130 Howie Useman Sr. 5'7 135 Tim Whitehead Sr. 5'8 155 Jeff Anderson Jr.. 6'0 155 Art Bentz Jr. 5'9 165 Gordon Brodin Jr. 5'10 155 Tim Cornwell Jr. 5'6 165 Joe D'Angelo Jr. 5'9 170 Marty Deener Jr. 6'1 175 Odess Dimpoulos Jr. 6'3 254 Al Estrada Jr. 5'7 130 Mike Gende Jr. 5'11 140 Ralph Guzman Jr. 5'8 168 Tim Hughes Jr. 5'6 146 Tom Hughes Jr. 5'6 t 139 Jeff Hurckes Jr. 5'9 133 Jerry Hutchinson Jr. 6'0 150 Kevin Lane Jr. 5'9 179 Bob Larke Jr. 5'10 228 Gary Lenzie Jr. 5'10 160 Mark Mayer Jr. 6'4 167 John Milinac Jr. 6'0 175 Marty Nuss Jr. 5'10 135 Tim Oakley Jr. 5'8 158 John Palmer Jr. 5'10 150 Jeff Partenheimer Jr. 6'2 175 Chuck Pintozzi Jr. 5*10 168 Dave Pliner Jr. 6'4 173 Jeff Roberts Jr. 6'1 280 Mark Rogers Jr. 5'9 150 Craig Smith Jr. 5*10 170 Mark Szumlas Jr. 5'8 150 Mike Szumlas Jr. 5'8 147 Rob Thomas Jr. 6'1 167 Mike Tollifson Jr 6'0 175 Mike Williams Jr. 5'9 155 Dennis Wilson Jr. 5'4 119 Tom Woellert Jr. 6'3 190 Eric Larkey Jr. 5'6 135 • Denotes Letterman G.A.A. NOTES This year G.A.A. presents many new sports, such as: Tennis: 9-9,9-14, 9-23, %28, 10- 7,10-14 - Mon. Tues. Wed* West Campus. Tap Dancing: 10-28 - 11-16, Tues. Thurs. - East Campus. Ballet Dancing: 1-17 - 2-25, Thurs. - West Campus. Fencing: 2-28 - 4-15, Mon. - West Campus. Slimnastics & Conditioning: 2-28 - 4-15, Wed. - West Campus. All of these to go along with much more activities and sport in G.A.A. The Fall activities are: Social Dancing: 9-17 - 10-15, Mon. Tues. - West Campus. Tennis: 9-9,9-14, 9-23, 9-28, 10- 7, 10-14 - West Campus. Flag Football: 9-9 • 10-15, Thurs. - West Campus. Horseback Riding: 9-7 -10-15, Wed. - Lazysee Stables. Also Sept. 2 there is a fresh men coke party at East Campus from 2:45 - 4:00. WARRIOR FOOTBALL SCHEDULE 1976 Sept. 10 - Crystal Lake, Here. Sept. 17 - Maine North - Here. Sept. 25 - Barrington - There. Oct. 2 - Zion Benton -.There. Oct. 8 - Mundelein - Here. Oct. 15 - Lake Forest - Here (Homecoming) Oct. 23 - Crown - There. Oct. 29 - Libertyville - Here. Nov. 6 - North Chicago - There. McHenry Countiy Club By John Busscher Carl Worthen held off a late challenge by the Johnson brothers, Frank and George to win the Senior Handicap club championship by 1 stroke. Carl had a net of 70 on Sunday for a 54, hole total of 209. Frank and George tied for second with 210 with Frank shooting a fine gross of 75. The pressure is evidently beginning to build up as the Gub Championship heads into the final round. On Sunday Art Jackson with a round of 78 and a 54 hole total of 222 is one shot ahead of Ed Buss. Ed had a 77 on Sunday and a total of 223. Still very much in contention are Tim Martin in third place with 227 and Gary Adams with 228. Best golf of the day in the Gub Championship was turned in by Don Hojnacki and Ron Waytula with 76's. Should be a great final round on Sunday, Aug. 28 with tee time set for 12 noon. In the Handicap Club Championship, Ted Spengel leads with 205 after 54 holes, followed by Ken Holmes, Ray Rode, and Dick Freund tied for second spot with 208. Seal Sizes Elephant seals are the largest seals in the world. A male may grow as long as 21 feet and weigh 8.000 pounds. The seals get their names from their noses which resemble an elephant trunk. NEW RACING PROGRAM FRI. NIGHTS - S.M.A.C. 35 LAP SUPER-MODIFIED SEASON CHAMPIONSHIP PLUS SPORTSMAN AND SPECTATOR STOCKS KIDS - RIDE A RACER FRIDAY NIGHT it LAKE GENEVA RACEWAY• SAT NIGHTS - BOUNTY HUNTER UTE MODELS AND SPORTSMAN - ALSO '50" TO WIN 1-0N-1 RACING SUNDAYS - 9:00 Ail. TO 4:00 P.M. DRAG RACES 7:00 P.M. - AU. AMERICAN UTE MODEL SPORTSMAN AND SPECTATOR STOCKS Looted on Bloomfleld Rd.-l Mile South of Lake Geneve PHONE 414-248-8566