PAGE 21 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1876 I Twice Told Tales MflOO--tWOWifoeooooooeinnnii • -- n ri 11 inoncioooooo' ! FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of September 23, 1926) At the regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the McHenry Country club held at the West McHenry State bank building on Monday evening of this week a deal was consummated whereby the club will acquire from Jacob F. Justen an ad ditional 50 acres of ground adjoining the club's present holdings which assures another nine holes. Arrangements for financing the purchase have already l&gun, and it looks at this time as~if the club will experience no difficulty in raising enough cash to make the initial paving the club's present holdings which is also to allow work on the additional nine holes to start very shortly. The general store of C.M. Adams of Johnsbueg was en tered by theives Wednesday night of last week and mer chandise carried away, valued at from $2,000 up. Entrance was gained through a rear window and the goods carried out through the basement. Now is the time for having your auto curtains examined. For celluloid windows see B. Popp, West McHenry. The Claire Beauty Shop is now located on Main street in West McHenry and ready to accommodate all ladies desiring work in its line. Farmers in the vicinity of McHenry are busily "threshing while the sun shines" and if the good weather continues most of the threshing will be completed this week. Several are already filling silos and much of the corn is past damage from frost. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of September 24, 1936) Autumn officially arrived in McHenry and northern Illinois Wednesday, Sept. 23, at 12:26 a.m. when the sun passed the equator on its six months' journey back to the southern hemisphere. Selby Maxwell, Chicago amateur forecaster, who predicts the weather conditions correctly a sur prising number of times, declares there will be a wet fall, an early but milder winter than last year with the greatest precipitation about Dec. 1. Light frost near the end of this month will be followed by k mild October. R.D. Woods, county clerk, informs the Plaindealer that his office is receiving many inquiries with regard to registration of electors in McHenry county, since the passage of the Permanent Registration act in the State of Illinois, and says there seem be a great deal of confusion, due, no doubt, to articles in the Chicago papers. The Per manent Registration act does not affect counties of the size of McHenry county and the registration is the same as it was prior to the enactment of the new law. Pure Milk association members shipping Grade A milk will receive a price dif ferential increase of 8 cents per hundred pounds of 3.5 milk effective as of Sept. 1, 1936, association officials announced today following negotiations with Chicago milk distributors. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of September 27, 1951) The new season of the McHenry Business Men's association got off to a fine start with a well attended dinner meeting at the Legion home. Many important items came up for discussion, with members expressing them selves by ballot on the ten considered to be of most urgency at this time. There was only one dissenting vote to the question of continuing Marine day in 1952, with forty-one in favor. Thirty-seven of those present also agreed that election of a Marine day queen by popular vote was a satisfactory arrangement and voted for the same procedure next summer. The question of whether or not to continue holding the annual winter carnival was defeated quite decisively by a vote of 29 to 13 opposing the proposition. In stead, members expressed themselves as preferring to contribute directly to the association fund. The neighbors of the Edwal Laboratories Inc. at Ringwood were startled at about 11 a m on Monday morning, Sept. 24, by a heavy dull thud caused by the rupturing of a small ex perimental pressure vessel of one quart size. Damage was limited to the unit itself Nobody was hurt because all research and experimental equipment of this type is in stalled behind protective barricades. A.P. Freund, grand knight of the Knights of Columbus, has announced that the McHenry council is again sponsoring a Holy Hour to pray for peace each Wednesday night during October. The first will be at St Patrick's church in McHenry on Oct. 3 at 8 o'clock We've got a health care expert who makes house calls. Our Information Center is run by a nice, friendly guy who spends most of his time travel ing across your state. He helps you and your neighbors by answering questions about health care, claims, costs and coverage. He'll help solve any problems you might have. And he has free publications on topics like nutri- tion. alcoholism, drug abuse, arthritis and stress. ' He'll be in your neighborhood soon, so stop by and see him. In special cases he'll visit you at home as he's done with many handicapped rural residents. It's the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plan's way of meeting you. answering your questions and helping with your problems in the best way. On a person-to-person basis. Blue Cross- Blue Shield Health Care Service Corporation Chicago, Illinois The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Information Center will be in your community on Thursday & Friday McHenry Market Place McHenry Visit Co-sponsored by McHenry County HIA • Registered Mark Blue Cross Association • Registered Service Mark ol the National Association of Blue Shield Plans TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of September 29, 1966) A hearing has been scheduled Monday, Oct. 3, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening concerning a petition filed in August for annexation of School District 22 at Burton's Bridge into the two McHenry school districts. The hearing will be conducted by the county board of school trustees, headed by Norbert B. Mauch of McHenry, in the supervisors' room of the McHenry county court house annex in Woodstock. Dr. Carl Bergstrom, new superintendent of schools in Districts 15 and 156, McHenry, this week announced a new policy which will allow par ticular time periods during which residents of the com munity may confer with him on questions concerning the schools. The new conferences are called "Chat With Your Superintendent." A Clean Streams committee meeting will be held at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 4, at the McHenry city hall. The public is invited to attend to discuss the water quality criteria desired for interstate water or portions within the state. In this area, the north branch of Nippersink creek and the Fox river would be concerned. A hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 5, at the McHenry city hall on a petition filed for Augustine and Agnes Freund concerning property located north of Lincoln road, east of the intersection of Lincoln and Chapel Hill roads. They request a reclassification from "F" farming to an "R" residence district. Later, Maybe When two cars collided at a lonely crossroads, both drivers were shaken up. After a while, one said. "It so happens I have a bottle of wine in my truck. Would you like a little to help calm your nerves The other said it was a good idea and took a healthy swig The first driver then corked the bottle and started back to his car "Aren't you going to have a little wine, too?" asked the other. "Not until after the police come." he replied while shaking his head n •: Automotive values. $26-$40off pairs UMITtD WARRANTY WARDS worront* it* pcmer>ger car tirei for specified mil« used on pemenger car* encepi ta*i» If your *»r»do«* not you leoge blouse o* defects, rxjrmal rood hoxord texture, or premature treod *forout unless due to misalignment, WARDS 1 During first 10°o of warranted mileoge, repioce the tire free. 2 During the remoming mileoge repioce for a prorata chorge based leoge used odjustment«, ret^r" tire to Wards with Worronty Booklet ota cHarge bused on price m effect ot time of return ot bronch to wbicb returned Radial II white wall. LIMITED 42,000-MILE WARRANTY Tl BELESS WHITEWAI.I SIZK ALSO KITS KEGL'I.AK PRICE EACH* SALE PKICE PAIRS- Pl.l'S F.E.T. EACH BR78-13+ 175R-13 $55 $ 84 2.14 ER78-14 185R-14 $66 $100 2.49 FR78-14 195R-14 $70 $108 2.69 GR78-14 205R-14 $76 $118 2.89 HR78-14 215R-14 $82 $128 3.07 GR78-15 205R-15 $78 $124 2.97 HR78-15 215R-15 $83 $130 3.15 JR78-15 225R-15 $87 $136 3.31 LR78-15 235R-15 $91 $142 3.47 'SINC.LE If JLYESTER RADIAL PLY "WITH TRADE-IN Sno-Grip as low as 2 ***40 A78-13 tubeless blackwall, plus 1.74 F.E.T. each. TUBELESS BLACKWALL SIZE WARDS LOW PRICE PAIR PLUS F.E.T. EACH 6.00-12 $50 1.50 A7843 $40 1.74 B78-13 $44 1.84 D78-14 $46 2.12 E78-14 $50 2.25 F78-14 $52 2.39 G78-14 $58 2.55 5.60-15 $48 1.81 F78-15 $56 2.43 G78-15 $58 2.58 H78-15 $62 2.80 25-30% Limited 30,000-Mile Wnmaty savings* Glass-belted Road Guard. Our best fiberglass- belted bias-ply tire. NO TRADE-IN NEEDED. SINGLES COMPARABLY PKIC! New steel wheel* available in most size*. Tubdesa Regular Blackwall Price Size Each* Sale Price Each* Plus F.E.T. Each A78-K3 i-$34 $25 1.75 C78-14 $39 $28 2.05 E78-14 $41 $29 2.27 F78-14 $44 $32 2.43 G78-14 $47 $35 2.60 H78-14 $50 $37 2.83 G78-15 $48 $36 2.65 H78-15 $51 $38 2.87 •WITH TRADE-IN WHITEWALLS (4 MORE EACH J78-I5. L78-15 WHITEWALLS AVAILABLE AT SIMILAR SAVINGS Sale-priced thru September 28. Save #l-$4 DWELL TACH OR TIMING LIGHT Your choice. Each 15*. Reg. 16.99-19.98 Precision dwell tach has high-impact case. 12V D.C. timing light is burnout-proof, has brilliant xenon bulb. Save l30 WARDS IGNITION TUNE-UP KIT Rotor, points, condenser for most US cars. Reg. 3.79 SAVE 2.70 WARDS 14V2-OZ. GREASE GUN Cartridge, dis- ftenser or bulk oads. Use any type grease. RKCi. 7.19 MI FITS MOST US CARS INSTALLED FREE 607 off. WARDS HEAVY-DUTY GET AWAY 42 To 410 cold ci;ank amps for fast, sure starting. Hallrriex «l«rt at IM.95 0088 AlO Each Regularly 34.95 CUT 30% REPLACE YOUR AIR FILTER NOW Our air filter \ traps dust and \ rlirf Kojnc lei FITS MOST CARS prove mileage. RKCi. 3.29 229 17% off. WARDS ALL-YEAR ANTI-FREEZE Summer/winter f)88 coolant protec- ^ tion. Meets car makers' specs. GAL. RE(i. 3.49 USE CHARG-ALL CREDIT TO DO AUTO REPAIRS NOW Friendly service? You bet! M 105 Northwest Highway Route 14 Phone 459-6450 FREE PARKING FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE THE AUTO SERVICE IS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Mon thru Fri 8 30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat 8 30-5, Sun 12 Noon - 5 WHY PAY TAXES ON MONEY YOU COULD SAVE? If You Are Ready to Save *450°° On 1976 Income Taxes CALL US! ACT NOW! 90 DAYS REMAIN TO QUALIFY AN EXPLANATION IS AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT CALL PAT or GARY AT -338-7600-- Patrick J. Letizia !:! Gary E. Leupke FINANCIAL PLANNERS Associates of H. P. Sharpe, Inc. Insurance and Estate Planning Firm Est. 1942 and Central Life of Iowa • 1090 McConnell Rd. Woodstock