Details Set For Walkathon PAGE 18 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1976 Junior high on Oak street, Crystal Lake, or at the fair grounds in Woodstock and begin their 16-mile hike. Mrs. Carol Hoeckley of Crystal Lake, co-chairman of the event, says, "Walk if you can, if you cannot, please sponsor a walker by pledging a contribution to the March of Dimes for every mile your hiker covers." The big happening in McHenry county Oct. 10 is the March of Dimes Walkathon. It will be the fourth annual event and will start at 10 a.m., and continue until about 4 p.m. Walkers will gather at North Envelopes will be distributed to all the schools in the county so the children may pick up their pledge sheets there. The Chambers of Commerce in Crystal Lake and in Woodstock will have envelopes available in their offices for other in terested people. To keep up stamina, refresh ments will be available at both locations, along with water and STEAM ON OVER TO OUR GrandOpeninp FRIDAY THRU SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 25 ft 26 ENTER OUR FREE DRAWING 'REGISTER FOR PRIZES* SEE OUR TRAIN RUN • EVERYTHING FOR THE SERIOUS MODELER. 10% OFF ANY PURCHASE DURING I v /© wrr GRAND OPENING candy at the center checkpoint. Exciting prizes and awards are being offered. Any questions pertaining to the Walkathon will be answered by phoning the office in Woodstock on Monday, Wed nesday or Friday mornings from 8:30 to 12:30 at 338-6280. The capacity for forming habits is the kindest device that God uses for the preservation of His creatures. -Von FeucJjtersleben. Ask *200.000 For Suburban Bus Study A region-wide request for $200,000 in funding from U.S. Department of Transportation for funding for suburban bus coordination study was en dorsed by the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission (NIPC) recently. NIPC, the official com- CRTSTAL LACS HOBBIES, 372 VIRGINIA STREET CRYSTAL LAKE 455-2295 OPEN DAILY 10-6; FRIDAY 10-9; SATURDAY 105 SUNDAY 12-5 INDIAN MANOR LOUNGE FRIDAY ft SATURDAY NITE 8 P.M. TO 1 A.M. PRINK & DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF AT THE ORGAN SO. RTE. 31, J* Ml. so. OF RTE. 120 McHENRY 385-8600 to northeastern Illinois, For and about Teenagers required to review most federal BY PATRICK EDWARD • ura™m^riSsS Ctok ^DuPaee THIS WEEK'S LETTER: I am clear on exactly what you want to LakTX^cttmrv and Kane ™ love with *is man and he is in do Then it s simply a matter of Lake, Will, McHenry and K e ^ ̂ ̂ { ^ tQ ^ with implementing your desires. The counties. . fom very much. He's asked me to truth is. your life is your respon- • MBl go away with him sibility. The sooner you recognize _ t. . tn but I don't know that, the more fun. creative and The application now goes to what tQ say He heaithy your existence will the U.S. Department o wants to have a become Be honest with yourself Transportation for final SaL |Qt ^un an(j so anc| others. Accept the way sideration. HRh,; *Jj do I. Please help things are and handle each out. situation as it arises. In this case. Those with any questions OUR REPLY: you've got to decide if you want to regarding this application We encourage you to have fun go away with the man you say should call Mike Rippey or Pat and be reasonable about any you love Once you decide, you'll Stemper (312 ) 454-0400, ex- decisions you make regarding know what to say. tension 237 or 238 long-range commitments. Com- (B«cau*» of ««• voium* o» man. r*qu«tt* municate with your parents what you're considering doing. Share us*. i«n*r which b««t r*pr*Mnu qu«aiton« your feelings with them and with ^0° ab" uT Ve\nag" m I"Sox * * * * your friend. Be certain you're FHANKFORT KV «O«OI > * The person who always -- s ay a what he thinks is | honest but unpopular. World progress would move faster if people would talk less and work harder. * • * * It* 8 not what a roan makes but what he saves that gives him security. * * * • This is a good time to save money--if you're look ing for financial advice. Now At One Convenient locationI OVERTON IN McHENRY INTRODUCING TWO 77 SIZE CARS FROM GM All New--• An**** For You! CADILLAC for '77 COUPE DEVILLE SEDAN DE VILLE also: •Eldorado •Seville Now On Display! i PONTIAC for'77 GRAND - PRIX for'77 also: •Bonnevilles •Grand Prix •Lemon's •Ventura •Firebird FIREBIRD TRANS AM for'77 * OVERTON No* A» «"• Conv«B,e, loco*'01" Kt . 120 ami l i l . M UcHrt i r s HIT* - I f i . ' t MU PONTIAC LOOK-A-LKE...WUI real PUUii Dilkr pleam staad up? When Knott's Berry Farm held a PhilUs Diller look-a like contest, they got more than they expected as the win ner, Ann Lapp, turned out to look more like the comedienne than Phiilis herself. Oh, by the way, the real Phi Ills is on theright. it* CELEBRATION SEPT. 27 to OCT. 2 WEEKLY GRAND PRIZE DRAWING S27.50 Perm DAILY PRIZE DRAWINGS FOR • < BEAUTY SERVICES The Pin Curl NAME ADD/! ESS Everyone Eligible with Coupon I TEL. 1330 N. RIVERSIDE DR. Mi HENRY 385-7112 BEflUTV SHOP fililWli TnHraioueiHi nnic IR Rberglas* Insulation In your attic today. Save $50 to $200 a year on your fuel bills. * * •T.M. Rag. O.-C.F. Corp •'Estimated savings basad on an uninsulatad attic with 1000 aq. ft. of inaulatabla atlic floor aroa, n air conditioning , natural gas boating and eiactric High energy costs, escalating every year. Continuing energy shortages. Two good reasons why you should take another look at how much insulation you have. Come in and ask for a free Owens-Corning Fiberglas brochure that tells you how much you can save by adding insulation, whether you heat with gas, electricity or oiL But remember. Every day you wait it's money through the roof. FIBERGLAS ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. 909 N. Front McHenry 385-1424