Extension Comments (By George J. Young, Extension Adviser, Agriculture, McHenry County, University erf Illinois) POSSIBLE HERBICIDE CAREY OVER INTO NEXT YEAR The shortage of moisture and lower than normal temperatures during 1976 have created conditions for possible carry over of triazine an<Tdinitroaniline herbicides. Tillage programs also affect the distribution of remaining carryover herbicide. If you are going to seed wheat after treflan, toblan, or surflan it may be wise to plow instead of disc or chesil plow when preparing the seedbed for wheat. This is especially true if you were short of rain or applied the herbicide late this spring. Some farmers have asked me about a bioassay or grow-out test on the soil to test for possible herbicide carryover. This can be done by obtaining a representative sample of soil and then planting susceptible species to get some indication of amount of herbicide in the soil. It is also helpful to have a check soil or soil sample which is known to be free of herbicide for comparison. Annual ryegrass, sorghum or sundangrass, wheat and corn can be used as test species to determine different levels of treflan, toblan, or surflan. Symptoms of injury should show soon after the seeds germinate and the seedlings begin to emerge. A few days after emergence, take a look at the roots of the plants also. Annual ryegrass or bluegrass, oats, and soybeans would be good test species for atrazine and simazine. Symptoms of triazine injury won't show up until food reserves are depleted in the seed and the plant is dependent upon photosynthesis. Then injury symptoms would appear as leaf tip or leaf margin burning and yellowing of the plants. I don't want to create a scare about herbicide carryover, but I want producers to be aware that the conditions have been right for this possibility. HAY NEEDED IN MINNESOTA At the present time, Minnesota estimates that they are approximately 10,000 to 15,000 tons short of good quality hay. If you have hay for sale you can call our office and we will relay the information on. Total production of hay in McHenry county this year is approximately 100,000 tons. SOLID SEEDING SOYBEANS MAY INCREASE YIELDS Interest in solid seeded soybeans has been generated by research results that indicate soybeans in seven-inch rows yield 10 to 20 percent higher than soybeans planted in 20 to 30 inch rows. Research results of the University of Illinois indicate that good Order Forms For Nursery Seedlings Available Now Legal Notice Legal Notice Nursery seedling order forms and price lists are available now at the McHenry County Soil and Water Conservation District office in Woodstock, Clayton Bruce, chairman, announced today. The form is used to request seedlings from the Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Forestry. The District office is located at 1143 North Seminary street, Woodstock. Or the forms may be obtained bv calling the office at 338-0049. The trees will be shipped in the spring and should be planted immediately on arrival. About 1,000 pine trees will plant one acre when spaced 6 feet apart in rows spaced 8 feet apart. Bruce said land owners should eliminate serious weed, sod, brush or briar competition before planting by summer plowing or by poisoning and after planting by mowing, discing, cultivating or poisoning. Seed beds may be prepared this fall, he added. Livestock should be kept from the area and landowners should be watchful of fires as they will ruin the plantings. Professional advice is available on mixing seedlings at the same location. Scotch Pines should be used only for commercial Christmas tree production and should be ha vested before they become 15 years old because of insect problems. CALLING COLLEEN: Two-Timer T akes Cake stands can be obtained with properly adjusted grain drills pulled bemnd a tillage tool that removes tractor wheel tracks. If fields with weed problems are avoided, adequate weed control can be obtained by using combinations of currently available herbicides. WHEAT VARIETY PLOT Bob Berschet, Marengo is going to seed eleven winter wheat varieties fa* us this week. The plot will be one mile west of Union on Union road. We will have a twilight meeting there next spring. STORE YOUR TENT PROPERLY If you want your tent to be in good shape and ready to use next spring, start by storing it right this fall. Storing a tent properly is its life. i out the canvas or nylon tent and allow it to dry thoroughly to prevent mildewing. Go over the seams of canvas tents with beeswax. Repair all tears and frayed seams. Check all zippers.Closing them protects against breakage. Place ;J1 tent poles, pegs and ropes in a bag to keep the parts from getting lost. Any broken pegs, poles or rope should be replaced before putting the tent away. Then roll the tent around the bag of equipment. Store your tent in a dry, odorless room or closet that is free from pests. MAILING LIST If you want to receive individual announcements of our upcoming meetings, just ask to be put on the appropriate subject matter mailing list in our office...Call 338-3737 or 338-4747. BY COLLEEN DUDGEON I've been going out with George for five years. Last year he decided we should both date other people and he started asking out this old girlfriend! of his from high school [we'reboth 22]. Now he re fuses to take me | out in public but he takes heri everywhere. He' comes to visit me one or two nights a week but he doesn't come until 11 p.m. and then stays for only a couple of hours. Mean while, he tells Cathy [that's his other girlfriend] that the reason he can't see her is because he has to work. Cathy doesn't even know George is still going out with me. Tlie only reason I put up with this two-timer is I love him and from the way he acts when we're together I know he feels the same about me. But, what can I do to convince him to stop seeing this other girl and start taking me out in public again? BEHIND CLOSED DOORS Dear BEHIND: It's time you came out of the closet and realized you've blown a fuse if you continue to put up with this guy's infantile behavior, He's having his cake and eating it too -- and you're letting him get away with it. Don't convince him to stop seeing the "other girl find another guy in a hurry. but Our next door neighbor is 60 years old His wife died seven months ago after a short illness. She was an alcoholic and this man cared for her like a child. Anyway, now this man is en gaged to marry a nurse who took care of his late wife while she was in the hospital. This nurse is 28 and she really gets around! She's had several affairs with married men in town and everybody thinks she's marrying our neighbor because he's wealthy. She made an an- noucement at a women's club meeting that she wants to have a baby as soon as they're married and she's already started to redecorate his house. My hus band and I have been very close to this man over the years and I think I should tell him he's being used. My husband says 1 should mind my own business and let him make a fool of himself by marrying this girl. We decided to see what you think about the situation. TO TELL OR NOT TO TELL? Dear TO TELL OR NOT: Don't tell -- listen to your husband and stay out of your neighbor's business. Many wid owers suffer loneliness and heartbreak after their loved ones die. Don't spoil his new-found love, even if you think he's being u s e d L e t h i m e n j o y t h i s dream -- leave it to the nurse to wreck it Maybe you'll be sur prised and the marriage will be a long and happy one, just don't fool around with gossip or you might lose a good neighbor. (II y6u would like Colleens comments on your particular situation or problem, writ* COLLEEN, Box 639 Frankfort. Ky 40601 > IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF Anna Jacobsen Deceased, FILE NO. 76-P-293 Notice is hereby given Pursuant to Section 194 of the 'robate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters of Administration were issued on September 23,1976, to Homer W. Jacobsen, 2542 Summerdale, Apt. 3-F, Chicago, Illinois, whose at torney of record is Cowlin, Cowlin & Ungvarsky, 20 Grant St., Crystal Lake, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Sept. 29, Oct. 6,13,1976) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on September 17, A D. 1976, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenrv County, Illinois, setting forth the names ana post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as ARIZONA SUN, located at 3321 W. Elm St., McHenry (City of), Illinois 60050. Dated this 17th day of Sep tember, A.D. 1976. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. Sept. 22,29, Oct. 6,1976) PAGE 5 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1WT. then come before the said Board of Trustees. Helen W. Schnieder Village Clerk (Pub Oct. 6,1976) NOTICE Public Notice is hereby Riven that on September 24, A.D. 1976, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenrv County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as AMERICAN DREAM HOMES, located at 11815 Prairie Avenue, Village of Hebron, Illinois 60034. . Dated this 24th day of Sep tember, A.D. 1976. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. Sept. 29, Oct. 6& 13, 1976) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on September 17th, A.D. 1976, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenrv County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-orfice addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as THE TOOL CHEST LTD, located at 7219 Oak Street, Wonder Lake, Illinois 60097. Dated this 17th day of Sep tember, A.D. 1976. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. Sept. 22.29. Oct. 6.1976) Legal Notice State of Illinois County of McHenry Notice Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of tne Board of Trustees of the Village of Holiday Hills, Illinois, will be held on October 7th, 1976, at the residence of William Campbell, within said village, at the hour of 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of considering and acting upon any and all matters as may Legal Notice • » t o IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF ARTHUR Hi LAU Deceased, FILE NO. 76-P- 296 Notice is hereby givert pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on Sept. 30, 1976, to The Northern Trust Co., 50 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois;, whose attorneys of record are Looze & Kinne, 3431 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Oct. 6,13,20,1976) YOU SAY YOU'RE A REAL „ LOSER? YEAH, EVEN. MY JUNK J MAIL COMES POSTAGE DUE' Bs>UH3H3 rmam Life On Mars .... Despite the early ex citement among scientists • <md reporters) about-the ^ibiiity oflife oh Mars, >st' scientists ntyVv be lieve the findings of tests carried out by the space craft landed on that planet indicate little likelihood of living beings or organ isms there. That was the presump tion of most scientists at the beginning of the am bitious Viking project. It seems tentatively con firmed. ! We are left then with r; the conclusion that only u ,the earth among the sun's solar system contains '< living beings. Maybe it's just as well. If Viking had discovered red men living on Mars, surely they would have found some way to apply for a loan from America. Congress would have found some way to grant it--with the taxpayer's ., money. L A F F of the W E E K W THIS ONE IS ATOU^HIE 'OLYLY HIDOEN IN THE GRID BESW ARE THE 40 POETICAL WORDS ESTED AT THE BOSoM OF The AD. TuETARE HORIZON TAL, VEffTtCAL, MA0ONAL and FORWARDS&-BACRWARDS. F/ND TEN @5] OF THEM, URLE THEM &BRINI}-1UE AD IN BEFORE 5PM- WEDNESDAY AND WIN I /3INH& VHVHVH VHVWlOXg VAild"'AllNVf HnOA3AH3S3yd A $5 BROUHAHA@ <51 FT CERTIFICATE.̂ * FIND MORE WORDS THAN ANYONE ELSE {WERE ARE AL*Q A BUNCH OF TBBM THATAKe NOT OH THE U4T)& WIN/ + A big-,beautiful,super deipxe,humungous, com pirn &UNA&RIPQEP(w/naughtywondte) FUNK &WA5NAU6 BICENTENNIAL EPITION STANDARD COMPRE- HENSIVE INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY- IT H Ae: OVSK ZOOPPAG-ES. 314 FULL CO LOP, I LLU6.TKAT/OM&. 6 ENCYC-LOPEPIC SUPPLEMENT* SYNONYMS £. AUT&NYMe• HOMOPHONES & COltATERAL ADJECTIVES. And At TWD&E FUNNY inrt£ ITAIICS THAT ElYMOtPQ-lST^ & PHUPU^STS PHREAH OUTOVB^. ANP MC7RE FW&eNmt Tfte Q9AH P PRIZE PHAWIMj- FORA FORTAB& g£W TV AT Wf EVP OF 7PE GAMES. "JUST A MINUTE, MRS. FINSTER -- I'LL LET YOU BOUNCE YOUR MESSAGE OFF OUR SATELLITE!" ATTENDS CONVENTION -- Ms. Dee Hodgson of McHenry recently attended the Illinois Civil Defense Council con vention in LaSalle-Peru. She serves as the assistant director of McHenry County Emergency Services and is a member of the Illinois Civil -Defense Council and the United States Civil Defense Council. Hie, recent meeting was a working convention for civil defense coordinators and in cluded comments by E. Erie Jones, director of Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agency (1ESDA) formerly Illinois Civil Defense. Other speakers and their topics included: Nathan D. McClure III, coordinator of Winnebago County. 911 phone program; Alan J. Dixon, state treasurer, coordinating C.B. operators in ESDA programs and com ments by Michael J. Howlett, secretary of state. YOU SAVE ON THE 000R FOR PEOPLE WHO'VE NEVER PUT UP A DOOR BEFORE. DO IT YOURSELF! VINYL PREFINISHED HftftDC PRE-HUNG INTERIOR Uvv ItO WHITE ONLY ALL ONE SIZE 2/6 i 6/8 RIGHT/LEFT HAND SWING (WHILE THEY LAST) LL JAM* DtTAH i .<i .... (LOCK NOT INCLUDED) MCHENRY Lumber 4050 WCST MAIN ST. Me HE HOY, ILLINOIS N O P E R P L E X 1 N G N 1 S S O T 1 L L A S T X G Y P 1 U Q E S P A L E O M E P R 1 S O N E R L P N O E L c C A N V A S S O S E N T U R R E T K O O K R E V E R S E W M u E K U C E H O O u Z S F D E B A T E 1 O 1 E C T A N 1 S E 1 B A A A A J C L U T M A 1 N u A A E L 1 D N C U R D D S 1 R K S M S R N L R L Y E 1 K O A A U R O L L O L Z E N A 1 A D F S E A S U C U A c A N D 1* D A T E V T S B T 1 u C B E E T A L N M K N L T M B A N S B R 0 M 1 D E F E E R 1 B L E T S 0 N G V A M P C E O 1 E A H O 1 E C Y E Y N A D S F R Y A G A 1 O A E M R A C 1 N S T A M U N M S O C D S A T 1 S F Y S Z E R T 1 X N P z N P A T U A T G Y E E O S G A K U R E 1 T L S D E E F z Z O D U D E 1 1 S O E N E B A L L O T Z N D S S A A S s E 1 H O R G A 1 M 1 T R F N A w E L G 1 N B T E Y E A 1 X O K M R T T T N U O C E R A A T 1 E A A M A N T L E T E A N D X 1 N H L M A T U A H U E G A N N O T S D A S G T A E H O 1 A N D G E T O N 1 R A T E D 1 R Y M T E 1 R C O E Y D E R C A O 1 E V N N O W E S T U T M J 1 N Y D N O M P 1 T S A E R O T M O H N E R P R E G E D W S E R J Z O C G V E E S T E A U N U L P T 1 H S 0 T A D L E B E P N S E A R S A 1 N C U M B E N T K N S R o L E M U E D s N P R E L V C L A 1 M P P E D 1 L S D N A L A O A A E U s Y 1 T A R E N A O R A K A O A U S N 1 E A E S E W U L G E H M L C Y E L L U P U C N R B L D 1 C A N C R R H O R N U s H O O T O C K A L 1 A T D E A 1 z L T S R E V O M C L E A R T H T E D u U O T R A T D N A L E M O N D N c Y A N O A P R S E O B O 1 O z 1 F M E N D U C M 1 1 A T B A S K 1 N G E N R O C U J U L Q O O W U D T P U L L N S O L G O R G S U P M C H E N R Y E S C K E F O N U B N 0 S O S L 1 A T T A O C N O E Y P E L E C T O R A L C O L L E G E T A W s U E z 1 L C H O N C H A P R R E A A L A B A M A 1 O L O N O A S E N S E T 1 A T Y U E C O K A L E S C R S B T M N H E H K X 1 V L K N A V E J H P O P E F 1 N K W S R L L O P I PRIMARY" DEISG-ATE -CA NVASS * MA CHINE • ISSUE • PREGS CONFERENCE • CA MPA KrN - CHARISMA - COVERAGE * RECOUNT-PARTY-BALL°T-DEBATE -NOMINATE. - SL°GAN • POLLING PL*CE - STc/NIP• POU- MANDATE • REPRESENTATIVE' CAUCUS • RETURNS 'l*NOSUDE • RAlPf' ElfCToRAL COU-EQ-E - VOTE - • PRECINCT' ORGANIZATION-INCUMBENT'CANPIPATE'El£CT/ON'WAFiP'FiUNNIM(r MATE - MEDIA 'REPUBU-\ CAN-DEMOCRAT' WPEPENPENT- COATTAILS• THIRD PARTY- E\ TICKET. Fifo to of r*esf wo«ds To WIN AN evekybopV wP«Iz.e.1 LiMilED 1220 N-GEfEN ST H E N K.Y, i Ur.ScSO roVEft BEFORE STRIKH43- 4