Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Oct 1976, p. 7

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A TIGHT TURN-but Ralph Grover of McHenry drifts his Cosworth Vega twin cam around the pylons during the second lap of his fastest run. Grover captured third place in Class B with a two lap time of 54:33. (STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD) Sports Car Drivers Compete In Gymkhana Autumn Action was the title of the gymkhana the Lake Region Sports Car Club (LR- SCC) held on the south parking lot of West campus Sunday. And action it was as drivers pushed their cars to the ex­ treme on the tight track with few straights and numerous turns. The event, chaired by James Becker and Wayne Gaylord, drew twenty-one members and guests who competed in three classes according to engine cc's. The course seemed to favor the smaller cars, with the exception of Paul Musschoots' Corvette. Muschoot captured first place in Class A with a time of 53:62 followed by Scott Johnson with 55:53 in a Datsun 240Z and Art Gabel with 55:71 in a 280Z. In Class B, Roger Foin took the win and also received Fastest Time when he paced his BMW through the course in a time of 52:56. Chuck Sarro, driving a Lotus Europa, cap­ tured second with a time of 54:10 and Ralph Grover cap­ tured third in his Cosworth Vega with a time of 54:33. In Class C, A VW Rabbit, driven by Jerry Lawson was awarded first place with a time of 53:63. Second place was won by Bob Kazelak (54:93) in a Triumph Spitfire and third place went to Earl Snodgrass (55:05) in a Honda Civic. The next LRSCC event is a Halloween Rallye on October 30 and a field event is in the planning for November. The sports car club meets at the McHenry American Legion home on the third Thursday of the month. The meetings begin at 8:30 p.m. Golfers Defeat North Chicago; Bonnie Brook District Next By Dick Rabbitt Coacfc Chuck Cuda's McHenry High golfers closed out their regular season play with a win over North Chicago Thursday at North Chicago. The golfers record for the year in season play is 12 wins, 2. losses and a tie. Tim Byers led the local scoring with a 39, Bob Lunkheimer had a 40, Ron Pepping a 41 and Tom Pepping a 42 to give the locals 162 to 170 victory. The sophs for the first time in years actually outshot the varsity as they won 160 to 207. Freshman A1 Ekeroth came in with a nifty 37, followed by Steve Kivley's 40. Bill Lang with a 41 and Phil Kent's 42 rounded out the soph scoring. Friday the golfers will travel to Bonnie Brook in Waukegan for the district meet. Marian Sophs Edge I.C. 20-16 Squires The Marian Central sophomore football squad extended its record to 4-0 Saturday with a brilliant come from behind victory late in the fourth quarter. Marian with a 258 to 105 total offensive dif­ ference in the game, opened the scoring on its first possession. Starting at their own 15 yard line Marian ground the ball down to the 4 yard line. A penalty put the ball back to the I.C. 19 yard line nullifying their first score. After a six yard pickup by Mike Wenzel and a three yard gain by Ed San- dall, Bill Banker, on third down and ten to go for the score, hit Paul Varrier in the corner of the end zone for a £-0 lead. Extra point was missed. Ed Sandall had runs for 25 yards and 10 yards in that drive to set up Marian's good field position. In the fourth quarter, following a stalled Marian drive, I.C. returned Marian's punt for a 65 yard scoring play. The point after was good making the score 16-12 with approximately eight minutes left to play. At this point it would have been easy for most teams to give up but the young Canes rose to the occasion as few teams ever do. Wenzel, besides scoring two touchdowns, led all runners with 82 yards on 17 carries for a 4.8 yards carry average. Defensively, Ed Sandall and Tom O'Neill put in the finest efforts. Sandall had one solo and nine assists and O'Neill had two solos and six assists. The whole defensive team had a well balanced attack with many of the players con­ tributing. Parker, Ken Bottari, Wenzel, Corcoran and Verrier Get Your Car McHENRY CITG0 QUIK MART I McHENRY "PLAINDEALER SOLD HERE! SPECTACULAR ALL SEASON 10W-40 HEAVY DUTY DETERGENT 20W-20 NON-DETERGENT 20W-20 MHDSHIELD SOLVENT C1TG0 Moron ott - REGULAR or DIET PEPSI COLA OR REGULAR or DIET SEVEN UP CIGARETTES ALL SIZES ALL BRANDS CARTON '4 DAIRY SPECIAL! $J28 $109 X PLI 1% MILK 8 16 OZ. BTTLS GALLON 1 GALLON $J40 2% MILK HOMOGENIZED MILK GALLON WE ALSO FEATURE: •\0\ ELT1ES «BAG S Hi.OCK l ( •SN \C KS 4 ( HI PS •!(.'£: t"HE A I •B.\ . (joo:*, V-r . v e «5M f. fit 1M CITGO ALL ITEMS PLUS TAX OPEN: M0* THRU fRI 610 SAT & SUM 7-10 PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT 13 OCT. 17 Marian Athletes Attend Clinic-Retreat IWGK 7 IM.AIYDK \I .KR-Y\ EDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1976 Charter Presentation At F.C.A. Open House Kickoff The football athletes of Marian Central Catholic High School reported to what they expected to be their demanding pre-season practice on August 18 under the supervision of Head Coach Tom Parker "Double sessions" (two practices per day) were to last for one and a half weeks for the Hurricanes as they prepared for their nine game schedule. Coach Parker surprised the forty-two varsity candidates with a new twist to this year's pre season practice with a two day "Clinic-Retreat." With the guidance and direction of Father Michael Tierney, the forty-two varsity players, managers, and coaches rented the facilities at Resurrection Center to practice and promote activities that develop fellowship, and liturgies to develop the spiritual growth of the in­ dividual's personality. The activities began with a barbecue dinner after which the team was divided into small groups for discussion questions. The topics ranged from the purpose of football to how religion is related with athletics. Later in the evening, a singer and speaker from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes helped to set the mood and settling for the theme "We Really Do Need Each Other." The evening concluded with Mass and liturgy written by the team. After a breakfast ser \ the coaching staff and a t personal meditat ion, the met in their huddle competed in act iv i t ies s i vo l leybal l , soccer and s , This period <>l "perspu was fo l lowed by another of group "inspirat ion • d irect ly re lated to top • pertain to Christ ian \ j . su fe l lowship Fol lowing lunch. shared in the l i t in Benedict ion uhicb' .u! when al l athletes .« .ere . wi th o i l which remion ( commitment to i -od." se lves and their team ed h\ ime of team , and Irh :k put •k v i t i 1S11 i l ic open house held last served as the kickoff es for Fel lowship of an \ thletes chapters in i im Those at tending »! the nat ions ide growth •" i ' A from Russ Brown ^ei Kodat of the Chicago ! ioe Prominent coaches i>:csMonal 'and col lege s donate their-1f ine each i ass is t junior and senior • 1 ' i .Vnts m athlet ic im >v and teaching the .wee of a < 'hr is t centered ot ( 1 - ta l bake . . er 2( ie s tudents and adults in that community are act ive in junior and senior high groups , adult chapter . and women's auxi l iary McHenry high school coaches Mike Shanahan and ( lary Col l ins to ld of meet ings planned for s tudents at both east and west campuses The adult chapter wi l l serve as a support group to a id <he coaches and ass is t in get ; \ ig "students to summer conference , camps Announc ements wi l l 'be made.hy the coaches , lor their meet ings The. adult chapter plans to meet early in November. I # - * * * * -* BICENTENNIAL BYPATHS OU» COUNMY ?0Q mt i a Marian Cross Country Team ' ats St. Edward's 22-38 JH On October 6 Balt imore Mr) sunk across the c pos i te Whets , tc were raised when threat was qone 6 > J* no ytt* '• .1 Klgi ( a thol t i an a rdo( t ( n n ic < act ion on n Central 1 another >pped St . i a West onterence i led tht * were reconditioned and returned to their owners Complaints began coming in such as that from Capt Will iam Worth that the Dol ley was miss ing an an­ chor and cable He wanted reimbursement 1 'arh Mlk : * 1 the (been 22 : ' .H score , ay uas Darryl no of I t ; 4o over Woodstock City loundmg out the Tom lhl ier Hon Mauer (>. B i l l Herie 7 . Tony McCormack H, Jess ie Garcia 10, Mike DiPirro 12. Fran McCormack IT Pete Wilt 14 . Ken Buch 15. Ernie Pieroni 18, Kevin Coughlm 19, Tim Rowley 20. Bob Lister 22. Bi l l Johnston 215 and Joe Pieroni 25. Deminutive... Forty-inch Elisabeth Ritter. 39, and for- ty inch Sandor Rasky. 31, of Ringhng Bros, and Barnum & Bailey Circus, take their marriage vows here 8/26 in King #2 of the Oakland, Calif. Coliseum. The Hun­ garian couple have been in America less than a vear. TURN ONS Before Cutting To keep meringue from tearing when you s l ice i t . brush the s ides of the knife with cooking oi l before cutt ing HOW WILL YOU GET EXERCISE DURING YOUR RETIREMENT JUST TRYING TO STAY OUT OF THE WAY! had fine defensive per­ formances. Final score: Marian 20 - I.C. 16. Saddle Club Will Sponsor Benefit Show The Chuck Wagon Riders Saddle club is sponsoring a benefit show Sunday, Oct. 17 at Little Orchard farm, Route 173, five miles east of Richmond. All proceeds will go to a very worthy cause. There are trophies and six ribbons per class. The show starts at 9 a.m. with a minimal charge per class. Further information may be obtained by contacting Mrs. Edward (Mary) Opfer, 1308 S. Crystal Lake road, McHenry. fftaP GOODJfYEAR For more good years in your car It's time for winter tune-ups.. ind to give you the best tune-up possible we've just nstalled the best equipment available, the m 13 diagonal SLIM LINE 2001 DIAGNOSTIC COMPUTER A complete engine testing system that lakes the guess-work out of auto repairs. mm The MALIBU • H1310C - S l im- l ine 13 ' d iagonal 100% ONLY Sol id-State Chromacolor • Portable 100% Sol id _ A f l rState Chassis wi th Patented Power Sentry V r iqe |5O C ̂ISIDRegulat ing System Br i l l iant 110 ChromacLior I w ' i n e Picture Tube. Sol id-State Super Vide^ Range Tun ing Sys tem. Ebony co lo r cab ine t w i th S i l ve r c >' >• on top and base. B f* mi 'I Engine Tune-Up M 6 cyl . - Add $4 for 8 cyl., $2 for air cond. $4 less for cars with electronic ignition EMISSION'S TEST Reg. $13.00 On Special for $9« IF ICO/ OD-SW with new Solid-State Electronic Tuning and ONE-KNOB VHF and UHF Channel Selectio The BALTIMORE • H2322E - 23 diagonal mi Sol id-State Chromacolor n Transi t ional Sty led f Base Console . Casters . 100% Sol id-St . i te ' wi th Patented Power Sentry Vol tage tem. Br i l l iant Chromacolor Pictu ie T , j ! \ E lectronic Video Guard "uning System knob VHF and UHF Channel Select ion Sm - . • Ant ique Oak cabinet wi th the look of fmr J t . ( )ur mechanics e lectronical ly f ine-tune your engine on the Sun 2001, We instal l new points , p lugs and condensor . The tune-up includes a test of charging and s tart ing systems as wr as carburetor adjustment . In short , we do everythini car to help you maintain a smooth-running engine . To introduce this amazing machine, we're offering these cold weather specials thru this Saturday, Oct. 16 I O R 7 8 - 1 4 - N A R R O W W H I T E F I R S T Q U A L I T Y Custom Polysteel Tires n B&W The CIMARRON • H121 eni th energy-? r . j ick-on Sunshine s tem wi th Perm • f ine-tuning and 70 -pos t on UHF channel Ful l Zenith qua l i t y , so ' . c ! s ta te dependab. l i btee l Radia • free gallon *NTl .ftf,. yj , OF I Pu*CHA t'RES SED. "OH yester Cord Body HORNET, GREMLIN, DART, MAVERICK, GRANADA, MUSTANG II , COMET, MONARCH, VARIANT, DUSTER, VOI.ARE, BARRACUDA, HMW HA\ ARIA & Ij .O CS, DATSUN. , , MA/.DA COSMO, MERCEDES, I ' i . i ( ,EOT 504, TOVOTA CORONA, \ o i y'O 242-265. *58°° JST PRICE $77.25 sol id-state chassis wi th 95 tube. Sol id-state tuning 119 CAREY Appliance SALES SERVICE 1241 N. Green St. 385-5500 McHenry I ( REDE! TERMS AVAILABLE GOODYEAR TIRE CENTER OWNED AND OPERATED BY McHenry Checkpoint Inc. K 11 120 McHENRY. ILL. PHONE 385-7300 HOURS DAILY 8 to 6:00 - FRI. 8 to 8 - SAT. 8 to 4:00 tf-

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