GET THE BEST - SOFA, LOVESEAT, & CHAIR SAVE! REGULAR S2199 Fabulous offer - ALL THREE PIECES! Lovely velvet covered sofa, loveseat, and chair with bamboo style wood trim Save like never before! $1799 DELIVERED FREE WALK, DON'T RUN TO SEE THIS EXCELLENT VALUE REGULAR $899 Early American style sofa, loveseat, and chair are great quality and a great value for you to take ad vantage of - see it now and save like crazy KtbuLAK jayy $699 DELIVERED FREE GREAT FURNITURE-HURRY IN-FANTASTIC SAVINGS ALL 3 PCS. Norwalk sofa, loveseat, and chair in green toned plaid durable fabric cover. Deeply cushioned comfort and tufted back make it a great value with great looks!! $899 DELIVERED FREE SUPERB TRADITIONAL STYLE BEDROOM -4 PCS. REGULAR $799 Exquis i te styling in this modern bedroom suite. Tr ip le dresser, mirror, chest, and headboard are included in this low price! Hury in today and save! DELIVERED FREE $599 ; $ Nite s tand. . . . . . $49 Canopy bed. . . * * $119 4 Dr . chest . $129 Doub le d resser i $149 Ooub le m i r ro r . . . . , $39 S ing le bed $69 e * t $139 S ing le d resser $109 S ing le mi r ro r $29 Cha i r $49 Corner desk $69 3 Dr . ches t $99 Hutch door un i t $69 S tudent desk $119 ELIVERED Tkato MTM|Hwnlt art poniUt at $499 Mck •• SECTIONAL Sofa & Lov»t»ot 2 LavtiMti and Ottoman* Pes. bought individually - Armless - $99 Arms - $129, Ottoman - $89 MODULAR LIVING ROOM Modular living REGULAR $699 room in Con temporary style has soft cush ions and soft velvet cover. DELIVERED FREE KCUULAR »77 $499 ? DELIVERED FREE SKLAR J ' " • r t - , Traditional Group-A Great Value- W Now!!! SOFA: Lovely p ieces l ike these wi l l grace any l iv ing room wi th e legance. Covered in imported Belg ium velvet , that has gold f lora l , center matched pr int . Brown wel t t r immed apd box p leated sk i r t . F i ne furn i ture a t a sav ings! LOVESEAT - $699 CHAIR - $349 $709 DELIVERED FREE FAMILY ROOM FURNITURE YOU GET ALL 8 PCS. REGULAR $899 All you have to do is see these pes.-you'll love it! You get sofa, loveseat, chair, rocker, ottoman, cock tail, table, end table, lamp table-all for one low price! DELIVERED FREE $599 P ?SU fi m\ Mr-OBI« m i H ;Sm it- iiiti U-T art 1&1W SELECTION OF FINEST SLEEPERS AT 30% to 70% off SLEEPER ® EA.SLEEPER Sleeper -so- Reg. Colonia l "e9* Queen s lee- Reg. Ion covered $299 f a j n Hercu- $399 sty led s lee- $599 per - what a $499 s leeper -hu- S1QQ 'on cover- 5700 per i n p ' a i c ^ va lue-come $0QQ I / / S a v e n o w ! ! L l l c o v e r . S a v e ! i n e a r l y ! ! - « } / / ©ECONOMY / -n MODERN /p\ COLONIAL SLEEPER - \y SLEEPER ^ Plaid Hercu- e ^' r ry in now EXCELLENT DARK PINE BEDROOM BY BROYHILL REGULAR S799 Colonial bedroom suite in warm dark pine finish is the greatest in this style! Vou will love it - and you'll save! Dresser, mirror, chest, and headboard. FOOT BOARD EXTRA KCUULAK $699 DELIVERED FREE