STATE SENATOR (Continued from page 4) somewhat of a dead issue. In general, I support funding of the school aid formula and I am willing to appropriate as much money as is available for that purpose. Education is my number one spending priority but I am not interested in supporting proposals that benefit the City of Chicago to the detriment of school districts that I represent. 3.1 have supported the ratification of the equal rights amendment and will continue to support it because it is my opinion that the majority of the people of the 33rd District support its ratification. In general, while I am not convinced it will solve all the ills of our society, I do believe it is a worthwhile statement of moral commitment to fairness to both men and women. 4.1 do not support any additional form of gun control legislation and I am in fact pretty well convinced that the current gun owners registration act is nothing more than a new tax. I have talked to many law enforcement officials who consider it a joke. I have, however, supported and will continue to support legislation which would deny parole or probation for those people convicted of a crime involving the use of a firearm or other deadly weapon. I .also believe that crimes involving firearms or deadly weapons should have a longer mandatory sentence. RICHARD C. KELLY, DEMOCRAT 591 Tamarisk, Crystal Lake. EDUCATION: Bachelor of Arts, College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota (1963); Juris Doctor, DePaul University, College of Law (1967) OCCUPATION: Attorney, Office of McGuire, Bishop and Kelly, 10 West Terra Cotta Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014; Member: American Bar Association-Illinois, and McHenry County Bar Association. Also, College Instructor, McHenry County College. ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE: Caseworker, Assistant States Attorney, Police Officer, Associate Judge 19th Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, Illinois. Graduate of National Judicial College-Police Training Division, Northwestern University Prosecutors School, National District Attorney's Association Seminar. ANSWERS: 1. The property tax should be administered at the county level with guide lines set by the state legislature. The township as a form of government is archaic and township assessments have proved to be the most inequitable method. The abolition of the township assessor would mean a tax savings in terms of salaries alone but in addition it would equalize assessments throughout each county. 2. No. Governor Walker's vetoes of school aid have caused an eductional crisis which has led to the cutback of necessary programs, i.e. athletics and music in many of our school districts. These vetoes not only affect Cook County but 18 school districts within McHenry County and school districts throughout the 33rd District. 3. No. I feel that the opponents to the Equal Rights Amendment have a valid argument when they say that the amendment would depredate women's status in society rather than insure it. It was not until 1964 and the passage of the Federal Civil Rights Act that Blacks were given full rights as citizens in the United States, even though they were guaranteed equal rights by the Fourteenth Amendment since 1868. Any equalities between the sexes for employment opportunities and in other areas can only be guaranteed by legislation and not by an amendment. 4. I favor mandatory sentences (including mandatory penitentiary sentences) for persons who use firearms in the commission of crimes. I am fully opposed to gun registration, for where it has been the law, it has proved to be an ineffective means of control for the unlawful use of weapons. PAGE 5 CANDIDATES FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE ARE: REPUBLICAN DEMOCRAT FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE: Vote for one, two or three QUESTIONS 1. WHAT CHANGES, IF ANY, DO YOU BELIEVE SHOULD BE MADE IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROPERTY TAX AT THE STATE LEVEL? THE COUNTY? THE TOWNSHIP? 2. DO YOU SUPPORT GOVERNOR WALKER'S VETOES OF SCHOOL AID? WHY? 3. DO YOU SUPPORT RATIFICATION OF THE EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT? PLEASE EXPLAIN THE REASONS FOR YOUR POSITION. 4. DO YOU FAVOR FURTHER LEGISLATION TO CONTROL THE USE OF HANDGUNS? SHOULD SUCH LEGISLATION BE AT THE STATE LEVEL? IF YOU FAVOR SUCH LEGISLATION, WHAT TYPES: REGISTRATION, LICENSING, BANS ON OWNERSHIP, BANS ON M A N U F A C T U R E , M A N D A T O R Y SENTENCES, ETC.? CUMULATIVE VOTING: In Illinois, STATE REPRESENTATIVES ARE ELECTED BY CUMULATIVE VOTING, A SYSTEM UNIQUE TO ~ THIS STATE. Three representatives are elected from each district for 2 year terms. You may distribute your vote in any one of the following ways: 1. 1 vote for each of 3 candidates 2. IV2 votes for each of 2 candidates 3. 3 votes for a single candidate. CALVIN L. "CAL" SKINNER. JR. THOMAS J. HANAHAN REPUBLICAN DEMOCRAT R. BRUCE WADDELL RON STROUPE CALVIN L. ••CAL" SKINNER, JR. REPUBLICAN 275 Meridian St., Crystal Lake. EDUCATION: Crystal Lake High School, i960; Oberlin College, Bachelor's Degree in Economics, 1964; University of Michigan, Master's Degree in Public Administration, 1971. O C C U P A T I O N : F u l l - T i m e Legislator, 1973-present. ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE: Budget Examiner for the U.S. Bureau of the Budget, 1965-66; McHenry County Treasurer, 1966-70; Certified Illinois Assessing Officer, Have served on the following Committees: Revenue, Appropriations, Counties & Townships, Motor Vehicles, RTA Legislative Advisory Committee, and Joint Revenue Subcommittee on Property Tax Reform. Commissions: Economic & Fiscal. ANSWERS: 1. Passage of House Bills I helped draft. They are in the Senate, where they failed to get enough votes the first time around (2nd chance after election). 2. I favor no change in the formula this year, because the 1973 Resource Equalizer School Aid Formula can be fully funded this year if Chicago is forced to pay the 55 million it owes. That money goes into the school fund. 3. Yes. When I polled every household containing a registered voter during my first term, just over 58 percent indicated they favored ratification of ERA. If someone wants to come up with $5,000.00 for another poll, I'll be happy to abide by its results. 4. This past session we managed to pass a bill requiring a mandatory sentence for crimes committed with the use of a gun. The Senate Democrats under Senator Daley's leadership would not let that sentence be more than one day! I favor much longer mandatory sentences. Certainly, the gun owners' registration law in Illinois is laughable. Even its author, George Burditt, thinks it ought to be repealed. R-. BRUCE WADDELL, REPUBLICAN Crescent Drive, West Dundee EDUCATION: University OCCUPATION: State Representative and President corporation. ; ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE: Four terms as State Representative ANSWERS: 1. None, if properly administered. 2. We have not heard the rest of Walker's "deals" as they affect this and other legislation. 3. No. Illinois has already passed all necessary legislation in this respect. 4. Yes, "Saturday night specials". Yes. Mandatory sentencing and increased penalties (See H.B. 3951). THOMAS J. HANAHAN, DEMOCRAT 2012 W. Grandview, McHenry. EDUCATION: Some college OCCUPATION: Union Official ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE: 6 terms in the Illinois House and various elected political offices. ANSWERS: 1. Rely solely on uniform assessments. 2. No. Education is a no. l priority. 3. No. It will not eradicate the discrimination that exists. Will hinder reasonable differences. 4. No. It doesn't work in N.Y. City or other places. RON STROUPE. DEMOCRAT 122 Woodstock Street, Huntley EDUCATION: Graduate, West Point Prep School and University of Chicago, Business ('51). OCCUPATION: Chairman, Anocut, Inc. Small (25 employee) machine tool manufacturing business. ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE: 47 Years of figuring out what's right and what's wrong. Twenty years building a business from scratch. Huntley Village trustee since 1973. Three years in Air Force. Advising member, State Board of Education; Director, McHenry County Defenders. ANSWERS: 1. Must be assessed equally, collected promptly, distributed fairly and spent prudently. 2. I am not an incumbent. I had no hand in preparing the budget. Therefore, I cannot answer this with certainly. But from what I have read and heard, I think the governor acted properly. Unless the business-tax collection procedure is speeded up, as Walker wants, the state does not appear to have the money. 3. Yes. It is embarrassing that on our 200th birthday we even have to discuss whether or not women should have equal rights under the law. Of course they should. 4. Let's be clear about this question. It concerns handguns only. I support Congressman Bob McClory's bill. It's a federal problem. I do not object to federal standards of manufacture (no "Saturday-night specials"), federal registration and federal licensing of handguns, but I am totally opposed to any measure that would prevent me from having a registered gun in my home and another in my office. We desperately need mandatory criminal p e n a l t i e s f o r f e l o n y c o n v i c t i o n s involving a handgun.