PAGE 8 - PLA1NDEALER-WEPNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1976 Village of McHenry Shores Jude La Francis 385-5067 Shoreliners' Baxaar, Bake Sale Weekend The Shoreliners' bazaar and bake sale is only two days away It promises to be a great event. Free gift wrapping for the youngsters, free coffee, free samples of the baked goods, and a lay-away plan for pur chases all promise to make this bazaar really appeal to the people. Much effort and time have gone into each hand-made item and home-baked goody. Don't miss this once-a-year affair. Don't miss an op- porunity to purchase some very fine hand-crafted products. Hope to see all of you young people friday at four p.m. And for the rest of the villagers, the bazaar is open Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Sunday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The results of sV> the Shoreliners' Halloween Costume Contest will be in next week's column. LOUD MUFFLERS Several complaints have been received concerning loud mufflers. Don't overlook your muffler when servicing your car Also don't forget that there are laws regarding faulty mufflers. Have your muffler checked, overhauled, replaced, or toned down - whichever remedy best applies to your particular situation. BOARD MEETING TONIGHT Remember that tonight is the regular meeting of the village board o." trustees at the village hall annex, 3211 Beach drive. A new house-numbering system will be voted on. Take part in the discussion; play an active role in your village govern ment. Speaking of active participation in government, we hope that no registered voter in our community failed to vote yesterday. BIRTHDAYS Sunday, Nov. 7, is a special day for Beth Lexow and Denise Urbanski because each girl will celebrate her fifteenth birthday on that day. Also on Nov. 7, Laurie Kunzer will be fourteen years old and Charles Ramage will be another year older. Best wishes for more happy bir thdays in the future. Dreams pass away; the spirit passes away; what remains are friends. Miss Bonnie Segermark of Evergreen drive, Wonder Lake, and her twin sister, Mrs. Connie Tancredi of Lincoln road, McHenry, visited their brother, Howard, in Washington, D C. the last weekend in October. Miss Segermark, on a business trip throughout the northeast, in her capacity as buyer for a food chain home buying service, came to Washington from Syracuse, New York. Mrs. Tancredi, a realtor, flew out to Washington Friday night from O'Hare. They were met at Washington's National Airport by their brother and drove directly to a Presidential Debate party attended by the staff of Vice-President Rockefeller. The Georgetown party was hosted by Dr. Patrick Butler, long time friend of Segermark and former aide to the Vice-President. Saturday morning, the party was escorted on a tour of the White House which included a visit to the Oval office and the Cabinet room. The Rose Garden, site of the recent state dinner for Queen Elizabeth II, served as the site for informal picture taking by Miss Segermark. . That evening, Mrs. Tancredi and Miss Segermark in floor- length evening gowns, and their brother, were guests of Am bassador and Mrs. Johannes de Loor, South Africa's representative to the In ternational Monetary Fund (IMF). The dinner party for twenty-five included, in ad dition to a number of South African diplomats and their wives, representatives to the World Bank from Australia, officials of the U.S. Treasury, and the president of the Mer chant bank of Johan nesburg,South Africa, Jan Van Eyck. Segermark, special counsel for economic affairs to U.S. Senator Jesse Helms (R-N.C ), has worked with Ambassador de Loor during the course of Congressional consideration of a bill to modify the IMF De Loor, a former economics professor is considered one of the most respected leaders of the IMF, but one who must represent a somewhat un popular nation. Sunday morning, Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Cleary of Arlington, Va., hosted a brunch for twenty in honor of the McHenry visitors. Before Mrs. Tancredi s flight back to Chicago, Segermark took his sisters on a brief tour of the Lincoln Memorial, the Smithsonian Institution, the Botanical Gardens and the U.S. Capitol building. Mrs. Tancredi returned Sunday evening. Miss Seger mark continued her business trip Monday morning with a flight to Cleveland. Unique Ability Politicians have a unique way of dodging issues in a straight forward way. In 1776, "Test Acts" passed by revolutionary governments required re pudiation of loyalty to the British Crown. Those who chose to be Loyalists were disenfranchised, heavily taxed and barred from public office and the professions. Many fled to Canada and England and many who left and who remained were deprived of property by state con fiscation acts. Wm % \ ir WONDER LAKE GLASS INC. Fall Fix-up Sale! X/W OFF AUTO & TRUCK WINDSHIELDS OCtt OFF REPLACEMENT OF PATIO DOOR GLASS OFF ON PLATE GLASS W MIRRORS-ANY SIZE Pick-up & Delivery OF STORM WINDOWS & SCREENS FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER! FREE ESTIMATES (815) 653-9308 GLASS REPLACEMENTS: STORM DOORS & WINDOWS "Serving all of Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin" '5317 E. WONDER LAKE RD. WOffDER LAKE, ILL. 1 % frggaBga MCC Newman Club Plans Liturgical Activities Capitol City Memorable Trip For McHenry Ladies The neWman club at McHenry County college is an organization whose members are involved in a program of social and liturgical activities. Members are involved in enriching their lives through the pursuit of Christian ideals. The Newman club sponsors many liturgical activities. A monthly Mass is planned in which the members chose a topic, elaborate on the topic and fit it into the general outline of the Mass. The next Mass will be held on Sunday, Nov. 7, at 8 p.m., at the St. Thomas Oak _ street church, Crystal Lake. All members and friends are invited to attend this Mass which fulfills yout* Sunday obligation. The highlight of this year's activities include the ultimate cultural experience, a trip to the Eternal City-Rome. Each year the club will set up this pilgrimage for two deserving members to relive the ancient glories and experience the modern splendors. This ex ceptional opportunity will go to the two members upon ap proval of the sponsor of the club, Father John C. Holdren, and club members. These trips will be made available through private donations of those who support work of the Newman Club at the College. The trip will last approximately one week and will include a general audience with Pope Paul VI, a visit to the Sistine Chapel, Assisi, Naples, and Pompeii, members are asked to write an explanation why they feel they are deserving to go. Applications are due during the month of February and are to be ad dressed to Father John C. Holdren, 200 Washington street, Crystal Lake, 60014. Further information may be obtained from Father Holdren, 459-5909. On Nov. 6 the Newman club will be sponsoring a dance at Lake in the Hills village hall. The dance is a halloween dance and participants may come in costume or regular attire. Prizes will be awarded and the fun starts at 8:30 p.m. until 12 p.m. Other events for the future include; the planning of several retreats and a hay ride ten tatively planned for the nine teenth of November. Past activities have included entertaining at Windgate, helping with "Keen-agers" (senior citizens) celebration, representation of the club at the Christian Unity walk and last week's successful bake-sale. The Newman club meets every Thursday at 12:30p.m. in Room 145 at McHenry County college. The club alternates meetings between discussion and regular business. Past discussion meetings have in cluded many current issues facing us today, such as drugs, abortion, etc. Simnyside Area Ellen & Bill Perschke 385-8188 VILLAGE OF SUNNYSIDE Remember the monthly village meeting has been changed to Tuesday, Nov. 9. Belated birthday greetings to Melba Wendell, Oct. 26, and James Kieser, Oct. 30. November birthday greetings to Gary Olsen on the fourth, Carrie Lynn Smith on the fifth and John Lang on the sixth. SUNNYSIDE ESTATES A belated birthday to Anna Sokolski and her daughter, Susan, who celebrated their day on Oct. 20. PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS Don't forget there's an im portant property owners association meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 3, in the community center. Discussion of road surfacing will be on the agenda. Jim Boelens and six hunting buddies returned recently from a week long trip to Wyoming. Each one of them managed to bring home the buck deer they went out there for. Just after they all started for home a snow storm caused them to detour because of the road being closed. Fortunately even with snow most of the way home all made it safe and sound. ^American Viewpoints The delicate duty of de- vision schemes of revenue should be left where the Constitution has placed it -- with the immediate rep resentatives of the people. William Henry Harrison ENJOY OUR DAILY SPECIALS mm mitim NOW ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS FOR O HOLIDAY PARTIES For Reservations Please Call: HILLGQLFO 815-385.0333 2500 N. CHAPEL HILL RD. McHENRY, ILL. A PERFECT GIFT IDEA FOR CHRISTMAS WITH DOMINICK'S EXCLUSIVE J S> YOU MUST REGISTER PURCHASE REQUIREMENTS DO NOT INCLUDE SALES TAX TO INSURE CHRISTMAS DELIVERY Watch Registration onds Now. It. 1974. Go I dan Tapa Program onds Doc. 11, 1974. Goldon tapa* mutt bo datad Sapt. 1ft thru Doc. 11, 1«7ft. Get this Mens or Womens L.E.D. six function electronic quartz-crystal digital watch for as little as Q99 SALES m T A X The Witch: Your L.E.D. electronic digital watch is the result of space- age technology ... a time piece designed to give you the ultimate in accurate time-keeping, durability and reliability. The L.E.D., unlike conventional timepieces, has no moving parts to wear out or get out of adjustment. Does not require periodic adjustment or lubrication. Exclusive single button control for six functions -- hours, minutes, seconds, month, day and date. Complete with adjustable metal band. The Han: 1. Fill in the registration form and select your watch style (Men's or Women's, gold or silver.) 2. Turn form in to your nearest Dominick's Service Booth along with $4.95 registration deposit to receive tape- saver envelope and validation stamp. 3. Place stamp on indicated spot on envelope and start saving Dominick's valuable Golden Register Tapes. GET FULL DETAILS IN STORE W«»<* Regis,ration Form AiJJress f 'hon f>dtc ( hec k on* ° M- • lv»,mrns 'h"1' "air ZZz "* wo,ch °* your V°ur S,„r,Jfur, i-'orninit L i ,« .. A Perfect Gift for the Children for Christmas... COMPLETE SET OF VOLUMES 1 THRU 16 PLUS FREE PARENTS MANUAL •16 Easy Wash Volumes •Over 3000 Pictures •Timeless Stories & Articles •Simple Vocabulary •Easy to read print •Packed in one box for convenient mailing FEATURED THIS WEEK VOLUME 9 ONLY 2** =-Jl Volume 1 only 99* /