A Look At The Coast Guard THE GORAN ENGSTROMS CEI.EBRANTS--Mr. and Mrs. Goran B. Engstrom of 1210 N. Eastwood lane, IMcllenry, observed their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Nov. 4, with a dinner in their honor at Icabons in Chicago. The couple also held a family celebration at their home Sunday, Nov. 7. HOSPITAL NOTES McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital included George W. Cina, Jr., Randy L. Wienrich, Peter A. Rakas, Heather Toussaint, Cecelia Swedberg, Gladys E Welty, Joseph M Kohon, Mary Mc- Clatchey, William Bender, Anthony F. Klama, Betty J. Sutschek, Sherri Bruce, McHenry; William C. Johnson, Suzanne Koepke, Clarence J. Miller, Spring Grove; and Darlene A Dyrkocz, Wonder Lake MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Admittances to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Thomas O'Brien, Kathryn Wade, Wonder Lake; Wileen Sluga, Charles Herdrich, Sr., J. Herbert Bartlett, John Glosson, McHenry; and Julia Heppner, Ringwood. (by Father William 0 Hanner, rector emeritus of Holy Comforter church, Episcopal, Kenilworth. Father Hanner was a frequent con tributor to the news columns of the Plaindealer while a resident of Whispering Oaks. He and Mrs. Hanner now make their home in Florida.) One of the Services of the United States, lesser known in the Mid-West, is the United States Coast Guard. They work on the Great Lakes, (there is a Coast Guard station in Chicago), and other inland areas. Their principal stations are on the East and West roasts the Alaskan and Hawaiian coastlines. They are part of the military, in war operating under the Navy, but in times of peace are the responsibility of the Federal Transportation Department. There are about 37,000 men in the Guard with perhaps 6,000 commissioned officers, more if you count warrant officers. Officers are trained at an Academy like West Point and Annapolis at New London, Conn, this academy has 800 cadets or a few less. Officers take rank with other military commissioned officers up to and including one full admiral who commands the Corps of the Guard. The far flung work of the Coast Guard is little known by most inlanders. All the main cities on any coast have stations. Boston and New York to smaller places like Pen- sacola and Corpus Christi. On FIRE PROTECTION GRANTS More than $156,000 has been allocated to eighty-two Illinois fire departments for rural fire protection, according to John McGuire, director of the Illinois Department of Conservation McGuire said the grants will assist in improving the quality of rural fire protection throughout the state. Interested community officials may gain further information by con tacting the Department of Conservation, Division of Forestry, R.R. 5, Springfield 62707. or calling 217-782-2361. Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice ot change of address to The McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W Elm St., McHenry. IL 60050 A deduction of one month from the expiration of a subscription will be made where a change of address is provided through the Post Office Department. Lund - Publisher the West Coast they reach upto the Aluetians and out to Hawaii and Guam. They are in charge of all light houses and buoys and channel markers. In the summer they even operate on Lake Tahoe on the Nevada- California border. One of their main operations is the world wide care of the Loran system Qf navigation. Here at St. Petersburg (commonly called St. Pete's by the natives) there is a good sized Coast Guard Station. There are three cutters at tached to the station, the largest the Coast Guard Cutter Steadfast has a complement of eight officers and sixty men. The Steadfast normally operates in and around the Tampa Bay area and the Gulf of Mexico but has crossed the Atlantic and so is ocean going. It takes part in enforcing maritime law, big rescue operations and sometimes, long patrols. Normal Long Patrol is carried out by planes. In ad dition to Steadfast there are two smaller vessels that tend to buoys and channel markers, the White Sumac and the Vise. In addition to these vessels, there are air craft. We see them overhead from time to time either performing patrols or no missions of sundry sorts. The air arm of the local group has just been moved to new quarters in Clearwater. One day recently they had an open house to which Rose and I went. We saw their four C130 planes and went all through one. This is a four motor job I I I I I I I I I I ! I I Adele Froehlich Editor NATIONAL NEWSPAPER mocUTI>N R--*I iM NNA SUSTAINING 5 MEMBER -197S I SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year $10.50 l Year $15.00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and County Lake County I I I I m W", iggg mm D „ * O 11 Hi • spurgeons '• Beauty Salon v * • • THANKSGIVING--CHRISTMAS--NEW YEAR'S • ?:• A MWHAIRDOf Greet the on-rushing "social season" with a festive new hair style, a new color, a little curl. We'll do it. Don't delay! CALL 385-4520 FOR APPOINTMENT mm WM. McHenry's Most Complete Salon I FROSTINGS • PERMANENTS COLORS • MANICURES WAX ARCHES • BLOW STYLING > PRECISION CUTTING Five Professional Hairdressers TO SERVE YOU. JACKIE -MGR. GLENDA BONNIE VIKKI , WALLY o 3854520 BLAUTY SALON MOV. 9-1 rUES. 9-9 WEI). 9-5 Senior Citizens Day THIJRS. FRl. SAT with a pilot, co-pilot, engineer, navigator and radio operator. This plane has a range of 2,500 miles. It could fly the Atlantic. The amount of equipment boggles me. The whole rear end of the plaqe can be opend to load and unload. A good sized truck or two could be stowed plus any number of smaller articles. It could evacuate any number of folks or do most any other air job. This plane could carry 100 persons or seventy-two litters. It was used in the Viet Nam evacuation. The helicopters are N3s. There are four of them. They too can do any sort of rescue work but on a smaller capacity. Their range is 600 miles. They have a crew of four. This copter can hover and pull you out of the water in three different ways or if you are too far gone to help yourself they can land right on the drink and put out a small pier and pull you in bag and baggage. They served light refresh ments and lemonade at the open house. Some Coast Guard Wife (I capitalize on purpose) had baked a cake for the oc casion. It was, she told me, made up of twelve double recipes, I believe it was the size of two card tables, it was two layers. She had used sixty pounds of sugar for the icing. The cake depicted the entire Coast Guard Station. There were the hangers the green fields yet unoccupied, the service buildings, the planes and choppers about -all eight of them There was the guard house at which you entered the base and the parking lots, all laid out in cake and icing. This gal must have loved the outfit her husband worked for to go to all that trouble. Everytime I come to Florida I am impressed with the Coast Guard all over again. Their station in Miami is at Opa- Locka but when I was in Miami it was Dinner Key half a mile from my house. I can still hear the old planes going out and coming in from the dawn patrol I asked the young Coastguardsman who showed us around how he liked the Coast Guard. Said he, "I've been in a year and I just love it" He was a nice Joe and so was every man and officer we met. You have to be efficient to be part of this outfit. SPECTACLESON DISPLAY Ronald E. Stackler, director of the Illinois Department of Registration and Education, has ruled that optometrists may now display eyeglasses and frames in their office windows despite the wording of the Illinois, optometric Act. Stackler, basing his ruling on the U.S. Supreme Court decision in a case decided last May, said the law violated the first amendment guarantee of free speech. BIBLE VERSE "Before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as the shepherd separateth the sheep from the goats." 1. Where does this quota tion occur in the Bible? 2. Who spoke these words^ 3. To what event do they refer? 4. Does this quotation appear elsewhere in the Bible? Answers lo Bible Verse 1. Matthew 25:32. 2- Jesus in a parable. 3. The last judgment. 4. No. ^American Viewpoints PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1976 "GOOD WORD from the jBibk One man with courage makes a majority. Andrew Jackson From his prison cell, John sent two disciples to see Jesus. Are you, they asked, he that should come or do we look for another? Jesus responded simply, telling them to return to John and tell him of the miracles they had witnessed. As usual, he did not respond directly to their question; he offered them light and truth, as was his custom. Upon their departure, his words to a gathered multitude were in a chiding tone. John, he told them was among the greatest born of women, yet the least that was in heaven was greater than he. He spoke of other prophets and concluded: We have piped unto you and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented (St. Matthew 11:17). Jesus was not content to chide the people, he also up braided the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done because they had not repented. Who chides us today? Most of us are so busy living the good life that we hear not the piper, nor the lamentations. We may hear the message of God and truth at Church each Sunday, but are we listening? See Our Ad This Issue Litton Microwave Oven Demonstration SAT. NOV. 13-11 to 4 CAREY Appliance i wm m f hi wjfi MM Ikm 111 mm fx |i|| /wwwvvvvwvvvvvv>n^wvvvw'>r.~nrrt B&UH3H3 12MTHD 1220 N.GEJEN ST H E N FLY, i li.ScSO ( © LEATHERS • SUEDES • FURS •FURTR/MS'• WOOL PHESS COATS / JAC/fETS'SfO JACKETS A VARIETY OP ̂ Tri-E* AHP COLORS N0W...1HM TUESDAY ONLY. "Pay ok& cc?a1;get a 6eccm4 ecat at Vz price (bring a-frien4l) ~flie price, cost cannot txteeJ m value Pull priee ic&t GriftcertihcateA can not Med o(\ offer.