1 SECTION l»-IV\Ci!:2- IM..\l\»KAI.KIl-KKII>.\V. NOVEMBER I-'. 197K Legal Notice Legal Notice SCENE FROM THRILLER--An eccentric neighbor, Appleby, left, questions Blanche about a murder in this scene from "N'ighi Watch", to be presented at West campus auditorium Nov. 12, 13 and 14 at 8 p.m. Appleby is played by Rob Thomas and Blanche by Paiii Althoff. Others standing, from left, are Tammie Johnson as llelga, Tim Cornwell as John Wheeler and Laura Higgins as Elaine Wheeler. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Tin* O c d i l S e r v i c e Thai's Wholly,Owned by the Farmers it Series! "Doing business with your farmer-owned :PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATION is J almost like doing business with yourself. There '^are no outside stockholders demanding returns Ion their investment. There is no government agency pulling the strings. PC A is owned by farmers in your community -- people just like yourself .Why not let PCA be your credit partner? NORTHEAST ILLINOIS PCA I 204 N. ST ATI-! ST. BELVIDERL, ILL. Phone 544-2678 VU t . JACKSON SI W O O D S T O C K , I L L Phone .HK-0334 Legal Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Educational Meeting scheduled for November 25, 5 ̂ in all your insurance needs! AMERICAN FAMILY N S U R A N C E AUTO HOME HEALTH LIFE AMERICAN FAMILY MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. M A D I S O N , W I S C O N S I N S 3 7 0 I CHUCK LEWANDOWSKI 1108 Violet St. McHenry Phone 385-2304 CROPS SOLD MONEY'S IN KEEP IT HERE! j * -- -- "- "I (Safe and Growing At Marengo Federal) * i i i i i i i i i L Now's the time to invest your idle cash in .inured savings at Marengo Federal. Earn at the highest rate permitted on passbook or certificate deposits. Open or add to your account in person or by mail. Minimum Minimum Rat* Annual Rat T«rm Balanca par annum by compound Refvlar Passbook None $5.00 5.25% 5.39% 90 Day Passbook 90 days $500 5.75% (.002% Certificate l|f. $1,000. 6.50% Ml% Certificate Vh jr. *1,000 6.75% 7.0t% Certificate 4 jr. •1,000 7.50% 7.9% Certificate 6»r. >1,000 7.75% 8.17% Intarwt -- compounded dally on all accounts - can be mailed monthly, q'iar:arly, annually - can be left *n account to compound to earn at rates shown above In the event of withdrawal from certificate eccounts before matuntv, earnings on the amount withdrawn will be paid at our current passbook rate for the period held, less 90 days interest. Open or add to your account today - In person or by maM. MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS Mi Mm * and loan association 200 East Grant Highway * Marengo, III. 568 7258 118 Cass, Woodstock, II. 338 2900 4400 W. Rt. 120 McHenry , II. 344-1900 An $84,000,000 mutual Association Srrvmq Northern I l l inois Since 1925 I I I I I I I I I I I I J 1976, at 7:30 P.M. at Valley View School, 6515 W. Route 120, will instead be changed to November 23, 1976 at the same time and same place. DOROTHY VICK, SECRETARY District 15 Board of Education (Pub. Nov. 12, 1976) Legal Notice McHenry County College is accepting sealed bids on equipment for Welding, Agriculture, General Fur niture, Jewelry class. Secretarial Science, Nurse Aide. Specifications may be obtained at the business office of McHenry County College. Rt 14 at Lucas Road, Crystal Lake, II. Telephone: (815) 455-3700. Bids are due: Welding - 11-12- 76; Agriculture & Gen. Fur niture -11-15-76; Sec. Science & Jewelry - 11-16-76; Nurse Aide - 11-22-76. (Pub. Nov. 12, 1976) ADOPTION NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS. COUNTY OF McHENRY, SS In the Circuit Court of the 19th Judicial Circuit, McHenry County. Illinois. In the matter of the Petition for the adoption of Baby Girl Stratton, a minor. Adoption No. 76 F 366 To: Tory Rachell, 390 East Lake Shore Drive. Wonder Lake. Illinois, unknown father, and all whom it may concern, take notice that a Petition was filed in the Circuit Court of McHenry County. Illinois, for the adoption of a child named Baby Girl Stratton Now. therefore, unless you, Tory Rachell. file your answer to the Petition in said suit or otherwise file your appearance therein in the said Circuit Court of McHenry County,, in the Village of Woodstock, on or before 6th day of Dec., 1976, a default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a decree entered in ac cordance with the prayer of said Petition. Dated: Woodstock. Illinois November 5, 1976 Margaret O'Neil Clerk of the Circuit Court Donald N. Novelle, 54 West Randolph Street, No. 900, Chicago Illinois, Attorney for Petitioners. (Pub Nov. 12. 19,26, 1976) Legal Notice PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Filing To the Patrons of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company: The Illinois Bell Telephone Company hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission, under Advice No. 3747, a change in the Residence Premises Work Charge where new or additional wiring is involved. A copy of the .proposed filing may be inspected by any in terested party at any business office of this Company in Illinois. All parties interested in this matter may obtain information with respect thereto either directly from this Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Com mission, Springfield, Illinois 62706. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY By E .L. Johnson General Manager (Pub. Nov. 12. 17. 1976) ACT NOW AND RECEIVE A FREE GARAGE DOOR OPENER GOOD 'TIL NOVEMBER 20. 1976 EM CUSTOM-BUILT GARAGES AS LOW AS *2195 FOR 20x22' WITH 16 FT. OVERHEAD DOOR & 30 IN. SERVICE DOOR CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES 385-8454 Availarble CHECK US FIRST!!! . . .OTHER HOME IMPROVEMENTS DONE { FREE! SPARE ®r CHAIN OR CARRING CASE VALUE UP TO <AA WHEN YOU *ZZ BUY A NEW HOMEUTE CHAIN SAW Choose one of the selected models ot lightweight, power ful chain saws and get an extra loop of chain absolutely FREE! H lUe Wwt Cwyujtkuiq! 385-3232 904 N . FRONT ST 0«or qonr! whilp supply (asts member ATA amencan rental association McHENRY, ILL. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF ROY G WEST- PHAL Deceased. FILE NO. 76- P-335 Notice is hereby given pursuant'to Section, 194 of the Probate Act. of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on November 1. 1976, to Central National Bank in Chicago. 120 S. LaSalle St.. Chicago. Illinois, whose at torney of record is Jaros. Tittle & O Toole, 69 W. Washington St.. Chicago, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub Nov. 12, 19,26, 1976) CPA Graduate | HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS Explore Plumbing Code At November Meeting "The Illinois Plumbing code and How It Got That Way" will be the subject of a special program for plumbing in spectors and building com missioners in Lake and McHenry counties being sponsored by the Plumbing and H e a t i n g C o n t r a c t o r s associ. ' ion of Lake and McHenry counties at the Holiday Inn, Mundelein, Thursday. Nov. 18, starting at 10:.30 a.m. Format of the special program will be a simulated hearing before the Illinois Plumbing Code Advisory board with representatives of the cast iron, copper, and plastic piping industries appearing before the board as witnesses to boost their particular products. The Plumbing Code Advisory board was established by the Illinois General Assembly and is appointed by the Governor to conduct public hearings on the state plumbing code and to make recommendations for changes to the Illinois Department of Public Health. Jack Wilson, of the Illinois Public Health Department and an advisor to the code board, will be the moderator of the program. "Ultimate goal of the program," according to PHCA President Marshall Strenger. of H T Strenger Inc., Lake Forest, "is to show the in spectors and other public of ficials who are being invited to attend the meeting that the Illinois code is a good code and should be adopted by all municipalities as the basic code." "Adoption of the state code by all municipalities will mean more uniformity, more con sistent code enforcement, and better protection for the public." Strenger pointed out. Guest speaker for the evening session will be Andrew Galvin. vice president of the Wisconsin Gas Co., Milwaukee. Galvin, a former Waukegan and Milwaukee news reporter and columnist, recently com pleted an inspection tour of the Alska Pipe Line and will have an up to the minute report on its progress. He will also give his views on the natural gas supply picture and relate some of his experiences with g o v e r n m e n t r e g u l a t o r y agencies. The seminar and dinner meeting are open to plumbing contractors and all public of ficials involved with plumbing code enactment and en forcement Warn Drivers Against Early License Display LAURA SMITH Laura Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith, 311 N. Green street, McHenry, recently passed the CPA test and received her certificate at a very impressive awards banquet held at the Conrad Hilton hotel in Chicago. She graduated from Illinois State university May 17, 1975 with a Bachelor of Science degree, and is presently employed as an accountant with a firm in Schaumburg. Secretary of State Michael J. Howlett has again cautioned Illinois motorists not to display 1977 license plates before Dec. 1. Many motorists throughout the state have been prematurely replacing their 1976 Bicentennial plates with the 1977 plates, which have green letters and digits on a white background. Close to one million reassignment and request applications have been processed and the plates mailed. Over the counter sales of ficially start Dec 1 at par ticipating banks and currency exchanges throughout the state in addition to three Secretary of State Motor Vehicle facilites in Chicago and two in Springfield. Elgin Church Brings Choir To First Baptist The Rev. Theodore Smith of the Progressive Baptist church, Elgin, will bring the £ OPEN DAILY 7:30 TO 6 - SUNDAY 9 TO 1 r THANKSGIVING Red Carpet Rooms Open to the Public McHeniy County Club 820 N. John, McHenry, III. WHOLE TURKEY-(£V RESERVATION ONLY) Dad carves and takes hbme the leftover. Minimum 5 persons for Whole Turkey. Reservations a Must by Sunday, Nov. 21st. 1 Complete Dinner and "Dessert Table" $5.25 per person complete church choir to present the worship services at the First Baptist church of McHenry Sunday evening. Nov 14 at 7 p.m The Rev. Smith will direct the choir in presenting a concert of gospel music and will also be preaching during the regular worship hour "Our church is proud to present the group from this young, dynamic church and to offer to McHenry citizens this opportunity to hear and enjoy good gospel singing." stated M.E. Werry, pastor of First Baptist. There will be a time of fellowship and refreshments following the service and the public is cordially invited to attend. There will be no charge for admission SCOUT NEWS TROOP 155 For the month of October, Boy Scout Troop 455 of John sburg is pleased to report that the following eight boys ad vanced: Jim Turuc and Joe Turuc to Life; Jeff Turuc, Bruce Olsen and Dennis Christie to 1st Class; Bernie Ray to Star; Boyd Gillan and John Mazza to Tenderfoot The Troop also had three new boys join that month They are David Moravel Gerald Kuz nicki and Jamt4 Kling Special Full Course Dinners also | served Noon to 6:00. Call J 815-385-1072 for Reservations. 1 ART MEMBERS SHOW Libertyville Art center will hold its annual members' show, 1700 Milwaukee avenue. Nov. 14, with a champagne recep tion, and Nov. 21, from 1-5 p.m. There is no admission charge. "THE ORIGINAL" MacKAY'S TV REMODELING SALE WE ARE EXPANDING DUE TO THE PURCHASE OF FM RADIO & TV IN McHENRY SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICES NOW ON ALL 1977 M0Ml ItC/l CoJoiTrak AND chrqaaacolor n DO YOURSELF A FAVOR CHECK OUR PRICES BEFORE V0U BWI 815-653.711] 7224 Bamard Mi" Rd-Wonder Lake, III. Top-Line Products - Tops in Service o - %-V "STAY TUNED FOR FURTHER NEWS"1