PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, NOVEMVER 17, 197« FUNNYSIDE iO s S&h vW^6^, "I WAS MARRIED IN '29 - THAT WAS A BAD YEAR ALL AROUND, AS YOU'LL RECALL." CLUB CONTEST WINNERS - Winners of costume judging at the recent party sponsored by Lakeland Park Woman's club are front row, left to right, Jenny and Christopher Voight and Jimmy and Caren Oeffling; back row, left to right, George Heuer, Kristie Heuer, Susan Jensen, Eric Nylander and Jennifer Thennes. THE MCHBNRY PLAINDEALER ^Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry. Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry. Second Clan Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Illinois Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice of change of es to The McHenry Plaindealer. 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, IL «0W_A deduction of one month from the expiration of a subscription will be niade where a change of address is provided throuflh the Post Office Department Larry E. Lund -• Publisher annul grown 7 Adele Froehlich -- Editor NATIONAL NEWSPAPER MUutlM Im+i frMfttllCI MM SUSTAINING 9 MEMBER --1971 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year................$10.50 1 Year................$15.00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHanry and County Lake County Honorable mention was awarded to Joyce Braun for her creative costume. CRAFT SOCIAL CLUB The first meeting of the new craft-social club will be held tomorrow morning at the Lakeland Park community house at 9 a.m. The community house is located at 1717 N. Sunset Drive. The idea of the club is to have individuals meet to work on their own crafts while socializing. Children are welcome and it would be a good idea to bring coloring books or something for the children to work on also. We'd be delighted to meet all you crafty people so if you are interested in joining this club, bundle up your children and come on over to the meeting. See you tomorrow, bright and early! CONSERVATION CLUB NEWS The McCullom Lake Con servation Club will meet at Spojnia tomorrow night at 8 p.m. Further plans for the annual fishing derby will be discussed. Volunteer help is needed on many of the committees. Any time you can donate to this event is appreciated. The fishing derby has been the only way the Conservation Club has raised funds for the lake in the past two years, and our lake is going to need a lot of help this coming year. PRO-LIFE BAKE SALE The Pro-Life Organization is holding a bake and craft sale Saturday, Dec. 11, at Horn- sby's. Anyone wishing to furnish baked goods or items to sell, please contact Mrs. Ron (Barb) Svoboda. Proceeds will go to the Pro-Life Hot Line serving the McHenry area. The Hot-Line supplies help in finding alternatives to abor tion. They need your help! HOME ON LEAVE Dan and Ruth Bomke of Lakeland Shores are mighty pleased that their son, Dan, Jr., f i Save money Help your local economy Thisvear. Christmas Shop McHenry McHenry State Bank 3510 West Elm Street McHenry, III. 385-1040 \l III \H> I -1*1" ' B WK J it+aj is home with them for a few days. Danny is stationed in Fort Myer, Va., and is with the Presidential Honor Guard. He will be having some exciting and important months ahead, we will all be watching for him on TV. during the inauguration. IT'S A SMALL WORLD... Steve and Anne Moore were guests at the 85th Division Military Ball last Saturday night ,at the Oakbrook Sheraton. While they were conversing with some folks Anne had ju§t met, they discovered one of their table partners was a former resident of Lakeland Shores. His name is John Piotrowski and he graduated from McHenry Community high school in 1961. He and his wife, Sharon, who now reside in Downers Grove, asked Anne to say a special hello to Steve and Nancy Fike. Steve and Anne enjoyed their evening out and were delighted that the grandparents kept their three children overnight in Chicago. ...A SURPRISE! When the Moores went to pick up their children Sunday af ternoon Anne got the surprise of her life as there were twenty relatives and friends gathered at the home of her mother-in- law. They all shouted surprse and had gathered to help Anne celebrate a very special bir thday. A banner was hung across the dining room wall announcing to the world just what birthday it was! (We'll keep you guessing!) Steve had planned the gala event and really caught his wife off guard. A fyn time was enjoyed by everyone and the food was delicious and the birthday cake was very pretty. Anne received some very useful presents (Ben-Gay, Femlron, and varied other products) as well as some lovely presents. It was indeed a fun afternoon that she enjoyed sharing with Steve and their children, Steve's mom Anna Moore, Anne's parents, John and Blanche Blaney, Pat and Ron Castiglione, Mary Blaney#and her friend Chris, Sharon and John Gacek, Bruce and Sue Warren, Bob and Pam Schneider, Marilyn and Jerry Lenaz, Jerry and Cheryl Wolf, Joyce and Bob Brown and Marina Ott. It was a most enjoyable birthday that Anne won't soon forget! LOST KITTEN The Nylander family have recently acquired a new little kitten. It is black with white on its feet and stomach. It is wearing two collars, one a flea collar and one a white collar with a bell. It seems to be very friendly and loves to play with the children. The kitten was found in Lakeland Shores so if anyone has lost a kitten fitting this description please call Mrs. David (Charlene) Nylander. PARTY TIME Happy birthday was sung to Terese (Sissy) Koch by her many friends on Nov. 11. Sissy hit the big number three this vear. Mom and Dad, Shipley and Max Koch enjoyed watching Sissy blow out the candles on her Mickey Mouse birthday cake. Some friends who came to help Sissy celebrate were: Janet Glosson, Daniel Boone, Tony Hall, Cynthia and Amy Svoboda. The children had fun par ticipating in pass the Sweet Potato, Duck, Duck, Goose and Clothes Pins in the Bottle. After the games Sissy's sister, Bridgette, and brother, Maxie, were thrilled watching Sissy open her many gifts. All agreed they had a good time helping Sissy celebrate her third birthday. Happy birthday, Sissy! GET WELL WISHES Glad to hear that Alice Sullivan is home from the hospital. We hope she is feeling better and will soon be fully recovered. FASHION PARTY Bev Walinski held a luncheon and fashion party at her home recently. Those who attended the party were Maureen- Johnson, Fleda Rogers, Willie Meyers, Peggy Lawrence and demonstrator Dolly Nowell. After the fashion preview, Bev served a delicious tuna salad followed by cake and coffee. All the women enjoyed their afternoon out. LAS VEGASTRIP Dan and Ruth Bomke en joyed an exciting week in Las Vegas, Nv., recently. Dan took a short side trip to California to have lunch with his mother while Ruth visited with her cousin, Kaye Howard, in Nevada. The Bomkes took in many sights including the Robert Goulet show and Ruth even managed to come home not completely unrewarded. Sounds like all spent an ex citing time. WELCOME NEW NEIGHBORS Many months of hard work were spent building a new home for the Schuerr family, but the long days of toil were well worth it for Ken and Barb and their children, Steve, Trishia, and Scott. They are now in their lovely new home on Bonner Drive. All their neighbors and friends wish to offer them a big welcome to the neighborhood and many happy years in their new residence in Lakeland Shores. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Happy anniversary wishes are extended to Curt and Maria Bremer who celebrate 19 years of happiness today. School Officials To Three-Day Conference The joint annual conference of the Illinois Association of School Boards, Illinois Association of School Ad ministrators, and the Illinois Association of School Business Officials will convene at the Palmer House in Chicago Nov. 20, 21 and 22. More than 7,000 participants will represent Illinois' 1,000 school districts, including McHenry. Guest speakers during the three-day conference will in clude James W. Guthrie, associate professor of Education at the University of California; James E. Olson, president of Illinois' Bell Telephone company; Joseph M. Cronin, Illinois Superin tendent of Ecuation; George Herman, CBS TV and radio news correspondent. The Illinois school board members, administrators and business officials will par ticipate in panel discussions, covering such topics as: resources, alternative education programs, strikes, school board ethics, student rights, local control and the state, collective bargaining, value analysis, citizens' committees. In addition to the panels, business meetings and loundtable discussions will be held throughout 4he three days. School officials will also have an opportunity to examine almost 100 exhibits of the latest school equipment, supplies and services. Junior High Students To Aid Recycling Drive As is the case every month, the third Saturday of November has been scheduled by the McHenry County Defenders as the day for McHenry's recycling drive. It will be held at the McHenry Market Place from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 20. The labor for this month's drive will be provided by members of the Student Council of McHenry Junior high school. Recyclable items handled at the drive are newspapers, cardboard and magazines that are tied or tightly bagged or boxed; all aluminum products, including TV dinner trays, all aluminum throw-away cans (some brands of beverages use seamless cans that are steel -- check the sides of the can with a magnet if you are in doubt); all steel cans, such as the kind pet food and vegetables come in; green, brown, and clear glass containers. Cans should be clean, delabeled and flattened; bottles should be clean with metal and plastic removed. The McHenry County Defenders urge the public to use returnable bottles for their Walter and Catherine Kozicki celebrate their anniversary Sunday, Nov. 21. It's their thirty-sixth wedding an niversary! LAKELAND SHORES RESIDENTS For years we have been without a column of our own, now we have one, all we need is your support. Please call us and let us know what you've been doing, tell us about the events of your lives. Hope we will be hearing from you soon! Vycital's Pro Hardware 1228 N. Green St McHenry, III Christmas Shop McHenry [HARDWARE STORES] 15.49 PULSATING ISHOWER HEAD! GDOGOQO of the G&]®gd\}[]D Get a relaxing and refreshing shower with tnis 3-position Chicago Specialty pulsating shower head. COUPON COUPON Gloves Sunbeam Open J wearing. COUPON COUPON 2.98 Plastic Boot$2.00 Folding Rule Caddy SAVE 1.10 SAVE 7l<t 1 6 " x 2 2 " f l e x i b l e p l a s t i c b o o t c a d d y * R a i s e d l i p p r o t e c t s c a r p e t f r o m s l u s h f i t s n o w S i x f o o t s i z e . M a p l e w i t h b r a s s p l a t e d j o i n t s . W h i t e , w i t h o u p o n h c o u p o n COUPON COUPON 8.19 Stanley Deluxe Locking Door Chafe SAVE 2.30 SAVE 3.75 R e d a n d w h i t e , r g a l l o n c a p a c i t y f o f g a s O p e r a t e s f r o m i n s i d e w i t h o u t k e y . K e y l e t s f u e l o i l , e t c . y o u o p e n a n d l o c k f r o m t h e o u t s i d t h c o u p o n t h c o u p o n beverages. Although the initial cost for the bottle deposit is high the cost for the contents of the bottle is as high as 70 percent more in the throw- aways than in the returnables. Anyone having questions regarding the paper, bottle and can recycling can call 385-8512. If any elderly or infirmed have a large quantity of properly prepared recyclable materials they would like to have picked up they may call the above number. Teacher Of The Week l District l.'t) GREG LOFGREN Greg Lofgren is a seventh grade teacher at McHenry Junior high He enjoys fishing, skiing, antiques, reading history and refinishing furniture. He is a member of the Mini-Project committee and also is the sixth grade basketball coach and cheerleading advisor. Lofgren is very concerned with participation and has a no- cut system in basketball. His hometown is Moline but he presently resides in McHenry. Lofgren's students recently took a field trip to DeKalb to visit the Ellwood House and the pumpkin festival. They are also involved in the Industrial Revolution of the late 19th century in Social Studies with nouns, pronouns, story settings and plots capturing their time in Language Arts. Lofgren received his degree from Illinois State university ' and his Master's degree from NIU. PUNCH LINE Forests Southern forests and woodlots produce 67 percent of the pulp- wood cut in the United States, 30 percent of the lumber and 30 per cent of the plywood are also cut in this region. "Where automotive excellence is surpassed only by sales# service." College Hill LINCOLN-MERCURY Rte 31 Just No. of 176 CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. 815-459-4900