Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Nov 1976, p. 14

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Legal Notice McHENRY COMMUNITY CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT 15 ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT For the fiscal year ended June 30,1976 t Size of District in square miles - 41.5 Number of attendance centers - 6 Average daily attendance - 2S590 Average daily membership - 2,924 X Number of pupils enrolled per grade: K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th H47 315 313 275 320 294 (In percent) Number of certified employ Full Time -145 Part Time ees: Number of non-certified employees: Full Time - 79 Part Time - 30.5 6th 7th 8th Special Total Elementary 302 337 345 76 2,924 tm ~ Total in district 2,924 Tax rate bv fund . L Educational. 1.38; Operations, Bldg. and Maintenance, .250; Bond and Interest .379; Working Cash, 050; Transportation, 150 Municipal Retirement, .054; Fire Prevention and Safety, .050; Tort Immunity. .016; Special Education Building, .020. I )istrict Assessed Valuation $83,965,893.00 Total Bonded Indebtedness Assessed Valuation per A D A. pupil 32,419.00 Assessed Valuation per A.D M. pupil 28,725.00 June 30,1976 Percent of bonding power obligated currently $1,950,000.00 .387 Assets Land Buildings Equipment GROSS PAYMENT FOR CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL SALARY RANGE: $5,000 to $9,999 Betsy Althoff. Valerie Carby, Donna DeFranco, Sharon Fairchild, Jane Goehler, Dorothy Hollander, Colleen Jackson, Nancy Johnson, Linda Kaszniak, Barbara Kosick, Carol Kramer, Linda Par- tenheimer, Trudy Poirier, Lisa Ross, Patricia Schauble, Linda Sherman, Bonnie Spasojevich, Janet Tracey, Mary Jean Weber, Christine Winters. SALARY RANGE: $10,000 to $14,999 Marion Alford, Terry An- finson, Rosemary Antonou, Ix>rna Bauer. Cathy Berlinger, Kathleen Biggerstaff, Ruth, Buckner, Janet Byrnes, Alicia Casey, Janet Cody, Mary Kay Coonrad. Susan Danko, Michael Dreher, Marlene Doukas, Jerald Eiserman, Bruce Ericson. Florence Foran, Carol Fuller, Muriel Gilmore, Harry Georgas, Marlene Goetschel, Debra Grennan, John Griffith, Carolyn Grove, Patricia Guz&etta, Ruth Haasl, Linda Halac, Margaret Hall, Paul Harfson, Jean Harms, Sandra Heffelfinger, Dwight Hibicke, Dorfald Hodges, Delores Hoover, Ruth Hubbard, Norma Jonjes, Albert Jovanovic, Martha Kangas, Mary Ellen Kacp, Raymond Kaulig, Harriet Kern. Rosemary Kielp, Carole Kiick. Janice Knight, Mildred Kraus, Anthony Kryc, Carolyn Langner, William Le^fblad, Gregory Lofgren, Jeanne Ludwig, Diana Maas, AliCe MacDonald, Elaine Markel, Mabel Martin, Patfricia May, Milicent Mc- Farland, Howard McHugh, Daiid Miller, Geraldine Moerschbaecher, Cynthia Mocimoto, Carol Nash, Janice P 1 | .^HONttK STUDENTS dfv Dan Walker presented the Educational Achievement Award of the Lincoln Academy of : Illinois to fifty-six g r a d u a t i n g s e n i o r s representing each of the state s fotfr-year colleges and universities at ceremonies in Springfield. The honored students, who were selected by the^ presidents of each college and university in Illinois, reafcived the Order of Lincoln medallion and $100 checks in recognition of their scholastic and civic achievements. A game f Jan that'll always make you a winnen j The game of life is not an easy game to play. { And the people who <$ome out winners are die ones who plan ahead. One of the best jfays to do that is to buy United States pavings Bonds dirough the Payroll Savings Plan. * Bonds are the safe, dependable way to ve for all your future pJans. Because they fiways pay off to the l$enny. For sure, livery time. »» So make United States Savings Bonds irt of your savings lan. You'll always be ajiead of the game. Iries K Bonds pay 6% interest \en held to maturity of 5 years IVi% the first year). Interest not subject to state or local tome taxes, and federal tax may [deferred until redemption. lake :• Stock # tnvyncrica. 2tX) years at the same local km. 4 % f! Value of Capital Assets $ 307,512 5,146,525 688,347 Natzke, Carol Neifing, Donald Neubauer, Timothy O'Toole,' Joyce Parrish, Wesley Peto, Jeffrey Pettit, Karen Pierce, Janice Pifer, Marjorie Rabbit, June Reeves, James Roth, Florence Rothermel, John Sanders, Nancy Sanders, Linda Santeler, Elaine Schmaling, Leslie Schubert, Linda Shamblin, Kathleen Shea, Marvel Sheller, Ergina Shepston, Thomas Shipley, Barbara Smiley, Oscar Sola, Linda Spear, Joann Stumbris, Jane Thomas, Roxanne Thomas, Elizabeth Thompson, Cherly ToalsOn, Louise Verene, Marlene Viita, Eugene Vitale, Mary Vycital, Deborah Walters, Donald Weichle, Marcia Wolf. SALARY RANGE: $15,000 to $19,999 Richard Anderson, John Armstrong, Elmer Boeldt, Dolores Bolger, Carolyn Buittner, James Cesaroni, Helen Creamer, Daniel DeRoche, Crispin Elliott, Avice Gorham, Judith Hamilton, Henry Kenyon, Catherine Kohrt, Karl Kohrt, Dorothy Kuta, Eloise Leighty, Eugene Maris, Barbara Novak, Charles Schott, Sibyl Sears, Patricia Seaton, Edmund Sobotkiewicz, Karl Steuben, Janet Vierke, Carl Wagner. SALARY RANGE. $20,000 AND OVER Jack Adams, Robert Boos, Fred Kusch, William Landis, John Nilles, Donald Toole. GROSS PAYMENT FOR NON-CERTIFIED PERSONNEL SALARY RANGE: LESS THAN $5,000 Diane Adams, Joyce Adams, Jacklyn Allen, Barbara An­ derson, Kay Anthofer, Katherine Baseley, Carolyn Bauer, Kathryn Bauer, Olivia Bauer, Dorothy Bazan, Sally Belzer, Sandra Betancourt, Albert Blasius, Irene Broderick, Karyl Bryniarski, Gerald Burg, George Cadotte, Rejgina Cameron, Roy Carlson, Shirley Carlson, Adeline Chaps, Mary Ann Cole, Susan Con­ stantino, Jacqueline Creutz, Mary Deja, Janet DeVine, Marie Diedrich, Magdeline Dowe, Deborah Durrenberg, Robert Farrington, Clare Freund, Irwin Freund, Jacqueline Grom, Gregory Guanci, Cathy Harris, Suzanne Hauck, Douglas Hertel, Judith Hinspater, Suzanne Homo, Constance Hopp, Victor Hopp, Diane Hulbert, Carol Humann, Jean Janeczko, Cynthia Johnson, Helga Johnson, John Johnson, Mary Ellen Johnson, Elizabeth Kearns, Caroljean Ketchum, Mary Ann Knaack, David Koerber, Elaine Landis, David Lawson, Carol Lehman, Geraldine Leisten, Edward Lescher, Roy Lundelius, Ar * thur Martin, Janice Martin, Gertrude Mazzone, Sharon McNish, Anne Micheletto, Phillip Mieszala, Claire Miller, Dorotny Miller, Donna Mit­ chell, Elaine Murray, Patricia Muse, Jennifer Nellis, Dorothy Newport, John Nichols, Judith Nichols, Lois Parenti, Georgiann Pariso, Elaine Peschke, Carol Piklor, Mary Jean Pinkstaff, Jacqueline Price, Linda Prince. Evelyn Raske, Carol Reed, Elyse Reining, Elaine Rogers, Jacqueline Rogers, Lois Ryan, Mary Ann Schadt, Margo Schaedel, Gary Schaefer, Kathrvn Schaefer, Mary L. Schaeffer, Jacolyn Sheehan, Barbara Schmaling, Gloria Schmaling, Helen Schmitt, Harry Sikora, Grace Smith, Ardelle Smolzer, Margaret Stevens, Nancy Stratton, Ruth Sveen, Isabelle Thompson, Doris Tomasello, Charlene Tonyan, Karen Utes, Barbara VanCleave, Donna Vargas, Dorothy Vick, Barbara Virgens, Dorothy Virgens, Sally Jo VonBruenchenhein, Eleanor Wagner, Mae Wagner, Jeanette Walker, Thomas Warren, Lucille Weingart, Irene Weiss, Anna Wenk, Pamela Wickenkamp, Judy Widhalm, Madelyn Wieczorek, Susan Wiese, Virginia Wilsman, Martha Wisner, Sharon Wohlert, Kevin Wyn- veen, Marie Urevich, Gertrude Zuber. SALARY RANGE: $5,000 to $9,999 Gerhard Abraham, Gerald Becker, Beverly Cochran, Bernadette Cummings, Clarence Freund, Joy Gerhke, Richard Glawe, Lauretta Homo, Gerard Justen, Ralph Justen, Bruno Karas, Peter Knuth, Marlene Larsen, Carmen Lombardi, Beverly Longhway, Edward May, Eugene Nye, Kathleen Schaffer, Elayne Schultz, Edward Schwabauer, Beth Shipley, Rita Thennes, Walter Winkler, Donald Sullivan. SALARY RANGE: $10,000 to $14,999 Monica Becker, Herbert Brossman, Earl Conway, George Larkin, Charles Martin, Vernon Reinboldt, William Walker, Clarence Qung. Basis of Valuation used COST COST COST »y. Mauch, Joanne Miller, SUBSTITUE TEACHERS at $25.00 PER DAY Myrna Akins, Betty Alder- son, Betsy Ann Althoff, Pamela Baldwin. Carolyn Bauer, John Bazan, Eloise Bickel, Florence Black, Kathleen Bolger, Mary Brinkman, John Cochran, James Collier, Darlene Con- sidine, Christine Cook, Eve Cordrey, Edward Coughlin, Mary Ann Dixon, David Dost, Joyce Dreher, Mary Lynn Dubas, Sandra Eckert, Phyllis F r e d r i c k s e n , A n d r e a Garlanger, Brenda Giacomin, Pearl Grabowsky, Linda Green, Elizabeth Haufe, Linda Heck, Carolyn Hesch, Ethel Hornby, Nancy Jean Irwin, Dorothy Jones, Marie Kenyon, Julie king, Sandra Kivett, Melissa Korn, William Kosick, Delores . Leonard, Lillian Lombardi, Delores Mann] Greta Martin, Helen Mary McGuire, Mclnerney, Dianne Polly Novak, Mary Ann Parks, Nancy Pratt, Myrtle Procter, Mary Prokuski, Audrey Regner, Bill Bobbins, Dee Ryan, Connie Sandman, Patricia Schmitt, Linda Seaborn, Barbara Seagrist, Mary Ann Sharp, Frederick Shepston, Marion Slavin, Judith Smith, Susan Ann Snow, Jane Sweet, Susi VanRiper, Frances Veysey, Holly Anne Walker, Joan Werth, Sheridan Whitten, Janet Windier, Elizabeth Wirtz, Ranveig Zell. VENDOR: A.B,C. School Supply Inc. A.B.T. Associates A.R.T. Studio Ace Hardware Acenco Adams Brothers Radiator Service Addison Wesley Publishing Co. Almac Plastics, Inc. Alesco Alexander Lumber Co. Allyn & Bacon, Inc. American Companies American Guidance Service American School Board Journal Argus Communications Arista Auto Clutch & Parts, Inc. B&D Automotive Supply B&G Boiler & Welding Service B.F.A. Educational Media Badger Sporting Goods Baker & Taylor Bantam Books Inc. Barber Colman Beckley Cardy Ben Ames Motor Repair Benefic Press Ben Franklin Besmar Flowers Bobbs Merrill Co. Bolger's Drugs Borg Warner Educational Systems Boston Mutual Life Insurance Botts Welding Bro Dart Brookwood Garden Center H.E. Buch & Sons Buckley Powers Burgess. Anderson & Tate Burlington Grocers Inc. Buss Ford Sales Butch's Auto Service Bye Mo'r Inc. C&C Products Inc. Cambridge Book Co. Cardinal Supply Co. Carey Appliance Carey Electric Carl Fisher of Chicago Carroll Seating Co. Cassel Industries Central Scientific Co. Charles E. Merrill Chem Rite Products Co. Chicago Sun Times Children's Haven Children's Press Chuck's Towing City of McHenry City Treasurer's Office City Wide Carpet Coast to Coast Store Colad Cole Marionettes Colonial Baking Co. Commonwealth Edison Communacad Community Auto Suj Community Consoli STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ARISING FROM CASH TRANSACTIONS STATEMENT OF POSITION h June 30,1976 , v Operations. Bldg. Bond and Trans-- Educational and Maintenance Interest portation ASSETS ) Cash: Petty Cash $ 100 Imprest Fund 2,500 Cash in Banks 25,703 817 797 426 Investments 13,000 27,000 62,000 53,000 Total Assets $ 41,303 $ 27,817 $ 62,797 $ 53,426 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Anticipation Warrants Payable 150,000 Total Liabilities 150,000 Fund Balances (108,697) . 27,817 62,797 53,426 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances ...... a .. .41,303 27,817 62,797 » 53,426 / ANALYSE OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Beginning Fund Balance, July 1,1975 (112,944 ) 40,215 56,550 76,645 Add: , \ • Excess Of Revenue over Expenditures 4,247 6,247 Total (Fund Balance and Additions) (108,697 ) 40,215 62,797 76,645 Deduct: . , j, Excess of Expenditures over Revenue - 12,398 / 23,219 Total Deductions 12,398 23,219 Ending Fund Balance, June 30,1976 (108,697) ~ 27,817 62,797 53,426 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS-REVENUES Taxes 1,169,956 284,433 329,980 127,203 Governmental Divisions: state 1,473,124 4,367 76,536 179,831 Federal 47,909 Interest on Investments % 7,065 4,891 6,325 6,719 Sale of Property .' ' 2,900 Tuition 1.906 Other Revenue 164 69,642 1,820 Student and Community Services: Summer School 86,307 Athletic Program 890 Textbooks 33,449 Lunch Program 170,491 Other Student and Community Services 5,349 Transfers In... . 43,405 16,700 TOTAL RECEIPTS-REVENUES 3,028,327 380,033 412,841 323,822 STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS-EXPENDITURES Administration 149,909 Instruction 2,334,782 Health 12,026 172 Operation 176,249 154,308 200,120 Maintenance 7,886 48,448 56,527 Fixed Charges 5L313 42,257 101,594 19,158 Other Expenditures 279 32 Student and Community Services Summer School 48,231 t Athletic Program 4,601 Textbooks 69,804 Lunch Program 151,416 Capita] Outlay 17,584 147,418 71,032 Bond Principal Retired 305,000 Transfers Out. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS- EXPENDITURES 3,024,080 392,431 406,594 347,041 Excess (Deficiency) of Receipts-Revenues Over Disbursement-Expenditures $ 4,247 $( 12,398) $ 6,247 $( 23,219) ^hmicipal Retirement $ 1,644 63,000 $ 64,644 Working ash 64,644 64,644 7^626 75,626 10,982 10,982 64,644 50,321 3,903 54,224 65,206 65,206 $ (10,982) . . Co. ted School Dist. No. \ "Imprest Cash" community Consolidated School Dist. "Payroll Account" Community Consolidated School Dist. Confederation Life Insurance Conies Communications Continental Press Inc. Creative Materials Creative Publications Creative Visuals Croft Nei Publications Culligan Demco Demco Educational Corp. Developmental Learning Materials Diamond Chemicals' A.B. Dick Co. Dick Blick Diversified Sales A.W. Dolenski East West Learning Corp. Eastwood Manor Water Co. Eberling Alarm Corp. Ebsco Subscription Service » Eby Brown Economy Business Machines Ed's Rental Inc. Educational Audio Visual Educational Record Sales Educational Teaching Aids Educational Technology Corp. Educator Training Center Educators Publishing Service Edward Stauber Hardware Elgin Fruit & Produce Elgin Paper Co. SUPPLY SERVICE CAPITAL TOTAL: OUTLAY 157.% .00 .00 157.% 104.50 .00 .00 104.50 906.57 .00 .00 906.57 2,615.44 .00 .00 2,615.44 135.18 .00 .00 135.18 .00 455.00 .00 455.00 4,781.16 .00 4,781.16 876.54 .00 .%\ 876.54 760.92 .00 .00 \ 760.92 1,571.58 .00 1,571.58 136.93 .00 136.93 327.84 .00 .00 327.84 1,960.04 .00 .00 1,960.04 140.00 >00 .00 140.00 109.26 .00 .00 109.26 162.00 .00 .00 162.00 1.041.52 .00 .00 1,041.52/ 605.10 .00 .00 605. H) .00 9,239.00 .00 9,23*00 279.40 .00 .00 279.40 1,428.27 .00 932.50 2,360.77 1,711.51 .00 .00 1,711.51 162.20 .00 .00 162.20 185.92 109.18 232.38 . 527.48 995.77 .00 1,369.28 2,365.05 .00 493.27 .00 493.27 405.28 .00 .00 405.28 761.96 .00 .00 761.% 183.50 .00 .00 183.50 253.43 .00 .00 253.43 120.00 .00 .00 120.00 869.27 .00 .00 869.27 .00 6,368.27 .00 6,368.27 .00 1,838.69 .00 1,838.69 604.79 .00 .00 604.79 262.05 .00 .00 262.05 808.44 3,894.05 -1,114.61 5,817.10 .00 495.00 * .00 495.00 450.88 10.00 63.30 524.18 3.816.36 .00 .00 3.816.36 .00 36,476.53 37,235.00 73,711.53 .00 307.45 .00 307.45 772.25 .00 .00 772.25 219.66 .00 .00 219.66 557.33 .00 92.00 649.33 79.38 .00 50.20 129.58 17.00 421.40 209.95 648.35 85.71 .00 90.00 175.71 150.15 .00 .00 150.15 212.36 .00 1,200.00 1,412.36 522.50 .00 .00 522.50 325.33 .00 .00 * 325.33 1,040.17 .00 .00 1,040.17 597.55 .00 .00 597.55 581.27 .00 .00 581.27 .00 2,450.00 .00 2,450.00 241.35 .00 .00 241.35 .00 213.00 .00 213.00 .00 1,867.84 .00 1,867.84 .00 6,469.67 .00 6,469.67 .00 .00 184.00 184.00 112.78 .00 18.00 130.78 979.50 .00 .00 979.50 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 206.55 .00 .00 206.55 .00 56,647.09 .00 56,647.09 208.30 .00 .00 208.30 131.60 .00 .00 131.60 15 32,491.58 .00 .00 32,491.58 15 32,491.58 .00 2,576,814.83 .00 2,576,814.83 156 .00 .00 155.00 155.00 .00 34,184.76 .00 34,184.76 .00 305.55 .00 305.55 165.59 .00 .00 165.59 280.35 .00 .00 280.35 205.90 .00 .00 205.% 313.00 .00 .00 313.00 116.82 .00 .00 116.82 .00 115.50 .00 115.50 222.70 .00 .00 222.70 263.04 .00 .00 263.04 650.13 .00 .00 650.13 6,419.50 191.85 1,128.50 7,739.85 313.48 393.26 .00 7%.74 232.80 .00 .00 232.80 163.83 .00 .00 163.83 .00 127.GO .00 127.60 513.38 .00 .00 513.38 .00 577.01 .00 577.01 .00 1,252.00 .00 1,252.00 1,268.90 .00 .00 1,268% 124.85 .00 * .00 124.85 .00 35.00 479.90 514.% .00 111 25 .00 111.25 355.27 00 .00 355.27 132.93 .00 .00 132.93 134.24 .00 .00 134.24 13,646.00 .00 .00 13,646.% .00 1,067.86 .00 l.%7.86 612.28 .00 .00 612.28 168.30 .00 .00 168.30 695.28 .00 .00 695.28 1,778.75 .00 .00 1,778.75 Elkhorn Chemical Co. Elmquist Sound Encounter With The Theater Encyclopedia Britannica Englewood Electrical Supply Eye Gate Fearon Publishing Co. Federal Surplus Follett Library Book Co. Follett Publishing Co. Fox Lake Dairy Fox Lake Office Supply Fox Valley Fire Equipment Frank Paxton Lumber Co. Game Time Georggjgreber Music Co. Fge ATTTavis, Inc. 'George P. Freund, Inc. Gestetner Corp. Ginn & Co. Glawe. Richard H. Grand Stage Lighting Great Lakes Fire & Safety Equipment Grolier Educational Corp. Group Travel Unlimited Guidance Assoc. E M. Hale Co. Hal M. Harris Harcourt Brace & Jovanovich Hausman Bus Sales Havemeyer's Hayden Sport Center Hedlin's Dairy Hertzberg New Method ' Hester Oil Co. Highsmith Co., Inc. Hodges. Donald Wm. A. Holmin Corp. Holt. Rinehart & Winston Honeywell Hornsby's Family Center Houghton Mifflin Co. Hugnes Huntington Laboratories I.A.S.B. I B M. Corp. Ideal School Supply Co. Ike Craig Sports Ipc. Illinois Bell Telephone Illinois Municipal Retirement Image Wear Imperial Building Maintenance Inlander Brothers Inquiry Audio Visuals Inter Collegiate Press Interstate Audio Visual Interstate Electric Supply Jack's T V. Sales Johnson Controls K&M Asphalt Sealing K&M Auto Service Kadisak Tile Kankakee Industrial Supply Ken-Lee Hardware Co. Keyboard Jr. Publications Keystone Laundry Machinery Co. Kirchner Fire Extinguishers P.O. Knuth Co. Kranz Inc. L&M Stationery Lakeside Repair Shop J.S. Latta Lawson Products Inc. Learning Opportunities Learning Snop Lee Wards Lerner Publications J.B. Lippincott Co. Lochnar. Dr. Lois Lungren's Camera Center Lvon & Healy McGraw Hill* Book Co. McHenry Auto Body McHenry County Assoc. for the Retarded McHenry County Film Library McHenry County Office Machines McHenry F.S. Inc. McHenry Favorite Sports McHenry Plaindealer McHenry State Bank McHenry Tire Mart McHenry-Woodstock Disposal McHenry Yellow Cab 3M Business Products MacMillian Publishing Co. Maco Coatings Inc. Madison Bionics Main Paint Marcks. Edward W. Mass Feeding Corp. Master Brew Matthews Transfer Co. Media Materials Metropolitan Supply Co. Midland Laboratories Mid Valley Truck Parts Midwest Engine Warehouse 717.50 .% .% 125.28 %.% .% .% 1%.% .% 966.40 .% .% 1,284.25 66.60 944.87 239.70 .% .% 2%.29 .00 .% 1%.% .% 340.% 591.01 .% .% 594.47 .% .00 1,406.65 .% .% 236.25 .% .% 119% .% .% 1,152.23 , .% .% .00 .% 218.32 1,718.78 768.40 1,921.35 153.00 .% .% 302.16 306.48 .00 68.95 137.55 .% 557.56 .% .% .00 167% .% .00 .% 115.27 .% .% 626.% 524.% .% .% .00 284.73 .% 386.05 .% .% 131.67 .% .00 1,280.13 .% .% 12,706.45 .% .% 88.67 .% 33,797.40 136.80 .% .% 431.75 .00 402.% 35,356.04 .% .% 599.06 .% .% 38,5%.78 .% .% 12.17 .% 172.14 .% 242.% .% .% .% 208.55 447.71 .% .% 28.21 250.% .% 771.22 .% 314.10 2,902.58 .% .% .00 362.% .% 1,326.98 .% .% 929.% .% .% 221.84 694.72 .% 1%.20 .% .% 201.96 .% .% .% 10,408.15 .% .% 65,205% .% .% .% 4,968% 29,514.% .% .% 11,579.03 .% .% 152.% .% .% 122.76 .% .% .% 504.42 2,827.% 201,% 53.58 84.61 .% 37.20 1%.85 125.67 .% .% 113.00 .% .% ' .00 938.23 .% 1%.05 .% .% 661.79 .% .% 429.% .% .% 233.65 .% .00 .% 288.% .% .% 492.75 .% 20.02 .% 260.95 718.20 .% .% 6%.85 .% .% 2%.% .00 .% 8,830.38 .% 1,307% 152.18 .% .% 104.48 .% .% 512.75 .% .% 481.81 .% .% 127.35 .% .% 3,525.89 .% .% .% 218.% .% 184.42 .% .% 875% .% .% 2,210.87 * .% .% .% 113.04 .% .% 7,5%.04 .% .00 1,4%.% .% 2%.26 37.83 .% 276.% .% .% 819.24 .(XL 2.046,% .% 388.65 .% .% 354,799.33 .% .% 4,667.95 .% .00 4,911.85 .% .% 176.% .% 851.58 589.57 .% 6,031.63 .% .% 3,466.70 .% .% 144.12 .00 2,803.11 832.45 .% .% .% 135.% .% 33,541.10 - .% .% 485.44 .% .% .% 1,293% .% 210.% .00 .% 96.46 .% 87.18 218.% .% .% 809.44 .% .00 138.27 .% .% 42,306 1,099 43,405 43,405 43,405 717.50 224.28 100.00 966.40 2,295.72 239.70 290.29 536.00 591.01 594.47 1,406.65 236.25 119.90 1,152.23 218.32 4,408.53 153.00 608.64 206.50 557.56 167.96 115.27 626.00 524.00 284.73 386.05 131.67 I,280.13 12,705.45 33,886.07 136.80 834.05 35,356.04 599.06 38,590.78 184.31 242.00 208.55 447.71 278.21 1,085.32 2,902.58 362.50 1,326.98 929.00 916.56 100.20 201.98 10,408.15 65,205.60 4,968.00 29,514.00 II,579.03 152.96 122.76 3,332.41 339.79 147.05 125.67 113.00 938.23 100.05 661.79 429.60 233.65 288.50 492.75 280.97 718.20 600.85 200.00 10,137.88 152.18 104.48 512.75 481.81 127.35 3,525.89 218.00 184.42 875.86 2,210.87 113.04 7,500.04 1,460.50 337.09 276.00 2,866.23 (Continued on page 3) 354,799.33 4,667.95 4,911.85 176.00 1,441.15 6,031. 3,466 2,947 832.4J 135.0C 33,541.1( 485.44 1,293.9s 210.00 185.64 218.90 809.44 138.27 • Id '.7

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