\ IVVCiK 6 - FI.\I\»)KALKH-FHIDAY, NOVEMBER l»- '»7fi * RETURNING LETTERMEN-Brian Miller, forward wing and Bill Hurckes, guard are also the co- 2 captains of this year's Warrior basketball team. At right is Coach Ken Ludwig who will attempt to. £ shape the team into another contender. The Warriors advanced to the super sectional last season and was the first MCHS team to make "Sweet Sixteen". The local squad will open its season in the tough King Korn tourney at Sycamore on Friday-Saturday, Nov. 26-27. They will open the conference with a game at Barrington on Dec. 3 and their first home game will be against Mundelein on December 10. (STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD) » zMike Burmann M.V.P, jCross Country Runner By Dick Rabbitt Mike Burmann junior cross ountry runner on the "Rim ing Warriors" was selected as the Most Valuable at the annual banquet held at West Campus on Tuesday evening. The young lad was the only McHenry qualifier for the State Sec tional. j: Jim Smith was the winner of i [the Most Valuable for the ;sophomre team. Junior Kevin Weisenberger ;$as judged the Most Improved japd the award to the 100 per- jtcent Man went to captain Greg ^Sfchaeffer. Kince 1968 the Warrior record all levels is an outstanding wins, 56 losses and 2 ties, his year the Warriors tialified two for All Conference )nors, Mike Burmann and evin Weisenberger. 1976 Award Winners Varsity MAJOR "M" Mike Burmann, Greg Schaeffer, Kevin Weisen berger, Fred O'Halleran, Keith Besserud, Scott Wohnrade, Mike Shoopman, Vince Lin- nane, Jerry Haines and Mike Rivas. MINOR"M" Jeff Mitacek, Rich Parizanski and Don Freund. Man anger: Tim Rogers. SOPHOMORES "M" Jim Smith, • Chris Nowell, Pete Morales, Paul Vick, Dan Schaeffer, Scott Dixon, Dave Byron and Pat Teuber. Come in and browse, you'll get ideas for furnishing your bath and discover many charming gifts. £ 3012 W. Rte. 120, McHenry East of New Bridge - Free Parking 385-0048 Mon.-Thurs. 9-5:30, Fri. 9-9, Sat. 9-5 Complete planning and installation of fixtures and accessories. FRESHMEN NUMERALS "SO" Randy Wright, Gerry Bac- zkowski, Wayne" Besserud, Mark Scheib, Chris Dixson and Randy Fergen. CROSS COUNTRY TEAM ACHIEVEMENTS Added 26 wins to make it 274 wins - 56 losses - 2 ties since 1968. Varsity-North Suburban Conference - 4th place. Sophomores-North Suburban Conference - 5 th place. Maine West Invitational - 15th place. Grant-Crystal Lake In vitational - 5th place. Crystal Lake Sophomore Invitational - 6th place. Varsity Dual Record - 8 wins - 7 losses. Sophomore Dual Record - 12 wins - 3 losses. Freshmen Dual Record - 6 wins - 2 losses. State District Meet - 8th place. 2 McHenry boys made the All Conference team: Mike Bur mann - 2nd. and Kevin Weisenberger - 13th. Junior Mike Burmann qualified for the State Sec tional. VARSITY Dual Meet Record 1976 Won 8 - Lost 7 McHenry 18 Antiocb 43 McHenry 19 S^haumburg 36 McHenry 18 Lake Zurich45 McHenry 49H^fftnVn Estates 15 McHenry 19 Grant 42 McHenry 26 Dundee 29 McHenry 29 Buffalo Grove 26 McHenry 28 Crystal Lake&7 .(37 SPARE CHAIN OR CARRING CASI <01 WHEN YOU 'Za BUY A NEW HOMEUTE CHAIN SAW Choose one of the selected models of lightweight, power ful chain saws and get an extra loop of chain absolutely FREE! vu I OKer good while supply lasts. U/e Rent KW £u0ujti 385-3232 904 N. FRONT ST. ATA amercer* rental association MCHENTYTTLL. OPEN DAILY 7:30 TO 6 - SUNDAY 9 TO 1 McHenry 36 McHenry 38 McHenry 25 McHenry 16 McHenry 15 * McHenry 33 Lake Forest 23 Mundelein 21 Zion 30 Crown 41 Noi^th Chicago 48 larrington 24 EARL WALSH So I Hear SPORTS EDITOR Neighbor Ford Hanford came over Svith a veterans' publication that described the fearsome "Big Bertha" gun the Germans used to shell Paris during World War One. The article didn't call it the "Big Bertha", but that is the name it was known by in those days. The gun was described as monstrous, requirng 264 men to man it. Every time it was fired a new shell had to be made to fit the monster. It was designed to carry 90 miles. Reports are that "Big Ber tha" was buried in the ground, never no more to be seen or fired. The time has come to j*et out our bird feeders and have them ready to fill when the snow arrives. It looks like our sparrow crop will be good again this winter. Have heard a lot about the Village of Long Grove, but never saw it until this week. That's the place for antique buyers or just lookers to spend a day. Near as I could see there were a lot more lookers than buyers. Seemed like a good place for women to visit. Occasionally (very oc casionally ) I have reason to drive down town real early in the morning. No matter how early it is, there are cars and people dashing around. Some are going to work. Others are out XTor^coffee and -- McHenry comes alive at an early hours. When a fellow commented on all the annexations to the City of McHenry and all the growing pains, we said, "Have you heard the latest?" "Now what?" sez he. Told him there was some talk of annexing Volo. "No!" sez he. Had to correct that one before the story reached Tom Murphy in beautiful downtown Volo. 'Once your name gets on one mailing list, it is on all of them. Now some outfit wants us buy a home in Colorado. After thinking it over, Morn^ and I decided to settle down in; McHenry. We aren't going to persue that new press box project right now. Rumors float about the town that the football, baseball and track field may not be at the present location one of these years. That we gotta see! Come to think of it, the new press box could be moved. It wouldn't be as big as the bridge that rolled over city streets recently. SIGN OFF-- Grandma used to say, "A place for everything and everything in its place." LAKE REGION YMCA NEWS McHenry 43 Liberty ville 21 FOUR TO SIX YEAR OLD GYM AND SWIM It's a Sesame Street kind of program and the kids love it! It's rhythm and motion in movement exploration, where the child explores himself thru movement. The teacher presents a question to the child and has him solve it in his own way. It's new skills learned and' old ones perfected. Confidence in the water. Cooperative fun in group play. Coordination at every level of physical development. Movement exploration t and, tumbling and stunts, along wit^ the swim instruction program is the name of this energetic new program for pre-schoolers, and it's available at the Lake Region YMCA, 7315 S. Route 31, Crystal Lake. YBA BASKETBALL PUTS EMPHASIS ON PARTICIPATION HAVING FUN Plays have been written about it. Lives have been ruined by it. It's called a "championship." But for every "champion," there are millions of players in every sport who consider themselves "losers" just because a ball didn't go into the hoop at the right time...or a field goal missed by inches...or a long line drive was caught. And millions more not allowed to play because they're not "good enough". YBA basketball is different. In YBA basketball, the name of the game is values, par- Come to our special iHM Learn how easy it is to install an Armstrong ceiling DATE: TUES. NOVEMBER 30th TIME: 7:30 P.M. (A^m strong See a demonstration of. the latest techniques for installing Armstrong ceilings--including the new Chandelier^tile and suspended ceilings. You'll be surprised how easy they are to install, once you learn how. PLEASE RESERVE YOUR SEAT EARLY CALL 455-3000 PANELING LUS ticipation and fun. Everybody plays. Sign ups for the 1976-77 YBA season at the Lake Region YMCA is being held now. Wrestlers To Open Season Tomorrow Coach Marty Sobczak McHenry High "Rassling Warriors" open their home season tomorrow in a double dual meet. The Varsity will be at West Campus, while the Junior Varsity II will be at East Campus. Both events start at 1:00 p.m. Five new hospitals under construction by the Veterans administration will add more than 2,800 beds before mid-1979. Notice Sports Pictures Since previous notices (starting last fall) have not been noted, this will be run from time to time. Being unable to use the many group pictures sent in, a decision was made to discontinue all league groups except cham pionship teams. Pictures taken by our staff photographers of athletes on the high school level will be selected as to their importance. Individual pictures of various sports will be appraised as to their newsworthy value and available space. It was a flood of group pictures last year that made this decision by the management necessary. TRAVELSPEAKER On Tuesday evening, Nov. 23, the Crystal Lake Kiwanis club will present its third program of the "Travel and Adventure Series" at 7:30 p.m. in the Crystal Lake high school auditorium. His topic is "Magnificent Mexico City". CARPET WE'VE MOVED TO THE COR aflMRMK ON 815 455-3000 'TIL DEC. 3,1976 ORDER N0W...GET IT FOR CHRISTMAS! 90 Day to 3 Yr. Financing Available Mon., Tue., Thur. 9:30-5 Wad. 9:30-1 Fri. 9:30-9 Sat. 9:30-5 sw« 3*5 9312 1301 N. RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY All-American Honor To Former Warrior • By Dick Rabbitt,...... x,\ John Mclnerney a former "Running Warrior" of Coach Bill Hutchinson, and distance runner on Coach Wally Scott's track team was named to the All American Team in the recent N.C.A.A. Division 11. theVecent National Cross : Snowmobile : News : •••••• TEN PIN QUEENS Monday, November 25 9 p.m. F. Bush 192 - 563; N. Shulda 201 -547; J. Gilbert 190 - 533; E. Damians 190 - 529; J. Lexow 183 - 519;C. Kern 206 - 515; V. Br- zenk 171 - 508; N. Kadisak 210 - 504; J. Cordray 171 - 476; M. Saymn 159 - 476; V. Steege 168 - 473; J. Worts 183 - 471; F. Freund 192 - 457; A. Koczor 165 - 444; L. Kidd 192 - 440; B. Pretzman 175 - 437. Splits: J. Lexow 3-6-7-10, D. Cusack 5-6-10; M. Samyn and D. Koleno 4-5. PALACE BOWL Tuesday Thirty Niners 11-2-76 Doris Diedrich 192-497; Mary Beth Fuchs 179-224-575; Ro Michels 452; Irene McNish 463; Karen Schaefer 459; Kathy Barry 176-458; Mary King 429; Char Kumm 421; Bea Meath 462; Mary Mutschinsky 436. 11-9-76 Kathy Balke 423; Martie Raasch 456; Izzy Keilner 436; Kathy Barry 424; Linda Lossman 416; Irene McNish 443; Dar Michelsen 441; Mary Mutschinsky 205 - 438; Doris Diedrich 194 - 514; Rosie Pr- zetacznik 456; Mary Beth Fuchs 193 - 531; Jackie Huff 434. Railroads: Mary Vanderweil 4-7-10; Rosie Przetacznik 5-10. STUDENT SNOWMOBILE SAFETY COURSE TO BEGIN Illinois law requires that, "Persons at least 12 and less than 16 years of age may operate a snowmobile only if they are either accompanied on the snowmobile by a parent or guardian or a person at least 16 years of age designated by a »rent or guardian, or such srator is in possession of a certificate (Snowmobile Safety Education Certification) issued by the Department of Con servation, Division of Law Enforcement." The Department has designated volunteer in structors to instruct safety education cjasses^such as the one, scheduled to ' begin on Country event run for the smaller Colleges and Universities John placed 17th out of 250 runners. The first 25 made the All American team. John who is running for Eastern 111. U out ran 4 of the top runners in the country. Eastern as a team finished 5th in the team standings. Monday. November 22, 1976 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at City Hall in McHenry, McHenry County, II. The coordinating instructor for this class" is Larry Adams and persons interested in obtaining further information are directed to contact the coor dinator at (815) 385-0434. The safety education class is certified by the Illinois Department of Conservation and persons desiring to obtain a Snowmobile Safety Cer tification will be required to attend a mandatory eight hours of instruction such as the one beginning on the above date. The class covers a variety of subjects which include rules of the road, Illinois snowmobile law, safe operation, first aid, proper riding techniques, and other related topics for the young and old, snowmobiler and non-snowmobiler. The class is open to the public. 1976-77 WINTER SPORTS SCHEDULE McHenry High School 4724 W. Crystal Lake Road McHenry, III. 60050 (815-385-7077) Codes: BBB-Boys Basketball Wr-Wrestling Sw-Swimming VB-Volleyball GBB-Girls Basketball Bad-Badminton V-Varsity S-Sophomre F-Freshman JV-Junior Varsity SoB-Sophomore B F-S-Frosh-Soph * Two Buses - one from each school Bus Leaves Sport Squads 31a Eaat Wert Sat-Nor 20 Wr V-S Double Dual Home 1.30 Wr p Round Lake There liOO 11:00 VB V-JV Mundelein There 9100 7:»5 Taa HOT 23 Sw v-P/s Larklr. Home 4,30 Wr V-JV»S-P Cary Grore There 6130 •5lOO •5:00 VB V-JV Woodstock There 5«30 »:15 Pri-HfW 26 EEB V King Korn Tm Sycamore EBB s Kane land Trn There Sat-Nov 27 BEB V 1 King Korn Trn Sycamore E£B s Kaneland Trn There Tua MOT 30 VB V-JV IXmdee Hose 61OO Wr V-JV-S-P Woodstock There 6:30 •5:30 •5»30 Sw v-p/S Woodstock lhere 4.30 3«I5 Tbu-Dio 2 Sw v-r/s Rolling Meadowa Hone 5«oo VB V-JV Orayslake Hona 5i?o Prl-Deo 3 wr V-JV-S-P Barrington Home 61)0 an Barrington lhere 6t30 5:00 Sat-Dec * EEB JV-SoB-F Barrington Home 9 <00 Tua-Dec 7 wr V-JV-S-P Larkln There 6,45 •5:00 •5:00 3w V-P/S Wheeling There 4:30 2i*5 VB V-JV Libertyvllle There 4.TO 3:00 Pri-D.0 10 EBB V-S Mundelein Home 6«30 Wr V-JV-S-P Zion There 6130 •4:30 •4i30 Sat-Deo U VB V-JV Barrington Home IOIOO Em JV-3oB-F Mundelein There 9iqo «6I15 •6:15 BBB V-S Zion There 6130 ».»5 Sw V E. Aurora Irrrtt. There IOIOO StOO Heo-Dao 13 Em JV-SoB-F Zion Here 4:30 Tua-D»c 14 Sw V-P/S Libert yvllle H<-roe ti30 1 Wr N-JV-S-F No. Chicago There 6:30 •4: *5 •*.% 5 Thu-Deo 16 Sw V-P/S Elgin There 6130 5:00 VB V-JV Zion There 4,30 3:00 Prt-teo 17 BBB V-S No. Chicago Home 6130 Wr V Harvard Trn There 6100 4.49 Sat-Dec 18 BBB V-S Grant Home (31 J0 BEB JV-SoB-F No. Chicago There 9:00 •7:30 *7:3° Wr V Harvard Trn There IOiOO 6:'«5 Wr F/S Wauconda Trn There 9,or. 7:^5 VB V-JV Crown H"oe IOiOO Mon-Dec 20 BBB F Or ant Home 4iJ0 m S Soph Trr. Home 6iyi Tue-Dec 21 BBB S Soph Trn Home 6150 Wr V-JV-S-F Belvidere Home 6115 Wr F Grayslake Trn There 6:30 5,15 Wad-Dec 22 BEB S Soph Trr. Homo 6tTC Wr F Grayslake Tm There liOO 11:45 VB V-JV Crystal Lake There 4tJ0 3:30 Deo-27-30 BBB V Elgin Tm There Dec 27-29 BEB F Waukogan Tm There Deo 29-30 Wr V Guilford Tm Thr re Tue-Jan 4 3w V-F/S Buffalo Grove Home 5«jc Thu-Jan 6 VB V-JV Lake Forest Home 5:30 Pri-Jan 7 Wr V-JV-S-F Lake Forest Home 6:30 BBB V-S Lake Forest There 6:30 4:45 WITH 8 CRYSTALS Bearcat in From the inventors of automatic scanning monitors With the Bearcat III you can go to all the trouble spots in your city. Without leaving the safety of your home. You see, the Bearcat m is an automatic scan ning monitor that lets you listen in on your police, firemen, state patrol and other agencies in action, and unlike ordinary radios, the Bearcat HI constantly scans tor action. When one transmission ends,It auto matically tunes to another. Which means the Bearcat III can also help you avoid trouble, by filling you in on trafTic and weather reports before you hear them on TV. It's available at our store now. _ -- PLUS A COMPLETE LINE OF -- ANTENNAS & ACCESSORIES CB RADIOS ^ NEW & USED LAKE I McHENRY CO. LARGEST SELECTION S\ a l • INSTALL CI I JO • SERVICE • WARRANTEE & ( ( ( ( ' ( ' . . M I D ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) radi corns 815-385-4224 2604 N. Chapel Hill Rd., McHenry , III.