SECTION 2 • PAGE < - SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER - Pets are a true gift of love and joy, but remember they have feelings, too! What could be more charming, more loving, more special than opening up a basket on Christmas morning to discover a cute little puppy or kitten all decked out In ribbons, right? Wrong! The idea Is truly de lightful, yes, and would surely be the dream come true of almost ally child. But the truth Is that there is probably nothing so cruel and shattering to a young animal than to be thrust into the midst of a hustling, noisy, excited family group! Just imagine picture bulbs flashing mercilessly into frightened little eyes, everyone grabbing to be the next to hold the ador- able new arrival. You would never do it to a new born baby -- so why should a defenseless little pet be any different? . Your pet needs time to slowly and gently adjust to his new surroundings. Even though you may buy him already housebroken or paper-trained, he needs some time to get used to his new schedule. This matter is even fur ther complicated by the fact that many pet shops, unfortunately, sell pups and kittens before they TUESDAY, "NOVEMBER 23. If7f are really ready to be taken from their mother. The little babies find themselves prematurely weaned and surrounded by huge human creatures who mean well but may do more harm than good! A pet is probably the best gift anyone can give to a growing child. As they grow togther, the child learns the meaning or responsibility, of giving love, of kindness and the importance of gentleness. But these are lessons which the child must learn through patient practice. If you are planning to give your children a pet for Christmas, bring it home a few days before Christmas. The tremen dous thrill of having a new member of the house hold will not be diminish ed even if it does arrive a little ahead of. Santa's other presents. This way, your pet will have time to quietly and lovingly adjust to his new home -- his new feeding habits, his new sleeping place, his new friends -- without all of the clamor that comes with Christmas. ton Gifts that say you're always.. thinking of HER! Open Evenings and Sundays 'til Christmas ( s t a r t i n g D e c . 2 ) . PANTSUITS CO-ORDINATES DRESSES (LONG & SHORT) LINGERIE NECKLACES EARRINGS SCARVES HANDBAGS and much more! Juniors - Misses • Half Sizes 7 to 15 8 to 20 12M to 24U Still not sure? ...Gift Certificates Available Christmas Shop FREE LAY-AWAY! 4 k < • » » » ! . » » » - » i . t . # • « ^aiAion cSfzofifie. 1007 N. FRONT ST. (RTE. 31)