MGE It « PLAINDE ALER-W EDN ESDA Y, DECEMBER 1. 1»7« I SERVICE NEWS arine Recruit Graduates From basic Training YOUR WEEK AHEAD By DAMIS JEKFERY FELSKE Marine Private Jeffery F. KWslte, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. F^Ugene Felske of 4616 Bonner drive, MtHenry, has completed rccruit training at the Marine (yorps Recruit depot, San !)iego. ,t I During the 11-week training cycle, he learned the basics of hattlefield survival. He was introduced to the typical daily routine that he will experience during'this enlistment and studied the personal and professional, standards trtditiohally exhibited by MfcrtM*.' * • * ' "He participated in an acti\fc physcial conditioning program and gained proficiency in a variety of military skills, in- tding first aid, rifle rksmanship and close order dju/l., Teamwork and self- discipline were emphasized throughout the training cycle. Jk 1976 graduate of McHenry Community high school, he .joined .the Marine Corps in Octo¥V, l*7?. * Marine Learns Battlefield Survival Basics Marine Private David R. Ed,wai;ds Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Borchers of 1612 Wimay avenue, McHenry, has completed recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit DmRnftt*he'»H^oeK training cypJ^»4*,e learned the basics or batUeField survival. He was introduced to the typical daily routine that he will experience ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. If TAURUS Apr. ZtMay 2® GEMINI May 21-June 21 MOONCHILD June ll-July 22 LEO July 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. S-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. If AQUARIUS Jan. 26-Feb. II PISCES Feb. ll-Mar. 26 Forecast Period: • December S to December 11 There's an attractive person in the neigh borhood who would like to make your ac quaintance. It could be beneficial to both of you.. You have a nose for bargains. Why not finish Tyour Christmas shopping Take advantage this period to firm up financial plans. Curb your impatience. There's a tendency to waste a lot of high powered energy for very meager gains. Look for new methods of doing things. Secret attractions find you lost in day dreams. Be aware of the beauty in those close at hand. You are in a fine position group associations. Us qualities in keeping smoothly. Career matters bring recognition. There could be advancement. Make sure those who count know how qualified you really are. Keepin' Healthy r gain through ur leadership gs functioning Travel pi awaited bi justmentsi may have to be altered. A long of news comes through. Make ad- ere necessary. Financial affairs must be looked at. Some disagreements could arise over your spending of joint income. Mars is in your sun sign bringing you an abun dance of physical energy. Health and vitality is high. Be cautious this week in employment matters. Choose your words carefully. Contact with an influential person brings rewards. Pleasurable pursuits are on the calendar. Par ties and social gatherings are lively fun. A romantic attachment seems likely. Home and property matters are prominent and should not be neglected. Put some of your creative ideas to work. i V.A. NEWS i EDITOR'S NOTE: Following are representative questions answered daily by VA coun selors. Full information is available at any VA office. Q - 1 am a widow eligible for Civilian Health and Medical program of the Veterans Ad ministration (CHAMPVA). If I remarry, how would this affect during his enlistment and studied the personal and professional standards traditionally exhibited by Marines. He participated in an active physical conditioning program and gained proficiency in a variety of military skills, in cluding first aid, rifle marksmanship and close order drill. Teamwork and self- discipline were emphasized throughout the training cycle. A 1976 graduate of McHenry Community high school, he joined the Marine corps in November, 1975. me and my children's en titlement? A - Your remarriage would not affect your children's CHAMPVA entitlement, but yours would be terminated. Q - Can a veteran be certified for fewer school credits than he is actually taking, in order to preserve his GI Bill educational entitlement? A -- No. The school must certify the total number of credits being pursued. Q -1 had two enlistments, the first was honorable and was a completed enlistment. The second enlistment was under dishonorable conditions. Can I be granted service connection for disabilities that occurred in either of these enlistments? A -- You may be paid com pensation for disabilities in curred during the first period of service. Compensation would not be payable for service which ended in a dishonorable discharge. Qisability payments may be made only where service upon which the claim was made is terminated by release under conditions other than dishonorable. The season of the common cold is upon us, and even those of us who receive our swine flu shot will still be susceptible to colds. The cold has the ad jective "common" associated with it for good reason. Few other infectious diseases can match the annual record set by the common average of three colds per year for every person in the United States. That amounts to some 600 million colds per year! This disease has probably caused Americans more discomfort and loss of time on the job than any other. There are between 35,000 and 50,000 cough-cold remedies currently sold over the counter and these products have an annual sales value of more than 735 million dollars. Familiar as the common cold is, a specific treatment remains undiscovered...and the old saying, "A cold lasts a week if it is treated; seven days if you let it run its course," is still very true. What causes colds? Viruses. And there are more than 100 types of cold viruses. When one of them invades your nose or throat, it finds a "host cell" to attack; it begins to multiply (a single virus can produce as many at 10,000 offspring in an hour); it destroys the "host cell;" then spreads to other cells, where the same process is repeated. Cold symptoms generally begin one to three days after the virus gets into your body. Eight symptoms are usually associated with the common cold, and they may occur over a period of one to two weeks. The symptoms are: sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, aches and pains, mild fever, nasal congestion and coughing. These symptoms generally occur in that order, but not always. Any symptom can occur at any time durjng the progress of a cold. Some symptoms may even repeat. A runny nose, for example, can signal the start of a cold, and occur again at the end. Although there is no vaccine to prevent colds (such as the swine flu vaccine which is protecting you against that disease) the Illinois Depart ment of Public Health says there are some things you cad do to improve your chances- preventing colds, anc^to he! you avoid complications when colds do occur. • Ui i s • First, keep up,your natural resistance through a good diet, plenty of sleep and exercise. It also helps to keep humidity up in your home. Use humidifiers, firestonc POLYESTER CORD WINTER TIRES FamOus"You go..."winter tread gets you through winter's tough spots. Polyester cord body provides strength and a smooth ride in both the Town & Country Mini-Sport for compacts and imports and the Town & Country 4-ply. $ AS LOW AS 24 ^78-13 Mini-Sport Blackwall. Plus SI .75 F.ET. NO TRADE-IN NIE0ED. 4 PtY POLYESTER Silt Blsckwsl F.EJ. 878-13 $29 00 $1.84 C78U 33.00 1.98 C7814 33.00 204 E78-14 34.00 225 1/814 37.00 239 G78-14 39.00 255 H78-14 42.00 2.75 F78 15 38.00 243 G 78-15 40.00 2 58 H78-15 43.00 280 17815 47.00 308 MINI-SPORT Sin KsckwaN | FE.T. A78-13 $24.00 $1.75 60012 30.00 1.47 5 20-13 27.00 1.32 560-13 29.00 1.51 6.15/155-13 30.00 1.47 645-14 31.00 1.93 5 6015 29.00 1.67 6 00-151 31.00 1.72 685 15 34 00 1 91 NO TRA0I-IN NEEDED. Whitewalli available in most vt«» at tomawh^t hij>,rr prices /Gmf&mi&f DOUBLE 0 WINTER TIRES Two fiberglass belts add winter driving stability and long tread life to the excellent snow trac tion of the deep-biting Town & Country tread. $ AS LOW AS 36 Blackwall E78-14 Plus $2.27 F.E.T. NO TRADE-IN NEEDED. BLACKWALLS Sua Pries F.ET. F78-14 $39.00 $2.43 G78-14 41.00 2.60 G78-15 42.00 2.65 H78-15 45.00 2.87 17815 49.00 314 NO TRADE-IN NEEDED. Whitawaila axtra. L. DdooHs Freedom is the battery you can almost forget. m DuiingDeloo Battery Days...Get the battery designed to take eareaf itself. Now is a great toe to go with the names you know -- AC-Delco. Because the Delco Freedom Battery is here. There's no need to water it. You shouldn't have to clean it, check it or service it. Freedom is sealed to help protect its power. It's designed for a long life of maintenance- free performance. And it's built to withstand today's high under- the-hood temperatures. Start and go... witli the names you know. 15 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILL PHONE 385-2323 DEAL WITH THE PROS" McHenry Firestone, Inc. if necessary, to keep the relative humidity at 20-45 percent. And keep your ther mostat down. Overheating your home dries out the air. Fourth, try to keep away from other individuals with colds. Avoid crowds as much as possible. Even with these precautions, chances are you will catch a cold anyway. If it happens to you: 1) get plenty of rest; 2) eat and drink sensibly (no need to "starve a cold"), with em phasis on fruit juices and hot liquids; 3) use only mild medication, such as aspirin, salt-water gargle; and 4) ob serve good hygiene...keep your drinking glasses and towels separate. Watch out for complications. A cold's infection can spread to ears and sinuses. Take extra precautions with the very young and very old...their disease-fighting ability is low. Finally, remember that many serious illnesses can start out with the same symp toms as the common cold. So. if your symptoms become worse instead of better after a few days, see your doctor. If you want more information about colds, contact your local health department or write to: Illinois Department of Public Health, Division of Education and Information, 525 West Jefferson. Springfield, Illinois (>2761. No Room For Error The Air Force's new B-l strategic bomber races just 500 feet above the desert at Mach 0.85 (approximately 650 m.p.h.) during a recent test flight over Edwards Air Force Base, California, test range. The B-l was demonstrating its prime mission capability of low-level penetration at just under the speed of sound to duck under detection by enemy radar. for your child s safety Shopping parents who are more watchful for a good buy than they are of their child's safety on a store escalator may see their young one in jured in the bargain, says Dr. Albert H Domm, child safety specialist and former medical director of the Prudential Insurance Co. "The most important meas ure in preventing injuries,"says Dr. Domm, "is to con vince young sters that the escalator is not a toy. Too often acci dents occur when c h i l d r e n engage in horseplay, such as go ing up the WASHINGTON REPORT from Congressman John B. Anderson Dr. Albert H. Domm down staircase." Sitting on escalator steps is an open invitation to pain ful hand or bu^ock injuries, according the the former Pru dential medical director. Sim ilarly, riding on the handraH can:.; a)so ttead to mangled fingers or sudden spills. - He cautions parents against placing a toddler's stroller on the moving stairs. The chance of the infant being tipped over is too great to risk. Always take the child's hand before stepping on the escalator, advises Dr. Domm. Many parents have lost their balance and fallen while reach ing back for the youngster. Social Security: Tine for Reform, not Panic There Is no danger of the Social Security system "going broke". The promise of fu ture benefits Is backed up by the full force of the U.S. government and Its ability to tax. Why then the crlea of alarm and criticism? Reports In newspapers and magazines have told of shrinking trust funds which may be exhausted by 1980. Other commentators have estimated the unfunded Social Security deficit at over $2 1/2 trillion. Ob viously, If the system were In private hands, such a pic ture would be ample cause for dismay. The point is that Social Secu-lty is not a private system, but one based on the government's ability to transfer income. It la run on a "pay as you go" basis, and the. trust funds aija, only there tot emergencies, such as thfe recent recension. < Those who have contributed to i He recommends that a child never be permitted to carry heavy bundles on an escalator. The packages could obscure his vision or cause him to stumble when he reaches the next landing. RENTAL '6 75 oer month NO installation charge NEW fully automatic softeners TWO year option to buy with FULL rental fee deducted 0N£ phone call can answer any questions PHONE 312-259-3393 /Wuwfo* Soft WokCo. DIVISION OF RENT-AS0FT INC. _ SERVING NORTH & NORTHWEST SUBURB^ the system in the past, and established their eligibil ity, are now assured of support by those working. The Deficit The strains on the system are very real, however, and cannot be Ignored. When unemployment rises, obviously fewer people are paying into the Social Security kitty. And when inflation Increases, so do benefit checks, to keep up with the cost of living. The combination of high un employment and brisk Infla tion has resulted In the drawing down of the trust funds, and the need for ac tion to restore them. In addition, a quirk in the 1972 Social Security law has caused some instability In cosq>utlng benefits. In times of high inflation, some workers may receive what a- mounts to double compensation and may even receive benefits higher than their salary at retirement. • 1 I(i 1 •" ( i i i h ' o i ' i b l > ! ! ' . ' a d i ) , ! Finally, there is a long range problem. Due to the huge number of children born in the twenty years after World War II, and the recent sharp decline in birth rates, problems are ahead. When the postwar generation starts to retire (around the year 2010) there will be fewer people working and paying the taxes to support them. This bulge in population is one of the principal reasons for the scary predictions that have played in the media. Breaking Even While there Is some agree ment on necessary steps to make up the deficit, there Is also much room' for difference of opinion. President Ford has put forth three proposals, however, which would provide a good start toward bringing the system back into balance. First, he has called for "decoupling" benefits from inflation while a worker is still on the job. This would solve the double compensation problem mentioned above, while people's checks would still Increase with the cost of living. Secondly, he has recommended a slight Increase in the Social Security pay roll tax, in order to relieve some of the pressure on .he trust funds. Finally, the President has urged the even tual replacement of Social Security student benefits with other government schol arship programs. Others have urged that deficits be made up from gen eral tax revenues, rather t than using the Social Secur ity tax exclusively. In my view, however, this would weaken the earned-rlght prin ciple which is fundamental to the system. I also oppose trying to make up the deficit by expanding the wage base. This would only create future liabilities, as higher ben efits would be due those taxed on a greater part of their income. At the moment, the Ways and Means Consult tee Is con sidering legislation on the "decoupling" problem, but seems opposed to raising taxps in an election year. Certainly' some kind of rev enue-raising legislation must be considered this year or next, and the President's recommendations would be one way to start. After the sys tem has been brought closer to balance, there will be time to consider other re forms. These are tricky questions and the answers Involve hard choices of who will pay, and who will benefit. The Social Security system is a sound institution, and Congress can keep it strong and solid, by acting with reason, not alarm. ^American Viewpoints FIND THE LETTERS IN TH If PICTURE OUT 5PELL 0I& $*\crX Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be pur chased at the price of chains and slavery? For bid it, Almighty God. Patrick Henry IRRIGATION TRAVELER AND PIVOT TYPE UNITS AVAILABLE Don't forget to order water for next years crop -- your guarantee that your fertilizer, chemicals & seed won't go to waste. USE ON ROUGH GROUND AS WELL AS FLAT PLAN TODAY FOR TOMORROW Automated & Mechanized , Sprinkler Irrigation Systems ^L BRAND NEW DEALER IN BOONE * DeKALB * McHENRY • STEPHENSON • OGLE • WINNEBAGO COUNTIES COMPLETE LINE OF SUPPLY HOSE AND PIPE CONSULTATION COMPLETE INSTALLATION AND SERVICE BOND FARM DRAINAGE CO. JIM R. BOND, OWNER Fully Insured 5685 Prairie Road Rockford, Illinois 61102 Phone: 815/963-1286