for those who have everything. GIFT WONLY 14 DAYS ^AVAILABLE j FOR YOUR m CHRISTMAS §3 HAIR STYLE... W CALL FOR AN ^ L APPOINTMENT Ik. TODAY € SET MAY *77 DATE - Mr. and Mrs. George Cross of Volo announce the engagement of their daughter, Carrie Laine, to Richard Paul Kubets, II, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Kubeti, 1710 S. Rt. 12, Ingleslde. Miss Cross is a graduate of Wauconda high school and Is currently employed In Champaign. Her flance graduated from Grant high school, Fox Lake, and is a recent graduate of the University of Illinois, where he majored in Communications. Zion Lutheran church in McHenry will be the setting for the May 21, 1977, wedding. New Members Initiated Into Women's Sorority When Pi Alpha chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met Dec. 2, three uninitiated pledges were inducted into membership, Mrs. Ann Beyer, Mrs. Aleta Gemmell and Mrs. Pam Doherty. The official formal ceremony of the pledge ritual gives each member the privilege of full participation in all^hapter activities. The business meeting followed with various com mittee reports. The social chairman discussed the children's Christmas party to be held at McDonald's restaurant Dec. 18 at 2 p.m. All children of Pi Alpha chapter members are invited. The final topic of discussion was the cultural program given by Mrs. Jean Bialachowski and Mrs. Virginia Stasiak on art sculpture. Each member was given modeling clay and t asked to create a sculpture of her choice. Refreshments and con versation ended a lovely evening for which Mrs. Karen Colomer was hostess. SET FLOWER SHOW Activity at the Chicago Horticultural society is rapidly gathering momentum for the 1977 premier of its annual spring production -- the Chicago Flower and Garden show. Centered around the theme "Floral Follies of 1977," the show is planned for March 28 through April 3 at Mc- Cormick Place. Art League Holiday Party Open To Public The Christmas party is next on the calendar for the Mun- delein Art league, to be held Thursday Dec. 9, at 6:30 p.m. at the Mundelein Savings and Loan building, Seymour and Hawley streets, Mundelein. Besides all the good food and glad tidings, a special program shall be presented to those attending. Miss Janet Kindy, graduate of Carmel high school, and presently studying at the American Academy of Art where she has been a student for the last three years, will capture in oils, in her own unique style, a still life after the party for ail those attending. Each person atttending the party is asked to bring a favorite dish to feed himself and a few extra, also his own dishes and silverware. Everyone is asked to bring a grab bag gift marked man, woman, boy or girl for ex changing at the party. Guests are welcome, and asked to bring the above mentioned things. St. Agatha Court Christmas Luncheon Set December 15 The St. Agatha Court No. 777, National Society of Foresters in Johnsburg, will have its Christmas luncheon at the Chapel Hill Country club Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 11:30 a.m. The annual card tour nament will also begin on that date. Reservations should be made by Dec. 8, and can be done by calling Mrs. Paul Pitzen. Christmas Party For Chamber Of Commerce Dec. 8 The McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce Christmas party will be held Wednesday, Dec. 8, at the Chapel Hill Country dub. At 6:30 cocktail hour will be followed by 7:30 dinner. Special entertainment will be featured as well as three hours of dancing. See Our Ad This Issue Litton Microwave Oven Demonstration SAT. DEC. 11 11 to 3 CAREY Appliance BIRTHS McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Mark Serpe, 4711 W. Home avenue, McHenry, are the parents of a daughter bom Nov. 29. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Work, 3807 N. Weingart road, McHenry, Nov. 30. Dec. 1 will be the birthdate for a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber, 4014 W. Kane, Apt. 16, McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Meyers, Rt. 2, Box 501E, McHenry, are the parents of a boy born Dec. 1. TELL ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. HarriSon of Plstakee Bay announce the engagement of their daughter, Judith M. to Arthur Malechek, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Malechek of West Point, Va. The bride-elect graduated from Marian Central high school and Rosary college and is a teacher at Montini. Her fiance is a graduate of West Point high school, Virginia, and is currently attending Northern Illinois university DeKalb. No wedding date has been set. Grandma Sez , What wi' me concern o'er th' recent 'lection, an' general state o' affairs o' things, these days, me ol' rockin' chair 's been doin' a lot o' groanin; an' squeakin'. Thinkin't' git this ol' granny's mind on other things, th' recent program, on th' tube, reviewin' movies for past number o' years, offered an' int'restin' three hours, an' it surely wasn't disappointin'. Nostalgic memories crossed me mind, a thinkin' about all th' fine shows, brought back f'r just a moment, an' th' fine quality o' actin' that went into th' makin' o' 'em. A seein' remnants o' those shows made such a contrast t' what's a bein V sold, these days, f'r en^v ' 'iesf'% ioned movies, once again. Seems t' this ol' lady, who hasn't lost all int rest in th' romantic, that th' subtle handlin o' th' sex int'rest, which was done wi' such finesse a few years ago, "Turned folks on," as they say t'day, a lot more 'n th' bawdy stuff they feed t' th' public these days. Th' way, in which proud producers presented th' passions o' male, an' female, brought out th' finer side o' th' human sex relations. These days, seems that th' emphasis is on th' lust tertainment, that one wishes f' some good ol'-fashione an' greed o' both sexes, an' all it tends t' accomplish is t' make 'm anxious t' satisfy their physical needs, resultin' in th' gradual deterioration o' society, an' th' general relations, an' attitude b'tween men an' women. Th' harm ain't only wi' th' adults, but th' younguns ha' been affected too, an' th' pity is that th' beauty o' romantic moments, b'tween a man an' a woman, in love, has been cheapened wi' th' raw ex ploitation o' sex we've allowed t' be perpetrated on society. It's healthy t' have dreams o' love an' romance, an' all th' fan tasies ha' been removed from th' minds o' th' young, wi' th' coarse, unrefined realities o' sexual relations among humans, no different 'n that b'tween animals. Th' saddest part o' it all, that parents take th' modern at titude, an' teach th' young how t' "Keep from gettin' into trouble." Seems that we'd welcome th' day, when entertainment, movies, an' th' tube 'd try t' bring back some o' th' lovely attitudes toward love b'tween th' sexes, an' try t' raise it above th' animal instinct toward th' sex act. Grandma Radtke A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt, 2101 Sunset, Spring Grove, Dec. 2. WOODSTOCK MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. John Dehn, McHenry, are the parents of a boy born Dec. 1. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Daniel Guilfoil of McHenry Dec. 1. Dec. 2 will be the birthdate for a boy born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyer of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Boelter of CERTIFICATES IN ANY AMOUNT! • for Store • for Beauty Salon spurgeons SUCTION-- THURSDAY, DEC. 9, 7 p.m. TIL 11 RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE ROUTE 31 HALF MILE SOUTH OF 120 - 385-8600 McHENRY. ILLINOIS Antiques - Collectables Gift Items • Etc., Etc. Auctioneer: Col. Don Fluger |jk Indian Jewelry On Sale By Arizona Sun 20% Off On JU1 Items S P E C I A L A U C T I O N N I T E B A R 1 5 c O F F O N A L L B A R D R I N K S McHenry are the parents of a daughter born Dec. 2. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Decker of Wonder Lake Dec. 3. A son born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thennes of McHenry will celebrate his future bir thday on Dec. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jarosinski of McHenry are the parents of a boy born Dec. 5. THIRD CHILD Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weight- man of Crystal Lake are the parents of a boy, their third child, born Wednesday, Dec. 1 at Sherman hospital, Elgin. Stephen Charles weighed 8 lbs., 6 oz., and will be welcomed home by Jodi, 4, and Michael, 2. Delighted grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weightman of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Dorothy Himpelmann of Johnsburg. Mrs. Jack Weightman is the former Mary Himpelmann of Johnsburg. Christmas! It is less than a month away; however, the volunteer workers at the Little Christophers charitable shop complex have the spirit of giving and helping others fifty- two weeks of the year. The Little Christophers complex of shops is located in Crystal Lake. It was originated less than three years ago under the auspices of the St. Thomas Catholic Women's club. The shop is managed by Mary Collins and her co-manager, Mary Kay Scott. It consists of a complex of small shops where one can wander from recycled clothing to handmade items by the hundreds, from there to antique furniture and fur nishings and on again to another collection of handmade items. According to Virginia Howley, manager of the Creative Hands shop, han dicapped and creative people are able to display and market their wares in the Creative Hands shop on a consignment basis. There are items for all ages. The efforts of the volunteers has resulted in material aid of clothing and furniture to families who have suffered losses as a result of fire, flood, etc. Materials have been provided for rehabilitation in handicapped childrens' homes, veterans' hospitals and nursing homes in the county. Through the cooperation of Mary Collins of the Little Christophers shop and Gerry Kuck, publicity chairman of the Ladies auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600 of McHenry, the Veterans ad ministration hospital of North Chicago rehabilitation department has benefited through the generosity of the "Little Christophers". 344-iOig The Little Christopher's Complex of shops in Crystal Lake features the "Creative Hands" shop which features handmade items, some of which are shown above. It is a non-profit operation for charitable purposes. Community Calendar DECEMBER6 McHenry Senior Citizens Club -- Executive Committee Meeting -- 3:30 p.m. - Land mark School. DECEMBER7 Marcia Mary Ball Circle -- Annual Christmas Luncheon Party -12:30 p.m. - Fellowship Hall, First United Methodist Church. DECEMBERK McHenry Senior Citizens Club ~ Loop Bus Trip -- Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. DECEMBER9 Knights of Columbus Regular Business Meeting. Christian Mothers Christmas Party - St. Peter's Hall - Pot- Luck -- 6:30 p.m. McHenry Woman's Club - "Christmas Ballet" -- Social Hour - Noon ~ V.F.W. Hall. DECEMBER 11 Friendship Club -- Annual Christmas Pot-luck Dinner -- Meeting -- 6 p.m. - First United Methodist Church. DECEMBER 12 International Order of Job's Daughters ~ Installation of Officers -- Acacia Hall - 3:30 p.m. Ladies Sodality of Christ the King Church, Wonder Lake -- "Breakfast With Santa" - Church Hall -- 8 a.m. to f p.m. Christmas Auction -- 1 to 4 p.m. -- Valley View School - Colonel Don Fluger, Auctioneer -- Sponsored By The P.T.O. DECEMBER 13 McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Annual Christmas Dinner Party - East Campus Cafeteria - Dinner, 6:30 p.m. -- Program, 7:45 p.m. DECEMBER 14 OES Pot-luck Supper - 6:30 p.m. -- Acacia Hall - Members and Friends Invited - Meeting at 8:30 p.m. DECEMBER 15 Whispering Oaks Women's Clqb Christmas Party - 1 p.m. Family Service and Mental Health Clinic -- Regular HOSPITAL NOTES Lucille Grossel and friends are shown in the children's room of the Little Christopher's resale shop. Many like-new and new items are for sale there to suit young customers' taste. Monthly Board of Directors Meeting -- 8 p.m. -- 3409 W. Waukegan Street - Public Invited. DECEMBER 16 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Meeting - Home of Mrs. Virginia Stasiak. United Methodist Women -- Communion Brunch -- 9:30 a.m. -First United Methodist Church. Joyce Kilmer Court, C D.A. - Christmas Party -- K.C. Hall - 8 p.m. DECEMBER 17 Lakeland Park Women -- Children's Christmas Party -- 4 p.m. - Lakeland Park Com munity House - Reservations Necessary. DECEMBER 21 McHenry" Lodge No. 158 A.F.&A.M. -- Stated And Special Meeting --7:30 p.m. -- Fellowcraft Degree. DECEMBER 27 McHenry Woman's Club - Board Meeting - City Hall --10 a.m. DECEMBER 29 McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Bus-Luncheon Trip - Nutcracker Suite, Arie Crown Theater, McCormick Place -- Bus Leaves McHenry Savings and Loan Parking Lot --11 a.m. OES Potluck /• Supper Set December 14 The McHenry chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star will hold a potluck supper at 6:30 Tuesday, Dec. 14, at Acacia hall. Members and friends are invited to attend. At 8 o'clock the same evening a meeting will be held for members only. Further in formation may be obtained by calling Alma Brushaber. McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital recently included Christina Crosbie, Leland Anderson, April Stewert, Kim Thommes, Linda Schmitt, Elizabeth Schlitter, Brian Panerali, Jennie Blades, Dave Wilcox, Edgar Hehn, Frieda Zidek, Robert White, Agnes Juhl, Kathleen Werdell, Rose Jensen, Veronica Bauer, Arthur Linders, Thomas Fowler and George Schuette, all of McHenry; Vickie Gleason, Karl Witt, Wonder Lake; Jeffrey Arendt, Leona Collins, Ingleside; Roy Wiemer, Spring Grove; William Shaden and Katherina Bieber of Island Lake. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Admittances to Woodstock Memorial hospital recently included Joye Adams, Richard Anderson, Michael Mattio, Donna ~ Anderson, Ervin Morowski, Shirley Hensley, and 'Tamara Schultz, all of McHenry; Joan Carmody, Sharall Hampton, Thomas Berner, Lawrence Witherbee, Laura Lightheart, John Vrett, Bettie Winston, Fred Gilmore, Wonder Lake; Violet VanLanduyt, Elmira Simone, Yvonne Petska, Ring wood; Susanna Rudolph, Spring Grove. HARVARD HOSPITAL Carol Knor, Mark Sovski and Mrs. Clifford Walters, all of McHenry, and Michael Smith of Wonder Lake have been admitted as patients to Har vard hospital. Q ^3xan i cMidcUn Curl / C P 1212 N. GREEN ST. rSeautij cSaLon OFC. 8, MCHENRY THE McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP ANNOUNCES THE ASSOCIATION OF James R. B*rg, M.D. Practice Limited to Orthopaedic Surgery Hours by Appointment Location of Office: 1110 North Green Street, McHenry, Illinois Phone: (815) 385-1050 Christmas Spirit Year Around PAGE 2 - PLAINDF.ALER-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1976