PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALEM WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1976 V OFFER GIFTS - Shown in rehearsal at bringing the gifts to the altar of St. Paul's Episcopal church are Kris Minter with the water cruet: Audra Michaels, the wafer box, and Marsha Crump, the wine cruet. Accepting the offerings are altar boys, Michael Podpora and Martin Dreyer. Practice became reality Sunday, Dec. 12, when the children participated in the Mass. They are the first in what hopefully will become planned participation among the parishioners during the weekly service. THE ROSE CARRIAGE FEATURING HALF SIZES #T 12H to 26M ^ANNOUNCES THEIR Holiday Hours-, STARTING DEC. 17 DAILY 9:30 - 8:30 SATURDAY 9:30 - 5:30 CLOSED SUNDAY ^HOLIDAY FASHIONS! •PANTSUITS ©SUITS •DRESSES •LONG DRESSES •SPORTSWEAR NEXT TO FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN CAT REAR OF PROPERTY) 21 E. Crystal Lake Ave., Crystal Lake, 111. 815-459-6550 SHOPPER'S A SPECIAL j YOU! from us to FREE SOUP with any SANDWICH w The Green Pearl Club 3425 W. Pearl St. McHenry, III. 385-3130 Community Calendar DECEMBER 15 Whispering Oaks Women's Club Christmas Party - 1 p.m. Family Service and Mental Health Clinic -- Regular Monthly Board of Directors Meeting -- 8 p.m. - 3409 W. Waukegan Street -- Public Invited. DECEMBER 16 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Meeting - Home of Mrs Virginia Stasiak. United Methodist Women - Communion Brunch --9:30a.m. - First United Methodist Church Joyce Kilmer Court, C.D.A. -- Christmas Party - K.C. Hall - 8 p.m. East Campus Drama Club Play - West Campus Auditorium -- 8 p.m. - Tickets at Door. St Clara Court No. 659, National Catholic Society of Foresters -- Christmas Potluck - 6 p.m. - Montini Middle School, Mary Hall -- Meeting Follows and Gift Exchange DECEMBER 17 Lakeland Park Women -- Children's Christmas Party -- 4 p.m. Lakeland Park Com munity House - Reservations Necessary. Potluck Supper -- St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Oak Room, St. Mary's School -- 6 p.m. DECEMBER 18 East Campus prSrTva Club Play -- ^JWest Campus Auditoriunf'- 8 p.m. - Tickets at Door . v^DJJCEMMIR 19 K of C. Children's Christmas Party -- 2 to 4 p.m. - K. of C. Hall. 1304 N Park Street. DECEMBER 20 McHenry American Legion Auxiliary Annual Christmas Party -- Potluck Dinner. 6:30 p.m. -- Bring "White Elephants" Wrapped Meeting at 8 p.m. - Legion Post Home. DECEMBER 21 McHenry Lodge No 158 A F &A M - Stated And Special Meeting - 7:30 p.m. - Fellowcraft Degree. DECEMBER 22 MCHS Alumni Breakfast - West Campus Cafeteria -- 8 to 10:30 a.m. - Open House For Alumni. igiiaiMmmiHfli s Drive-In Windows Open 6 Days! To Our Customers; In an effort to better serve you and in an attempt to provide for a better traffic flow, THE DRIVE IN WINDOWS WILL BE OPEN Wednesdays from 8:15 am to 5 pm COMMENCING DECEMBER 15, 1976 Public Asked To Give Coupons For School Use Soup labels have always been one of the "hottest" items for Johnsburg school, but the real "sizzler" these days is the proof-of-purchase seals on the sides of some cereals. These coupons are worth ap proximately 15 cents each toward gifts from a microwave oven right down to dish towels. Although an extremely worthwhile endeavor, this program is open only to the schools and does not include churches or other organizations. This program is extended only until the end of December. The help of the public is requested and would be most appreciated. To donate, call the Johnsburg school ministration office, 2117 West Church, McHenry, or call the Junior high office for pick-up service. "Friends In Service Here" "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way" - yes, truly, the great day of Christmas, His birthday, will soon be upon us and the activity is great, at your house and ours, in the stores, in baking and plans for the happy festivities! Plans are well under way, too, at FISH for the Christmas baskets and toys for the children, as in previous vears, I am sure vou will remember! Needed are toys, games, crayons, coloring books, mittens, scarves, caps, for all sizes and ages Remember our senior citizens and their needs, too. These items should be new, or in very good condition, not necessarily expensive, but of interest to the various ages of children through teenagers, giving them continued activity. Books for all ages are always well received. It simplifies matters for us if packages are not gift-wrapped, but donations of Christmas paper, tags, cord, ribbon or yarn are welcome. Non-perishable food items will also be appreciated, and offerings of money are used for items for the baskets which must be secured at the last minute. We also have some special needs, too, to fill for some of our families ... anyone wishing to inquire, please call the FISH number, 385-8020, or write FISH, Box 282, McHenry; also if you have any other inquiries. This is a worthwhile Advent sacrifice. Through the generosity of St. Patrick's church in McHenry, located at 3500 W. Washington, you will be able to leave your items in the ushers' room, to the right side of the vesibule, from now until Dec. 20. The folks of McHenry and surrounding areas, including the Scouts and various other civic organizations, have been most generous in their- assistance in this work ... God loves you! FISH has a Christmas wish, too. and you could help fulfillil We are hoping 1977 will bring us a driver for every day of the month This means that you would offer one day a month of your time - on a day most convenient to you - to drive those in need of a ride to the Medical group, shopping, doctor's office, etc This gift would last a year! Include FISH in your Christmas plans - you will be so happy you did "The best portion of a good man's life is the little nameless, unremembered acts of kind ness and love" . William Wadsworth M G New Theater Group Roles Available For Non-Pro Performers The Woodstock Performing company, a newly organized professional resident per forming group, has a number of roles available for non professional performers in its first season of production beginning in 1977, according to Producer Dick Sasso. Auditions will be held Dec. 15, beginning at 7 p.m., in the court room on the second floor of the old courthouse on the square in Woodstock. Additional in formation can be otained by calling 338-7484. The new professional com pany will perform both in Woodstock and also in other parts of the Midwest later, Sasso said. "We will be working with some of the best theater talent available, with an in teresting blend of old and new productions," he said. "Complete details on our 1977 season will be released later this month." in.-. TRIMMING THE TREE -- McHenry County college student government members, Rich Rosing, McHenry, and John Koch, Fox River Grove, decorate the MCC student union Christmas tree. The student government will host its annual Christmas dinner- dance Saturday, Dec. 18, at Chateau Louise, in West Dundee. For more information, contact the student government at MCC by calling 455-3700, extension 270. Grandma Sez • • • Here we be, a nearin' th' end o' this historical year, wi' th' beautiful Christmas season almost here. Seems that many changes take place, as time marches on, but th' spirit o' givin' remains wi' us, an' brings us closer, if not in body, surely in spirit. Most o' th' world celebrates this festive time, in one way 'r t'other, an' that's good. Many o' us, a makin' out th' list f'r gifts, an' lovely greetin' cards, 11 be havin' nostalgic feelin's, an' someo' th' writin's may be smeared wi' a few lovin' tears. But it's always been th' same, an' will be, as long as time, and, another empty chair, another gift 'r card we can't send, an' th' emply space in our hearts. It is good that we are made o' that kind o' stuff, 'cause, if we didn't have feelin's like ,_that, we wouldn't be worth much. Some day, our loved ones 11 be sayin' th' same, when we leave 'em, we hope. Christ-mass, Christmas, if only those wond'ful attitudes could last, all year round, this granny thinks it might be a better world. There's always DRIVE-IN HOURS: Monday Tuesday Wednesday- Thursday Friday Saturday 8:15 to 5 pm 8:15 to 5 pm 8:15 to 5 pm 8:15 to 5 pm 8:15 to 7:30 pm 8:15 to 3 pm a McHENRY STATE BANK 3510 W. Elm St. H "Serving the Community Since 1906 th' other side o' th' coin, though, an' those who'd take advantage o' th' time, in ways, not so wonderful. Th' an niversary o' th' disaster, we recall, that day, Dec. 7, 1941, when th' world began t' fall apart. Seems like it's ne'ei; been th' same since, an' me guess is, it ne'er will be. But it's Christmas time, once more, an' time t' be glad, an' put away thoughts o' war an' strife. There's more folks, t'day, engaged in strivin' toward Christian love, love f'r fellow- man, an' somethin' good is bound t' come o' it. As this ol' lady gets along in years, th' greatest hope an' prayer is f'r peace among men. God, the Great Power, is still in His universe, an' in control o' it all. Christmases come an' Christmases go, but He goes on f'rever. Mankind hasn't learned, yet, but he may, how t' live, an' love, an' respect this great creation, this beautiful world We abide in, but a day, in time's eternity. Let us not be afraid t' love one another. Let us be con scious, always, that one day, sometime, th' grim reaper may deprive us of one another. Let us be conscious of th' effort t' spread love an' good tidings, an' make Christmas last, th' whole year through. MR. AND MRS. KARL NATSCHKE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY-Mr. and Mrs. Karl Natschke, Sr., of the McHenry area observed their fiftieth wedding anniversary Saturday, Dec. 4, with a Worship Service of Praise celebrated at 4 p.m. at Zion Lutheran church. Pastor Graef officiated at the ceremony. Following the service, a reception was held at the Johnsburg Community club. Dinner was served at 6 p.m. to relatives, friends and neighbors numbering over 100. The couple exchanged vows in the bride's home in Chicago before the Rev. Karl Schmidt of St. James church Dec. 4, 1926. They are the parents of Mrs. Fred (Dorothy) DeLisle of Glenwood, Frederick of Chicago and Karl, Jr. of Pistakee Terrace. There are eleven grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Natschke were summer residents of the area for fourteen years and have been permanent residents for the past six years since Mr. Natschke's retirement from the railroad, where he was employed for forty-one years. National Honor Society Receives New Members Michele Ma lone, Johnsburg, left with student sponsor Allison Hanlon, Woodstock, at Marian Central Catholic high school's seventeenth annual National Honor society induction ceremonies. Twenty-five new members were recently inducted into the Honor society at Marian high school during morning ceremonies at which Wood stock Attorney William Caldwell, a 1960 Marian graduate, was the principal speaker. Honor Society President Nichele Young conducted the induction ceremonies and introduced Principal Thomas J. Parsley, who announced that James McDonough, Crystal Lake, has received, a National Merit scholarship letter of com mendation. The new inductees among the senior class included Judy Johnson, McHenry/; Jan Jakubowski, Wonder Lake, Mary Schuld, Crystal Lake; Sue Carucio, Marengo and Jay Craig, Esther Gosser and Leslie Schermerhorn, all of Woodstock. Junior members were Dan Nye and Janet Thompson, both of McHenry; "Toni" Malone, Johnsburg. Bob Cristy and John Frett, both of Wonder Lake; Teri Shahede, Wood stock and Matt Gibbons, Crystal Lake. •v Sophomore students num bered ten and included Coleen Sweeney, McHenry; Michelle Malone, Johnsburg; Brent Beringer and Midge Cristy, both of Wonder Lake; and Bill Banker, Tim Benoy, Marie Leslie, Fran McCormack, Kurt Parker and Ginger Peschke, all of Woodstock. DINNER AND MAGIC On Wednesday, Dec. 15, members of the Lake-McHenry county chapter of Illinois Society of Professional Engineers will entertain their children with an evening of dinner and magic. The fun will begin at 6 p.m. at the Country Squire restaurant in Grayslake, and after dinner Dick Osland will perform feats -of magic. SNUG HARBOR BOAT CLUB inM. FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS Pat McAndrews AT THE ORGAN for those who have everything... GIFT CERTIFICATES IN ANY AMOUNT! • for Store • for Beauty Salon spurgeons Celebrate New Yaar'a Eva WMi Us! NO COVER - NO MINIMUM SERVING FROM OUR OPEN MENU • Party Fevers! • Entertainment! DON'T FORGET OUR Weekly Specials! •sA OPEN NEW YEAR'S MY FROM 1 to 10 P.M. MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY! PHONE 385-2671 SNUG HARBOR BOAT CLUB 1/4 MILE SO. OF McHENRY BRIDGE 801 N. RIVER RD., McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 385-2671