PAGE 14 . PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1*76 Memorial A ward At MCC To Honor Late Faculty Member Liv Ullmann's Christmas Cookery JAMES G.KENNA The James Gratton Kenna Memorial award has been established at McHenry County college to financially aid students in the arts and humanities fields of study. The fund has been established to honor one of the original faculty members at MCC, James Gratton Kenna; who was an instructor in speech and theatre from 1967 until his death this past Novdmber. Nominations for the award will be "made prior to March 1 yearly by faculty members In the Arts and Humanities d e p a r t m e n t S t u d e n t nominations will be based upon past scholastic performance, participation in college ae tivities, service to the com munity and the future goals of the student. Selection for the award will be made by a committee consisting of one MCC student, one faculty member, two residents of the College district and the director of financial aids. Presentation of the award will be made at the annual awards banquet held in April. The student's name will be engraved on a plaque displayed in the Student Union at the college. Anyone wishing to contribute to the James Gratton Kenna Memorial fund may do so by sending contributions to James Gratton Kenna Memorial fund, in care of John Garrett, vice- president, McHenry County college, Rt. 14 and Lucas road, Crystal Lake. Scandanavia it a culinary wonderland at Christmastime. International star, Liv Ull- msnn, has celebrated Christ mas in countries around the world and welcomes tele vision viewers into her home in Oslo, Norway, December 19th on the NBC-TV holiday special, "Christmas Around The World", sponsored by McDonald's Restaurants, to POET'S CORNER YEARS PASS QUICKLY The years come and quickly go, and leave you older you know, Months of tears, smiles and pleasure, Memories I will long treasure. Ninety-three is a ripe old age Events can easily fill this page, } Please don't wait long and linger awhile, Your note or letter will bring a happy smile. Lleuellyn (Horn) Kaspar (Mrs. Kaspar is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Joe Horn and the granddaughter of the late A1 Horn, who operated Horn's Tavern and Grocery in McCullom Lake, and Mrs. Louise Horn. The Joseph Horns now reside at 41S6 Prairie avenue, Brookfield, II., and Mrs Louise Horn, now 93 years old, lives at 4128 Prairie avenue, also in Brookfield.) CHRISTMAS The subterranean gales Blow, summoning their Master from far below. Arise does He from ancient Sleep, to walk among the I Dead the strong and the J Weak i With mammoth wings that ; He does spread, With speed of the Griffin s That all shall dread. STEAK HOUSE MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY RESERVATIONS EARLY! PHONE 815-678-2671 CHRISTMAS EVE: regular ME™ vnnMimrw «.*k. SERVING 4 to 10 CHRISTMAS MY: ROAST TURKEY & REGULAR MENU SERVING 12 to 9 NEW YEAR'S EVE: SPECIAL MENU, FAVORS. LIVE MUSIC, DANCING, SERVING 4 TIL ? NEW YEATS DAY: REGULAR MENU SERVING 12 to 9 NEW BANQUET HALLS ALSO AVAILABLE FOR PARTIES HMILE N. RTE. 173, RICHMOND, ILL., ON UJS. RTE. 12 rhis time of year, when the Moon is blotted out, As snow flakes fall from Their Heavenly route, And the devout are fast asleep. Try not to tremble or weep, From the clamouring in hordes Hooved feet. For all over the Earth, There is universal fear, • Spreading like the ubiquitors Crystal Flakes, that silently Announce the time of year. So, Jingle and Jangle your Golden Bell, hear the laughter Rise and Swell, Pretend that all is well, For next Christmas, Will be Christmas in Hell! Thomas Leahy WORDS I want to talk to you, But the words aren't there, The ones that'll make you laugh, The ones that'll make you care. The words that say hello, And hi, how-do-you-do, The words with all the meaning, And say that I love you. So I'm writing on this paper, The words you'll never hear, 'Cause my head is full of rocks, And my heart is full of fear. Now I lay my pen to rest, For there's nothing more to say, Then crumble up this paper, And throw my words away. --Jeff Bonato L. "Christmas Around The World" is festive holiday en tertainment depicting in words and music how Yule-time celebrations in many lands have become woven into the American tradition and fea tures such stars as Vikki Carr, William Conrad, Gene Kelly, Marcel Marceau, Dick Van Dyke and Jonathan Winters. Ljv'» fondest memories are of her Scandanavian homeland -- Santa Lucia Day, the organ music of the great cathedrals, and holiday feasts. Liv's favorite Christmas dish is Meringue Rice Pudding, often found on the smorgas bord, served as a dessert or for breakfast. She suggests that in the Scandanavian tradition, a whole almond be added to this pudding and a present given to the person who finds the almond in his portion. Meringue Rice Pudding Vi cup sugar 3 tablespoons corn starch 4 cups milk 1% cups to 2 cups cooked rice 4 eggs, separated 1 teaspoon vanilla extract teaspoon rum extract, optional V* teaspoon cream of tartar V4 cup sugar Stir together 1/2 cup sugar and corn starch in saucepan. Add milk and rice. Cook over medium -heat, stirring con stantly, until thickened, a- bout 10 to 12 minutes. Beat egg yolks slightly. Add a little hot pudding to egg. Stir egg mixture into rice pudding. Cook and stir 3 minutes. Add vanilla and rum extracts; remove from heat. Pour into 2 quart souffle dish or rectangular baking dish. Beat egg whites and cream of tartar until frothy. Slowly add 1/2 cup sugar and con tinue beating until stiff and peaks form when beaters are lifted. Spread most of me ringue over rice pudding to edge of dish. Spoon remain ing on top in peaks. Bake in preheated 350° oven 10 minutes or until meringue is lightly browned. Remove and cool at room temperature. 6 to 8 servings. TWO MINUTES win rue BIBLE ST CORNIMUS It. STAM MIS. URBAN SISLI SOOSTY CMICAOO, ILLINOIS tOUl FACING UP TO FACTS ANNOUNCEMENT M. N. A. JANOVSKI, M.D. wishes to announce the opening of his office at 5510 Kenosha, Richmond for General Practice with emphasis on Office Gynecole0-Faniily Planning and The Medical Manatament of Obesity By Appointment Office 815-678-4445 Res. 312-359-1539 Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Chapters 1 and 2, present a dark picture of the human race, but ac knowledge the facts they record and you have taken the first step to sal vation. By nature we shrink from facing up to our sins, but we are bet ter off if we do. If a man has early indications of cancer, and his physician keeps the truth from him, the patient will die of cancer. A good and wise physi cian will say: "You have cancer and we should do something about it without delay." Thus God, in His Word, tells us very frankly about our sinful condi tion, but only to save us from it. -xv> S <:,:Vv vXv: . V fe i - X .. from Condominiums that provide a home not an apartment In the Scenic Boone Valley of McHenry The homes of Waters Edge have z-3 bedrooms, 1%baths, attached garages with private storage *33,200 a thrROHNO-tADDcompany OUU.DCMS AND Of VtlO*€*$ areas, fSmily rooms with dining areas, and ultra modern kitchens. They are appointed with wall to wall carpeting, some appliances, storms and screens and private entrances. 815-385-6610 Open Daily 10 am - 6 pm Evenings by Appointment «£r>\ If $ •> » » 5% To Qualified Buyers Directions: Tike Rt. 120 to Crystal Lake Road In McHenry - south to Royal Drive - Royal Drive to Oakwood - left on Oskwood to models. This is where most philosophies and the Bible clash head-on. Most philosophies close their eyes to man's sinful nature. They presume that man is good by nature when overwhelming evidence bears wit ness that he is sinful by nature. Thus human philosophies offer no salvation from sin and its just pen alty. Only "the gospel of the grace of God" does that. The Bible says of the whole hu man race: "All have sinned" (Rom. 3:23), and to each individual: "Thou art inexcusable" (Rom. 2:1). But the same Bible says: "Christ died for our sins" ( I Cor. 15:3), and "We have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches qf His grace" (Eph. 1:7). Trust in Christ for salvation and you have accepted God's great mes sage to the world. Then, as you con sider that great Book, and especially the Epistle to the Romans, you will say with Fawcett: "It shows to man his wand'ring ways And where his feet have trod; But brings to view the matchless grace Of a forgiving God." Calling Colleen: Cutting Off Mom Won't Solve the Problem! BY COLLEEN DUDGEON What's a nice girl like you doing in a fix like this? You gave the girl who wrote the letter "Needs a New Mom" loiisy ad vice. The mother calls her three times a day. That by itself, is e- nough to drive the girl up the wall. Tell the girl to say "I'm busy" him goodbye was that he had been seen with other girls by my. friends. But he kept saying it wasn't true. One day I saw him with a very close friend. After that he was with her almost everyday. The thing that gets me is that he still had enough guts or gall to say he loved me. After a couple of weeks went by, he saw me talking to his friends and stopped the car and and hang up fast. Tell the mother got out. He didn't talk to me and I to find something else to keep her ignored him. He was very drunk mind occupied. Mothers are just and started bringing up our past people, and some of them are a as the evening went on. As I was pain in the neck. This girl seems leaving he ran up to me and told to have a mother like that. Tell me that I am the only one in his the mother to "bug off." If I treated my daughter the way this grown woman is being treated, my daughters would put a stop to me. MRS. RINGO Dear Mrs. Ringo: The girl who wrote "Needs a New Mom" wanted to know a life and that he missed me desperately. All 1 kept thinking was that he was drunk and probably didn't realize what he's saying. But yet, I fell right into his arms. He made me promise to wait for him and we could go some {dace to talk. I got nervous and made my brother tell him I was way she could reason with her sick and couldn't go. I just felt it mother. Hanging up the phone was wrong for me to go with him. isn't exactly my idea of con fronting the problem directly. The young woman is better off if she tries to understand her mother --and by telling her to "bug off" she would be making matters worse. I'm still involved after break ing it up. It's been about three months now since I've seen or spoken to him. Everytime I hear a car coming down the street, I leap like a frog to the front win dow to see if it's him. Even when the phone rings, somehow I feel inside that he's still thinking of me. When I told him it was over, 1 said he should never bother me again. Hie reason why I told The next day he was with a girl. I dont know what to do I'm so lost without him. DAYS OF CONFUSED Dear Days: Confused you are! One way to approach the situation would be to continue ignoring your friend -- however you tried that and are still upset. Try to run into him when he's not drinking and simply ask him to clear up a few things for you. Your relationship with him toesn't sound all that promising but it might help if you tried airing your feelings hon estly. Good luck! (M you would Mka CoMaan'» commanta on your particular aituatton or proMam. wrlta COLLEEN. Box638. Frankfort. Ky. 40601.) govyt by Garry It's a Corey New Business At 76, Jack Davis started around locally. a new business, making corn meal. He calls the mill his re tired place. It is about as close to being retired as he wants. "It gives me something to do," Mr. Davis says of his mill, "about as much as I want to do. I don't want to do too much, but I do want to stay busy." The mill is on his farm near Lake Seminole, just out side Bainbridge, Ga. Mr. Davis started the mill last spring. It took him awhile to get the equipment he needed, but now he boasts, "I've got the only steel ball bearing grist mill in this part of the country." The product is a good one, Mr. Davis says, but don't look for it on your grocery shelf. Not yet anyway. "Right now I just sell it Buy Now & Save! ALL SNOW IN STOCK BLACKWALL & WHITEWAL1 INCLUDES FREE MOUNTING! GRANT BATTERIES ™ $10 Off GRANT BATTERIES ™ $10 Off ANTIFREEZE AVAILABLE! I do a right smart business around home," he said. He is plan ning to get some sacks print ed and market the meal un der the Lake Seminole name with "Davis Mills" also printed on the sacks. Mr. Davis also raises some corn to be used in the mill. "I do it all, that's needed to make the meal," he said. Making corn meal is noth ing, new for Mr. Davis. "1 started when I was a young ster, grinding meal for my father." As a young man, he went into the sawmill business and worked at it 53 years be fore starting his com meal operation. Mr. Davis's son Phillip now runs the family sawmill. "Oh, once in awhile I cut a little lumber, but not often. My eyesight isn't as good as it was," he explained to a writer for The National Council on the Aging. It is clear from talking with Mr. Davis that he wants to stay active and independ ent. The mill is the key to both of these goals. • • • » • WHEN YOU begin work on a family food budget, the Council of Better Business Bureaus suggests you first study your family eating habits. This will give you in formation on the nutritional value of the food you have been buying. Also, some of the food items you have been buying may actually cost you a great deal more than food that is better for you. Keep count of your purchases for a week. Then decide what could have been avoided. Check the shelves to sec what items tempted you at the store but remain unused at home. McHENRY TIRE MART 3931 W. MAIN 385-0294 A-l HEARING AID SERVICE Free Loaners - Complete Service on all Makes Custom Earmolds - 30 Day Trial on New Aids Try Before You Buyl Maico-Oticon-Radio Ear Qualitone Custom Made All in the Ear Models R0BT. STENSIAND & ASSOCIATES 3937 W. Main St., 385-7661 Behind-the-ear AID .. nA Reg. $239 '199 1 t