v PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1»7« YOUTH ON THE MOVE 4-11 Clubs Stress Farm Safety You may soon be visited by 4- H members from one of the nine clubs currently on a campaign to stress farm and garden equipment safety More than 630 persons are injured in Illinois each year while riding on farm or garden equipment. A recent study in Illinois, Nebraska. Ohio and Wisconsin shows that 88.3 percent of the totalities and 70 l percent of the (bjurcti were from one to fifteen years old. The 4-H members will be fcsking you not to allow extra pders on your farm or garden Equipment. According to Ordie ogsett. University of Illinois Extension Safety specialist, fliere are several reasons why operators allow extra passengers: for ^company; to babysit; but most often because they couldn't say NO to a pleading child. The 4-H members will be armed with stickers ex claiming "ONE DRIVER - NO RIDER'rand will be asking you to allow them to put a sticker otr all motorized farm equipment you have The 4-H clubs involved are the Crystal Lake Workers, Pleasant Valley Cornhuskers, Fair Maidens, Community Builders, 4-H's, Busy Three, Busy Beavers, Kishwaukee Clovers, and the Harvard Prairie Toppers Cake Decorating About twenty youths are WONDER LAKE. __C.B. _ SALES & SERVICE currently attending the cake decorating workshops taught by the Hartland Homemakers 4-H club leader, Marie Payne. Marie started the classes with her own club last year and has expanded it to a county wide workshop this year. The students are learning many aspects of cake decorating in the six classes, including using frostings. making different shapes of cakes, using decorating tips, making flowers and many more. My hat is off to Marie for setting up this fine program. National 4-11 Leader Forum Applications are available for 4-H leaders who are in terested in attending the 1977 National 4-H Leaders forum at the National 4-H center in Washington DC. March 27- April 2. The purpose of the forum is to help leaders gain inspiration and a deepened commitment, increase their skills in working with youth and learn about successful ex periences of other 4-H leaders. Three types of experiences are woven together to make up the program. They include assemblies and discussion sessions; field trips and op portunities for informal con versations with other leaders attending. Because ' of several scholarships available the cost is very low. Leaders must contact me before Christmas if interested. MOPE By Sarah Anne Sheridan Fruit cake is improved by time--standing allows •the many kinds of fruits and spices to blend to gether to make a delicious cake. This is an old family fruit cake recipe. Black Fruit Cake SOON TO BE: •COMMUNICATIONS UNLIMITED" " WORLD BY THE EARS "SALE REG. PRICE •139.95 NOW ONLY 2nd BIG WEEK! ROYCE 620 SE C.B. JWITH MIC. •REG. '219.95 SAVE *100°° NOW *11995 TURNER I ANTEfsTslAS^ TURNER NOW ONLY RMD KING 60 MIC. *35" WHILE THEY LAST! i i i 2 2 J i dozen eggs lb. sugar lb. butter lb. flour lbs. shelled nuts, chopped lbs. seeded raisins lb. candied cherries lb. candied pineap ple lb. citron cut in thin pieces lb. dates, chopped lb. dried figs, chop ped t cinnamon t allspice t cloves t nutmeg c brandy c molasses t soda ECHO 99er (APIONEER CAR THOME STEREO SALES CENTER SWR, RF POWER & MODULATION CHECK FREE WITH THIS AD MON.-THUR. 9-5 & 6 PM-8 PM FRI. 9-9, SAT. 9-5, SUN. 9-3 PHONE FINANCING IMMAMMCMA AVAILABLE 7514 HANCOCK DR. 815-728-0611 WONDER LAKE, ILL Th^ flour should be slightly browned in the oven. Cool and sift. Cream sugar and butter. Add eggs one at a time. Beat well after each addition. Add one pound of flour. Use the other flour to dredge the fruit before adding to the cake batter. Add molasses and brandy. Add soda which has been dissolved in 1 tablespoon of water. Di vide into 2 cakes. Bake in an over (250 degrees) for 4 hours. W »N, !( .( >AAI KY KlmlNIJ Great Gift Savings One Week Only-While Quantities Last 1 FASHION CLEARANCE 25%-50% OFF 0RESS DEPARTMENT Sale Price DRESSES/PANT SUITS n.g. $is,» $4o *1l-*30 JUMP SUITS Reg. si9-#3o. *13-*22 2 & 3 PC. COMBOS Reg. »i«-»25 $13-$17 SPORTSWEAR DEPARTMENT SWEATERS Reg. 912-918 *8-*12 KNIT TOPS Reg. $7.*11 *4-*7 PANTS Reg. $10-815 *7-*ll SHIRTS, BLOUSES Reg. sn-sis »8-»l 1 25% OFF Select Group of Elegant Long Gowns Reg. 820-«40 *15-*30 20%-30% OFF Select Group of Robes & Loungewear Reg. •s-'so *63,-*21 Great Savings on Outerwear for the Entire Family... 20%-50% OFF Select Group of Boys & Girls Wear 20% OFF Selected Toys 20%-50% OFF HOUSEWARES 3 PIECE CAST IRON SKILLETS »127S-»3M ELECTRIC CAN OPENER Reg. SI6.99 *988 3Vfe QUART SLO COOKER Reg. #13.99 & *23.99 *9" & *1288 HARDWARE 12" ELECTRIC CHAIN SAW Reg. *59.99 •4488 3/8" VARIABLE SPEED REX DRILL Reg. *34.99 *19" 6 GALLON WET/DRY VACUUM SPECIAL »42" 3V4" VICE Reg. *11.99 *. *8™ SPORTING GOODS SELECTED BICYCLES 30% OFF GUN CASES 20% OFF FLOOR MODEL POOL TABLES 10% OFF SALE PRICE PLUS MAM OTHER GREAT SAVINGS Pre-Christmas Clearance •VU >NI( »(>/\AERY STOKK llOl.lim HOI R> >MUir<ln\ O <1.111. to (1 p.m. >un<)«n I I a.m. in 6 p.m. ^ IreLdiiu KU.ni. luMp.ni. Crystal Lake 106 Northwest Highway Route 14 Phone 459-3120 FREE PARKING The Village of Holiday Hills CHERI HOGLUND ROSEMARY HOLTZ 385-3944 344-0615 Prizes, Hilarity Prevail At Club Christmas Dinner Did you know Jessica just happens to be Mrs. Claus' first name? Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Or the twelve gifts mentioned in the Christmas song? That anything you darn well want to is do not what one does in the meadow? The correct answers to these and other sundry Christmas questions gained a prize for the winner. Colleen Priko at the Women's club Christmas dinner held at Casey 's hall. Fun and good cheer in accordance with yuletide tradition, can dles, soaps and assorted grab bag gifts were exchanged amid admiring eyes. The gag bags were quite another story as one by one the unsuspecting victim un wrapped her "gift". One lady, who has five children, found that her present of birth control pills and in case of failure one diaper, two pins and a tube of Desitin was not needed nor was the "hippie lipstick" one of our more discriminating ladies received with a questioning glance. Polish calculators were in vogue for the evening and hopefully the nlate to Santa's boot can be found and used by the lady's husband. We even had some very tantalizing un mentionables, one coming trom "Fredricko's of Holiday Hills". Personally we think the Polish flyswatter will go down in the annals of history for our posterity. After this hilarious form of entertainment was concluded the ladies then enjoyed refresh ments provided by the officers of the Women's club. Cathy Beltz, Sally Carroll, Mim DeWitt and Helen Schneider outdid themselves with deliciously layered sandwich loaves, tinted Christmas tree green with holly berry red trim and an array of holiday gelatin molds as well as a gaily decorated cake for our eating pleasure. It was one fun evening and most of us can hardly wait til next year. CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON Love and joy, the spirit of the Christmas season was ap parent as Eleanor Brasser, Cathy Beltz, Sally Carroll, Mim DeWitt. Marilyn Gauwitz, Jackie Hauschild, Lori John son, Joyce Micheals and her mother Marie, Carolyn Rithaller, Cathy Siattia, Pat Toposki and hostess Dee Wegener, enjoyed a delicious luncheon after a spiritual feast reflecting the message of the Lord's gift of love through His Son. Those who attended came away with much more insight as to the true reason we celebrate Christmas. SQUAD BENEFIT In spite of the fact that the villagers very generously opened their hearts and gave so much during this season of love, much more i^ needed to purchase the emergency vehicle. To meet this present need the Rescue squad is sponsoring "Dominick's Day" Dec. 29. They ask you to pur chase your holiday grocery items at any of the par ticipating Dominick store and a percentage of your total bill will come back to the Squad. SCHOOL DAZE Once again one of our own second graders was treated to a lovely dinner and evening of fun at the home of her teacher, Ms. Verene. Debbie Holtz and her friend enjoyed "chicken from the colonel" as in volvement with the kids ex tends beyond the classroom. Chicago has a vast amount of things to do and places to see - among them the Art institute. The Hilltop open classroom traveled to the city to view the works of the great masters. The children from Holiday Hills included David Cole, Kim Downs, Jill and Kris Hoglund, Debbie Holtz, Val Nothnagel and Heather Olson. They all returned home after an en- STEAK HOUSE MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY RESERVATIONS EARLY! PHONE 815-678-2671 rilDKTUAC FVF' REGULAR MENU wiiiioimno cvc. SERVING 4 to 10 CHRISTMAS DAY: RO*ST TURKEY & REGULAR MENU SERVING 12 to 9 NEW YEAR'S EVE: SPECIAL MENU, FAVORS, LIVE MUSIC, DANCING, SERVING 4 TIL ? NEW YEAR'S DAY: REGULAR MENU SERVING 12 to 9 NEW BANQUET HALLS ALSO AVAILABLE FOR PARTIES % MILE N. RTE. 173, RICHMOND, ILL., ON U.S. RTE. 12 joyable day filled with a greater appreciation of the world of the artists. The fourth and fifth grades Of Hilltop school wished their parents and friends "Merry Christmas" during their holiday program. We have many young people in the village who participated in this annual event and hope that you enjoyed the fruts of long hours of practice in the labor of Christmas love. OUR WISHES TO YOU During this happy and holy season we want to extend our most sincere and loving wishes for a joyful Christams and a blessed New Year. We hope to continue writing tliis column in the coming year. We enjoy keeping you informed but we can't continue without your cooperation. Our column is filled with news of our im mediate circle of friends and neighbors. We know that our village has more news to offer and we ask you to take the responsibility of keeping us informed. Please call either number listed above or drop a short note by on your way through the village. Any news item pertaining to your children and their ac tivities in school, sports awards, church achievements, scouts or 4-H or your family vacations, birthdays and an niversaries or your friends and neighbors will be accepted and appreciated BIRTHDAY BOUQUETS Go to Debra Smith on the twenty-third and to Maureen Connell and Scott Thietje who share the twenty-sixth. VILLAGE NEWS The village board met Thursday, Dec. 16 at Casey's hall. President Roger Saunders presided over the meeting which included trustees Charles Dubsky, Mim DeWitt, Pat Hughes, Bud Roth, John Van Duyn as well as the village clerk and the village treasurer. The board heard reports from the finance, ordinance, police and treasurer. Also discussed was the possibility of amending the current snow removal contract with the Home Owners association to include the sanding of Sunset drive and the bus routes. This will be done when requested by the village through John Van Duyn, the chairman of the road com mittee. Complaints regarding roads should be directed to Mr. Van Duyn. The board has requested help on the following committees: village hall, roads, and building codes. Interested parties should contact Roger Saunders or any village trustee. There is also a position open for a responsible resident to chair a village planning commission. This position will be filled by appointment. Please call Roger Saunders for more information. A request from the village clerk, that the citizens of Holiday Hills respect the hours of the clerk and visit her office during those hours. The hours are more than adequate and 3440 Elm (815) 344-1344 2054 Grand Ave. (312) 356-7474 143 Center St. (312)223-8444 McHENRY JEWELERS UNDENHURST JEWELERS GRAYSLAKE JEWELERS FANTASTIC SALE NOW Till CHRISTMAS IAVAWAV DIAMONDS *GOLD •TURQUOISE "WE DO GOLD & TURQUOISE CUSTOM REPAIRS" OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK THRU CHRISTMAS! JOIN US F0R NEW YEAR'S EVE DA*C"£ MUSyOlCflpS COMPLIMENTARY CHAMPAGNE WITH DINNER /> GOV** SERVING OUR REGULAR MENU TIL 11:00 P.M. PLEASE CALL FOR RESERVATIONS 385-9869 LONGHORN STEAK HOUSE 1 RTE. 120 2Vi ML EAST OF McHENRY j should be sufficient to cover any village business. Visits not made during office hours are inconvenient and disruptive to the clerk and her family. Please be more considerate in the future. Once again the hours are: Monday, Wed nesday through Saturday 1-5, Tuesday 9a.m. to 9 p.m. there are no Saturday hours until the first of the year. As usual, public apathy was evident by the small turnout for the board meeting. Ohly seven concerned residents attended I Casey's, which has been rented to accommodate you and your friends and neighbors. If you are interested in your village at least one member °f y°ur family or household should attend. Our elected board is dealing with items that concern us all They deserve support by your presence. If you do not know what the board is doing then you have no right to complain and unless you attend you cannot know. Regular meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month. Mark your calendar and plan to at tend. HAVE A JOYFUL HOLIDAY WHAT THE VETERAN WANTS TO KNOW Q - A veteran in receipt of pension dies on the last day of the month. Is his widow entitled to receive and negotiate the check received on the first of the following month? A -- No. The check should be returned. In order to establish entitlement, the veteran must be alive for the complete month. The widow may be entitled to death benefits and any accrued amount due a deceased beneficiary. Q - How is educational en titlement charged for flight training? A - One month of entitlement is charged for each $270 paid to the veteran. Q -1 have a $10,000 National Service Life Insurance policy. It is a term contract and the premium escalates every five years. The cost is becoming prohibitive and I would like to know if there are any options available to me? A -- You may convert your term policy to a permanent contract. In addition to a stabilized premium, your policy will accrue a cash value. Q - Are veterans with a service-connected disability requiring a prosthetic device entitled to a VA clothing allowance? A - Yes, The annual $190 allowance is paid Sept. 1. Q - Both my mother and father were veterans and both are deceased. I am drawing nonservice-connected death pension from my father. Can I draw pension benefits from my mother also? A - If your mother had sufficient qualifying service, you are eligible to draw pension benefits from both simultaneously. Q -- If a veteran has been receiving VA outpatient care of a service-connected disability, will the report of treatment be sent to the rating board for reevaluation without action by the veteran? A - Only if there has been a significant change in his physical condition in (the judgement of the physician. Otherwise, the veteran or his representative must request records of treatment be fur nished the rating board. Q - My husband was killed in Vietnam, but his remains were not recovered Is there any kind of marker available to be placed in the national cemetery located near his place of birth? A -- A memorial marker or headstone may be furnished to the next of kin to commemorate any member of the armed forces who died in the service and whose remains were not recovered or who was buried at sea. Q - What is the current in terest rate on National Service Life Insurance policy loans"' A -- Five per cent. Ill iw RADIATOR CLEANING REPAIRING G U A R A N T E E D • Radiators • Air Conditioning • Stool Salos ADAMS BROS. (Next to Gem Cleaners) 3006 W. Rte. 120 Phone: McHenry 385-0783 I