PAGE 4 PLAINDEALEIt H<II>AY, DECEMBER 24. 1»7fi LORETTA M. MEYER BETROTHAL - Mr. and Mrs. Donald R.Meyer. Sr.. announce the engagement of their daughter, Loretta, toJeffery Kavouras, son of MrA/Allce Kavouras of Sacramento, Ca. Loretta is a 1975 graduate oMVfcHenry high school and is currently serving with the U.S. Army. She is stationed in Tacoma, Wa„ where she met her fiance, who is majoring in medicine at Tacoma Community college. He is a graduate of Sacramento high school. No wedding date has been set. PATSY S. BYE PLAN SPRING WEDDING - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bye announce the engagement of their daughter. Patsy, to Michael RrMullin, son of Mrs. Elaine Mullin of McHenry. Patsy attended school in Woodstock, while her fiance was a student at McHenry Community high school. Both are employed in Woodstock. An April 16 wedding date has been set. J E S U S A N S W E R S J O H N ' S D I S C I P L E S And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind? But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft .raiment? Behold, they that wear soft clothing are in the kings' houses But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet For this is he, of whom if is written. Behold, I send a messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee - St Matthew 11: 7-10 George Edward i Eggert and Heuer AND THE STAFF AT CHAPEL HILL GOLF CLUB wish everyone a ver\• £ixLj dfiiiitmaA and cMafifitf <cNlvj Hjeax WE WILL BE OPEN" CHRISTMAS EVE FOR LUNCH & DINNER! WE WILL CfAJSE CHRISTMAS DAY NEW YEAR'S DAY BRUNCH (FROM 10 TO 2) FREE BLOODY MARY OR GLASS OF CHAMPAGNE $395 2500 N. CHAPEL HILL RD. McHENRY, ILL. Military Wedding For Moffett-JoUri Lynn Ruth Moffett of RAF Mildenhall. England, was given in marriage by Staff Sergeant Steve Barrix when she met her bridgroom. Charles John, at the altar of the chapel at Minot Air Force base. N.D., Satur day. Dec IK The military wedding took place at 1 p.m with the Rev. Edward Deimeke, captain USAF. of ficiating. amidst Christmas decorations The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs .Joseph G Mof fett. 3809 E. Wonder Lake road; Wonder Lake and the groom s parents are Mr. and Mrs Edward J. John, 37<M> Shell road. Hampton, Va. The bride wore a gown of ecru lace over crepe and carried a bouquet of white mums, peach carnations and sweetheart roses with pine fern Alice Darcangelo of Minot AFB was maid of honor to the bride with the groom's sister. Debi John of Hampton, Va.. and the bride's sister, Brenda Moffett of Wonder Lake, acting as bridesmaids The attendants were dressed in gowns of brown, yellow and plum velvet and carried ixwquets of white mums and pine fern. Each wore a head piece of white mums. Best man duties were carried out by John Zepeda with Maurice Holmes and Kookie Henderson, all of Minot AFB. as groomsmen. All were attired in Air Force blue uniforms. The bride's mother wore an off-white pantsuit while Mrs. Jolin chose a coral dress with a matching jacket Seventy-five guests were in attendance A honeymoon trip will be taken when the bride returns from England in late summer. The couple will make their home at t Lincoln avenue, Minot Air Force base, N.I). The bride is a 1973 graduate of McHenry high school and is an airman 1st class in the USAF. She is employed as an administration specialist for the 513 TAW Wing commander. The groom is a graduate of Hampton high school, Hamp ton, Va. in the year 1973. He is a senior airman in the USAF and is a missile facilities specialist. MAItKlAGE LICENSES William II Schultz, McHenry, and Susan C. Han sen. McHenry Wright E. Sprinkel, Jr.. Woodstock, and Esther M. Stilling 522 McHenry avenue, McHenry Gary L. Reinwall, 5201 Barnard Mill road. Ringwood, and Angie Slove. 3816 W. Bull Valley road. McHenry. James M Harlan. McHenry. and Sybille S Burgstaller, McHenry. Leonard H. Huhn Jr , Ingleside. and Susan K Havhurst. • 4517 Willow, McHenry. DIVORCES Donald L. Pratt from Susan M Pratt Sharon A. Helton from Mikel E. Helton Walter A. Czarneck from Pamela Czarneck. Cecil R Lind from Violet B. Lind Leslie P Brotherton from Patricia Brotherton. Toy Safety Year 'Round Special Alert On Toys Though thousands of toys have been removed from the market since 1970, parents and friends of children need to be alert to choose toys carefully and to watch children as they play with their gifts, said Mrs. Rosemary Bartman, Marengo housewife and mother of three who is chairman of the McHenry County Farm Bureau Women's committee. "Check the toys your children receive from others as gifts, and apply some common- sense rules we hope people used in selecting the toys they give," sheoadded Since the Child Protection and Toy Safety act of 1970, success in removing thousands of potentially dangerous toys from the market has been achieved. In looking for toys. Mrs. Bartman advises shoppers to consider the size and age of the child, his dexterity, strength and his maturity Many toys have suggested age usage on their labels. "Toys can be dangerous if misused, and parental supervision is necessary. Also, keep in mind the area in which •he child has to play when choosing a gift." she observed. Children should be advised about the hazards and rules of electrical toys and should not be left alone with a toy of this type if the youngster is not old enough to play safely with it without immediate parental supervision. Smaller children have a special need in toys. Make certain the toy or detachable parts aren't small enough to be swallowed, warned Mrs. Bartman. "Small parts could be pushed into ears or nostrils or could lodge in the windpipe. Make sure the toy is sturdy and has no sharp edges. Check the ears and tails of all stuffed animals. They should not have sharp wires." She noted painted toys should not be giv^n a youngster young enough to put objects in the mouth Toys made of glass or brittle plastic don't make practical gifts, either. "The toy parts should not be able to pinch fingers or toes or pull hair Also cords and strings over 12 inches in length should be avoided Toys that make excessive noise aren't good for children, and they don't ease the ears of parents, either." she continued. Parental supervision con cerning toys should not end as the Christmas season wanes, she advised. "Throughout the year keep a check on toys for such dangers as sharp points, cracks, loose pieces or rust spots that could weaken the toy or cause an injury. "Toy safety is in season all year." she concluded. Circle Ladies Vote Donation For Firemen At the Marcia Mary circle Christmas party Dec. 7, the group voted unanimously to send a donation to the McHenry Fire department. Company No. I. in addition to the other donations they had already unanimously agreed upon at the previous meeting. The Circle members also discussed helping to raise funds toward the new choir robes. The Circle of the United Methodist Women of the First United Methodist church will meet Tuesday, Jan. 4 at 12:30 p.m. at the church. Each member is to bring her own sandwich, and the hostesses Florence Colby and Esther Sims will provide the dessert and beverage. Florence Colby will have the meditations for the meeting. The bazaar work day will be discussed, and members will try to hold the work days down to only one per month as most of the ladies can work on their projects at home in their leisure time. New ideas will be appreciated. Community Calendar DECEMBER 21 McHenry Lodge No. 158 A F.&A.M. Stated And Special Meeting - 7:30 p.m. Fellowcraft Degree. DEC EMBER 22 MCIIS Alumni Breakfast - West Campus Cafeteria - 8 to 10:30 a.m. -- Open House For Alumni DECEMBER 29 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Luncheon Trip Nutcracker Suite. Arie Crown Theater, McCormick Place - Bus Leaves McHenry fs*Savings and Loan Parking Lot 11 a.m. JANUARY 3 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Meeting - 3:30 p.m. Land mark School McHenry Woman's Club - Board Meeting - City Hall - 10 a.m. JANUARY 4 United Methodist Women Executive Committee Meeting - 9:30 a.m. - P^irst United Methodist Church Marcia Mary Ball Circle Meeting - 12:30 p.m. -- First United Methodist Church JANUARY6 Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting - 9:30 a.m. - Lakeland Park Community House. 1717 North Sunset Avenue. JANUARY 8 The Friendship Club Pot EVERY FRIDAY NIT] ALL THE FISH YOU CAN EAT! ONLY of aowpor A COMPLETE MEAL! HIM^gLF GOLDEN BEAR TONY BALDINO, OWNER/MANAGER CRYSTAL POINT MALL 6000 NORTHWEST HIGHWAY CRYSTAL LAKE Rhubarb is the stalk of plants and its leave: roots contain oxalic which can be poisons Parents' Home Scene For Lee- Dowhin Nuptials The home pf her parents was the setting chosen by Rhonda Jean Lee when she exchanged the nuptial vows uniting her in marriage to James D. Dowhin. Jr. Sunday. Dec. 19. The 1 p.m. ceremony, which took place amidst a Christmas theme of flowers with a flor<JFarchway, was officiated by Judge Roland Herrmann. Selections on the organ played by Perle Olsson included the "Wedding Mar ch." The bride, gowned in a long white wedding dress of satin with a sheer overlay and trimmed in lace which she had made, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy O. Lee, 2802 Manitou trail. McHenry. The groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. James Dowhin. Sr., 3006 Elder lane, McHenry. Evy Krysiak of McHenry wore a floor length dark red velvet gown while assisting the bride as maid of honor. Best man duties were carried out by Daniel Kinnerk of McHenry. The mothers of the bride and groom wore gowns of velvet with jeweled trim made by the bride, the bride's mother in red and Mrs. Dowhin in dark green. An open house reception followed the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents for approximately sixty guests, including those from Milwaukee, Waukegan and Antioch. After their return from a wedding trip to New Orleans, the young couple will make their home in Wayne, Pa. Both of the bridal couple are graduates of McHenry high school. The bride was formerly employed at McHenry Printing Co., while the groom is a regional sales manager for Guyon Alloy's. --M -- ** if BIRTHS [ MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thornton of Wonder Lake are the parents of a son born Dec. 20. Luck Dinner and Meeting -- li p.m. - First United Methodist ( hurch. JANUARY 10 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. - East Campus Cafeteria - Nomination and Election of (Hficers K of C Pancake Breakfast - 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. - K of C Hall. N. Park -- Benefit For McHenry Hornet Junior Youth League. JANUARY 11 Theos Meeting - 7:30 p.m. - First United Methodist Church. JANUARY 12 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip to Chicago Loop Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking lot at 8:45 a.m. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus-Luncheon Theater Trip to Drury Lane North -Bus Leaves Parking Lot at 11 a.m. Reservations by Dec. 29. JANUARY 13 K of C - Regular Business Meeting - 8 p.m. K of C Hall. 1304 N Park JANUARY 20 United Methodist Women General Meeting -- Agape Luncheon - 12 Noon - Pledge Service First United > Mehtodist Church. JANUARY 24 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- 7:30 p.m. - East Campus Cafeteria -- In stallation of Officers. JANUARY 25 TH E.OS. Meeting - 7:30 p.m. - First United Methodist Church. JANUARY 27 McHenry Garden Club - Meeting 1 p.m. - Home of Mrs. Arlette Rietsel HOSPITAL NOTES sT-CTTT? Only one variety of mush room is grown commercially in the U.S. It can range from dark brown to pure white. Differences are negligible, but the darker ones are firmer, better for skewering, less easily bruised and --some believe --more flavorful. 6R® SCENT cBAV* 1AHPINQ ANNOUNCES Last Call for New Year's Eve Reservations! CRESCENT BAY LANDING 3309 N. CHAPEL HILL RD., McHENRY, ILL. PHONE (815) 385-8899 THANK YOU! - It wasn't mommy kissing Santa Claus but a grateful Shawna Boos at the annual Christmas party for children given by the Episcopal Church Women Sunday, Dec. 19. Each child received a gift after trimming the Christmas tree and refreshments of punch and cookies were served. The recipient under the beard is John Licastro. Unanimous Vote Reelects Friendship Club Officers McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital recently included Ruth Cooper, Dorothy Kennebeck. Alma Meyer. Betty Nielson, Lucille Marsden, Jeanne Wetteland, Jean Gagnon, Robert Kilday, Matthew Sutschek. Norman Toepper, Gwendolyn Wilson, Walter Patzke, Dorothy Langeloh, Susan Mahl, Carol DePatie, all of McHenry; John Barry, Jr. and Gunnar An derson. Wonder lake; Eunice Andreas and Hazel Bowman of Ringwood and Paul Mason of* Island Lake. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock recently included baby Andrew Voight, McHenry; George Hartman. Ill, Master Richard Yager. Jr., Wonder Lake; Marianne Peterson. Ringwood. Leonard McCracken. nominating committee chairman, presented the slate of nominees for election at the annual Christmas potluck dinner of the Friendship club of the First United Methodist church, held Dec. 11. An unanimous white ballot was immediately cast for the slate as presented: President Morris Crouch; vice-president, Harold Wildhagen; and secretary- treasurer, Lyda Radisch were all re-elected. Evelyn Smith was unanimously appointed and elected to serve as meditation chairperson. The dining room of the First United Methodist church was very festively decorated with holiday tablecloths, place mats and holiday candle arrangements for the dinner. Fifty-two members were in attendance when Pastor Smith said Grace, after which everyone enjoyed the holiday turkey dinner with all the fixings. Esther Sims chose "My Christmas Miracle", a story from Guideposts magazine, for her meditations. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary were sung to all celebrating these events during December. The "birthday gifts" for Valley-Hi were all beautifully wrapped and Bill Jordan again graciously volunteered to deliver them to Hartland. It was gratifying to see the great number of gifts the members brought to the meeting. Surely no resident of Valley-Hi will go without a birthday gift in 1977. The minutes of the November meeting, and the financial report were read, both of which were approved and accepted as read. A special collection was taken toward a fund for pur chasing new choir robes, and such a collection will be taken at each meeting until a large enough amount is collected to be presented to the fund raising chairman This collection is strictly voluntary. The program for the evening was given by Bertha and Elmer Stange and included films on "Alaska". She made it most interesting relating their ex perience when visiting Alaska recently. The next meeting will be Saturday, Jan. 8 at 6 p.m., with Father Vincent Fish giving the program with Lilah and Bill Jordan. Helen and Dan Creamer, and Shirley and John Hosie as hosts and hostesses The meat committee will consist of Cleda and Leonard McCracken, Lyda Radisch, Mabel Thomas and Mary Butler, Bernice and Don Corby, Agnes Wissell, Dorothy Steinbiss and Elsie Reiker. Ruth and John Godtfredsen, and Helen and Reno Eckardt. j>ay welcome to one and all during the holidays with an afternoon open house. ^>et up a festive buffet table and let guests help themselves to various "nibbles" and cups of rosy red punch. The punch bowl can double as the centerpiece if you ring it round with sprigs of holly or other greens. The punch gets its color from rose wine and a package of strawberry gelatin. It's made with a strong tea base which happily gives the punch body without masking the other flavors and also "stretches" the punch, helping to keep the cost moderate. Holiday Teaberry Punch 2 rounded tablespoons 6 cups cold water instant tea 2 ' (6 oz.) package 1 strawberry gelatin cup sugar cups boiling water 1 cup lemon, juice 1 1/3 2 1/4 cups rose wine, chilled quart lemon-lime carbonated beverage, chilled (10 oz.) package frozen sliced strawberries, slightly thawed Pour boiling water over instant tea, gelatin and sugar in a large mixing bowl; stir until gelatin is dissolved. Add lemon juice, cold water and wine; chill. When ready to serve, pour over ice cubes in punch bowl Add carbonated beverage and strawberries. 9 Per Person • BUFFET • FAVORS • DANCING Music By "C0PPERFIELD" 9:30 til ?? + \ 1406 N. RIVERSIDE MCHENRY 4 I