SECTION 2-PAGF 8 PLAINDEALER-WEDNESUAY, DECEMBER2S, 1878 ******************* s *********** HORNSBYS family centers -- END OF TOEYEAR SALE 4400 W. RT. 120 McHENRY, ILL. RT. 47 & CNTRY. CLB. RD. WOODSTOCK, ILL. OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 OPEN SUNDAY 10 to 6 CLOSED NEW YEAR'S DAY ISave on developing and printing your Kodacolor Ifilm "110-Pocket Camera lei 26-lnstamatlc Camara 1 Bord*rl*u «Nk-t*xtur«d print* mm blf and bright . . . r*«i«t fingerprint*. Slnglo Print Each Nogativa )09 12 oxp. roll _ 3°» 20 oxp. roll Offor Explrti Jan. 4, If77 )l)PON PRICES EFFtCTlVl WED., D a# DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER A FANTASTIC END OF YEAR SALE ON OUR BOLT FABRICS REG. 3.47 to 4.66 YD. YOUR 1 97 CHOICE | yD< Choose from a large selection of knits & polyester blends in assorted prints, solids & patterns. ¥ JJ Just in Time For Your New Year's Eve Party... OUR ENTIRE STOCK LONG GOWNS & JUMPSUITS NOW 50% ©OFF A beautiful selection of Ladies' long gowns & jumpsuits. Choose from a large variety of styles & colors. Beautiful "Twilight Mist Champagna or Win* glass In 4 packs. 12 *xp. $ f roll • 132 . roll Mfgr. $2 K«ep your holiday memories for years to come! Prices offoctlvo whlla quontltios lost. yy rasa rw tho right to limit quantities. OPEN 9 A.M. to 5 P.M^ 5 pak Rag. 3.84 pak YOUR CHOICE C Clsar Plastic Bavaraga SIUHI YOUR CHOICE Choosa from Crystal Pack 9 oz. "On tha R«g. Rocks" glassos (20-pkg.) or 10 oz. All-purpose 76c pka. W pka. " mblors (16-pkg.) 50 Insulated plastic 9 oz. foam cups that aro rousablo and disposable. American Greeting Party Goods We have gaily decorated matching paper plates, napkins, cups and tablecloths to add the perfect touch for your New Year Party! Choosa from 10 oz. Boor Pilsner 7 oz. Ofd Fashion Glass or S oz. Tumbler. Rag. 27c aa. wenw SP O O N S S T O R K S ^ Mastic Cutlery Lightweight and disposablo spoons R and forks. 100 total piocos ... 50 76c forks ... 50 spoons. 9" Paper Plates 100 papor platos that won't soak R#g through. Groat for your holiday 87c buffet. Party Hats Colobrato tho Now Yoar with bright shiny hats. Sylvaaia. Flash Cahas Reg. to 1.47 For all standard flashcube cameras. 3 cubes 12 flashes. SCOPE Scspa Mouthwash Reg. 1.04 12 ounce oral hygenic mouthwash and gargla. From each Fancy Tiaras Gllttor away tho ovoning in a Now Yoar Tiara. 56c Serpentine Streamers C It's no oartv without tham. mm Mfgr. 1.98 Tho oiogant hutano lightor . . . thousands of lights . . . ad|ustablo flamo. <• IT -- TWal soate cushio? It's no party without thom. Holiday Noisemakers Bring in tho Now Yoar with a shout and horn I Holiday Lois Packago of 3 bright plastic lois. REG. 1.17 The long-lasting anti- perspirant and deodorant in the new Roll-on bottle (1.5 oz. size, Reg. 1.17) in either regular or unscented Heed* EKC0 Flint ir Accessories fop quality chroma piatod accossorlos .. . Sar YOUR CHOICE Spoon or Cocktail Foi* JM g* (Rag. 1.58); Bar Stoinor U MM %i (Rag. 1.37); Cork Puilar (Rag. 1.83); Jiffy Puilar (Rag. 1.17); Double Jlggor («•»• '")• .ach SEVEN-UP 69* REG. 87» The 64 oz. size of 7-UP. The perfect refreshment. ,k*+rk++*k'k-k+-kiricickiritiKickicickir'kickirirkick ttead& YOUR CHOICE Rag. 1.47 oa. Choosa froi» Toz. Family Slxo Lotion or 4 os. Tuba. V TOTAL pc ^ v J & r / J S n a c k s 'V • "0" " * YOUR CHOICE V : <*• - ^ ; . k Choose from assorted delicious r*«. 73' I* V C ' <"•' POUND REG. 1.84 The all -in-one solution for contact lens. 'V -1 party snacks. They're sure to make your party go over big. FRITO-LAY POTATO CHIPS REG. 75' 2 $ 1 00 FOR The large twin-pack for good party snacking! Icy Hot REG. 2.67 | Soo.he minor aches and pains with 3}foz 8 rUb* BUi' n0,y and save-