s p I *NU4<h. f . Study Laboratory Available At McHenry County College iimprowjMr Karen Schwitters, seated, and Paulette Gruber, Individualized Study Laboratory instructors, arrange ISL materials in preparation for Spring semester at McHenry County college. REPLACE IT NOW! For safety's sake •• for comfort and appearance - check all windows and doors now and let us repair or replace. We reglaze in our shop or in your home ...with regular glass or new safety materials such as K-Lux Acrylic Plastics. McHENRY PAINT • GLASS & WALLPAPER McHENRY 335-7353 There is a program at McHenry County college that can teach parrents to un derstand the 'new math' that children bring home froin school, can make reading more enjoyable, and-or help you polish writing skins. The Individualzied Study laboratory (ISL) at MCC is geared to teach people whatever they want to learn in the areas of mathematics, reading, English composition and grammar. While the bulk of the people who use the laboratory are students returning to college, there are others from the community who have used the ISL. A man who wanted to learn calculus but feared the pace and competition of a regular course learned it with the help of ISL instructor Karen Sch witters. Adults who want to learn to read faster and many who have trouble remembering what they read have come to in structor Paulette Gruber for reading help. A tradesman who could not read at all is now learning with Ms. Gruber's help. People looking for help writing resumes, businessmen whose letter writing skills need improving and high school students who want to know more grammar than they have learned as part of their regular classwork are among those who turn to English instructor Greg Alfus for help. "The best thing about this program is that it is in dividualized. One works at his own pace deciding what his goals are. It is like having a tutor," Schwitters said. Ms. Gruber admits many of her students come to the ISL thinking they want to read faster. She finds more satisfaction in helping people to enjoy reading instead of treating it as 'work'. "I can First for Fashion Crystal Point Mall Crystal Lake YEAR-END CLEARANCE SALES AND SPECIAL VALUES! CONTINUES THRU FRIDAY DEC. 31, 5:30 Fashions for women, children and men at great reductions. Plus special values in toiletries, baby needs, home wares. TIMELY SAVINGS help people learn to like to read," she said. "I have as many sets of expectations as I have students," Alfus stated. "Many of my students are returning to school after years away from formalized education. Some people were rather hesitant when they came in, but by working one to one they overcome their fear. There is no peer group pressure here, and the personal aspect is so very important. Ms. Gruber, who has a masters degree in reading from Michigan State university, is writing her dissertation for a doctorate in reading from the University of Minnesot. She has been at MCC since August and is hoping to expand com munity participation in the ISL reading program. For example, if community interest warrants it, parents who want to help their preschool child get ready to read could coffffe to the ISL for formal instruction in how to help. One mother whose daughter was attending a university away from home came in to get some advice on how to help her daughter im prove her test-taking skills after the daughter failed her first exam. Some business executives have turned to Ms. Gruber for help in improving their listening ability. She can also help people improve their spelling, vocabulary and com prehension. She can teach how to take notes from a lecture or from a book and generally help polish study skills. Learning to read for facts or to read for main ideas are other skills that can be learned at the ISL. Alfus also works with many students to help polish study skills. Students enrolled in all disciplines at MCC seek his help in rewriting all types of papers. He also teaches how to take notes, how to outline, how to research and how to begin writing a paper. Currently working on his masters in in dividualized study and education at Northern Illinois university, he is in his fourth year at MCC. He has been in volved in programs with senior citizens, high school early leavers, and jail inmates. Ms. Schwitters, who has been a full-timeinstructor at MCC for three years, has a Bachelor's degree in mathematics and is working on her Masters degree in community college education at Northern Illinois university. Many students seek her help to prepare to take the MCC intermediate algebra course after being away from math for a time. Others want to learn the metric system, or need help figuring out a new calculator. "Some need help with the math they use in chemistry courses or in the nursing program," she explains. "Some high school students have used the lab to make up work they have missed if they were sick for an extended period of time. Others come in because they are having trouble with a course they are enrolled in at MCC and want to get extra-help so they can continue with the course." She can also help with technical mathematics problems, teach set theory and number bases, and explain probability and statistics to persons who are interested. All three of the instructors who work in the ISL are available 20 hours each week which includes evening classes to allow students to schedule time that is convenient to them. Students can enroll for college credit for the work they do in the lab. The three instructors are willing to help area residents with one-time problems or projects as a community service, as well as becoming involved in longer range studying situations. ± 'THt Vteatfier T«n validates first ? hours ugpr tack Ei#k> Rata Parking Dvact entry into Se*u thru mooted Cwvemnt t'M pariung tor 230C cars at Crystal torn Man for store call hot at 741-4300 For McHenry County store oil her at Crystal Lake 455 MOO "Why is it that, in most areas of the country, win ter brings with it so many long, rainy spells? Winter produces more rainy spells of several days' duration than sum mer for several reasons. One of the main reasons^is that winter's colder earth and ever-present cold air creates more of the cloud- forming or cooling action that makes for cloud and rain. Warm air moving into cold winter air (a warm front) can set up a rainy area for hundreds of miles. Since a warm front moves forward more slowly than a cold front, this mass of cloud a n d r a i n t a k e s s e v e r a l days to pass overhead. Occasionally a warm front or an occluded front will become stationary over an area, and in win ter this usually means sev eral days of bad, rainy w e a t h e r . T h e s e f r o n t a l systems are of long dura t i o n b u t r a r e l y p r o d u c e lightning and thunder. Excellency" towel ensemble by Cannon Roval Family® Reg 4 5° * bath towel Ot4V Reg 3 00 hand towel 2.49 Reg l 15 wash cloth 99' Velura" solid color towels with dob by hems Dark green, orange, yellow, pistachio,, mocha brown, russet, white, gold, parchment, pink TOWELS. ELGIN ANO CRYSTAL LAKE SPIESS' YEAR-END CLEARANCE SALES! BIG VALUES THRU FRIDAY! Exceptional savings on fashions for the entire family; ac cessories too. Shop all departments at Crystal Point Mall. Timely selections. Some quantities limited. % ELGIN FREE PARKING CRYSTAL LAKfE FREE PARKING JANE PAGE PERSONAL SHOPPER Ticket validates first 2 hours upper deck Elgin Plaza Parking Direct entry into Spiess thru enclosed ramp Convenient tree parking for 2300 cars at Crystal Point Mall For Elgin store call her at 741-4300 For McHenry County store, S k call her at Crystal Lake 455 3600 ' PAGE 4 • PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER Zt, 1»7« Save Now on Luxurious, Hefty Cannon Towels Famous Cannon linens to make your bedroom and bath sparkle save you money, too. Come in or phone 741 4300 in Elgin, 455 3600 in Crystal Lake. "Cotswold" sheets and cases Reg.6.50twin - flat & fitted Reg. 7.50 full, flat & fitted 5.99 Reg. 10.50Queen, flat & fitted 8.99 Reg. 13.50 King, flat & fitted 11.49 Reg. 5 00 pr. standard cases Pr. «.«v Reg. 5.50. pr. King size cases -- pr. 4.99 percale; flower print on bone grounds, russet multi color. "Cotswold" towel ensembles, sale! Reg. 5.50 < | Bath towel Reg 3.50 hand towel 2.99 Reg. 1.35 wash cloth 1.10 86% cotton, 14% polyester. Velour print on bone grounds, with dobby hem. Multi-russet color. Stock up at these big savings. "Cotswold" spreads and comforters. Reg. 30.00 twin spreads 24.99 Reg. 35.00 full spreads 29.99 Rfrg. 40.00Queen spreads . . . 34.99 Reg. 54.00 King spreads ... 44.99 Reg. 40.00 comforter, twin . 29.99 Reg. 45.00comforter, full . 34.99 R e g 5 5 . 0 0 c o m f o r t e r , Queen/King 44.99 Reg. 14.00 shams . .. .• 10.99 50% polyester, 50% cotton over 100% fiberfill. Quilted to floor spreads. All machine wash/dry. Multi russet color. Elgin and Crystal Lake Reg. 4.00 gy Afk bath towel ^ ^ Reg. 2.50 -- qq Reg. 1.00 QO< hand towel .. JL • W washcloth O zr Lovely Velura* jacquard towels in a selection of parchment, brass, blue, pink, green or orange. Complement your bath . . save money too. Reg 4.50 Q /iQ bath towel .. Oe^l-V Reg.3.00 ~ Reg. 1.15 QQc hand towel .. wash cloth W Cannon's most illustrious towel, always great, and on sale at savings, 85% cotton, 15% polyester, in snowflake jacquard design Mocha brown, yellow, peach, orange, pink, parchment, russet, gold. Cannon "Cotswold" sheets, towels, blankets, spreads at savings! "Crystal Palace" towel ensemble by Cannon Royal Family® First for Fashion Elgin and Crystal Lake Shop Thursday til 9. Closed Saturday and Sunday for New Year. Open Monday 10 til 9 "Fern Rose'1 towel ensemble by Cannon Royal Family® Chang* the look of your b»d and bath as often os you change your mind) Our dramatic collection ol linens, spreads and towels come in a beautiful array of coordinated prints bright solids. Select now1